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THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 3:42:32 PM   

Posts: 41459
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ORIGINAL: Nikademus

The books that sent GF over the edge (we have both an imminent move and a 3-day event riding clinic to do in July requiring some $$$ for supplies and in my case, an expensive new helmut) were William Ramsey's "The Battle of France: Then and Now. Six Nations Locked in Aerial Combat Sept 1939 - June 1940" and Chris Dunning's "Courage Alone: The Italian Air Force 1940 - 1943"

That was two weeks ago. Inspired by the most recent rendition of "Those poor dumb Japanese......they should never have taken on the West" as seen in the thread "Japan's Allies?", I checked my wait list for Edward Drea's "Japan's Imperial Army: Its Rise and Fall, 1853–1945" and found a good condition used copy for $20.00. Decided to go for it as i've been wanting it for a while. Will make a good companion piece to Bergerud and Coxx on the IJA. You know....the dumb army that could ONLY win in China unless the enemy was suprised and/or confused.

Not that i'm being disparaging or anything.....I only report the FACTS.

Kinda like the Zeros that could only win when Allied pilots entered combat on a "low power setting"...

BTW, it could be argued that Japan should never have taken on the West, since it led to the utter annihilation of their country (Imperial Japan ceased to exist).


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Post #: 24361
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 3:43:47 PM   


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Post #: 24362
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 3:46:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Terminus

Kinda like the Zeros that could only win when Allied pilots entered combat on a "low power setting"...

BTW, it could be argued that Japan should never have taken on the West, since it led to the utter annihilation of their country (Imperial Japan ceased to exist).

lol....indeed...and with the sun in their eyes too!

Well yeah.....Maybe someone should tell the North Koreans too. Guess they don't get "History Channel" over there.


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Post #: 24363
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 3:47:34 PM   


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Sure they do......just not the one you see


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Post #: 24364
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 3:50:50 PM   

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if the Allied pilot didn't see who shot them down, it wasn't a fair accessment. Doesn't count.

Those poor dumb Zeros.....yeah...they could only shoot down an enemy plane by bouncing it from behind. Real fighter pilots announce themselves before attacking. Just ask Marseille!


(in reply to Speedysteve)
Post #: 24365
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 4:14:02 PM   

Posts: 18715
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Welcome to THE THREAD!!!, Speedy.  



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Post #: 24366
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 4:19:50 PM   


Posts: 3921
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ORIGINAL: bobogoboom


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: bobogoboom

Long absent tithe.
anyone ever live or been in jacksonville that much. i thing i might be getting a job there. is it a nice city to live in.
i know i will get to watch p3 flying all day.

Hey Bobo. Hows the GFU?

Dumped her she was crazy crazy crazy. she still call me thinking i am gonna get back together with her its funny.
what have you been up to onime?

You mean like normal female crazy or watch your back crazy? Good to see you around Bobo.

(in reply to bobogoboom)
Post #: 24367
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 4:24:52 PM   


Posts: 3921
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ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Finally saw Avatar yesterday. While the story is certainly....ummm.....banal, shall we was very well done. I would even say that it was not over the top dramatic for the brackets they gave themselves. And I certainly acknowledge the "revolution" in moviemaking. In the long view, I think we witnessed the death of cinematic makeup as we know it (probably along with any actual acting, but w/e).

I hold Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer mostly responsible for greenlighting projects absent a plot/character development/dialogue but since Titanic James Cameron is compiling his own list of crimes against film. The quality of good v. evil movies is usually determined by how 'good' or believable the evil side is. Suffice it to say it wasn't in Avatar. By the end of the film I absolutely hated it and myself for enjoying the visuals. Cameron! You bastard!

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Post #: 24368
LOG! - 5/28/2010 4:36:33 PM   

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Proud to declare that i have yet to see Avatar. Never bought into the hype. I love high tech, but not at the expense of a plot. Its like with horror stories. I actually look to the classics as far scarier for the very reason that they didn't have CGI so had to use suspense elements and other subtle techniques to make the viewer afraid of what they coud'nt see. Now? ppfff...just watch "13 Ghosts" and see how scared you get seeing those CGI "spirits" in all their banal glory.


