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RE: Routine

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RE: Routine - 10/16/2012 2:30:30 AM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
I might have to suspend installments for a while as my father has taken a grave turn for the worse and I might have to travel.

September 11, 1944 Guam


8th Engineer Regiment is planning for an attack on Chungking.
6th Ind. Brigade is planning for an attack on Chungking.
Tone Hvy Gun Regiment is located at Changkufeng.
107th IJA Base Force is located at Pusan.
11th Army is planning for an attack on Chungking.
18th Reserve Coastal Artillery Regiment is located at Toyama.
107th Division is located at Hailar.
56th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Tarakan.
Elements of the 22nd Division are located at Foochow.
7829 men are based at Hakodate.
Soya Fortress is located at Wakkanai.
Nakajo-wan Fortress is located at Kadina.
Iki Fortress is located at Ikitsuki.
50th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Bangkok.
Radio transmissions detected at Prince Rupert.


PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Tokyo 3X AG, 26 LCUs
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 1880/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Koepang 3 LCUs 12880/38/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 2 LCUs 2700/4/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wasile vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Salamaua vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Sag Sag vacant


The SS Capelin, 139 miles E of Wuchow, caught a lone AP and hit it with 3 torpedoes, sinking it.

The SS Amberjack was driven deep by 4 DDs 83 miles W of the Amami Group. She did manage to evade them without sustaining any damage. A short time later the sub detected and attacked a TK being escorted by 4 DDs. She made a good approach and hit her target with 2 fish setting the TK ablaze.

Tavoy was raided by 9 X B-24J and 13 X Thunderbolt II. 7 of the bombers were damaged by AA fire. The airfield was lightly damaged, a secondary explosion was seen and casualties were negligible. Japanese artillery failed to harm anyone while the Allied guns inflicted extremely light losses on the Japanese.

Bangkok was swept by 59 X Thunderbolt II and they jumped the Japanese planes that were up. 20 X Zeke, 11 X George, 47 X Jack, 3 X Tony and 29 X Frank gave it their best as they managed to down 16 Jugs and damage 6 others. This was at a heavy toll as 14 Zekes, 8 Georges, 21 Jacks (1 damaged), 3 Tonys and 24 Franks were shot down.

Krung Thep was bombed by 26 X B-29 (2 damaged) and 106 X Liberator VI (5 damaged). The airfield was very heavily damaged, some secondary explosions were reported and there were moderate personnel losses. The IJA30th Division was attacked by 34 X B-25J and 6 X Spitfire VIII. A Mitchell were downed and 4 were damaged by the ground fire. Casualties were light. Another attack hit the 30th Division. This time it was 33 X B-25J (3 damaged) and 38 X Mosquito FB.VI (7 damaged). The unit had moderate casualties this time around. The 18th UK Division was jumped by 3 X Frances and 3 X Frank. All 3 of the bombers were damaged and the unit had virtually no losses. An Allied artillery barrage resulted in heavy Japanese casualties.

Truk was attacked by 35 X B-29 who did heavy damage to the port.

Buna was struck by 43 X B-17E, 31 X B-24D, 47 X B-24J, 42 X P-40N and 12 X Kittyhawk III. The airstrip took heavy damage, the port was lightly hit, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderate. The 48th Naval Guard Unit was bombed and strafed by 62 P-38Js who accounted for heavy losses.

Gili Gili was the target for 42 X B-24D and the flak downed 1 and damaged 4 more. The airfield sustained moderate damage, there were many secondary explosions and there were very light troop losses.

Lunga had it's airstrip lightly damaged by 35 X B-24J. There was a single secondary explosion and casualties were very light.

The 5th New Chinese Corps watched as 12 X Peggy dropped their bombs on empty ground only to further batter already destroyed equipment.

Allied troops are now within 6 miles of Buna's outer defense line. It is expected that the fall of Buna will facilitate a domino effect in the entire region. Rabaul and Gili Gili appear to be the only strongly held spots and they can be left to starve.

The Lucky 11 will be up in the predawn hours for some chow and then it'll be another trip to Truk to deliver bombs to the airfield there. The guys view the mission with indifference as they've done it enough by now to consider it routine. The only danger as they see it is in operational losses since Truk itself has proved to be defenseless.

British troops entered Holland today.

Victory Points Allied 39946 Japanese 34361



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1201
RE: Routine - 10/16/2012 6:11:52 PM   


Posts: 56
Joined: 6/2/2005
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Hey Tocaff!

How about a couple screen shots? I am losing track of where this fight is going. I would like to see where you are bombing Truk and Tavoy from and wondering why you haven't taken Buna/Gilli Gilli by now.


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Post #: 1202
RE: Routine - 10/16/2012 6:13:12 PM   


Posts: 56
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Sorry to hear about your father BTW. My father is 78 and starting to have medical problems. I understand your situation.

(in reply to tankboy)
Post #: 1203
RE: Routine - 10/16/2012 6:26:09 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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Screen shots aren't being done because I always screw them up and I decided on photos instead.

The B-29s are operating out of Guam at present are bombing Truk, as stated in the storyline.

Targets in Burma is being hit from Rangoon, Akyab and Moulmein.

The troops are crossing the mountains towards Buna and it's slow going.

Gili Gili has been bypassed at the present time and is getting the withering on the vine treatment are some other spots.

< Message edited by tocaff -- 10/17/2012 10:54:27 PM >



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tankboy)
Post #: 1204
RE: Who Does He Think He Is? - 10/17/2012 11:04:03 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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September 12, 1944 Ulithi


8th Engineer Regiment is located at Ichang.
8th Hvy Field Artillery Regiment is located at Soerabaja.
43rd Division is located at Naga.
46th Division is located at Rabaul.
110th IJNAF Base Force is located at Hamamatsu.
25th Air Flotilla is located at Tokyo.
75103 men are based at Sapporo.
84406 men are based at Naha.
4th Reserve AA Regiment is located at Kagoshima.
8th Engineer Regiment is located at Ichang.
Ankei SNLF is located at Changsha.
8th Hvy Field Artillery Regiment is planning for an attack on Broome.
Home Defense Force is located at Tokyo.
Radio transmissions detected at Vancouver.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Haiphong 1 X AG, 1 X AP
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Pisanuloke 1 LCU 840/4/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 1380/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Koepang 3 LCUs 13940/36/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU 2260/4/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wasile vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 LCUs 13080/122/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Siador vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Goodenough Island vacant


Tavoy was raided by 10 X B-24J (1 downed, 7 damaged) and 12 X Thunderbolt II. Very light damage was done to the airfield and casualties were negligible. Artillery accounted for very light Allied losses while the Japanese had heavy casualties.

Bangkok was swept by 4 X P-38J. The flight got separated from the main formation of fighters who evidently got lost. 11 X Zeke, 6 X George, 30 X Jack, a Tony and 10 X Frank turned the intruders away losing a Zeke and a Frank while they shot down 2 P-38Js.

Krung Thep was bombed by 25 X B-29 and Liberator VI (2 damaged) who caused heavy damage to the airstrip, a large number of secondary explosions and heavy personnel losses. An Allied artillery barrage saw the Japanese suffer very heavily.

Morotai was raided by 31 X B-24J and AA fire damaged 1 of the bombers while they did moderate damage to the port, caused some secondary explosions and casualties were placed at very light. Then 96 X PB4Y struck, adding heavy damage to the airstrip, a couple of secondary explosions and light personnel losses.

Truk was visited by 41 X B-29, the airfield took moderate damage and there was a single secondary explosion.

Buna was once again belted by Allied aircraft. This time 33 X B-17E, 46 X B-24D, 45 X B-24J, 42 X P-40N and 12 X Kittyhawk III inflicted heavy damage on the airfield, there were many secondary explosions and troop losses were heavy. The 1st Engineer Regiment was attacked by 64 X P-38J and 4 X P-40N. The planes missed and the Japanese escaped unscathed.

Kwajalein was visited by 35 X PB4Y who did light damage to the airfield and caused a couple of secondary explosions.

The Lucky 11 now have another mission under their belts and consider themselves veterans. Gil is indifferent about flying the missions as he knows that there's no avoiding them. He sits on his cot drinking a bottle of Coca Cola while writing a letter to Elaine.

Slim lies on the beach soaking up some sun. He knows that soon enough he'll be finding hard to stay alive, let alone to relax. He got some Toll House cookies from home and to his squad he's a hero for sharing them. One of the guys is amazed that they all weren't crushed to crumbs and stale. “My family, as you might have guessed from knowing me,” Slim says with a huge grin on his face, “Is made up of very intelligent people. If you hadn't figured that out by now then the usage of popcorn to cushion and and soak up the moisture is all the proof that you need. Now write home telling your mothers to start baking for us and to use popcorn.” One of the guys wants to know if Slim is so smart why is he here with them.

Gene's foreman gave him a rough time today and it took all of the restraint that he could muster not to slug the guy. In talking to his uncle who tries to calm him down he says, “ I don't need this bull. That clown needs to be put in his place. Who does he think he is, Tojo or Hitler?”

LeHarve was surrendered to the Allies.

Victory Points Allied 39964 Japanese 34369



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1205
RE: Always The Same - 10/20/2012 1:55:38 AM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
With my father's worsening condition I will be traveling to the US very soon and expect to remain there for a week. I find that doing turns helps keep my mind functioning, but the AAR is pretty demanding and that has suffered. I'll try to update things even without the characters being involved until I go on the 22nd. Think twice before starting an AAR as it's a grind that continues for years.

September 13, 1944 Ulithi


21st Air Flotilla is located at Rabaul.
8738 men are based at Hanoi.
2nd AA Regiment is located at Tokyo.
Camranh Bay Base Force is located at Camranh Bay.
5th Army is located at Tsitsihar.
2094 men are based at Kitakyushu.
Keelung Fortress is located at Taipei.
11th Ind. Brigade is located at Ichang.
14th Field Artillery Regiment is located at Nanning.
40th Construction Battalion is located at Changchun.
35th Construction Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
3rd Guards Division is located at Shimuzu.
2503 men are based at Ikitsuki.
26915 men are based at Bonin.


Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 4680/4/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 2 aux, 6 LCUs 16560/51/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Koepang 3 LCUs 13940/51/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wasile vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 LCUs 14040/117/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Madang vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 43140/328/7
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Kiriwina Island vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Hanoi 3 bombers, 1 aux, 4 LCUs 760/4/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 7060/28/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Ubon vacant


The SS Subtle found 4 unsuspecting DDs about 20 miles W of Singapore and hit 1 of them with a torpedo. The victim was burning and heavily damaged as the sub slipped away. Depth charges were dropped randomly by 1 of the unscathed DDs.

Tavoy was raided by 9 X B-24J (1 downed, 5 damaged) and 12 X Thunderbolt II who did light damage to the airfield and caused a couple of secondary explosions. Japanese artillery did no harm, but the Allied artillery barrage caused heavy losses.

Bangkok was swept by 3 P-38Js. They were met by 14 Zekes, 10 Georges, 35 Jacks, 8 Tonys and 15 Franks. A lone Lightning survived and the Japanese lost 2 Tonys and a Frank. Allied commanders will be wondering why the 40 some odd planes that were to be a part of this action never appeared. This makes 2 consecutive days of these kind of events.

Krung Thep was attacked by 6 X B-29 (1 destroyed) and 61 X Liberator VI (11 damaged). Their escorts never appeared, but 3 Jacks (1 damaged) and 10 Franks (4 damaged) did. The airstrip was lightly hit, there were some secondary explosions and personnel losses were moderate.

Morotai was bombed by 31 X B-24J (6 damaged). Though they missed damaging the port they did cause a few secondary explosions. At almost the same time 75 X SBD (1 destroyed, 7 damaged), 79 X SB2C (5 damaged), 79 X TBF (4 damaged), 53 X TBM (4 damaged) and 16 X F6F appeared. They added moderate damage to the airstrip, moderate damage to the port, many secondary explosions and very light casualties. Later 19 X PB4Y (3 damaged) contributed light damage to the airfield.

Truk was visited by 42 X B-29. The port was moderately damaged and there were a couple of secondary explosions, 1 of which was a fuel tank.

Buna was struck by 39 X B-17E, 46 X B-24D, 39 X B-24J, 43 X P-40N and 12 X Kittyhawk III. The airfield was heavily damaged, the port lightly, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were heavy. The 62nd Naval Guard Unit was jumped by 63 X P-38J and 4 X P-40N for moderate losses.

Lunga was the victim of 57 X B-24J who dished out moderate damage to the airfield, caused a secondary explosion and inflicted very light troop losses.

The SS Thresher lost her fight for survival as her crew scuttled the boat.

The SS Sawfish is expected to arrive at Palau in the early morning hours. She will have repairs made so that she can sail to a yard for the extensive work needed.

Ed paces the bridge of the BB West Virginia awaiting word if there are mines at Morotai or not. His force is prepared to add to the destruction being dished out by the Navy fliers. “It's always the same,” he says to his aide. “The damned mines.”

The fight for Brest continued.

