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Joined: 10/26/2007 From: Heaven on Earth (Scandinavia of course) Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Chad Harrison As was pointed out above, this is a *historical simulation*, not a *first person shooter* or *real time strategy game*. In the later two, even when based on historical events (such as the great Company of Heroes, or Day of Defeat), balance is everything, with an eye on historical accuracy. So, yes the Tiger tank is still powerfull, but it is balanced to not be too powerful. The dev team is not 'nerfing' Japan, they are making the entire game more in line with historical parameters and boundaries. So aircraft that sucked in real life, suck in AE. Ships that sucked in real life, suck in AE. The potential and capacity of the Japanease industry is being modelled more similar to what it actually was, and would be capable of. As has been shown in many WitP AAR's, it was possible, and not difficult for the Japanease player to outproduce the US in 1944. I dont need to tell you how much of a fantasy that is. Unlike RTS and FPS games, winning in WitP is about doing better than your historical counterpart. Considering you can make Japanease ASW TF's on day one of the game, you are already doing better I Agree Fully with you, But if you study history, you will see that there is probably 20-30 or more Advantages not given to Japan who they should have. And the same applays for the Allies. The "great" WITP evan presented the KATE with HALF its actual Combat Range, how can one Possibly do that as a mistake ??? It is not a mistake, it is defiantly not a mistake! But as TheELF now have saied, he will correct that in AE. Regardless, were is the RADAR's who should be on those Emmelyes, and the RADARS who should be on several of the Jap "base" forces. ... Not to mantion that the AAA system for the Late War JAP carriers does not work, the 162 x2 Rocket systems in WITP (who is the AA system) simply is not modeled, it "sayes" its there, but they dont fire because they are not simulated. So basikly, all Jap Late War Carriers comes without AA Fire. What I'm saying is, if you are going to make this historical, you need to make it historic, not only historical for one side and semi-historical for the other. What about the enormous Political Pressure on their Commanders to not loose troops, ? Compared to the Japanese who did not care much about own losses, and who had little concern for human life. Not to mention the Chemical wepons and its combat effect in China... or that Singapore Surrendered without a fight... those things are not in WITP, but was advantages for Japan... What i'm saying when saying Balance is not Game Balance, but Balance in Historical representation. That Both sides are "actually" reperesented accurately. I understand that the main market for the game is in the US and all of that, but still I think it should be Historical to both sides... so the "balance" is that both are historical... if you see my point ?
< Message edited by Japan -- 2/23/2009 9:24:18 PM >