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Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 12:06:07 AM   
Gil R.

Posts: 10821
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As those who own the original "Crown of Glory" and/or "Forge of Freedom" know, we welcome input on how to improve our games, and often incorporate the best ideas we receive into features patches. Please use this thread to post suggestions, from minor to major. We of course cannot promise that we will act on them all, but we will consider each one.

To keep this thread from becoming too long and unwieldy, please only post suggestions that you are positive are not already in the game, and please try not to engage in lengthy discussions about the merits of ideas. If you wish to discuss a suggestion someone else made, it would be best to start a thread for that discussion, and provide a link to it here.

Post #: 1
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 12:15:57 AM   


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Would like to see instant battle result upon resolution rather than waiting for events list at end of turn. I belive FOF shows results instantaneously.

(in reply to Gil R.)
Post #: 2
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 3:03:10 AM   


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mouse wheel should zoom in/out without having to hold down Ctrl key. A small thing, but I keep using the week and only scrolling up and down.

(in reply to Gil R.)
Post #: 3
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 5:17:14 AM   

Posts: 4378
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Ability to cancel orders please! Sometimes you just click on the wrong button and it ruins the whole turn!

< Message edited by Tanaka -- 3/1/2009 5:18:31 AM >


(in reply to augustus)
Post #: 4
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 10:37:44 AM   

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When your naval forces shows you the option to intercept an enemy naval force, will be very helpfull know WHERE and WHO are on the intercept, not just the name of the forces and the provinces. An IMAGE worth more that 1000 words ;)

(in reply to Tanaka)
Post #: 5
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 10:45:02 AM   

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GDROBER wrote on his AAR: "At the end of a naval battle, why does the after action report only tell you the personnel casualties in a naval battle, when the number of ships captured and destroyed is so much more important???"

(in reply to CeltiCid)
Post #: 6
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 10:43:38 PM   

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Naval rally!


(in reply to CeltiCid)
Post #: 7
RE: Wish List thread - 3/1/2009 11:15:31 PM   


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A minor point, but can diplomats get some kind of sea transportation? It just irks me to begin a turn with one standing ina sea zone. I know it's an abstraction and all, but it just seems silly.

(in reply to Tanaka)
Post #: 8
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 12:27:14 AM   

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Add a tutorial where you actually move the pieces around. The oral tutorial is a good idea, but is too passive and too fast to be enough. I am using the tutorial from the previous game.

Also put in the strategy guide from the manual of the previous game. Although I have played the previous game years ago (or was it last year?), I am at a loss of what to do, and newbies will be absolutely brain-locked.


(in reply to tgb)
Post #: 9
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 1:11:57 AM   

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After a surrender, you are asked were to withdraw your forces...
Would be nice if the map centered around the available provinces, as I do not recall which province is which all the time.

(in reply to henri51)
Post #: 10
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 3:42:19 AM   

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An option to use windowed mode.


(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 11
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 5:33:38 PM   

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I would apreciate the ability to ask for any resource not just money in a surrender treaty. (something like Turkey pays 30 textiles to France etc)

(in reply to ASHBERY76)
Post #: 12
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 6:29:24 PM   

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Option to set up tactical land and naval battles independent of the strategic part of the game.


(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 13
RE: Wish List thread - 3/2/2009 7:02:23 PM   

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Under the "provinces" tag, it would be nice if a symbol was added for core provinces to easier see if I need lvl 5 or 7 courts in the province.

(in reply to RedArgo)
Post #: 14
RE: Wish List thread - 3/3/2009 5:51:42 AM   

Posts: 237
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Studying the manual and learning the game. So far I'm enjoying myself. Some things I'd like to see:
1.When I'm in a province and have the option to purchase units, once I click on a unit it would be nice to have a confirmation box to confirm I really want to purchase that unit (or not).
2.Ability to load a save from within the game as opposed to having to exit to the main menu.


(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 15
RE: Wish List thread - 3/3/2009 8:44:46 AM   


Posts: 788
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We really need the option to cancel a production order. REALLY.




(in reply to bssybeep)
Post #: 16
RE: Wish List thread - 3/3/2009 5:30:24 PM   


Posts: 204
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2.Ability to load a save from within the game as opposed to having to exit to the main menu.



You can load a save game direct from "within" a current game session be either

1) Press ESC key and chose "Open" from the menu


2) Press the "Game" button in lower left of screen gets you the same menu as pressing ESC.



(in reply to moose1999)
Post #: 17
RE: Wish List thread - 3/3/2009 9:09:04 PM   


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"Intermediate Economy" with features amongst those :
- Sliders for tax and welfare activated (I miss them in Simplified mode), but no other goods
- Goods in, but with nation-based trade (I hate the mm of provincial trade...),
- Money-based trade system instead of the current bartering (my 5 wine for your 4 furs... eck this is no Lord of the Realm !).

(in reply to neil123)
Post #: 18
RE: Wish List thread - 3/4/2009 12:52:01 PM   

Posts: 212
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When attacking sieges dosent work for any reason, there should show a message about their failure, so the player KNOW his force failed to damage the castle.

(in reply to PDiFolco)
Post #: 19
RE: Wish List thread - 3/4/2009 6:14:00 PM   

Posts: 172
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From: Calgary, Alberta
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ORIGINAL: augustus
mouse wheel should zoom in/out without having to hold down Ctrl key. A small thing, but I keep using the week and only scrolling up and down.

This wish is the one that I really wish was in the game. Just want to second it!