Victory Points Allied 39995 Japanese 34388



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1206
RE: Wonderful - 10/20/2012 10:21:54 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 14, 1944 Ulithi


Yongfung Bay Fortress is located at Wonsan.
34th Division is located at Nanning.
32nd Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Legaspi.
44th Division is located at Osaka/Kobe.
Elements of the 4th Mongolian Cavalry Division are located at Tabun-Nur.
6647 men are based at Saigon.
11th AA Regiment is located at Osaka/Kobe.
65th Construction Battalion is located at Kagoshima.
Yokosuka 4th SNLF is located at Pakhoi.
61st Aviation Unit is located at Bangkok.
3rd Air Army is located at Rabaul.
53rd Division is located at Osaka/Kobe.
6th Field Artillery Regiment is located at Sian.
6th Fleet is located at Kwajalein.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Luang Prabang vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Siemrem Reap vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 7160/26/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 9 LCUs 26440/187/3
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 3160/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 1 LCU 920/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Sorong vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 LCUs 14960/136/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Madang vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 60240/439/11
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Kiriwina Island vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tassafaronga 1 LCU 1320/0/0


The SS Capelin found, tracked and attacked a TK being escorted by 6 PGs and a PC about 143 miles W of Sasebo. She struck her target with 2 torpedoes, setting it ablaze and ultimately it succumbed. Not lingering to savor her victory the Capelin retreated before being discovered.

Bangkok was swept by 66 X Thunderbolt II who found 21 X Zeke, 12 X George, 35 X Jack, 10 X Tony and 17 X Frank aloft. Slashing through the gaggle of Japanese fighters the Thunderbolts disposed of 14 Zekes, 7 Georges, 30 Jacks, 6 Tonys and 15 Franks. 5 Jugs were lost and 5 others sustained damage. A short time later another sweep arrived consisting of 23 X P-38J and 52 X P-47D who encountered 7 Zekes, 5 Georges, 5 Jacks, 4 Tonys and a Frank. All of the Japanese planes were destroyed at the cost of losing a P-47D and 2 others being damaged.

Krung Thep was bombed by 23 X B-29 (2 damaged), 109 X Liberator VI (1 downed, 2 damaged) and 17 X B-24J. The airfield had very heavy damage, there were a huge number of secondary explosions and casualties were moderate. Another raid of 35 X B-29 (1 damaged) added moderately heavy damage to the airstrip, many secondary explosions and light personnel losses. The IJA 34th Ind. Mixed Brigade was struck by 42 X B-25J and 9 X Spitfire VIII. 5 of the bombers were damaged by the AA fire and the unit had moderate losses. The 2nd UK Division was attacked by 3 X Helen, 3 X Frances and 10 X Frank. A Frances was destroyed and another departed trailing smoke. The unit took light casualties. An all out Allied assault was thrown back with the Allies having extremely heavy losses and the Japanese casualties were very heavy.

Truk's airfield was targeted by 35 X B-29 for moderate damage, a couple of secondary explosions were claimed and very light casualties.

Buna was attacked by 40 X B-17E, 44 X B-24D, 42 X B-24J, 46 X P-40N and 12 X Kittyhawk III. The airfield was heavily damaged, the port lightly, there were many secondary explosions observed and troop losses were moderate.

The Kure 1st SNLF at Kai Island was attacked by 64 X P-38J, 13 X P-40N and 10 X Kittyhawk III. The unit took heavy casualties. More Allied aircraft appeared later in the day as 137 X B-25J and 24 X Kittyhawk III attacked the port doing light damage and causing many secondary explosions.

Haiphong was raided by 56 X P-38J. The planes came in low, dropping bombs and peppering facilities with 20mm and .50 cal. The port was lightly damaged, 3 fuel tanks exploded and there were some other secondary explosions seen.

Morotai was bombed by 97 X SBD (1 destroyed, 6 damaged), 104 X SB2C (7 damaged), 88 X TBF (1 damaged), 83 X TBM and 88 X F6F. The airstrip was heavily damaged, the port lightly, there were many secondary explosions and casualties were moderate.

At Tavoy the Allies had extremely light losses from the Japanese artillery. The Allies returned the favor and the Japanese sustained heavy casualties.

The British commanders have decided that a general pull back will be conducted in Burma as the main mission of drawing a large number of Japanese troops to the area succeeded. All further attacks will be halted for now. Part of the reasoning for this was the damage taken by the RN and in it's weakened state the question of it's ability to protect India was placed in doubt.

As the invasion troops board the vessels that will take them to Morotai a CVTF departs, setting a course for the Bonins. It is suspected that the Japanese might try to grab Tori Shima, Iwo or the Bonins while the USN is occupied with a major operation far away. This force should prove to be a surprise and deterrent. The island groups are well defended and the ships will make all but a major effort on the part of the IJN a failure.

“Wonderful we get to hit Truk's port instead of the airstrip. A real change of pace,” says a sarcastic Gil. The constant attacks being made on Truk by the B-29s serves to increase the aircrews experience under fire at little risk. It also pins down a sizable Japanese force that will eventually starve.

The Palawan begins to take on supplies that are bound for a point unknown to the crew. Red and Cookie watch as the men struggle with the cargo nets and lower the pallets, crates and sacks into the hold.

The French fleet entered Toulon.

Victory Points Allied 40123 Japanese 34426



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1207
RE: Wonderful - 10/22/2012 12:57:37 AM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
I hit the road tomorrow to visit my father in the US and won't be back home until the 30th. There won't be any new installments until then at the earliest.

September 15-16, 1944 Ulithi


87432 men are based at Hailar.
1st Mortar Regiment is located at Sasebo.
58th Division is planning for an attack on Chungking.
42nd AA Regiment is located at Harbin.
1st Mixed Brigade is located at Mutanchiang.
Elements of the10th Ind. Brigade are located at Hengchow.
6th Army is located at Hailar.
21st Reserve Engineer Regiment is located at Shimuzu.
41st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Harbin.
21st Reserve Engineer Regiment is located at Shimuzu.
50th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Bangkok.
Radio transmissions detected at Palau.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kompong Trach vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 32 bombers, 44 aux, 8 LCUs 21140/115/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 7360/29/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 1 X AP, 1 LCU 560/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Sorong vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 10 LCUs 17320/52/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wewak 1 LCU 1180/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 60120/428/14
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Rabaul 14 LCUs 41260/192/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant


The USN naval bombardment of Morotai caused light damage to the airstrip and port, some secondary explosions were reported and casualties were placed at very heavy. If there are any coastal guns they were silent. 100 X SBD (1 damaged), 106 X SB2C (2 damaged), 88 X TBF, 86 X TBM, and 78 X F6F Hellcat added to the mayhem. They did heavy damage to the airfield, light damage to the port, caused many secondary explosions and very light troop losses.

A Japanese AP in the company of 2 MSWs found mines at Teloekbetoeng by striking one of them. The vessel has been sunk.

Andaman Island was bombed by 79 X B-29 and the AA fire shot down 1 and damaged another of the big birds. The port was heavily damaged, there were many secondary explosions and personnel losses were moderate.

Bangkok continues to put fighters up in opposition to the Allied fighter sweeps with today being no exception. 21 X P-38J arrived to find 11 X Zeke, 3 X George, 15 X Jack, 4 X Tony, 10 X Frank and 6 X Randy aloft. The battle claimed 7 Lightnings and 4 more were damaged as they downed 3 Zekes, a George, 4 Jacks (1 damaged), 2 Tonys, a Frank (1 damaged) and 3 Randys.

Krung Thep underwent an air raid by 14 X B-29, 114 X Liberator VI (3 damaged) and 17 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield was heavily damaged, there were many secondary explosions and casualties were moderate.

Truk was attacked by 28 X B-29 who did light damage to the port, caused a secondary explosion and there were negligible troop losses.

Buna was bombed by 48 X B-17E, 48 X B-24D, 46 X B-24J, 49 X P-40N and 12 X Kittyhawk III. The airfield took heavy damage, the port was lightly hit, there were many secondary explosions and casualties were heavy. Allied artillery added heavy losses to the tally today.

Lunga was targeted by 35 X B-24J who did light damage to the port and caused extremely light personnel losses.

The 5th New Chinese Corps had moderate casualties from the 13 Peggys that visited.

At Tavoy Japanese gunners once more futilely expended ordinance for no results while the Japanese had heavy losses from the Allied barrage.

Chris Fenton is surprised to learn that the TF that the CV Yorktown is a part of is not going to the main event, but rather towards the Bonin Islands. His kill total of 9 doesn't look like it'll be increasing any time soon. His CO told him to relax. “If the Japanese hit anywhere it'll be where we are because it's close to their home. Your chances will come.” Chris doesn't mind not being in the thick of things.

Another mission accomplished and the Lucky 11 will now get some time off to rest and unwind. Gil hits the mess for some chow and then writes to Elaine.

28 RAF Lancasters launched from Russia hit the BB Tirpitz with 12,000 pound “Tall Boy” bombs, scoring direct hits.

The American 1st Army reached the Siegfried Line.

The conclusion of the Quebec meeting between FDR and Churchill saw them sign the Morgenthau Plan for the treatment of post-war Germany.

Goebbels exhorts the German people to resist with fanaticism.

The Red Army entered Sofia.

Victory Points Allied 40234 Japanese 34460



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1208
RE: Wonderful - 10/31/2012 8:25:18 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
I'm back, worse for wear. My father is clinging to life by a thread and there's nothing that can be done for him other than trying to keep him comfortable.

I hope all of you that took a hit from the storm manage to recover quickly.

September 17, 1944 Buna


31st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Aomori.
60th Construction Battalion is located at Tarakan.
118th IJA Base Force is located at Wuhan.
Southern Area Army is located at Manila.
57th Construction Battalion is located at Maizuru.
25th AA Regiment is located at Osaka/Kobe.
44th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Soerabaja.
Nanking Naval Guard Unit is located at Nanking.
10th Tank Regiment is located at Mishan.
69th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Osaka/Kobe.
14th Area Army is located at Truk.
27001 men are based at Hamamatsu.


PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Osaka/Kobe 5 X AP, 5 X AK, 10 LCUs 380/31/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Ubon vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Menado vacant
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor 1 X AP
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 11 LCUs 26060/102/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Rabaul 13 aux, 14 LCUs 53940/251/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Sag Sag vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Deboyne Island vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tulagi 2 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Haiphong vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Siemrem Reap vacant


A naval bombardment of Morotai was off target and produced only negligible casualties. The IJA 66th Division was bombed by 8 X TBF, 24 X TBM (1 damaged) and 45 X F6F for extremely light casualties. 3 X Betty tried to attack the Allied MSWs and they were dealt with by 56 X F6F. All of the Bettys were shot down and 2 Hellcats were damaged.

2 IJN MSWs started sweeping the mine field at Teloekbetoeng.

Ichang was raided by 76 X B-25J and 60 X P-40N. 20 X Jack, 7 X Tojo and 9 X Tony intercepted the attackers and ripped through the Chinese. 2 B-25Js went down (10 damaged) and 32 P-40Ns were destroyed while the Japanese lost 7 Jacks (3 damaged), 3 Tojos (1 damaged) and 3 Tonys (1 damaged). The airfield was moderately damaged, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were light.

Tavoy was struck by 35 X B-25J 912 damaged), 50 X Thunderbolt II (1 destroyed) and 20 X Spitfire VIII 93 downed, 3 damaged). The CAP of 7 Zekes, 13 Jacks, 16 Irvings and 8 Franks was decimated with only a single Irving surviving. The airstrip took moderate damage, there was a single secondary explosion and personnel losses were light. Another strike made up of 20 X B-29 (1 downed, 1 damaged), 63 X B-25J (15 damaged), 41 X P-47D and 13 X Spitfire VIII struck the airfield for moderate damage, a couple of secondary explosions, 2 Franks, 2 Zekes and a Jack were destroyed on the ground and casualties were moderate. Allied artillery inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese while they went unharmed by the Japanese shelling.

Bangkok was swept by 60 X P-38J who discovered 4 Zekes, 6 Georges, 9 Tonys and 9 Randys in the air. The battle was a fast and lopsided affair with a George and a Tony escaping. A Lightning was downed and 4 others were damaged.

Krung Thep was attacked by 123 X Liberator VI 91 downed, 4 damaged), 32 X Thunderbolt II (3 destroyed), and 7 X Spitfire VIII. 8 X Zeke, 13 X Jack, 13 X Irving and 18 X Frank intercepted the Allied planes and paid a heavy price for their efforts. 8 Zekes, 6 Jacks (2 damaged), 11 Irvings and 15 Franks were killed. The airfield was heavily damaged, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were light. The IJA 30th Division was attacked by 42 X Mosquito FB.VI (6 downed, 3 damaged). They ran into a Zeke 7 Jacks, 2 Irvings and 3 Franks. The unit had light losses.

Truk was hit by 36 X B-29 for moderate damage to the airstrip, a couple of secondary explosions and light troop losses.

Lunga was bombed by 38 X B-24J who caused light damage to the port and a couple of secondary explosions.

At Buna an attack on 67th Naval Guard Unit was made by 27 X B-17E, 31 X B-24D, 38 X B-24J, 63 X P-38J and 10 X Kittyhawk III. Bombs fell all over the place and there was plenty of strafing done, but the unit had very few casualties. An assault forced the Japanese to run into the jungle heading towards Dobodura. Buna is now in American hands. Japanese casualties were heavy.

The 5th New Chinese Corps had light losses from 12 X Peggy.

Ed was not happy with the results of the Old Gals labors and hopes for better the next time around. A member of the staff tries to comfort him with the excuse of the gun barrels being worn and that caused inaccuracy. Ed quietly takes the man aside and said, “We are in the business of results. We don't make excuses. The next time around we try harder to get the results that we want. If you have any problems with that I'm sure that another berth can be found for you.”

The Lucky 11 moved from their tent into a Quonset hut today. The guys busily joke about their luxurious quarters and then 2 other B-29 crews arrive. “There goes the neighborhood,” jokes Hoppy with a feigned sigh. Everyone shares the laugh, including the other crews. Gil sits on his cot and rereads a letter that he got today from Elaine.