Legend of Hell House was a good example of fear being produced by setting, lighting and soundtrack. No CGI ghosts going "BOO!"


(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24369
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 4:51:26 PM   


Posts: 3921
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From: Dallas
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Yup, good flick. I assume you mean the Roddy McDowell one, never saw the remake.

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 24370
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 4:53:42 PM   


Posts: 3921
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Ack, that was pure log.

(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24371
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 5:01:43 PM   

Posts: 18715
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From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk


ORIGINAL: bobogoboom


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: bobogoboom

Long absent tithe.
anyone ever live or been in jacksonville that much. i thing i might be getting a job there. is it a nice city to live in.
i know i will get to watch p3 flying all day.

Hey Bobo. Hows the GFU?

Dumped her she was crazy crazy crazy. she still call me thinking i am gonna get back together with her its funny.
what have you been up to onime?

You mean like normal female crazy or watch your back crazy? Good to see you around Bobo.

Well, if it means anything, he's planning to move from Texas to Florida.



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24372
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 5:02:24 PM   


Posts: 3921
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From: Dallas
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ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Legend of Hell House was a good example of fear being produced by setting, lighting and soundtrack. No CGI ghosts going "BOO!"

Although far more graphic Alien did essentially the same. It was bad idea for me to see that in a theater at 13. You can see in retrospect how Cameronizing a movie looks in Aliens compared to the original (even though Aliens is still one of my favorite movies).

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 24373
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 5:03:59 PM   


Posts: 3921
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From: Dallas
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ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk


ORIGINAL: bobogoboom


ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo


ORIGINAL: bobogoboom

Long absent tithe.
anyone ever live or been in jacksonville that much. i thing i might be getting a job there. is it a nice city to live in.
i know i will get to watch p3 flying all day.

Hey Bobo. Hows the GFU?

Dumped her she was crazy crazy crazy. she still call me thinking i am gonna get back together with her its funny.
what have you been up to onime?

You mean like normal female crazy or watch your back crazy? Good to see you around Bobo.

Well, if it means anything, he's planning to move from Texas to Florida.

That's a shame, Texas's loss and probably Florida's loss too.

Edited for grammar foul.

< Message edited by anarchyintheuk -- 5/28/2010 5:04:47 PM >

(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 24374
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 5:08:09 PM   

Posts: 25684
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ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

Yup, good flick. I assume you mean the Roddy McDowell one, never saw the remake.

Roddy Rocks, along with Roddy Piper.

There was a remake? ACK. Wasn't aware of that. I know they redid House on Haunted Hill which sucked worse than the Japanese Army in WWII. ()


(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24375
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 5:12:38 PM   


Posts: 3921
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ORIGINAL: Nikademus


ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

Yup, good flick. I assume you mean the Roddy McDowell one, never saw the remake.

Roddy Rocks, along with Roddy Piper.

There was a remake? ACK. Wasn't aware of that. I know they redid House on Haunted Hill which sucked worse than the Japanese Army in WWII. ()

That was the remake I was thinking of. No remake of Legend . . . yet.

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 24376
LOG! - 5/28/2010 5:26:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

That was the remake I was thinking of. No remake of Legend . . . yet.

Pray it never happens.....god....CGI is evil....


(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24377
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 6:11:33 PM   

Posts: 24082
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From: Zagreb, Croatia
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Hi all,

Good afternoon!

Leo "Apollo11"


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(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24378
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 6:18:01 PM   

Posts: 24520
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Alright, trivia question for you (bad) film buffs. Which movie involved special glasses that revealed skinless zombies' takeover of the world and extolled the virtues of SLEEP, EAT and PROCREATE on billboards?


