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RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.0

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RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.0 - 4/5/2021 1:55:22 PM   


Posts: 227
Joined: 8/6/2004
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You can go a bit larger, but the program doesn't need it. If you are still having problems then something on you machine is interfering with the memory allocation.

Do you know of any way to tell which program is interfering?


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(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6031
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.0 - 4/5/2021 2:44:55 PM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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I don't know. You would have to look what programs you have running in the background. Try turning one of them off and see what happens.
You would probably have to use Task Manager to see what is running in the background.


(in reply to BaitBoy)
Post #: 6032
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 12:23:02 PM   


Posts: 81
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I am Running Windows 8.1 and Java Version 8 Update 281 (build 1.8.0_281-b09)

I downloaded and installed the WitP TRACKER, followed the instructions here with the exception of Microsoft Visual C++ SP1 update because when I went to the suggested site here there was this Warning :


A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package.

Furthermore, even disregarding that Warning, and clicking the red Download button, I was redirected to this Page proposing me 3 Files to choose from :

- vcredist_x86.exe 2.6 MB
- vcredist_IA64.exe 6.3 MB
- vcredist_x64.exe 3.1 MB

Also, at the Download page, below the Red Download button, in the Section there named "System Requirements" --> "Supported Operating System" it mentions "Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP". I have none of those as I am using Windows 8.1 .

So, because of that Warning and also because I had no clue which was the proper file to download, as well as Windows 8.1 is not among the Supported Operating Systems named there, I skipped this part, in the hope that, my Windows 8.1 already included whatever WitP TRACKER needed to run about Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 Service Pack Redistributable Package....

I went back to the WitP TRACKER Folder and launched the executable file.

It does what you can see in the Picture here embedd like it is running, then it pauses asking me to press any key, which I do..... but nothing happens..... WitP TRACKER does not come up....

I also deleted all of the "trackerdb" files and used the "witptracker.jar" file, but it just recreates them, that black window which the batch file creates does not come up and still, nothing happens.... the WitP TRACKER Utility does not load....

Anyone has any idea of what the problem here might be and how I can possibly fix it to get WitP TRACKER to run ?

Thank you for the help.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6033
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 1:18:48 PM   


Posts: 2052
Joined: 6/27/2004
From: Middletown, NJ
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Nothing on your end. There is something the program doesn't like with your operations.txt file. Can you send it to me (

(in reply to pavel01)
Post #: 6034
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 1:32:07 PM   

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ORIGINAL: floydg

Nothing on your end. There is something the program doesn't like with your operations.txt file. Can you send it to me (

Hi Floyd - have been having a PM discussion with Pavel and I thought there might be a save issue due to the string out of bounds exception. Just didn't read further to see it was the Operations file . my bad.. been too long since I've looked at this stuff.

Anyway, fair winds. Talk to you again soon.


(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6035
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 1:49:19 PM   


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ORIGINAL: floydg

Nothing on your end. There is something the program doesn't like with your operations.txt file. Can you send it to me (

Where would this "operations.txt" file be ?

I am checking out the WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Folder and cannot seen any File so named in there, and also the War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition Folder has no such named File there either.

In the "SAVE" sub-folder I can see the following Files :



Where would I be supposed to find this "operations.txt" file ?

Thanks again SO much for the kind help !!

< Message edited by pavel01 -- 4/12/2021 1:50:03 PM >

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6036
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 2:37:23 PM   


Posts: 2052
Joined: 6/27/2004
From: Middletown, NJ
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Are you playing Allies (a) or Japan (j)?
Send me the latest one.

(in reply to pavel01)
Post #: 6037
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/12/2021 2:50:00 PM   


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ORIGINAL: floydg

Are you playing Allies (a) or Japan (j)?
Send me the latest one.

I am playing as Japan (Computer is Allies).

I sent you, therefore, the joperationsreport.txt .

Thank you so much for the kind help !

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6038
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/23/2021 5:19:00 AM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 3/2/2021
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Hello everyone,

I have WitP TRACKER up and running. I'm playing the Japanese in the Guadalcanal Scenario (scenario 04). Everything is working like a charm except TRACKER is substituting Allied ship bitmaps for all of my Japanese ships. Or at least that's what I think may be happening (I'm new to both WitP-AE & Tracker).