2 day old reports state that the Red Army broke through German lines at Narva.

Operation Market Garden began.

Monte Altuzzo fell.

Victory Points Allied 40448 Japanese 34532



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1209
RE: What's a Myrt? - 11/2/2012 5:57:31 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 18, 1944 Morotai


Kwantung Defense Brigade is located at Changchun.
4th Construction Battalion is located at Mukden.
111th Division is located at Mutanchiang.
106645 men are based at Tsitsihar.
41st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Harbin.
Arshan Garrison Regiment is located at Arshaan.
5th Engineer Regiment is located at Changkufeng.
3318 men are based at Akita.
83097 men are based at Mishan.
44667 men are based at Harbin.
25th Engineer Regiment is located at Sendai.
6th Reserve AA Regiment is located at Wonsan.
2504 men are based at Ikitsuki.
26886 men are based at Bonin.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kratie vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 25 bombers, 52 aux, 8 LCUs 22400/121/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Ubon vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Davao 54 fighters, 9 bombers, 63 aux, 14 LCUs 31540/254/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 1 X APD, 12 LCUs 26540/97/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Deboyne Island vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tulagi 4 LCUs 2220/1/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Osaka/Kobe 3 X AP, 7 X AK, 10 LCUs 3880/99/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Menado vacant
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Lae 1 LCU 1420/0/0


A SBD Dauntless spotted an AK at Sorong and reported a hit. Later in the day 6 X SBD and 27 X F6F found an AK in the same area. The vessel was hit by 5 bombs and was last seen with a heavy list to port and burning fiercely. A report from a Coast Watcher confirmed the sinking later in the day.

A mine field at Batavia was located and 2 IJN MSWs commenced sweeping operations.

A naval bombardment of Morotai caused heavy Japanese casualties and the BB Nevada was struck by a small sized shell. The IJA 66th Division was attacked by 8 X TBF (1 damaged), 24 X TBM (1 damaged) and 54 X F6F. The unit took light losses. 74 X SBD (4 damaged), 81 X SB2C, 61 X TBF (3 damaged), 68 X TBM (2 damaged) and 53 X F6F Hellcat then hit the airfield for moderate damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderately light.

Lunga was raided by 26 X B-24J and the bombs missed the target. Japanese casualties were very light.

The 5th New Chinese Corps was struck by 14 Peggys for moderate troop losses.

Tavoy was the scene of artillery exchanges throughout the day. Allied losses were extremely light and the Japanese had heavy casualties.

A Betty has spotted the CL Helena about 37 miles E of Morotai. It was being tracked by radar and many pairs of eyes, including Bill's.

“What's a Myrt?” asks Sam as he watches a Japanese plane flying overhead. The guy from the airstrip explains that the Japanese spy on them using different types of planes. “Sometimes they'll use patrol types, others recon types and once in a while we'll see a bomber taking a look around.” When Sam asks why they aren't shot down the man shrugs and says, “Easier said than done. The come in alone and are gone before we can get planes on them. Sometimes they play hide and seek using the clouds.” They finish saying good bye and Sam is determined to learn more as it helps to relieve the boredom.

Ed talks to the staff member that he dressed down yesterday and said, “See, we did much better today because we're persistent.” The situation is now defused, he hopes.

Bill listens to the newer members of the crew talking excitedly about the Japanese plane and the older hands calmly replying that any hostile planes will get squashed by the CAP with bleeders being good for target practice. This isn't being cocky, just confident in themselves, their ship and the USN in general.

Brest fell to the Allies today.

Victory Points Allied 40475 Japanese 34541

Nakajima C6N Myrt

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by tocaff -- 11/2/2012 5:58:28 PM >



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1210
RE: Keep An Umbrella Up - 11/3/2012 10:57:25 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 19, 1944 Morotai


51st Construction Battalion is located at Changchun.
122nd IJN Base Force is located at Nagasaki.
1st AA Regiment is located at Tokyo.
13th Tank Regiment is located at Changsha.
17th Construction Battalion is located at Mutanchiang.
35th Construction Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
14744 men are based at Toyohara.
1st Amphibious Brigade is planning for an attack on Wake Island.
110th Division is located at Hsinyang.
6th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
4th South Seas Det. is planning for an attack on Wake Island.
493716 men are based at Hiroshima/Kure.


PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Osaka/Kobe 1 X AP, 9 X AK, 10 LCUs 6700/127/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 7580/26/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Pisanuloke vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Songkhia vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Menado vacant
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Davao 118 fighters, 17 bombers, 124 aux, 14 LCUs 88400/802/4
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 1 X CA, 12 LCUs 29720/107/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Lae 1 LCU 3980/2/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tulagi 5 LCUs 2000/0/0


Kunming underwent an air raid made by 5 Helens. There was a CAP up of 9 P-39Js who intercepted the Japanese planes and subsequently downed 3 of them. 3 of the fighters were damaged and no damage was done to the base.

Tavoy was attacked by 27 X B-29 (3 damaged), 46 X B-25J (1 destroyed, 8 damaged), 32 X P-47D and 13 X Spitfire VIII. Moderately heavy damage was done to the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions were observed and there were heavy casualties sustained by the Japanese troops. Artillery exchanges occurred throughout the day with no Allied losses and heavy Japanese casualties.

Krung Thep was swept by 52 X Thunderbolt II and they dove into the loose gaggle of 6 X Zeke, 14 X Jack and 3 X Frank downing 4 Zekes, 12 Jacks and 2 Franks at the cost of 2 Jugs being damaged. Immediately following that battle 118 X Liberator VI (1 damaged), 32 X P-38J, 20 X Thunderbolt II and 17 X Spitfire VIII appeared. A lone Jack was up and it was destroyed before the pilot knew what was going on. The bombs rained down on the airfield doing very heavy damage, a huge number of secondary explosions were seen, 9 Jacks, 11 Franks and 2 Zekes were destroyed at their revetments and personnel losses were heavy. The IJA 56th Brigade was jumped by 14 X Mosquito FB.VI, 4 of which were damaged by the AA. The unit had moderate losses. Then the IJA 30th Division was pounced on by 11 X Mosquito FB.VI, 1 of whom tumbled from the sky in flames. Casualties were light. An attack was made on the IJA 34th Ind. Mixed Brigade by 14 X Mosquito FB.VI and 2 X Thunderbolt II resulting in moderate losses.

Truk was struck by 31 X B-29 for moderate damage to the airfield and light casualties.

Kwajalein was visited by 35 X PB4Y who did light damage to the port, blew up a fuel tank and caused a couple of other secondary explosions.

Lunga was attacked by 34 X B-24J who lightly damaged the port.

The 66th Division, on Morotai, was attacked by 8 X TBF (1 damaged), 24 X TBM (3 damaged) and 1 F6F. The unit sustained light losses. While this attack was going on 74 X SBD (1 downed), 108 X SB2C (1 downed, 4 damaged), 72 X TBF (1 downed), 86 X TBM and 2 X F6F Hellcat were working over the airstrip and port. The former had moderately heavy damage, the later heavy damage. There were also many secondary explosions.

Allied planners have decided to grab the opportunity being presented by the Japanese. A grab will be made for Menado as it's vacant and a second airstrip in the area will add to the Japanese woes.

The O'Bannon has orders to escort some TKs to Palau. Frank figures that even though they are missing out on the big show sailing towards Morotai at least this is better than sitting anchored at Ulithi.

Bill is relieved that today his ship wasn't the object of anyone's attention. Radar tracked many Japanese planes on patrols, but there were no attacks made. The Hellcats are constantly on the prowl as the carriers keep an umbrella up during daylight. He heads to his cabin where he writes a letter to Sandy and then lies down for some needed sleep. It seems to take Bill forever to finally doze off as he wonders when the Helena will get some needed yard time for her overdue upgrades.

Victory Points Allied 40551 Japanese 34552



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1211
RE: A Battle Near Marcus Island - 11/4/2012 10:36:48 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 20, 1944 Tori Shima


Mongol Army is located at Sasebo.
50th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Bangkok.
Yosu Fortress is located at Masan.
6th Naval Construction Battalion is located at Georgetown.
9th Division is located at Mutanchiang.
62nd Construction Battalion is located at Lunga.
34th Construction Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
8th Aviation Rgt is located at Chiamussu.
64th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Kadina.
10 men are based at Okayama.
Radio transmissions detected at Palau.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Luang Prabang vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 7180/32/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Bandou vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 19 bombers, 1 aux, 9 LCUs 43020/413/6
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 1800/2/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dadjangas 4 LCUs 12900/187/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 12 LCUs 35580/130/2
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Salamaua vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Osaka/Kobe 2 X AP, 5 X AK, 10 LCUs 8620/163/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Finschafen vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tulagi 5 LCUs


The SS Skate tried and failed to attack 4 PCs about 19 miles N of Aparri.

Tavoy was raided by 14 X B-29 (2 damaged) and 12 X Spitfire VIII. The airstrip took light damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were negligible. Allied troops had extremely light losses from a shelling and the Japanese once more had heavy casualties from the Allied artillery.

Krung Thep was bombed by 123 X Liberator VI and 22 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield was heavily damaged, many secondary explosions were claimed, 13 Jacks were destroyed on the ground and personnel losses were moderate. The IJA 30th Division was jumped by 31 X Mosquito FB.VI (5 damaged) and 2 X Thunderbolt II for moderate losses.

Morotai was attacked by 31 X B-24J and AA fire damaged 3 of them. The port was moderately damaged and a single secondary explosion was seen. An air attack on 4th South Seas Det. Was made by 8 X TBF (1 damaged), 24 X TBM (4 damaged) and 1 X F6F. The unit sustained moderate casualties. In the early afternoon 73 X SBD (2 damaged), 106 X SB2C (3 damaged), 60 X TBF (3 damaged), 86 X TBM and 2 X F6F hit the airstrip for moderately heavy damage, the port light damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were very light.

Truk had it's airfield moderately damaged by 24 X B-29 and troop losses were also moderate.

Lunga was paid a visit by 57 X B-24J and the result was moderate damage to the airstrip and extremely light casualties.

The Japanese AP near Marcus Island was attacked by 26 X SBD and 34 X F6F. There were 35 Zekes in the air and they engaged the Allied aircraft, losing 22 planes. The Americans had a Dauntless go down (2 damaged) and 6 Hellcats were destroyed with another taking some damage. The ship was struck by 12 bombs and was left a blazing wreck headed for the bottom. A very large number of Japanese troops tried to escape the carnage and died in the water.

Allied intel experts are trying to decide if the Japanese are sending troops to or pulling them out of Marcus Island.

Stick has been removed from flight duty as he's managed to contract Malaria. He feels awful and thinks that death would be a welcomed relief. He knows that there's people moving around him, but he can't really tell what they're doing or saying and he can't talk to them. It's like he there, but not.

Red listens to Tokyo Rose proclaiming a huge naval victory in the waters near Marcus Island. She says that 2 carriers were sunk and another crippled while the IJN had one take superficial damage. He doubts every word she says, but enjoys the music. Lucky walks into the radio shack with a rodent tail hanging out of his mouth. He places the dead rat on the deck at Red's feet. “Thanks for the present. You're a good boy,” says Red while he looks around for something to dispose of the carcass with. Cookie stops in just then, takes a look and laughs saying that he got a similar present a couple of hours ago. The sit in silence listening to music.

Sam looks up and mutters, “I think it's a Dinah.” Another day is passing by slowly and all he has to do is watch the Japanese fly by while he sticks close to his fighting hole. The Sea Bees are still busily working on the airfield and defenses. The more built up the base gets the safer he feels. Later somebody stops by and tells him about a battle near Marcus Island.

Victory Points Allied 40636 Japanese 34459



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1212
RE: Truk Again - 11/6/2012 2:58:42 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 21, 1944 Guam


49th Construction Battalion is located at Hailar.
135th IJA Base Force is planning for an attack on Attu Island.
11th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Osaka/Kobe.
15th Field Artillery Regiment is located at Nanning.
Chinkai Base Force is located at Masan.
Peng Hu Fortress is located at Pescadores.
40th Division is located at Nanning.
7th Aviation Rgt is located at Medan.
108th IJNAF Base Force is located at Nagoya.
35th Division is planning for an attack on Kweiyang.
17th Reserve Coastal Artillery Regiment is located at Niigata.
20th Division is located at Changkufeng.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Pakhoi 4 LCUs 1660/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Bangkok 37 fighters, 12 bombers, 42 aux, 21 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 27 bombers, 2 aux, 9 LCUs 51800/496/9
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 680/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cotabato 1 X AP, 1 LCU 12480/137/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Lae 1 LCU 4180/2/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Gasmata 3 LCUs 120/0/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Russell Islands vacant


Another naval bombardment of Morotai went unchallenged. Light damage was done to the airstrip and port, a single secondary explosion was seen and casualties were moderate. 42 X B-24J dropped their bombs off target and did no damage, though the AA fire brought 1 of them dawn and damaged 2 others. The 4th South Seas Det. Was struck by 8 X TBF (1 damaged), 16 X TBM (2 damaged) and 1 X F6F. The unit had very light casualties. The USN then sent in 74 X SBD (2 damaged), 94 X SB2C (5 damaged), 62 X TBF (1 damaged, 86 X TBM and 2 X F6F. The airfield took moderately heavy damage, the port was moderately hit, there were some secondary explosions and troop losses were negligible.

The SS Subtle, 31 miles W of Singapore, was roughly handled by 4 PGs and a PC.

