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Joined: 2/22/2005 From: Secret Underground Lair Status: offline
ORIGINAL: AndrewKurtz quote:
ORIGINAL: Anthropoid All I'm saying is: wouldn't a good game do BETTER business in the long-run by undergoing a bit longer development period to work out the kinks? You would think that corporate finance types would have thought through those kinda analyses pretty carefully. You've obviously never dealt with my accountants Two other comments: 1. I've been one of those supporting AGEod (for comment #2 below) since a few days after the release of WWI, but I don't remember hearing anyone (including myself) say WWI should have been released when it was. It was clearly not ready and should not have been release and all comments to this effect I agree with whole heartedly (but I do not agree at all with with the same comment being made about BoA, AACW, NCP or WiA). 2. One thing I don't understand is anyone claiming AGEod doesn't support their games. I've found BoA, AACW, NCP and WiA all playable from day one. Perfect? No. Playable? Very. Supported? Amazingly. That's why I've been supportive of AGEod with WWI. Everything I've ever seen from them tells me it will continue to be be supported and will achieve it's potential. But to point #1, it should not have been like this. Good points. I certainly don't want to detract from Ageod or the Devs in terms of their support of the game. But I'd feel even better about lauding them if I still had not bought it yet, and you and I were beta-testers and 1.07 was going to be the release for retail version. I can definitely empathize with them, and I agree that supporting these small cottage industries that we love so much is critical. I think we support them MORE when we discourage them from releasing, or being railroaded into releasing their products before they are ready for market. World War One: La Grande Geurre is a brilliant work of art. It just wasn't done before the crowds were let in to look at it, and now there have been quite a few prospective customers who have been turned sour because they expected a finished product day one. That is not a smart way to approach the business, and I am asking, and encouraging whomever is reading this and may have any influence on such things to do everything in your power to prevent such things from happening because ultimately, it harms our hobby. Brilliant, innovative, ambitious games that get rushed to market are not likely to provoke more and better innovative, ambitious games in future, nor are they likely to optimally satisfy maker, designer, publisher, financial backer, or customer. ADDIT: I agree; money spent on WWI is not "lost." I have played it probably 6 or 7 times for several hours each time and enjoyed it, despite being quite frustrated by it too. But the fact remains: the last I played this game without going into my Taskmanager to turn off as much stuff as possible, I suffered hangs and CTDs. Turn off the stuff (a minor annoyance during my evening of surfing and gaming, but an annoyance nonetheless) and it works okay, but still an occastional delay and session did finally end with a CTD a few hours later. Add to this that there is a persistent problem with the mouse-click-select routine seeming to have a very elusive 'sweet spot' . . . well, I'm just a wee bit skeptical that these issues are going to get addressed is all. Not saying I'm definitely convinced they will not get addressed, but since they are issues dealing with (most likely?) either (a) conflicts with other apps and/or (b) fundamental aspects of how teh game is coded?, I cannot help but wonder if they will in fact be addressable with a patch. If they CAN be addressed with a reasonable amount of patching, I have every faith that Calvinus will get it done and the game will eventually run flawlessly on most all systems.
< Message edited by Anthropoid -- 3/10/2009 2:01:58 AM >