I tried to upload a screenshot to highlight the issue, but I still don't have that privilege (if I understand the automated forum notice I received). Anyway, if you can "picture it" , the screenshot would have shown information about the class of one of my submarines (I-171). All of the data is correct (I think), but the image (or bitmap) is not.

From looking thru the WitP-AE files, I think the correct bitmap (a submarine in profile) is labelled "JnSide0135.bmp" within the "JapShip_Back" folder within the "ART" folder. However, the bitmap in the screenshot (a small ship) appears to be "AnSide0135.bmp", which is found within the "AlliedShip_Back" folder.

I have searched the forum but wasn't able to find anything relating to this issue. I'd greatly appreciate any comments or advice.


(in reply to pavel01)
Post #: 6039
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/23/2021 10:25:33 AM   


Posts: 2052
Joined: 6/27/2004
From: Middletown, NJ
Status: offline



Hello everyone,

I have WitP TRACKER up and running. I'm playing the Japanese in the Guadalcanal Scenario (scenario 04). Everything is working like a charm except TRACKER is substituting Allied ship bitmaps for all of my Japanese ships. Or at least that's what I think may be happening (I'm new to both WitP-AE & Tracker).

I tried to upload a screenshot to highlight the issue, but I still don't have that privilege (if I understand the automated forum notice I received). Anyway, if you can "picture it" , the screenshot would have shown information about the class of one of my submarines (I-171). All of the data is correct (I think), but the image (or bitmap) is not.

From looking thru the WitP-AE files, I think the correct bitmap (a submarine in profile) is labelled "JnSide0135.bmp" within the "JapShip_Back" folder within the "ART" folder. However, the bitmap in the screenshot (a small ship) appears to be "AnSide0135.bmp", which is found within the "AlliedShip_Back" folder.

I have searched the forum but wasn't able to find anything relating to this issue. I'd greatly appreciate any comments or advice.


It's a problem with the program, I believe. I have fixed something related to it, but haven't released it. I'll try to get that out soon.

(in reply to JammyO)
Post #: 6040
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.10 Available! - 4/23/2021 6:25:46 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 3/2/2021
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ORIGINAL: floydg



Hello everyone,

I have WitP TRACKER up and running. I'm playing the Japanese in the Guadalcanal Scenario (scenario 04). Everything is working like a charm except TRACKER is substituting Allied ship bitmaps for all of my Japanese ships. Or at least that's what I think may be happening (I'm new to both WitP-AE & Tracker).

I tried to upload a screenshot to highlight the issue, but I still don't have that privilege (if I understand the automated forum notice I received). Anyway, if you can "picture it" , the screenshot would have shown information about the class of one of my submarines (I-171). All of the data is correct (I think), but the image (or bitmap) is not.

From looking thru the WitP-AE files, I think the correct bitmap (a submarine in profile) is labelled "JnSide0135.bmp" within the "JapShip_Back" folder within the "ART" folder. However, the bitmap in the screenshot (a small ship) appears to be "AnSide0135.bmp", which is found within the "AlliedShip_Back" folder.

I have searched the forum but wasn't able to find anything relating to this issue. I'd greatly appreciate any comments or advice.


It's a problem with the program, I believe. I have fixed something related to it, but haven't released it. I'll try to get that out soon.

Thank you for the quick response. Your efforts are much appreciated! Tracker is a fine program & makes playing the game that much more enjoyable.

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6041
WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/1/2021 10:03:24 PM   


Posts: 2052
Joined: 6/27/2004
From: Middletown, NJ
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Well, since it's been almost six years since the last release, I figured I'd release what I had lying around.

It's not much, but I did fix some bugs and added just a few things. The full details are here:


(in reply to JammyO)
Post #: 6042
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/1/2021 10:06:54 PM   

Posts: 2358
Joined: 11/17/2006
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Awesome Floyd! Thank you!

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6043
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/1/2021 11:03:01 PM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
Status: offline
Thank you floyd.