Tavoy was raided by 29 X B-29, 33 X P-47D, 11 X Thunderbolt II and 13 X Spitfire VIII. 4 of the bombers were damaged by flak and a single Zero was up and it was destroyed. The airfield was moderately damaged and casualties were light. Japanese artillery caused extremely light casualties.

Krung Thep was attacked by 61 X Liberator VI (7 downed, 5 damaged) and 4 X Thunderbolt II. The Japanese had 3 X George, 12 X Zeke and 3 X Randy on hand. Between the air to air combat and the bombs a George was damaged, 2 Zekes were flamed (8 damaged), a Randy was damaged and 4 Jacks were destroyed. The airfield was moderately damaged, there were some secondary explosions and personnel losses were light. The IJA 30th Division was attacked by 29 X Mosquito FB.VI (5 downed, 1 damaged) and 11 X Thunderbolt II. They were opposed by 3 X George, 11 X Zeke and 3 X Randy. A George, 8 Zekes and 3 Randys were destroyed. The unit took negligible casualties.

Truk was hit by 36 X B-29 for moderate damage to the airstrip and very light casualties.

Rabaul was bombed by 48 X B-17E, 48 X B-24D, 48 X B-24J and 51 X P-38J. The airfield was very heavily damaged, there were a great number of secondary explosions and troop losses were moderate.

Marcus Island was raided by 23 X SBD (5 damaged), 29 X SB2C (2 damaged), 27 X TBF (1 downed, 5 damaged), 18 X TBM (3 damaged) and 15 X F6F Hellcat who did light damage to the airfield and destroyed 2 X Frances and a Zeke on the ground. Troop losses were thought to have been light. Shortly thereafter 24 X PB4Y came roaring in. The flak took 1 down and damaged 18 others. Very light damage to the airfield was done, a couple of secondary explosions were seen and a Frances and a Zeke were trashed.

“Truk again, damn.” Who uttered that doesn't matter as all of the Lucky 11 feel the same way. Tomorrow they are scheduled to attack Truk's airstrip once again. They feel like they could find the island and hit it with their eyes closed and quietly that's exactly what the brass wants, skill and confidence. Gil wonders when they'll be unleashed on another target, knowing that Truk is virtually defenseless.

Bill quietly sits on the bridge watching all that is going on around him with a sense of satisfaction that comes from having a competent crew that makes for a good ship. He feels that his crew knows their jobs and the officers have seen that their sections have also cross trained so that vacant slots are easily manned if needed. Bill knows how everything can go to hell in an instant and training makes the men automatically do their jobs.

Elaine is sitting on the porch watching a street car pass as she and her sister absently talk. She hasn't had a letter from Gil in a while and wonders if he's OK. She can't help worrying about him She excuses herself and heads for her room where she flops onto the bed and starts to write a letter to her brother.

Victory Points Allied 40687 Japanese 34580



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1213
RE: Truk Again - 11/6/2012 8:31:03 PM   
Capt. Harlock

Posts: 5358
Joined: 9/15/2001
From: Los Angeles
Status: offline
Since you now have Superforts, isn't it time to start bombing the Japanese Home Islands?


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

--Victor Hugo

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1214
RE: Truk Again - 11/7/2012 4:55:05 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
I haven't started a bombing campaign against Japan because I want to bring the experience levels up and bombing from extended range is of doubtful value. Another reason is that unescorted bombers against many fighters is a very risky business.

September 22, 1944 Morotai


Nagasaki Fortress is located at Nagasaki.
2nd Mixed Regiment is located at Hangchow.
7th Construction Battalion is planning for an attack on Chungking.
55th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Changkufeng.
48th Road Construction Battalion is located at Mutanchiang.
14244 men are based at Saipan.
67th Construction Battalion is located at Toyama.
5th Reserve AA Regiment is located at Harbin.
104th Division is planning for an attack on Chungking.
2nd Army is located at Legaspi.


PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Shimuzu 2 LCUs 1860/0/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Saigon 7 X AP, 1 X TK, 4 X DE, 43 fighters, 49 bombers, 103 aux, 1 LCU 6120/41/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 33 bombers, 49 aux, 8 LCUs 15920/61/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 1 X SS, 2 LCUs 7120/29/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cotabato 1 X AP, 1 LCU 16180/181/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wewak 1 LCU 760/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 53580/303/9
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 8 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Rabaul 2 bombers, 17 aux, 14 LCUs 50560/213/0


The USN delivered another bombardment to Morotai which did light damage to the port and airfield, triggered a couple of secondary explosions and inflicted very heavy casualties. 76 X SBD (1 destroyed, 1 damaged), 67 X SB2C (1 damaged), 74 X TBF (1 damaged), 86 X TBM and and 2 X F6F added moderate damage to the airfield, light damage to the port, many secondary explosions and very light troop losses.

Kunming was raided by 5 X Helen, all of whom were shot down by the CAP of 18 X P-38J (3 damaged).

Tavoy was the target for 44 X B-25J (6 damaged), 33 X Mosquito FB.VI (2 damaged), 13 X Thunderbolt II and 13 X Spitfire VIII. The Allied planes did moderate damage to the airfield, caused many secondary explosions and personnel losses were moderate. Japanese artillery caused light Allied casualties.

Krung Thep was attacked by 99 X Liberator VI (1 damaged), 35 X B-24J and 26 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield had heavy damage, there were a very large number of secondary explosions, 12 Jacks and a Zeke were trashed and casualties were moderately heavy.

Truk was bombed by 31 X B-29 for moderate damage to the airstrip and moderate troop losses.

Gili Gili was struck by 48 X B-24D for light port damage and some secondary explosions.

Tulagi had moderate damage done to it's port, some secondary explosions were seen and casualties were very light. This was all done with the compliments of 40 X B-24D.

The 1st BAF AA Regiment, 19 miles N of Krung Thep, was attacked by 62 Zekes. Both sides escaped without any harm being done. Meanwhile the 25th Indian Division was attacked by 20 X Peggy (4 damaged) and 3 X Jack. Casualties were moderate.

Gil is a happy young man when they arrive back at their base. The number 3 engine quit on them and will need some work. Having 4 engines is a comforting thought for Gil as he thinks of what would've happened if he were flying a fighter. He's rapidly developing a love for Jake's Jalopy because, “She always brings us home,” he tells the other guys.

Slim and Gunny sit talking over mugs of coffee. They are talking about post war and what they'll be doing. Gunny says that the Corps is the only way of life that he knows and he'll stay in as long as the Corps will have him. Slim says, “I used to dream about going home and getting a job, a wife, a house, children, the works. Now I think about the friends I have here and that closeness is something I'll never have on the outside. I believe that I've found a home in the Corps too.” Gunny looks a Slim smiling and all he can do is mutter, “I never would've guessed it.”

Gene looks at the foreman and tells him to go to hell. The man wants the work to be done faster and Gene told him that to do it right takes time and that there's no more corners to cut. When the foreman insisted Gene laced into him and is now determined to speak to the yard's boss. “I'm not going to kill myself for you so that you can get a bonus or a promotion,” Gene says. The foreman leaves when he sees that the entire group of workers is backing Gene.

Tallinn and Reval were taken by the Russians.

Victory Points Allied 40732 Japanese 34596



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to Capt. Harlock)
Post #: 1215
RE: The Threat Recedes - 11/9/2012 12:41:08 AM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
September 23, 1944 Moscow


85885 men are based at Rahaeng.
51008 men are based at Kadina.
42nd AA Regiment is located at Harbin.
117th IJA Base Force is located at Homan.
Hensui Construction Battalion is located at Sasebo.
34th Division is located at Nanning.
108th IJNAF Base Force is located at Nagoya.
8th Area Army is planning for an attack on Eniwetok.
11th Army is located at Nanning.
3978 men are based at Osumi.
Chinhae Bay Fortress is located at Pusan.
15th Engineer Regiment is located at Amboina.
Mongol Army is located at Sasebo.
25th AA Regiment is located at Osaka/Kobe.


PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Hamamatsu 1 aux, 1 LCU 1460/2/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Camranh Bay 6 X AK, 1 X AP, 1 X AG, 2 X CA, 9 aux, 2 LCUs 3720/79/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Pisanuloke 2 LCUs 2480/5/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU 1260/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cagayan 1 fighter, 32 bombers, 11 aux, 3 LCUs 18420/114/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Butuan vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 57180/420/12
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Gasmata 3 LCUs 160/1/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 7 LCUs


Tavoy was attacked by 33 X B-25J (1 damaged), 39 X Mosquito FB.VI (3 damaged), 38 X P-47D and 12 X Spitfire VIII who caused moderate damage to the airfield, many secondary explosions and moderate casualties. The Japanese shelling produced moderate Allied troop losses.

Bangkok was swept by 87 X P-38J who tore into 63 X Zeke, 9 X George, 10 X Jack and a Frank. At a cost of 8 Lightnings destroyed and 4 damaged they managed to kill 41 Zekes, 8 Georges, 8 Jacks and the Frank.

Krung Thep was raided by 47 X B-25J (1 downed, 5 damaged), 30 X Thunderbolt II and 12 X Spitfire VIII who did light damage to the airstrip, a secondary explosion was observed and troop losses were light. Another strike made up of 105 X Liberator VI, 48 X B-24J (1 damaged) and 36 X Thunderbolt II added heavy damage to the airfield, caused many secondary explosions, and moderate casualties.

Truk was struck by 42 X B-29 for light damage to the port, many secondary explosions were claimed to have been set off and personnel losses were very light.

Kwajalein was bombed by 34 X PB4Y. The airstrip took light damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were very light.

Gili Gili was visited by 40 X B-24D and the AA fire damaged 2 of them. The port was heavily damaged, there were a few secondary explosions and troop losses were placed at light.

Rabaul was attacked by 41 X B-17E, 45 X B-24D, 44 X B-24J and 45 X P-38J. The airfield was heavily damaged, so was the port, there were a great many secondary explosions, a Jake, a Pete and 3 Alfs were scrapped and there were heavy casualties.

On Morotai the IJA 66th Division was attacked by 8 X TBF, 24 X TBM and 7 X F4F-4 for light losses. The main event was 78 X SBD (2 damaged), 101 X SB2C (2 damaged), 76 X TBF, 55 X TBM and 4 X F6F caused heavy damage to the airstrip, moderately heavy damage to the port, some secondary explosions were claimed and personnel losses were moderate.

The 5th New Chinese Corps, still starving and frozen in place, had light casualties from 12 X Peggy.

“Is everything being readied? I want things to be finished before the deadline or somebody will pay the price for failure,” says a happy Uncle Joe. He is steered towards the collapsing German front for good news before anything else can sour his mood.

FDR has once again prodded the brass to “get the lead out” as the President want the pace of the war to be accelerated.

Pete proudly strolls through the park with his 2 girls. It's a beautiful day and he doesn't have to be back to the pub for another hour or so. With the war seeming to be going well for the Allies the people of Australia are allowing themselves to feel more relaxed as the Japanese threat to them recedes.

The RAF used 12,000 pound bombs to breach the Dortmund-Ems Canal.

Russian and Romanian troops entered Hungary.

Victory Points Allied 40820 Japanese 34503



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1216
RE: The Threat Recedes - 11/10/2012 10:39:53 AM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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September 24, 1944 New York


110 aircraft are based at Gumma.
Nagasaki Fortress is located at Nagasaki.
6th Naval Construction Battalion is located at Georgetown.
86th Naval Guard Unit is located at Kwajalein.
109th Division is located at Singapore.
5th Air Fleet is located at Tokyo.
Elements of the 4th Ind. Brigade are planning for an attack on Chungking.
13th Air Fleet is located at Truk.
30 ships are based at Osaka/Kobe.
Tsugaru Fortress is located at Aomori.
64th Construction Battalion is located at Nagasaki.
8th Division is located at Tsitsihar.
2nd AA Regiment is located at Tokyo.
Radio transmissions detected at Iwo Jima.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Jaluit vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Siador vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dobodura 13 LCUs 12940/0/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Talasea vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 7 LCUs 3320/33/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Hamamatsu 3 X AP, 1 LCU 2040/5/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Luang Prabang vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Phnom Penh vacant
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU 1380/0/0


An air attack on Tavoy was conducted by 37 X B-25J (7 damaged), 34 X Mosquito FB.VI (2 damaged), 34 X P-47D, 25 X Thunderbolt II and 10 X Spitfire VIII. The airfield took moderate damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderate.

Krung Thep was bombed by 25 X B-24J, 105 X Liberator VI (2 damaged) and 12 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield underwent moderately heavy damage, a very large number of secondary explosions was reported and casualties were moderately heavy.

Koepang was raided by 28 X B-24J and AA fire damaged 6 of them. The port was moderately damaged and a single secondary explosion was seen.

Truk underwent an attack made by 40 X B-29 who caused moderate port damage, scored a fuel explosion and a secondary explosion. Personnel losses were light.

Morotai was pounded by 66 X SBD (3 damaged), 82 X SB2C (1 damaged), 76 X TBF (1 damaged), 72 X TBM (1 damaged) and 4 X F6F. The airfield was moderately damaged and there were some secondary explosions.

The Allied ships unloading at Tori Shima were attacked by 31 X Jill. They were intercepted by 15 X F4U-1 and 8 Jills were shot down and 6 others were damaged. No bombs hit their intended targets.

Sam watched the Japanese planes being chased through the AA fire thrown up by the ships and guns protecting the port area. He marvels at the guts the Corsair pilots had to have to do what they did. He wonders if this attack was an isolated one or a prelude to bigger things.

