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Beta 3.10 now available to the public!

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Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 7/8/2009 10:16:25 PM   


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Howdy folks,

We're moving to a public beta process for Harpoon ANW version 3.10. This version includes several new features which I will explain in depth on this forum and the AGSI wiki.

First, this beta includes new features which will require a good deal of polishing. As it is not backwards compatible, I recommend those who want to try it out create a separate installation of Harpoon 3 ANW. This can be accomplished by setting the full installer to a different directory, upgrading to 3.9.4, and then dropping in the 3.10 files into the new installation directory.

More to come on each feature.

-edit- Wanted to add that 3.10 includes a number of bug fixes.
-edit- Updated for Beta 25.
-edit- Adding H3Launcher link
-edit- Updated for Beta 26.
-edit- Updated for Beta 27.
-edit- Updated for Beta 28.
-edit- Updated for Beta 29.
Beta 25 Changes
-Fix for VTOL capable aircraft crashing on hover.


< Message edited by rsharp@advancedgamin -- 2/1/2010 5:41:27 PM >


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon
Revisions: 6 | Post #: 1
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 8/1/2009 12:57:43 AM   


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Changes in B26:
- 0002820: [Mission] Air patrol missions engaging friendly missiles (Russell)
- 0002819: [UI] Unassign command tries to detach a group from itself (Russell)
- 0002818: [GE] Weapon sensors using wrong angle of attack when attempting detection of target (Russell)
- 0002817: [Mission] Intercepts would not use optimum weapon range when figuring intercept point (Russell)
- 0002816: [UI] Edit Mission dialog is now resizable (Russell)
- 0002815: [Mission] Transit mission formation patrols would launch their aircraft on the transmit mission (Russell)
- 0002814: [GE] Land based units are now excluded from sonar detections (Russell)
- 0002813: [GE] Sonar logging option does not log information unless a detection attempt is made (Russell)
- 0002802: [UI] Western Hemisphere - No Longitude Lines (Russell)
- 0002797: [Mission] Tasking Retards Mission Commencement (Russell)
- 0002811: [Boarding] Strike missions flagged for boarding will not launch aircraft in some cases (Russell)
- 0002810: [UI] Victory Conditions dialog overallocating text buffer (Russell)

-edit: Facility damage is now cumulative. This will not include runways.

Some known bad behavior:
Torpedos not tracking targets properly.

< Message edited by rsharp@advancedgamin -- 8/11/2009 9:37:34 PM >


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 2
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 8/1/2009 10:33:27 PM   


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To run the 3.10 beta 26 or later, the following patch from Microsoft will need to be ran on the user's computer once.



Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 3
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 8/11/2009 8:52:33 PM   


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Changes in B27:
- 0002682: [UI] Need better fidelity on range rings in the formation editor (Russell)
- 0002828: [Mission] Units within weapon range of a target will attack when on a mission (Russell)
- 0002829: [Database] Damage radius now configurable for nuclear warheads (Russell)
- 0002834: [Simulation] Command line option: Setting process affinity (Russell)
- 0002833: [Database & Scenarios] Scenarios older than 3.9.4 would not load in 3.10 (Russell)
- 0002832: [Mission] Mission profile override feature now working properly (Russell)
- 0002831: [Mission] Base intercept throttle now configurable by mission profile (Russell)
- 0002827: [Simulation] Torpedos will now accelerate once the target's speed and heading are known (Russell)
- 0002826: [Simulation] Missile attacks would miss facility targets (Russell)
- 0002825: [UI] Airgroups could have their maximum speed set to 32000 (Russell)
- 0002824: [UI] Visual sensors jammed (Russell)
- 0002823: [UI] Formation window aspect ratio off when loading a save game (Russell)
- 0002822: [Simulation] Weapons unaccounted for in WeaponStatus (Russell)

< Message edited by rsharp@advancedgamin -- 8/11/2009 9:37:08 PM >


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Revisions: 1 | Post #: 4
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 9/9/2009 7:30:31 PM   


