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Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03

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Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 8:06:58 PM   

Posts: 214
Joined: 12/10/2007
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Status: offline
I first saw this in my PBEM game after upgrading to this latest patch today (1.05.03) and thought it may be a game database updating issue, but I have now recreated the bug in a new, AI game.

The issue is that the home territory forage bonus is no longer applied when corps are foraging. I have attached a savegame. To see this bug, select the French corps in northern France (St. Malo I believe) and move it one space to another adjoining 5 forage area. It should still have 'auto' for the forage value, but instead shows '5(0)', which is incorrect. Having moved one space in winter, the corps is down 2MP. It modifiers to the roll should be +2 winter, -2 movement, -1 home territory, so the corps should be able to automatically forage.

Let me know if you need more info or have troubles recreating this.



Attachment (1)
Post #: 1
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 8:10:17 PM   

Posts: 214
Joined: 12/10/2007
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Here's a pic at the start of the land phase

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 2
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 8:11:03 PM   

Posts: 214
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From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
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and here's a pic after moving a single space. Note the reported forage value in the info display.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 3
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 8:31:01 PM   


Posts: 612
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Tried a couple of tests myself and I think Ted1066 is correct.


(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 4
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 9:47:25 PM   

Posts: 534
Joined: 8/6/2002
From: Italy
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This is a serious issue, we need an emergency fix ASAP


H. Barca,
Surplus Consuls Dispatcher

(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 5
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/22/2009 10:11:55 PM   


Posts: 612
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Hmm, now this is odd. Since you can't actually tell where the bonuses come from, as they're all added together, I wanted to make sure that the +1 discrepancy was really the home nation bonus. It seems to be: moving into non-home territory gives a correct forage roll, staying at home is off by 1.

However, all the cases I had tested to this point involved movement. It occurred to me that this would be devastating for countries like Russia and Turkey, who have no 5-areas, and would therefore be unable to auto-forage in winter by sitting spread out on 4-areas.

But they do auto-forage on those areas, which implies they're getting all their bonuses.

BUT if they move to a next-door 4-area (winter movement enabled), they should be at 4 (for the area), +2 (winter) -1 (movement remaining) -1 (home nation) = 4(0). But instead they're at 4(1)--the bonus is gone again.

(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 6
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 3:35:03 AM   


Posts: 612
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I've looked at this with several countries and situations now, and get consistent results:

If the corps is not in the home nation, foraging is correct.

If the corps is the home nation, and doesn't move, foraging is correct (with home nation bonus).

If the corps is in the home nation and moves (but staying in the home nation), foraging is off by 1: no home nation bonus.

(in reply to ndrose)
Post #: 7
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 3:49:46 AM   


Posts: 612
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This is a serious issue, we need an emergency fix ASAP

We could really use that, for this issue and the two-district minor problem.

Sorry, Marshall. You try to give us a nice new patch and all we do is pick it apart.

(in reply to fvianello)
Post #: 8
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 2:25:18 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
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From: Dallas
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I'm looking at it...


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to ndrose)
Post #: 9
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 2:28:01 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
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From: Dallas
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Can someone try this in 1.04.07 and see if this also is the case?


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 10
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 3:20:38 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
Joined: 10/2/2001
From: Dallas
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Hey guys:

I have pinned this one down this morning. I will see if we can do a hot fix release (1.05.04)...
BTW: I can also dupe this in 1.03 - 1.04. It looks like it has been here a bit.
Appreciate the heads up!


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 11
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/23/2009 8:55:33 PM   

Posts: 534
Joined: 8/6/2002
From: Italy
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I think 1.03 / 1.04 didn't have that specific issue....anyway, if you're able to produce a quick fix I'll be happy :)


H. Barca,
Surplus Consuls Dispatcher

(in reply to Marshall Ellis)
Post #: 12
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/24/2009 1:34:49 AM   

Posts: 214
Joined: 12/10/2007
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Status: offline
Hi Marshall,

I never noticed this issue occurring before 1.05 (maybe waaayyyyy back in the 1.0 days), but definitely NOT in 1.04. When I upgraded to 1.05.03 from 1.04.07, previous my land phase in a PBEM game playing as Spain, I noticed it right away when it came time to forage. I calculated what the values should be and what the UI was showing them to be and in all cases there was a discrepancy of 1 point worse for foraging. I could only assume that the home nation bonus was not being applied, as this would account for the missing point.

If this bug had been around for as long as you say, I'm wondering if it was exposed now as a result of updating the game resource files?



(in reply to fvianello)
Post #: 13
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/24/2009 10:20:50 PM   

Posts: 676
Joined: 12/15/2007
From: Norwich, England
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It's less of a show stopper if you get the bonus if you don't move. The biggest impact would be that in Winter most nations would not be able to forage in 4 areas, but since you get the bonus if you don't move it's much less of an issue.



(in reply to Ted1066)
Post #: 14
RE: Foraging issue in the latest official release 1.05.03 - 1/26/2009 1:18:38 PM   
Marshall Ellis

Posts: 5630
Joined: 10/2/2001
From: Dallas
Status: offline

I know this sounds wierd BUT the pathing function that had the problem hasn't been touched in several versions. I too must admit that I have not seen it (nor have the testers) but it looks like it has been there a while!


Thank you

Marshall Ellis
Outflank Strategy War Games

(in reply to DCWhitworth)
Post #: 15
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