Gene walked into the yard manager's office and was told to sit down. The man got up from behind his desk and said, “You don't mind if I call you Gene, do you?” Gene shook his head and waited for the axe to fall. “Do you know why I called you in here today Gene? Please relax and light up if you want to. I know that you've had problems with your foreman and I've done a little investigation into it. What I've come to realize is that he's been abusive and puts people needlessly at risk trying to squeeze a little more work out of you guys. I also know that the men have come to respect you for your work ethic and willingness to stand up for them about what's right. So to get right to it I want you to know that your foreman has been reassigned to another job that's more suitable to his, err, capabilities. We need a new foreman and I wanted to offer the job to you. You don't have to answer right away as I'll give you time to think about it.” Gene was stunned to say the least as he was expecting to be fired. He tells the boss that he'll take the job, but he still feels that the safe way to do things is the right way. The two men shake hands and the boss says, “So you start your new position tomorrow morning, Monday. Any questions?” Gene once again just shakes his head. The boss then adds, “Of course you won't be welding any longer and your pay will have a nice increase. Thanks Gene, be seeing you.” With that the meeting is over and Gene, still stunned, leaves the office and heads home wondering what kind of a pay raise he'll be getting.

The Red Army's offensive in the Baltic States stopped.

RN units began operations against German occupied islands in the Aegean Sea.

Victory Points Allied 40847 Japanese 34623



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1217
RE: Morotai Invaded - 11/11/2012 11:59:17 PM   

Posts: 4781
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September 25, 1944 Morotai


11th AA Regiment is located at Osaka/Kobe.
3rd Engineer Regiment is located at Lunga.
34229 men are based at Paramushiro Jima.
26915 men are based at Bonin.
21st Reserve Engineer Regiment is located at Shimuzu.
5th RF Gun Battalion is located at Sian.
Elements of the 8th Mongolian Cavalry Division are located at Yenen.


Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU 1960/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cagayan 29 bombers, 17 aux, 3 LCUs 18140/91/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Butuan vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Hansa vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dobodura 13 LCUs 8860/0/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Arawe vacant


The SS Rock, about 81 miles E of Teloekbetoeng, tried to attack a small convoy of 3 X AK and 2 X MSW, but failed. A couple of hours later 2 MSWs and an AS went by, but once more she couldn't get into a position from which to launch an attack from. A short time later 2 AKs and a pair of MSWs passed enabling her to attack. A fish hit one of the AKs and the sub quickly left the scene, undetected. After the fish exploded the sub's skipper had been heard to mutter, “If you don't succeed, try, try again.”

The SS Cobia was 94 miles SE of Hong Kong when she detected and attacked a TK, 2 X MSW and an APD. A torpedo struck the TK setting it on fire.

Morotai was bombarded by the USN and casualties were heavy for the Japanese as a result. The Allied troops were pouring ashore into a withering curtain of Japanese fire. Many of the LCIs, LSTs and a LCT were hit and troop losses were extremely heavy. The airfield was very lightly damaged and a secondary explosion was caused by 24 X SBD (1 damaged), 2 X SB2C, 9 X TBF (1 damaged), 17 X TBM (1 damaged), 94 X F6F Hellcat, 111 X FM-2, and 8 X F4F-4. Japanese artillery swept the beach area, but only caused extremely light casualties.

Kunming was attacked by 2 unlucky Helens. The CAP of 25 X P-38J knocked the 2 Japanese planes out of the sky long before the target was reached.

Tavoy 's day began with an attack made by 34 X B-25J (6 damaged), 36 X Mosquito FB.VI, 37 X P-47D and 11 X Spitfire VIII. The airstrip was moderately damaged, a secondary explosion was reported and casualties were moderate.

Krung Thep was hit by 46 X B-25J (4 damaged), 10 X Thunderbolt II and 9 X Spitfire VIII for light damage to the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions and moderate personnel losses. Then 48 X B-29 (1 damaged), 41 X B-24J (1 damaged), 98 X Liberator VI and 18 X Thunderbolt II arrived adding extremely heavy damage to the airfield, a very large number of secondary explosions and moderate casualties. At about noon 133 X B-29 Superfortress (4 damaged) added very heavy damage to the airfield, some secondary explosions and heavy troop losses.

Truk's port was moderately damaged, a fuel tank was blown up, a secondary explosion was seen and personnel losses were extremely light. All 40 of the B-29s departed safely.

Lunga had it's port lightly damaged by 27 X B-24D who also caused a few secondary explosions and very casualties.

The 1st BAF AA Regiment 22 miles N of Krung Thep was under observation by 2 X Dinah when 5 Thunderbolt IIs arrived and the Dinahs fled. The 44th Indian Division was hit by 3 X Frances, 11 X Peggy and 6 X Jack. The 5 Jugs damaged 3 of the Peggys and destroyed a Jack while the unit had moderate losses.

A lone AK was left burning after being hit by a torpedo delivered by the SS Runner 144 miles SE of Tarakan.

The Palawan, fully loaded just sits with the rest of her convoy awaiting sailing orders. “I guess those guys who we're going to delivery these goodies to must be having a hard time of it if they're holding us here,” says Cookie.

Frank awaits orders as the O'Bannon languishes at Guam. He's torn between being safe and wanting to be in on the action. When the O'Bannon was under Bill's command they always seemed to be in the thick of things, but since then the repair of battle damage and a refit have seen his command escorting convoys. They're close to the action and sooner or later orders will come.

The 500th VHBG is up in the rotation and a morning mission to Truk is in store for them tomorrow. It has become a milk run as there are no Japanese planes and almost no AA fire to oppose them. In spite of this the Lucky 11 treat each mission with a solemn attitude. Gil writes a letter to Elaine, posts it and then shoots the breeze with the guys.

Gene is already at the yard when his crew of workmen arrives. He's very nervous as to how they'll receive him as their new boss, but that's quickly washed away as the guys greet and congratulate him on his promotion. “See,” one of the men says, “The squeaky wheel always gets the grease.”

The Canadians attacked Calais.

Hitler ordered the formation of the Volkstrum, home guard.

Victory Points Allied 40868 Japanese 34637



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1218
RE: So Costly - 11/12/2012 9:54:40 PM   

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From: USA now in Brasil
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September 26, 1944 Morotai


Iki Fortress is located at Ikitsuki.
Kaosing Fortress is located at Takao.
Yokosuka 5th SNLF is located at Georgetown.
75381 men are based at Sapporo.
5th AA Regiment is located at Niigata.
50th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Bangkok.
64th Division is located at Nanning.
68th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Naha.
Keelung Fortress is located at Taipei.
8th Engineer Regiment is located at Ichang.
18th Naval Guard Unit is located at Singapore.
102nd IJA Base Force is located at Harbin.
5823 men are based at Aomori.
Hensui Construction Battalion is located at Sasebo.
Radio transmissions detected at Vancouver.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Taan 1 LCU 4540/11/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Bangkok 56 fighters, 27 bombers, 66 aux, 24 LCUs
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 2220/0/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Lautem 1 LCU 2600/0/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cagayan 6 fighters, 60 bombers, 27 aux, 3 LCUs 28680/235/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Butuan vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 12 LCUs 3620/15/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Jaluit vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Shortlands vacant


Japanese guns at Morotai continued firing on Allied troops coming in to shore inflicting very heavy casualties. The USN conducted a naval bombardment that did light damage to the airstrip and port, there were a few secondary explosions and troop losses were very heavy. A little later 24 X SBD (1 damaged), 3 X SB2C, 9 X TBF, 11 X TBM (1 damaged), 76 X F6F, 114 X FM-2, and 8 X F4F-4 did light damage to the airfield. Artillery exchanges caused very light Allied losses and light Japanese casualties.

An attack on Tavoy was conducted by 35 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 downed, 1 damaged) 2 X Thunderbolt II and 10 X Spitfire VIII. The airfield was lightly damaged, there was a secondary explosion and casualties were moderate.

Krung Thep was bombed by 46 X B-29, 40 X B-24J, 105 X Liberator VI and 19 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield was very heavily damaged, there were many secondary explosions and personnel losses were heavy. Within minutes 100 X B-29 (4 damaged) added moderate damage to the airstrip, a few more secondary explosions and moderate casualties.

Truk underwent an attack made by 38 X B-29 who did light damage to the airfield.

Kwajalein was raided by 9 X PB4Y. The airfield took light damage and there was a secondary explosion seen.

Rabaul 47 X B-17E, 48 X B-24D, 48 X B-24J and 42 X P-38J. The airfield was heavily damaged, the port was moderately damaged, a very large number of secondary explosions were claimed, a Sally and a Pete were trashed and personnel losses were light.

Lunga was attacked by 37 X B-24D for light port damage, some secondary explosions and light casualties.

Gil managed to sleep for a couple of hours during the return flight to base. The rest of the crew is tired, especially the gunners who must stay alert and haven't seen a Japanese plane in the air yet, much to everyone's satisfaction.

Red and Cookie stare at all of the ships doing nothing. “How long do you think we'll have to wait?” he asks and Cookie shrugs as he throws a raw piece of meat to Lucky. “This waiting is the worst part. It's awful sailing around being a target with only our fears to counter the boredom,” Red says as he thinks back to when his first ship was torpedoed by a Japanese sub in the opening days of the war. It seems so long ago and at the same time it seems like yesterday that he was pulled aboard the Tarpon.

Gene is amazed at how easy it is to be a foreman. He just talks to the guys about the next job and they get to it. A new welder joined the workers today. He's Gene's replacement and about as green as Gene was when he started out. Gene takes the new guy under his wing and tells him that if he has any problems to just talk to him. “In the meantime the guys will help you out with everything else. Remember that I'm always available, even if it's for a gripe,” Gene says before he moves away.

FDR listens to the reports concerning the landings at Morotai and says, “So many casualties. What will happen with the next phase if this is so costly?”

The British 8th Army crossed the Rubicon.

Victory Points Allied 40890 Japanese 34649



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1219
RE: Repulsed - 11/13/2012 10:32:01 PM   

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Due to time constraints I'm only serving up the facts.

September 27, 1944 Morotai


Southwest Fleet is located at Singapore.
16th Mixed Brigade is located at Dadjangas.
18th Division is located at Davao.
51st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Soerabaja.
17th Aviation Rgt is located at Ichang.
62nd Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Nanking.
278559 men are based at Changkufeng.
18th Reserve Coastal Artillery Regiment is located at Toyama.
Tone Hvy Gun Regiment is located at Changkufeng.
13th Division is planning for an attack on Chungking.
116th Division is located at Wenchow.
75377 men are based at Sapporo.
Chinhae Bay Fortress is located at Pusan.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kiungahan 1 LCU 1720/2/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 41 bombers, 57 aux, 8 LCUs 20380/105/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 2200/0/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 18200/63/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cagayan 6 fighters, 54 bombers, 35 aux, 3 LCUs 28460/220/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Butuan vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 7 LCUs 7740/62/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 12 LCUs 11080/48/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Majuro vacant


Nanning was swept by 56 X P-38J. The Japanese had 8 X Zeke and 3 X Tony up for the Lightnings to feast on. A Zeke managed to escape the carnage and all of the P-38Js left unharmed. Then 57 X B-25J (2 downed, 34 damaged) and 34 X P-40N appeared and the Zeke continued to run. The airfield was moderately damaged, there were many secondary explosions, a Dinah, 7 Helens, 2 Topsys, a Tony and 3 Tabbys were destroyed on the ground and casualties were very heavy. Later in the afternoon 18 X P-40N swept in on the 4 X Zeke that were on patrol. A brief fight saw a Zeke get flamed.

Bangkok was swept by 63 X P-38J and they were opposed by 39 X Zeke, 7 X George and 16 X Jack. 7 Lightnings were shot down and 2 more were damaged as they destroyed 25 Zekes, 7 Georges and 16 Jacks.

Lunga was attacked by 51 X B-24J who inflicted moderate damage on the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions and extremely light personnel losses.

Morotai was struck by 65 X SBD (2 damaged), 82 X SB2C, 73 X TBF, 62 X TBM, 103 X F6F, 117 X FM-2 and 8 X F4F-4. The airstrip was moderately damaged, the port took light damage, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were negligible. Allied troops assaulted the Japanese defenses and were repulsed with very heavy losses while the Japanese had heavy casualties.

Victory Points Allied 40994 Japanese 34667



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1220
RE: Pushed Back A Little - 11/15/2012 12:23:01 AM   

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From: USA now in Brasil
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This is the last installment until the 19th as I'm hitting the road without my notebook. Brazil is great with so many holidays and places to go to. The game itself is in mid December 1944.

September 28, 1944 Morotai


252321 men are based at Sasebo.
Shimonoseki Fortress is located at Nagato.
6th Reserve AA Regiment is located at Wonsan.
5th Army is located at Tsitsihar.
1st Guards Mixed Brigade is located at Tokyo.
18th Reserve Coastal Artillery Regiment is located at Toyama.
3rd Construction Battalion is planning for an attack on Chungking.
12th AA Regiment is located at Peking.
7140 men are based at Nagasaki.
8th Construction Battalion is located at Sining.
22nd Air Flotilla is located at Bangkok.
5th Army is located at Tsitsihar.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Saigon 9 X AP, 1 X TK, 1 X DE, 1 LCU 7300/41/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Pisanuloke 4 LCUs 4720/16/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 640/0/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 20120/63/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 1 X AK, 12 LCUs 19960/88/0


The SS Cobia was attacked by 3 PCs 34 miles S of Swatow, but she evaded them without being damaged.

