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Difference between docking and anchoring

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Uncommon Valor - Campaign for the South Pacific >> Difference between docking and anchoring Page: [1]
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Difference between docking and anchoring - 5/31/2002 1:17:35 AM   


Posts: 146
Joined: 4/26/2002
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Although I have read the manual, I don't understand the differenced between docking and being at anchor. And I think the manual contradicts itself on whether or not ships can be attacke in one situation or the other (unfortunately I don't have the manual here).

I guess the difference resides in how much fuel is used, whether or not repairs are made and on whether the naval units can be bombed or torpedoed, but it looks very fuzzy to me...

Also there are ships that are difficult to understand, some are not one the list (AK, I think from memory). It would be nice if the database would have not only the pictures and numbers for each ship type, but also a short text a la East Front giving some information on each ship, for example

"The Whaledoodoo was fast, but it couldn't hold more than a pinch o' coons**t worth of cargo, and would sink of its own accord at the mere sight of any Japanese ship. It was phased out of the US Navy in 1942 after the Navy ran out of plywood".

Well, you get the idea...

Post #: 1
Re: Difference between docking and anchoring - 5/31/2002 1:43:49 AM   


Posts: 4991
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Henri
[B]Although I have read the manual, I don't understand the differenced between docking and being at anchor. And I think the manual contradicts itself on whether or not ships can be attacke in one situation or the other (unfortunately I don't have the manual here).

I guess the difference resides in how much fuel is used, whether or not repairs are made and on whether the naval units can be bombed or torpedoed, but it looks very fuzzy to me...

Also there are ships that are difficult to understand, some are not one the list (AK, I think from memory). It would be nice if the database would have not only the pictures and numbers for each ship type, but also a short text a la East Front giving some information on each ship, for example

"The Whaledoodoo was fast, but it couldn't hold more than a pinch o' coons**t worth of cargo, and would sink of its own accord at the mere sight of any Japanese ship. It was phased out of the US Navy in 1942 after the Navy ran out of plywood".

Well, you get the idea...

Henri [/B][/QUOTE]

Isn't the big picture difference that those that are in a TF at dock while those in the port are at anchor?

Thus TF's can manuever a bit more when attacked than those ships in a port.

Ships in port don't refuel but those docked in a TF will refuel. etc..



(in reply to Henri)
Post #: 2
- 5/31/2002 2:45:45 AM   


Posts: 29
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From: thornhill,ontario,canada
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Also a ship in port is better protected from weather.


(in reply to Henri)
Post #: 3
Cloaking in port - 5/31/2002 3:18:12 AM   

Posts: 156
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And don't forget that all ships in port are cloaked from all air recon missions, although they can still get hit by bombs when the port is bombed.

(in reply to Henri)
Post #: 4
- 5/31/2002 3:21:46 AM   
von Murrin

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Slaughter hit the main difference. A TF can only be attacked by naval attack air missions, while ships in port can only be attacked by port attack air missions. SCTF's can hit both.


I give approximately two fifths of a !#$% at any given time!

(in reply to Henri)
Post #: 5
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