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Changes in B28:
- 0002847: [GE] Crash on unit creation for planes (Russell)
- 0002846: [Mission] Added base intercept throttle mission parameter (Russell)
- 0002845: [MultiPlayer] Secondary missions now effective in MP (Russell)
- 0002844: [MultiPlayer] Mission profiles now working under MP (Russell)
- 0002843: [UI] Game engine will now give an OS error message box when there is no UI (Russell)
- 0002842: [UI] UI will refresh when loading the database in MP (Russell)
- 0002841: [MultiPlayer] Network connections will now fail gracefully on disconnect (Russell)
- 0002840: [MultiPlayer] Server now rests unless there is a client logged in (Russell)
- 0002839: [Simulation] Weapons sometimes using proper navigation type (Russell)
- 0002838: [MultiPlayer] UnRep would not actually transfer items in MP (Russell)
- 0002837: [UI] Multiple throttle settings shown as select in Speed/Alt dialog (Russell)
- 0002835: [MultiPlayer] Weapons may not be retargeted (Russell)


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 5
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 9/24/2009 8:24:24 PM   


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Changes in B29
- 0002859: [Mission] Ships and subs within range of land targets would not attack )
- 0002858: [Mission] Chained transit missions would fail to navigate their craft )
- 0002852: [GE] Air-to-surface visual sighting ranges dramatically reduced )
- 0002857: [Mission] Recon missions now bound by patrol boundary )
- 0002853: [Mission] Recon Ship Mission A/C Not Interested in Ships )
- 0002855: [Mission] Reengage times for contacts using the wrong values )
- 0002807: [GE] During order creation, have to ALT-TAB out of and then back into the game to select check boxes )
- 0002851: [UI] Crash when closing waypoint orders dialog )
- 0002850: [UnRep] Ships in formation could not execute UnRep )
- 0002849: [Mission] Formations will no longer use unassigned aircraft unless Formation Air Patrols is set )
- 0002782: [UI] Aircraft Logistics Malfunctions when viewing AC in Group Mode )
- 0002836: [Simulation] Air Groups Always Show Passive Emcon )


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 6
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 11/2/2009 12:15:20 AM   


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H3 ANW - H3Cx - 3.10 B33
- 0002893: [ScenEdit] Warship fires BOL....missiles come back to attack it....and more weirdness (Russell)
- 0002899: [GE] Targets designated as Hostle by Player are not engaged until Identified by Computer (Russell)
- 0002900: [Mission] Completed missions would break up assigned groups (Russell)

H3 ANW - H3Cx - 3.10 B32
- 0002889: [ScenEdit] Inconsistencies between Rebuild All Units and Batch Rebuild (Russell)
- 0002883: [ScenEdit] Scenario Editor Freeze (Russell)
- 0002879: [GE] Contacts never classified by name when within visual range (Russell)


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 7
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 11/25/2009 7:53:06 PM   


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H3 ANW - H3Cx - 3.10 Release Candidate 1
- 0002917: [GE] Formation Air Patrols Do Not Replenish From Available A/C (Russell)
- 0002918: [Simulation] Side allied to each other are not sharing comms/information in Full Realism Mode (Russell)
- 0002921: [Mission] Transit missions could have craft stuck at reference points at higher TC (Russell)
- 0002920: [GE] On changing altitudes craft could change throttles (Russell)


Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 8
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 12/1/2009 5:02:16 PM   


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RC1 expired today. I replaced the download and extended the expiration date. The link remains the same. Sorry for any inconvenience.



Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

(in reply to rsharp@advancedgamin)
Post #: 9
RE: Beta 3.10 now available to the public! - 2/1/2010 5:43:36 PM   


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RC4 is now available for your consumption. This release fixes issues with sonar detection being too sensitive and CZs not taking depth into consideration.



Advanced Gaming Systems
Home of Computer Harpoon

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