Nanning was swept by 20 X P-40N. They were met by 4 X Zeke and 1 X Tony and a Zeke was flamed. Then 3 X Zeke and a Tony met 54 X P-38J and all of the Japanese planes were destroyed. The main event was 42 X B-25J and 53 X P-40N who were only opposed by flak. At a cost of 2 Mitchells downed and 20 damaged the airfield was moderately damaged, there were a few secondary explosions, 2 Helens, a Dinah and 3 Tabbys were wrecked and casualties were heavy.

Bangkok was under an umbrella of 31 X Zeke, 5 X George and 12 X Jack when 45 X P-38J appeared. 6 P-38Js went down and 2 were damaged as they ripped the Japanese apart. 11 Zekes (2 damaged), 5 Georges and 10 Jacks were shot down.

Krung Thep was attacked by 46 X B-29, 101 X Liberator VI (2 damaged), 45 X B-24J and 21 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield was mauled for extremely heavy damage, there were a large number of secondary explosions and casualties were heavy.

Gili Gili was hit by 27 X B-24D (1 damaged) for moderate port damage and moderate personnel losses.

Lunga was the host for 31 X B-24J who managed to miss finding their target due to cloud cover.

The 6th Chinese Air Base Force was bombed by 12 X Peggy and both sides had no losses.

The SS Drum tried to attack 6 DDs 22 miles NW of Merak, but had the tables turned on her. She is now making for a friendly port with light systems damage and light flooding.

An Allied attack on the Japanese defenders at Morotai saw both sides sustain very heavy casualties, but the Japanese were pushed back a little.

The Palawan's convoy plods slowly westward, destination Morotai. “I guess where we're going is secured, more or less,” says Cookie. He couldn't be more wrong about that, but the USN believes that by the time they arrive the port will be in Allied hands and functional.

Gunny and Slim listen to their CO and then after the meeting breaks up Slim heads off and Gunny remains behind. “The next op is ours then? Any idea about how big a deal it's going to be or just another quick grab?” he asks. A shrug is all he gets in answer and then he leaves. Later he catches up with Slim who tells him that the 2nd Marine Division is going to the Philippines. Gunny looks at him and says, “Of course you have a good source at HQs that couldn't be wrong.”

Work is going well and Gene likes his new job. When one of the guys asks him about it Gene says that comes the summer heat next year and he'll be one of the happiest guys around. A little later one of the guys approaches him with a problem. It seems that they've hit a snag in the job and now the men want to know what to do. Gene looks at the problem and asks, “Does anybody have any ideas? There's lots of experience in this group so we should work it out together.” About 10 minutes later the group is back at work and the problem has been solved. Gene thinks that being a foreman isn't so bad if you just use common sense in dealing with things. The guys talk during their work and they all seem to agree that life with Gene as their boss is a vast improvement over the last guy.

An agreement was struck between Tito and Stalin to allow the Red Army into Yugoslavia.

Victory Points Allied 41052 Japanese 34583



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1221
RE: Pushed Back A Little Again Today - 11/19/2012 11:19:20 PM   

Posts: 4781
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From: USA now in Brasil
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I'm back, but to busy to hit the storyline.

September 29, 1944 Morotai


4th Air Division is located at Malang.
5909 men are based at Niigata.
7214 men are based at Hanoi.
17th Division is located at Nanning.
5th Air Division is located at Manila.
4th Division is located at Davao.
21st AA Regiment is located at Changsha.
Arshan Garrison Regiment is located at Arshaan.
61st Aviation Unit is located at Bangkok.
14th Ind. Brigade is located at Wuhan.
10th Construction Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
6184 men are based at Taipei.
38th Construction Battalion is located at Toyohara.
Radio transmissions detected at Vancouver.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Saigon 9 X AP, 1 X TK, 1 X DE, 1 LCU 7160/38/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Pisanuloke 4 LCUs 8940/25/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 440/1/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 21180/57/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cagayan 2 fighters, 46 bombers, 18 aux, 3 LCUs 28120/206/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Marcus Island 1 X DE, 12 LCUs 24220/88/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 1 LCU


Nanning was the scene of one of the most lopsided encounters of the entire war as a lone Zeke was dispatched by a 52 X P-38J fighter sweep. Then the arrival of 14 X B-25J and 38 X P-40N made the day a little worse for the Japanese. Flak nailed a bomber and damaged 7 others while the lightly damaged the airfield, caused a couple of secondary explosions and inflicted very light personnel losses. Later, in the afternoon a sweep of 16 X P-40N showed up, but there were no targets.

Tavoy was raided by 39 X B-25J (1 downed, 3 damaged), 2 X Thunderbolt II and 9 X Spitfire VIII. The airfield took moderate damage, there were many secondary explosions and casualties were light.

Bangkok had 41 X Zeke, 5 X George, 11 X Jack and 3 X Frank aloft for the grand introduction of the P-51D Mustang, of which there were 21 on the sweep. A Mustang was lost and 2 were damaged as the Japanese suffered 27 Zekes, 2 Georges, 3 Jacks and 2 Franks being destroyed. This had to be a new low for Japanese aviation.

Krung Thep was bombed by 44 X B-29 (1 damaged), 66 X Liberator VI (3 damaged) and 18 X Thunderbolt II. The airfield was heavily damaged, there were some secondary explosions and troop losses were light. Another 31 X B-29 followed and AA fire damaged 1. They added moderate damage to the airfield, some secondary explosions and very light casualties.
B-29 Superfortress x 31

Lunga was struck by 36 X B-24D for moderate damage to the airstrip, some secondary explosions and extremely light losses.

The IJA 66th Division, on Morotai was attacked by 17 X TBF, 152 X TBM and 65 X F6F. The unit took very light casualties. An attack by 74 X SBD, 90 X SB2C, 76 X TBF, 70 X TBM, 119 X F6F, 129 X FM-2 and 8 X F4F-4 did heavy damage to the airfield, light damage to the port and many secondary explosions were observed. Ground combat saw the Allied troops push the Japanese defenses back a little again today. The cost to both sides was heavy.

6th Chinese Air Base Force was hit by 9 Peggys who missed the mark.

The SS Trout put a fish into the side of an AP that was unescorted 93 miles W of Kendari, doing heavy damage and triggering fires.

Victory Points Allied 41109 Japanese 34701



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

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Post #: 1222
RE: Clobbered And Pushed Further Back - 11/20/2012 11:13:21 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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September 30, 1944 Morotai


Hensui Construction Battalion is located at Sasebo.
104th Division is planning for an attack on Chungking.
8th Tank Regiment is located at Singapore.
117th Division is located at Tientsin.
Home Defense Force is located at Tokyo.
58th Construction Battalion is located at Takamatsu.
65th Construction Battalion is located at Kagoshima.
8th Area Army is planning for an attack on Eniwetok.
58th Construction Battalion is located at Takamatsu.
4th AA Regiment is located at Toyama.
5th AF Construction Battalion is located at Singapore.
Tsugaru Fortress is located at Aomori.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Luang Prabang 1 LCU 920/1/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Camranh Bay 1 X AP, 1 X AK, 1 X AG, 2 LCUs 6600/81/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Menado vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Koepang 3 LCUs 9340/33/0
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Sansapor vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Cotabato vacant
PBM Mariner takes recon photos of Guiuan vacant
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 4 LCUs 120/0/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Majuro vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 9 LCUs 7680/31/0
Catalina I takes recon photos of Kai Island 6 LCUs 840/0/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 7 LCUs 1080/16/0


Morotai underwent a naval bombardment that inflicted light damage on the port and airstrip along with heavy casualties. The IJA 66th Division was attacked by 17 X TBF, 151 X TBM and 26 X F6F and sustained heavy losses. Another raid on the 66th Division by 86 X PB4Y and 40 X B-24J added heavy casualties. Adding to the mayhem 74 X SBD, 81 X SB2C (1 damaged), 74 X TBF, 76 X TBM, 117 X F6F, 168 X FM-2 and 8 X F4F-4 hit the airstrip for moderate damage, the port for light damage, many secondary explosions and extremely light personnel losses. Another assault saw the Japanese defenses get clobbered as they were pushed further back. The Japanese had very heavy losses and the Allied troops sustained heavy casualties.

Tavoy was raided by 38 X B-25J and 9 X Thunderbolt II. Flak downed a Mitchell and damaged 3 others. The airfield took moderate damage, there were a couple of secondary explosions and personnel losses were negligible. Another attack consisting of 45 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 damaged) and 11 X Thunderbolt II added moderate damage to the airfield, caused another secondary explosions and very light casualties.

Bangkok was swept by 41 X P-38J and 32 X Spitfire VIII. The knifed through the 37 X Zeke, 11 X George, 19 X Jack and 5 X Frank that the Japanese had aloft. The battle witnessed the loss of 3 Lightnings and 6 Spits (2 damaged). The toll for the Japanese was much higher as 31 Zekes, 9 Georges, all of the Jacks and 5 Franks were shot down.

Krung Thep was bombed by 40 X B-29, 46 X Liberator VI (1 damaged) and 9 X Thunderbolt II. The airstrip had heavy damaged, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were heavy. Another attack, this time by 33 X B-29, came in adding moderate damage to the airfield, a secondary explosion and moderately light troop losses.

Truk's port was lightly damaged by 28 X B-29 who also caused a couple of secondary explosions and moderate casualties.

Kwajalein was struck by 34 X PB4Y for light airfield damage, a few secondary explosions and extremely light personnel losses.

The 1st Engineer Regiment, at Dobodura, was jumped by 12 X A-20G, 64 X P-38J and 10 X Spitfire VIII. Both sides escaped harm.

The 5th New Chinese Corps had light losses from 14 X Peggy.

The men of the 1st BAF AA Regiment, 19 miles N of Krung Thep, watched as a snooping Dinah got chased off by the LRCAP of 5 X Thunderbolt II. The plane left a trail of smoke behind it. Another Dinah showed up in the afternoon and the Jugs chase it away too.

The Japanese AK 158 miles NE of Marcus Island was pounded by 26 X SB2C, 18 X TBF and 14 X F6F for 8 bomb hits. The blazing hulk was then left by the planes as they returned to their carrier. It was assumed that the target had been sunk.

Tomorrow the Lucky 11 will be part of a raid on Truk's port. This time they will go in 5000 feet lower than before so they discuss what AA can reach to 10000 feet. “I don't care that they expect this lower altitude to make us more accurate, I care about surviving the mission,” says Donny.

Bill looks at the pile of letters for Sandy and wonders when he'll see her again, if ever.

Elaine and Sandy, though they don't know each other, share the same problem as so many other females at home, no mail for extended periods of time. They try not to worry, but it's impossible.

Slim works his lads on breaking down their MGs and setting them up again. “I know that you guys hate me for this, but it'll save lives. Remember all of those poor guys with rifles count on our firepower to save their bacon,” he says and then tells them to do it again. Gunny watches from a distance and thinks back to when Slim first became a part of the outfit.

Sam has taken to spending time near the airstrip whenever he can. The Sea Bees are a good lot to be friendly with as they always seem to have what you want. Today he bought some beer from them and enjoys the two cans even though they're warm. He sighs and thinks about home and having a cold beer.

Calais fell to Allied troops.

There was rejoicing in Dover at the announcement that the last of the German guns that shelled the SE coast were silenced.

Victory Points Allied 41201 Japanese 34718



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1223
RE: Clobbered And Pushed Further Back - 11/21/2012 10:12:25 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
October 1, 1944 Morotai


Southwest Fleet is located at Singapore.
211845 men are based at Masan.
8170 men are based at Hakodate.
Karafuto Mixed Brigade is located at Shikka.
38th Construction Battalion is located at Toyohara.
65th Construction Battalion is located at Kagoshima.
10th Aviation Rgt is located at Changchun.
25th Air Flotilla is located at Tokyo.
5th Army is located at Tsitsihar.
Botanko Hvy Gun Regiment is located at Tsitsihar.
3rd Cavarly Brigade is located at Mishan.
Najin Fortress is located at Changkufeng.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Koepang 3 LCUs 12060/30/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 bombers, 2 aux, 7 LCUs 8040/54/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 4 LCUs 60/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 8 LCUs 16900/100/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Ubon vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Davao 63 fighters, 12 bombers, 62 aux, 12 LCUs 39780/319/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Wewak 1 LCU 640/0/0


Tavoy was awakened by 42 X B-25J, 9 X Thunderbolt II and 9 X Spitfire VIII but the AA batteries were on alert and damaged 9 of the Mitchells. The airfield was moderately damaged, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderate. Before the gun barrels of the AA batteries had cooled another raid appeared which consisted of 51 X B-25J (2 damaged), 44 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 damaged), 10 X Thunderbolt II and 12 X Spitfire VIII. This time damage to the airfield was heavy, there were a couple secondary explosions and troop losses were moderate.

Bangkok was swept by 63 X P-38J, who sliced through the gaggle of Japanese fighters. Of the 16 X Zeke, 4 X George, 6 X Jack and 2 X Frank all but 3 Zekes and 2 Jacks were shot down at the cost of 2 Lightnings destroyed. About an hour later 19 X P-51D came calling only to find a single Zeke in the air. The Japanese plane tried to flee, but was destroyed.

Krung Thep was bombed by 37 X B-29 46 X B-24J (1 damaged), 130 X Liberator VI (2 damaged) and 21 X Thunderbolt II. The airstrip took extremely heavy damage, There were to many secondary explosions to get any kind of count and casualties were heavy. A bombardier from one of the B-29s stated at the debriefing that it looked like the 4th of July. Later 80 X B-29 (1 downed, 3 damaged) added heavy damage to the airfield, many secondary explosions and light personnel losses.