(in reply to augustus)
Post #: 20
RE: Wish List thread - 3/4/2009 6:34:43 PM   


Posts: 399
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From: Fairfax Virginia
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-ditto the mouse wheel zoom

-ditto the navel intercept: don’t just give the fleet names, it would be nice to know from where to where the intercept will take place (a view of the intercepted sea areas would be best.)

-ditto the return forces after surrender: a map highlighting the possible areas to return them would be better (like the one used for cede province in the treaty screen). And if possible return them to different places… especially when they are in different areas. I hate it when my forces on the Med. Coast are forced to go all the way back to England just because I want my forces on the Channel side to return there. I’d prefer to send my Med Coast forces back to Gibraltar or someplace in the Med.

-Remove the limits on building militia in home territories. When I reach my mobilization limits and I’m ceded new territories I can’t build any more militia to garrison cities. I know the rules say you should be allowed to build at least one per province but the game won’t let you once you hit your mobilization limit.

-Speaking of Moblization limits… my ceded territories keep building Inf and Cav units against my wishes and then bump me over the Moblization limits there by hindering my other planed builds… and since I can’t cancel them I’m stuck waiting for them to be built and then have to destroy them.

-Ditto the cancel New Construction option… as Great Britain I’ve started a few times to build a few more ships only to capture a few and decide I don’t need the one’s I’m building now… but I can’t get them out of the queue until built.

-I’m enjoying the Simple Economy but a Moderate Economy with a nation level resource trading would be nice, along with setting tax rates, and some of the other things at the nation level (but not the province level).

oh... otherwise... I'm loving the improvements. The game is really great fun. Though I'm can't quite get the hang of large navel battles, the small ones are fun to play out in detailed combat.

< Message edited by dude -- 3/4/2009 6:36:45 PM >


“Ifs defeated the Confederates…” U.S.Grant

(in reply to WallysWorld)
Post #: 21
RE: Wish List thread - 3/4/2009 8:18:43 PM   


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@dude : while this is not a thread to conflict on others' suggestion, I'd be quite wary of removing militia mob limits- else we risk to end up with swarms of militias everywhere !
If yoy expand your territory you can always disband some useless home militia and add some in the new frontier. That suits me.

(in reply to dude)
Post #: 22
RE: Wish List thread - 3/4/2009 9:42:56 PM   


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I put this in my other thread, but thought I would cross post it here:

I would like to see the number of enemy crew and marine casualties done by MY marines in the Damage Report in detailed naval combat.  Right now you can take the number that floats up from the enemy ship and subtract the numbers in the Damage Report to figure out the number of crew casualties they did, but would rather see it in the report.

(in reply to Gil R.)
Post #: 23
RE: Wish List thread - 3/5/2009 12:21:23 AM   


Posts: 399
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From: Fairfax Virginia
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@dude : while this is not a thread to conflict on others' suggestion, I'd be quite wary of removing militia mob limits- else we risk to end up with swarms of militias everywhere !
If yoy expand your territory you can always disband some useless home militia and add some in the new frontier. That suits me.

... oh I agree... I don't want to see mobs of militia... but the problem is I can't even get one militia unit in some provinces since the game won't let me build any after I hit the mobilization limit, even if I haven't hit the point where miltia start counting towards the limit. Perhaps this is just a bug that should be looked at. The rules state that militia don't count until there's more than the number of provinces... but if you hit your ML before you've built all allowable "free" militia you won't be able to build more.


“Ifs defeated the Confederates…” U.S.Grant

(in reply to PDiFolco)
Post #: 24
RE: Wish List thread - 3/6/2009 3:36:02 PM   

Posts: 1854
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Native widescreen support, please! I know, that may have to wait until the engine is rewritten....but the need is still valid. 


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(in reply to dude)
Post #: 25
RE: Wish List thread - 3/6/2009 4:15:27 PM   


Posts: 1170
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Ability to delete or cancel individual or complete orders from the Inspect orders window.

(in reply to Gil R.)
Post #: 26
RE: Wish List thread - 3/6/2009 9:33:42 PM   


Posts: 1123
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Yes, this really, really, really, really, needs to be changed. Plus, you have no idea how many turns it takes to complete things until you LOCK IN. These is no reason to not allow us to be able to cancel this. Thanks


ORIGINAL: briny_norman

We really need the option to cancel a production order. REALLY.

< Message edited by balto -- 3/6/2009 9:36:05 PM >

(in reply to moose1999)
Post #: 27
RE: Wish List thread - 3/6/2009 9:35:05 PM   


Posts: 1123
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From: Maryland
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Second this one also.



When attacking sieges dosent work for any reason, there should show a message about their failure, so the player KNOW his force failed to damage the castle.

(in reply to CeltiCid)
Post #: 28
RE: Wish List thread - 3/6/2009 11:51:42 PM   
Steely Glint

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The ability to cancel build orders and diplomatic orders is a must.


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(in reply to balto)
Post #: 29
RE: Wish List thread - 3/8/2009 7:14:49 PM   


Posts: 399
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From: Fairfax Virginia
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1) Be able to identify what is a corps and what is an army.  There should be a small text that identifies the container as a corps or army... I'm a little annoyed when I start to move units around only to find out what I think is an army is really a corps container.

2) in the same vain just put text on all units to identify what they are instead of making us guess by looking at the moral... as turkey I've got some units I thought were Inf but they act like militia due to their moral.


“Ifs defeated the Confederates…” U.S.Grant

(in reply to Steely Glint)
Post #: 30
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