(in reply to Apollo11)
Post #: 24379
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 7:07:50 PM   

Posts: 2576
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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Alright, trivia question for you (bad) film buffs. Which movie involved special glasses that revealed skinless zombies' takeover of the world and extolled the virtues of SLEEP, EAT and PROCREATE on billboards?

That kind of movie exist ?????


(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 24380
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 7:08:04 PM   

Posts: 18715
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From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Alright, trivia question for you (bad) film buffs. Which movie involved special glasses that revealed skinless zombies' takeover of the world and extolled the virtues of SLEEP, EAT and PROCREATE on billboards?

They Live

First thing I thought of when Roddy Piper was mentioned above.

Edit: Oops, forgot the Live part.

< Message edited by USS America -- 5/28/2010 7:11:17 PM >



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

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(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 24381
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:11:16 PM   

Posts: 2576
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ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Legend of Hell House was a good example of fear being produced by setting, lighting and soundtrack. No CGI ghosts going "BOO!"

Although far more graphic Alien did essentially the same. It was bad idea for me to see that in a theater at 13. You can see in retrospect how Cameronizing a movie looks in Aliens compared to the original (even though Aliens is still one of my favorite movies).

Also seen Alien at age of 12; was scarred to death and unable to sleep for a night...


(in reply to anarchyintheuk)
Post #: 24382
LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:13:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Alright, trivia question for you (bad) film buffs. Which movie involved special glasses that revealed skinless zombies' takeover of the world and extolled the virtues of SLEEP, EAT and PROCREATE on billboards?

They Live

First thing I thought of when Roddy Piper was mentioned above.

Edit: Oops, forgot the Live part.


its a classic! I'm sending your email address to Roddy. Be prepared to get Body Slammed into your PC.


(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 24383
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:15:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: gladiatt


ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

Legend of Hell House was a good example of fear being produced by setting, lighting and soundtrack. No CGI ghosts going "BOO!"

Although far more graphic Alien did essentially the same. It was bad idea for me to see that in a theater at 13. You can see in retrospect how Cameronizing a movie looks in Aliens compared to the original (even though Aliens is still one of my favorite movies).

Also seen Alien at age of 12; was scarred to death and unable to sleep for a night...

I think i was 8 when i saw Legend of Hell House......scared me so much i was closing my eyes during the most suspensful scenes!

Got it on DVD now. I don't have to close my eyes now, but the shower scene can still send a slight shiver down my back when i see it. Great sound and camera effects.


(in reply to gladiatt)
Post #: 24384
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:22:39 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Nikademus
I think i was 8 when i saw Legend of Hell House......scared me so much i was closing my eyes during the most suspensful scenes!

Got it on DVD now. I don't have to close my eyes now, but the shower scene can still send a slight shiver down my back when i see it. Great sound and camera effects.

When I was that age, saw some B-movie about giant tarantulas. Have had a complex about spiders ever since. Woof!

(in reply to Nikademus)
Post #: 24385
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:34:44 PM   

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The most scared I've ever been by a movie was when I was about 12 and saw Salem's Lot, on TV no less!  When the boy's vampire brother comes scratching at the window, I still get shivers.  



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

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Post #: 24386
RE: THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 7:37:58 PM   

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Bad loggage SLR ...


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(in reply to USSAmerica)
Post #: 24387
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:38:14 PM   

Posts: 12108
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ORIGINAL: Nikademus


ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

That was the remake I was thinking of. No remake of Legend . . . yet.

Pray it never happens.....god....CGI is evil....

I thought they used it well in Lord of the Rings. But of course, there was a plot there.


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Post #: 24388
RE: LOG! - 5/28/2010 7:39:02 PM   

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Quick drive by tithe.

Long weekend to catch up on yard work. The weeds are looking me in the eye and sniggering.


"Measure civilization by the ability of citizens to mock government with impunity" -- Unknown

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Post #: 24389
THE THREAD!!! - 5/28/2010 7:41:13 PM   

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Subject line reset.


I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that bar.
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Post #: 24390
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