Koepang's port was lightly damaged by 32 X B-24J. There were some secondary explosions reported and casualties were thought to have been extremely light. Another attack was made by 45 X B-24D (2 damaged) and 48 X B-24J (6 damaged) who added very heavy damage to the port, many secondary explosions and light troop losses.

Lautem was the object of attention for 143 X B-25J, 21 X P-40N and 22 X Kittyhawk III who administered light damage to the port and caused a single secondary explosion. Elements of the he IJA 22nd Ind. Mixed Brigade were bombed and strafed by 56 X P-38J for heavy losses.

Truk was raided by 35 X B-29 who lightly damaged the port and inflicted light casualties.

Kwajalein was struck by 33 X PB4Y for a couple of large fuel explosions and a few other secondary explosions.

Gili Gili had moderate port damage and many secondary explosions thanks to 42 X B-24D.

Lunga was bombed by 106 X B-24J for light damage to the airfield and port, a secondary explosion was seen and personnel losses were extremely light.

On Morotai the IJA 66th Division had heavy losses thanks to 17 X TBF, 144 X TBM and 17 X F6F. Then 76 X SBD, 82 X SB2C, 75 X TBF, 78 X TBM, 123 X F6F, 167 X FM-2 and 8 X F4F-4 attacked the port and airstrip. The port was lightly damaged, the airfield heavily, there were some secondary explosions and personnel losses were very light. Another attack pushed the Japanese defenders back some more as the defensive network is starting to crumble. Casualties for both sides were heavy.

On Kai Island he IJA 28th Ind. Mixed Brigade was jumped by 64 X P-38J and 2 X Kittyhawk III. The unit had heavy losses.

5th New Chinese Corps had moderate casualties from 13 X Peggy.

20 miles N of Krung Thep 1st BAF AA Regiment was being snooped on by a couple of Dinahs, but 10 Jugs chased them away, damaging both of the Japanese planes. A short time later the 44th Indian Division was attacked by 3 X Frances, 11 X Peggy and 3 X Jack. The 10 Thunderbolt IIs were still on the job and they tried to attack the Japanese planes as they departed. A Jug was damaged and the LCU took moderate losses.

The PT-46, near Rangoon, was attacked by 3 X Frances who were greeted by 3 X P-51D, 18 X P-47D, 9 X Thunderbolt II and 3 X Spitfire VIII who promptly ended the careers of all three Japanese crews. Another raid was made by 3 X Frances and the CAP destroyed all of them too.

The Japanese AP 137 miles N of Marcus Island was attacked by 24 X SB2C, 18 X TBF and 14 X F6F who administered 6 bomb and 2 torpedo hits, dooming the vessel.

The SS Rock, on patrol 89 miles E of Teloekbetoeng, spotted and attacked 2 AKs being escorted by 2 MSWs. She hit 1 of the AKs with a fish, starting fires.

Another mission was completed by the 500th VHBG, but the Lucky 11 had to abort because two of the engines quit. The big bird can fly on 2 motors, but can't maintain the speed needed to keep formation. The men are unhappy because this means that they haven't moved closer to their rotation home.

The CL Helena continues to cruise close to Morotai as part of a CVTF. As usual Bill takes comfort from the Hellcats on patrol overhead. They are joined by Wildcats too as the CVEs are very busy also. He rarely knows much about what is going on, but in his little corner of the war he is lord and master of one of the finest cruisers in the USN, or so he thinks. His crew goes about their business and he hasn't heard about any disciplinary problems lately.

The Palawan continues her steady course to Morotai. Red listens to the radio and from what he pieces together it seems like there is heavy fighting going on at their destination. He relates this to Cookie over some food and expresses his misgivings about going into an area that is “hot.”

Monte Battaglia, in the Gothic Line, was taken by the US 5th Army after a 5 day battle.

The Red Army crossed the Danube into Yugoslavia.

A secret Hungarian delegation arrived in Moscow to sign a truce.

Victory Points Allied 41258 Japanese 34735



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1224
RE: Morotai Falls - 11/22/2012 11:55:07 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
Happy Thanksgiving.

October 2, 1944 Morotai


38th Construction Battalion is located at Toyohara.
Tokyo Bay Fortress is located at Tokyo.
Hainan Base Force is located at Kiungahan.
12th AA Regiment is located at Peking.
1st Army is located at Sian.
Kaosing Fortress is located at Takao.
51st Division is located at Wuchow.
6 men are based at Pagan.
9th Ind. Mixed Regiment is planning for an attack on Wake Island.
104th IJN Base Force is located at Osumi.
8th Tank Regiment is located at Singapore.
Radio transmissions detected at Vancouver.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Hanoi 9 bombers, 2 aux, 3 LCUs 4500/16/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Georgetown 5 LCUs 6800/5/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Davao 76 fighters, 16 bombers, 85 aux, 14 LCUs 55600/422/1
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 3 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Hansa vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 30540/156/5
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Gasmata 3 LCUs
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 6 LCUs 8000/72/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Majuro vacant


Tavoy was raided by 48 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 damaged), 3 X Thunderbolt II and 8 X Spitfire VIII who managed to do moderate damage to the airfield, cause a couple of secondary explosions and inflict negligible casualties.

Krung Thep was bombed by 43 X B-24J, 95 X Liberator VI (3 damaged) and 11 X Thunderbolt II for heavy damage to the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions were reported and heavy troop losses.

Truk was hammered by 90 X B-29 as it's airfield was moderately damaged, the port took moderate damage, a fuel tank erupted in flames, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderate.

Kwajalein was targeted by 38 X PB4Y for moderate airstrip damage and a secondary explosion was seen.

Rabaul was visited by 47 X B-17E, 27 X B-24D and 48 X B-24J. The airfield was moderately damaged, as was the port, there were some secondary explosions and personnel losses were placed at moderate.

Lunga was tagged for light damage to it's port, a couple of secondary explosions and negligible casualties by 42 X B-24D.

The 1st Engineer Regiment at Dobodura was attacked by 9 X A-20G, 64 X P-38J and 10 X Spitfire VIII. The planes were wide of the mark as the Japanese were hiding in the dense foliage.

On Morotai the IJA 66th Division was dumped on by 17 X TBF, 152 X TBM and 17 X F6F Hellcat for heavy losses. Another strike on the 66th was made by 27 X B-24J for moderate casualties. Next up was an attack by the USN as waves of planes arrived. A total of 76 X SBD, 82 X SB2C, 75 X TBF, 78 X TBM, 124 X F6F, 171 X FM-2 and 8 X F4F-4 Wildcat did moderately heavy damage to the airstrip, light damage to the port, some secondary explosions were claimed and troop losses were negligible. The Allied troops once again assaulted the Japanese positions and with both sides having heavy casualties the Americans now hold the base facilities with the Japanese retreating for a final stand.

2 X Dinah were peeking at the 1st BAF AA Regiment, 21 miles N of Krung Thep when 9 X Thunderbolt II appeared and drove them off. Nearby the 44th Indian Division was attacked by 3 X Frances, 15 X Peggy and 5 X Jack. The Thunderbolts attacked them damaging a Frances, downing 7 Peggys (1 damaged) and killing 2 Jacks. A Jug was damaged and the 44th escaped unscathed.

Marcus Island was an ugly picture for the USN as 25 X SB2C arrived without their fighter cover and were met by 9 X Zeke. The resulting running battle saw 10 dive bombers shot down and 5 damaged as they braved the Japanese planes and AA fire. A Zeke took damage, very light damage was done to the airstrip, a Frances was destroyed and the personnel losses were negligible.

Warsaw fell after a 63 day siege. The Germans treated prisoners as POWs.

Victory Points Allied 41314 Japanese 34755



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1225
RE: What's The Point? - 11/23/2012 11:56:28 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
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October 3, 1944 Tori Shima


26920 men are based at Bonin.
41st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Harbin.
46th Division is planning for an attack on Eniwetok.
60th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Kadina.
274677 men are based at Kagoshima.
5812 men are based at Aomori.
227049 men are based at Ominato.
24th AA Regiment is located at Nagasaki.
Ankei SNLF is located at Changsha.
57th Division is located at Arshaan.
252327 men are based at Sasebo.
124753 men are based at Bangkok.
41st AA Regiment is located at Changchun.
91st Division is located at Sapporo.
15th Army is located at Pisanuloke.
50th Construction Battalion is located at Kyoto.


F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Bandou vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Taiping vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 19880/69/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 1 LCU
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Siador vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 29740/99/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Menado vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 5 LCUs 9940/81/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Salamaua vacant


An Ann attacked the SS Searaven 80 miles SE of Singapore and the sub reported in that it was hit. It was subsequently reported that the bomb was a dud and that she will continue with her patrol only having a dent in the vents.

Nanning was swept by 52 X P-38J and the Japanese had 3 Zekes and a Tony in the air. All of the Japanese planes were shot down with no Allied losses.

Tavoy was raided by 44 X Mosquito FB.VI (2 damaged), 9 X Thunderbolt II and 12 X Spitfire VIII who inflicted moderate damage on the airfield and a secondary explosion.

Bangkok was swept by 21 X P-51D and the Japanese threw 23 X Zeke, 7 X George, 15 X Jack and 6 X Frank at them. 11 Zekes, 5 Georges, 3 Jacks and 4 Franks were destroyed at the cost of 2 Mustangs lost. In the afternoon 56 X P-38J swept in in the unsuspecting Japanese CAP of 13 X Zeke, 6 X George, 8 X Jack and a Frank. The fight was on and the Japanese lost 11 Zekes, all of the Georges, 6 Jacks and the Frank while the Allies had 5 Lightnings downed and 2 damaged.

Krung Thep was bombed by 98 X Liberator VI (1 damaged), 38 X B-24J (1 damaged), 57 X B-25J (3 damaged) and 21 X Thunderbolt II. The airstrip was very heavily damaged, there were an extremely high number of secondary explosions and casualties were heavy.

Truk was struck by 41 X B-29 for heavy port damage, a fuel tank went up like a roman candle, a secondary explosion was noted and personnel losses were moderate.

The stuck and starving 5th New Chinese Corps had moderate casualties from an attack made by 14 X Peggy.

Marcus Island was attacked by 16 X SB2C (5 downed, 6 damaged), 18 X TBF (8 damaged) and 14 X F6F (1 damaged). The CAP of 15 X Zeke tried to intercept the raiders, but the Hellcats fended them off, destroying 3 Zekes. The flak was intense and accurate, causing all of the bombs to miss their targets.

At Morotai an Allied attack compressed the Japanese held pocket as both sides had heavy losses.

Sam stares at yet another passing Japanese plane and he wonders when they will get around to trying to retake the rock he now resides on. What he doesn't know is that the USN has constantly maintained a CVTF on patrol in the waters off of Tori Shima along with a substantial sub picket line.

Gil writes to Elaine telling her what a great bunch of guys make up the Lucky 11. He also happens to mention how much he misses her. He asks if she might be interested in going to Brooklyn after the war and meeting his family.

As the Palawan plods along towards her destination Red continues to monitor the radio. He informs the guys that Allied troops have taken the base where they're headed, but the Japanese are still fighting. Cookie wonders aloud why the Japanese don't throw in the towel and negotiate an end to the war. “All this needless killing. Don't the Germans and Japanese see the writing on the wall? What's the point of continuing the slaughter when all you're doing is getting your teeth kicked in?”

Victory Points Allied 41395 Japanese 34774



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1226
RE: Menado Invaded - 11/24/2012 8:46:57 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
October 4, 1944 Menado


Kembu Force is located at Kadina.
7th Engineer Regiment is located at Mishan.
7th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Hailar.
49th Construction Battalion is located at Hailar.
102nd Division is located at Cotabato.
8895 men are based at Mukden.
96 aircraft are based at Hailar.
1st Guards Division is located at Tokyo.
104th IJA Base Force is located at Fushan.
27063 men are based at Hamamatsu.
1st Reserve Tank Regiment is located at Kitakyushu.
4th Engineer Regiment is planning for an attack on Darwin.
3rd Hvy Field Artillery Regiment is located at Davao.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 20920/58/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 1 LCU 1440/2/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Sarmi vacant
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 LCUs 13940/118/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 3 LCUs
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Majuro vacant
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Finschafen vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Gili Gili 11 LCUs 37140/161/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 6 LCUs 1200/0/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Andaman Island 2 LCUs 6060/31/0


Allied troops were unloading over beach at Menado and took very heavy casualties.

Ichang was swept by 47 X P-38J who dove into a gaggle of Japanese fighters made up of 20 X George, 18 X Jack, 34 X Tojo, 17 X Nick and 15 X Tony. The Lightnings lost 6 aircraft and had 5 more took some damage while they shot down 2 Georges, 6 Jacks, 19 Tojos, 15 Nicks and 7 Tonys.

Tavoy was raided by 48 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 damaged), 9 X Thunderbolt II and 11 X Spitfire VIII who managed to do moderate damage to the airfield, a secondary explosion was seen and personnel losses were negligible. Shortly thereafter 29 X B-29 (2 damaged) added moderate damage to the airstrip, a couple of secondary explosions and light casualties.

Bangkok underwent a fighter sweep made by 51 X P-38J who met 15 X Zeke, a George, 17 X Jack and 3 X Frank. The Japanese lost 13 Zekes, the George, 6 Jacks and all of the Franks while they bagged 4 Lightnings.

Krung Thep was bombed by 42 X B-29, 96 X Liberator VI (4 damaged), 32 X B-24J (1 damaged), 51 X B-25J (2 damaged) and 12 X Thunderbolt II. There was extremely heavy damage done to the airfield, a huge number of secondary explosions were observed and troop losses were placed at moderate.

Lunga was attacked by 54 X B-24J who targeted the airstrip for moderate damage. They caused some secondary explosions and casualties were thought to have been light.

At Dobodura the 1st Engineer Regiment was bombed and strafed by 9 X A-20G, 64 X P-38J and 9 X Spitfire VIII. Once more the jungle canopy provided the Japanese with all of the cover they needed to escape unharmed.

On Morotai an Allied artillery bombardment inflicted moderate losses on the Japanese.

Red looks at a chart and points to Morotai and tells Cookie, “That's where our convoy is heading. That's about as far forward as we can get and I wish that the Navy would send some planes here to protect us.”

Bill scans the horizon and knows that the USN has a huge concentration of force here, but thoughts of the suicide attacks make him uneasy anyway. Carriers should be untethered to go about striking the enemy, not trying to protect convoys and building bases.

“So that about sums things up. We're poised for phase 2 of the big push, we're intercepting the attempts both air and sea to resupply Paramushiro Jima and the IJN's subs seem to continue to busily try to extract cut off LCUs.” FDR thanks the major and the room clears.

Yesterday a 60 hour long truce began at Dunkirk to allow civilians to evacuate.

The American 3rd Army continues it's attack on Fort Driant at Metz. The attacks will last for 10 days.

The British launched Operation Manna and intervened in Greece.

The Russians are now within 10 miles of Belgrade.

Victory Points Allied 41497 Japanese 34691



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1227
RE: Menado Falls - 11/25/2012 11:49:24 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
October 5, 1944 Menado


37052 men are based at Chiamussu.
11th Tank Regiment is located at Mishan.
12th Ind. Mixed Regiment is located at Paramushiro Jima.
Radio transmissions detected at Shikka.
Radio transmissions detected at 46,68.
100 aircraft are based at Mutanchiang.
Radio transmissions detected at Tokyo.
Radio transmissions detected at Sian.
5917 men are based at Niigata.
11th AA Regiment is located at Osaka/Kobe.
1st Reserve AA Regiment is located at Kyoto.
10th Special Base Force is located at Kendari.
54th Heavy AA Battalion is located at Mutanchiang.
Radio transmissions detected at Clark Field.
57th Ind. Mixed Brigade is located at Kanazawa.
105th IJA Base Force is located at Mukden.
North China Area Army is located at Nanning.
3rd Construction Battalion is planning for an attack on Chungking.
4 men are based at Pagan.
6th Field Artillery Regiment is planning for an attack on Chungking.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Amboina 6 LCUs 21040/59/0
PB2Y Coronado takes recon photos of Paramushiro Jima 8 LCUs 13980/114/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje 3 LCUs
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Dobodura 13 LCUs 14540/0/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 6 LCUs 2060/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Luang Prabang 1 LCU 660/4/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Pisanuloke 4 LCUs 5500/11/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Wewak 1 LCU 540/0/0


Allied troops continued with their unloading over beach at Menado, suffering heavy casualties. An Allied attack captured Menado.

Ichang was swept by 61 X P-40N and the Japanese greeted them with 15 X George, 9 X Jack, 19 X Tojo, 10 X Nick and 9 X Tony. The Chinese got the short end of the stick as 31 P-40Ns were shot down and the Japanese lost a George (1 damaged), a Jack, 8 Tojos, 6 Nicks and 2 Tonys.

Tavoy was hit by 45 X Mosquito FB.VI (1 destroyed) and 11 X Spitfire VIII for moderate damage to the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions and very light personnel losses.

Bangkok was swept by 54 X P-38J who knifed through the Japanese planes that they found. Out of 15 X Zeke, 4 X George, 11 X Jack and 2 X Frank 10 Zekes, all of the Georges, 3 Jacks (1 damaged) and both Franks were destroyed at a cost of a Lightning downed and another damaged.

Krung Thep was bombed by 38 X B-29 (3 damaged), 60 X Liberator VI (4 damaged) and 23 X Thunderbolt II. The airstrip was heavily damaged, there were some secondary explosions and casualties were moderate. This was immediately followed by 39 X B-29, 2 of which were damaged by the AA fire. They added moderately heavy damage to the airfield, caused a secondary explosion and there were negligible troop losses.

Lunga's port was lightly damaged and there was a secondary explosion care of 24 X B-24J.

The 62nd Naval Guard Unit at Dobodura was pounced on by 12 X A-20G,63 X P-38J and 10 X Spitfire VIII and the unit sustained negligible losses.

The 5th New Chinese Corps was struck by 14 X Peggy for negligible casualties.

Morotai witnessed an Allied artillery bombardment of the Japanese positions, resulting in very light Japanese losses.

The Palawan lies off of Morotai awaiting her turn to unload. Red watches planes roaring overhead in a steady stream and hears the rumble of artillery. He's glad that he's where he is and some of the crew concur with that opinion.

The Flying Deuces Flew into Menado and Stick remained behind at Palau with a plane that wouldn't start and when it finally did the engine ran very roughly. He'll follow soon enough, but this is just another in a long line of things that he views as proving that he's cursed. “If you were cursed you'd be dead by now,” said a mechanic who came to take the plane to be worked on.

Sam leads a patrol along the coast wondering what the IJN would look like plastering his squad out in the open. An observation plane flies over them and the guys give it the finger, since there's nothing else they can do. These Japanese recon flights are bad for morale thinks Sam when suddenly a pair of Mustangs dive on the Japanese plane. The 3 of them disappear from sight quickly and Sam gets a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that the Army Air Corps is on the job today.

Canadian troops entered Holland.

Victory Points Allied 41562 Japanese 34715



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1228
RE: Well Done - 11/26/2012 11:39:40 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
October 6, 1944 New York


2nd Aviation Rgt is located at Mutanchiang.
61st Division is located at Tokyo.
136th IJN Base Force is located at Marcus Island.
59 ships are based at Sasebo.
64th Construction Battalion is located at Nagasaki.
1st Heavy AA Battalion is located at Tokyo.
28th Army is located at Bangkok.
278587 men are based at Changkufeng.
86658 men are based at Camranh Bay.
4th Mortar Battalion is planning for an attack on Kweiyang.
6th Construction Battalion is located at Tsitsihar.
1st Guards Division is located at Tokyo.
5112 men are based at Wonsan.
1st Reserve Tank Regiment is located at Kitakyushu.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 1 X DE, 2 X APD, 1 X AK, 38 bombers, 4 aux, 9 LCUs 31300/183/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 2 LCUs 3520/1/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Wotje vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Lae 1 LCU 1520/0/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Lunga 6 LCUs 4980/31/0
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Nanning 26 bombers, 10 aux, 32 LCUs
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Victoria Point 5 bombers, 20 aux, 8 LCUs 11820/65/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Gasmata 3 LCUs


2 IJN DDs encountered a mine field at Teloekbetoeng.

Tavoy was attacked by 3 X Mosquito FB.VI and 9 X Spitfire VIII. The rest of the strike must've gotten lost in the bad weather as they didn't arrive. The damage done to the airfield was extremely light and the casualties were very light.

Bangkok hosted a fighter sweep made by 24 X P-51D who swept through the 12 X Zeke, 4 X George, 11 X Jack and 2 X Frank. 9 Zekes, 2 Georges, 2 Jacks and both Franks were shot down while 2 Mustangs were lost. Not long after the Japanese planes reassembled 32 X Thunderbolt II tore into them. 6 X Zeke, 4 X George, 13 X Jack and a Frank were engaged and the Japanese lost 5 Zekes, 2 Georges, 6 Jacks and the Frank. A Jug went down and another was damaged.

Krung Thep was bombed by 95 X Liberator VI (1 damaged), 33 X B-24J (1 damaged), 52 X B-25J (2 damaged) and 11 X Thunderbolt II. The airstrip took heavy damage, there were a great many secondary explosions and casualties were moderate.

On Morotai the IJA 66th Division was struck by 27 X B-24J for moderate losses. The Allied artillery was ineffective today.

The 5th New Chinese Corps had light casualties from 14 X Peggy.

The Allied TF 21 miles E of Rangoon was attacked by 20 X Betty and 3 X Frances. The were roughly handled by the CAP of 20 X Hellcat II and 12 X Corsair IV. 1 Betty survived to harmlessly launch a fish and then run for home as all of the other Japanese planes were splashed. 7 Hellcat IIs were damaged and a Corsair IV was downed (6 damaged).

Stick made the flight to rejoin the Flying Deuces and was extremely proud of himself that his navigation got him there safely. Of course riding the beam and radio communication didn't hurt, but he'll still brag about his navigational skills. The guys tell him that it's the same old routine of CAPs and that no Japanese planes are expected now that Stick has arrived.

Truk again tomorrow. The Lucky 11 quietly go about their routines thinking of another impending mission. They write letters and quietly think of home. “Maybe our engines will quit again,” says Brownie. Gel tells him that there's no chance of that as the mechanics have assured him that the problems are a thing of the past. “So I suppose that Gil will get his nap and I'll sit in my lonely little world and try to stay awake then,” Brownie says referring to his position as tail gunner.

The Palawan rests at it's destination and still Cookie scans the sky for some friendly planes, but it's empty. “I can't believe that there haven't been any of our planes up to protect us,” he says. What he doesn't know is that Corsairs are flying out of the airstrip and covering the approaches from where the Japanese are. “Why aren't there fighters flying cover for us?” he laments.

Gene leaves his boss' office pleased at the praise that was heaped upon him. He modestly said in reply that it's the guys who have done all of the work and that he just sees to it that they get what they need. Gene's crew is a happy crew and as a result they are getting more done. They don't have a boss that they have to argue with just to get things anymore. When he gets back to his guys he tells them that they got a “well done.” “So boss, you can take us out for a beer later to celebrate,” one of the guys says and later Gene delivers.

The Red Army throws 64 divisions, 750 tanks and 1,100 planes at the Germans starting the destruction of Army Group Center.

Victory Points Allied 41629 Japanese 34722



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1229
RE: Survive The War - 11/27/2012 11:38:24 PM   

Posts: 4781
Joined: 10/12/2006
From: USA now in Brasil
Status: offline
October 7, 1944 Morotai


13th Division is planning for an attack on Chungking.
130th IJA Base Force is planning for an attack on Derby.
Yosu Fortress is located at Masan.
3rd Construction Battalion is planning for an attack on Chungking.
Kwantung Defense Brigade is located at Changchun.
39th Road Construction Battalion is located at Manila.
2937 men are based at Nagato.
13971 men are based at Palau.
Hiroshima Base Force is located at Hiroshima/Kure.
5th Reserve AA Regiment is located at Harbin.
11th Ind. Brigade is located at Ichang.
Radio transmissions detected at Eniwetok.


Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Wuchow 2 LCUs 8280/133/1
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Siemrem Reap vacant
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Jesselton vacant
Mosquito PR.IX takes recon photos of Kendari 8 X DE, 2 X APD, 3 X AK, 44 bombers, 3 aux, 9 LCUs 32060/198/3
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dili 2 LCUs 4320/0/0
F-5C Lightning takes recon photos of Dobodura 13 LCUs 14000/0/0
F-5A Lightning takes recon photos of Rabaul 14 LCUs 42140/144/0
PBY Catalina takes recon photos of Tulagi 4 LCUs 2780/0/0


Tavoy's day began with the appearance of 42 X Mosquito FB.VI (2 damaged) and 2 X Thunderbolt II who caused light damage to the airfield, a couple of secondary explosions and light casualties.

Bangkok was swept by 32 X Thunderbolt II who found 13 X Zeke, 3 X George, 20 X Jack and a Frank up. The Jugs slashed into the loose Japanese formations and shot down 7 Zekes, 4 Jacks and the Frank at no cost to themselves.

Krung Thep was attacked by 11 X B-25J (3 damaged) and 2 X Spitfire VIII. They did extremely light damage to the airstrip and inflicted very light personnel losses. Then 88 X Liberator VI (2 damaged), 27 X B-24J (1 damaged) and 35 X Thunderbolt II roared in and added heavy damage to the airfield, triggered some secondary explosions and inflicted moderate casualties.

Truk was bombed by 75 X B-29 for moderate airfield and port damage, a secondary explosion was seen and troop losses were moderate.

Lunga was raided by 9 X B-24J who dropped their bombs off target due to overcast skies.

The 5th New Chinese Corps watched as 12 X Peggy dropped bombs on already destroyed garbage.

The Allied troops on Morotai squeezed the Japanese into a tighter pocket as both sides had heavy losses.

Stick is excited at the prospects of combat from this forward basing. He's flown 58 missions and has only once been engaged in air to aid combat, though he kept his position as wing man and never fired a shot. Now he's got somebody on his wing and he intends to rectify what he believes is an embarrassment. He also doesn't admit to it, but the ribbing that he gets from the other guys does get to him.

Red and Cookie watch as the Palawan's crew wrestles with the cargo to unload the ship and Red mentions how he doesn't miss doing that. Cookie mentions the broken bone and they laugh as Cookies tosses Lucky a piece of meat. The dog gulps it down and sits waiting for more, drooling all over his chest and the deck.

The mission went well enough, though the accuracy of the bombing was less than hoped for. Gil figures that the target was hit and they'll continue going back to Truk or somewhere else until the war is over so it doesn't matter. Gil only worries about his job and getting back to Guam safely. He wants to survive the war.

The Germans retreated under heavy pressure to N Norway.

Crematory IV was destroyed in a revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Victory Points Allied 41678 Japanese 34733



I never thought that doing an AAR would be so time consuming and difficult.

(in reply to tocaff)
Post #: 1230
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