(in reply to SuluSea)
Post #: 6044
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/2/2021 12:53:29 AM   


Posts: 140
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(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6045
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/2/2021 2:24:33 AM   

Posts: 3397
Joined: 6/15/2005
From: Denver, CO
Status: offline
Thank you Floyd! Great to see continued support for such an excellent utility.


Upper portion used with permission of, copyright John Meeks

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6046
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/3/2021 8:28:43 PM   

Posts: 18715
Joined: 10/28/2002
From: Graham, NC, USA
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ORIGINAL: floydg

Well, since it's been almost six years since the last release, I figured I'd release what I had lying around.

It's not much, but I did fix some bugs and added just a few things. The full details are here:


Bravo Zulu!



"Good times will set you free" - Jimmy Buffett

"They need more rum punch" - Me

Artwork by The Amazing Dixie

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6047
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/6/2021 4:32:02 AM   


Posts: 4
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I just had an opportunity to try version 1.11 of the Tracker. Thank you so much for this update!!

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6048
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/7/2021 3:12:02 PM   

Posts: 194
Joined: 4/16/2010
From: St. Petersburg, Russia
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Just one question only!
Is new version compatible with 64-bit Windows or not?

(in reply to JammyO)
Post #: 6049
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/7/2021 4:30:40 PM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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All versions have been compatible with 64-bit Windows, just not with 64-bit Java. It has to do with the file pwsdll7.dll being a 32-bit program.
You can run the program using 64-bit Java, but you can not read a new turn in with 64-bit Java.


(in reply to Edward75)
Post #: 6050
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/7/2021 8:13:56 PM   

Posts: 194
Joined: 4/16/2010
From: St. Petersburg, Russia
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Yes I know. I meant compatibility with Java! Sorry. That is, new version is not yet compatible with 64-bit Java.
floydg promised to do it, I waited so much. I am saddened(

(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6051
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/8/2021 2:34:39 PM   


Posts: 2052
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ORIGINAL: Edward75

Yes I know. I meant compatibility with Java! Sorry. That is, new version is not yet compatible with 64-bit Java.
floydg promised to do it, I waited so much. I am saddened(

I just don't have an infinite amount of time...

(in reply to Edward75)
Post #: 6052
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/22/2021 11:46:51 PM   
Bill Durrant

Posts: 967
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From: Oxfordshire
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Trying to follow the instructions but I'm obviously doing something wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?

Attachment (1)


Sunk by 35cm/45 1YT Gun - Near Singapore

(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6053
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/23/2021 12:23:08 AM   

Posts: 5905
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From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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You must download and install the 32-bit version of Java.

Note that you should put it in a completely different location than the 64-bit version.


(in reply to Bill Durrant)
Post #: 6054
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/23/2021 12:44:28 AM   
Bill Durrant

Posts: 967
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From: Oxfordshire
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Thanks - I installed both and I guess they went to the same place but haven't a clue where they would have ended up. The only Java folders I can find relate to jre 1.8.0 which are in C:ProgramFile/Java and C:Program Files(x86)/Java. Apologies I'm not great with Windows


Sunk by 35cm/45 1YT Gun - Near Singapore

(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6055
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/23/2021 12:58:25 AM   

Posts: 5905
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From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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I think the one in the C:Program Files(x86) is the 32-bit on. You need to change your bat file to point directly to the java.exe program
in that folder. Something like this:

Put your 32 bit java in some place other than the default one and then point tracker directly to it, like this:

"c:\nomads 32 bit java\installation\bin\java.exe" -Xms768m -Xmx768m -jar "WitPTracker.jar"


(in reply to Bill Durrant)
Post #: 6056
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 5/23/2021 1:15:25 AM   
Bill Durrant

Posts: 967
Joined: 9/16/2003
From: Oxfordshire
Status: offline
Thank you! I'll give it a go


Sunk by 35cm/45 1YT Gun - Near Singapore

(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6057
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 6/2/2021 1:43:36 AM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
Status: offline
Hi guys, I just saw this set of error messages. I do not know how long they have been popping up. I am just showing one, but there are lots of them. I am worried about the message that is bolded:

java.sql.SQLException: S1000 Data file size limit is reached
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown Source)
at witptracker.Database.InsertRow(
at witptracker.TurnInfo.AddNewTurn(
at witptracker.ReadTurnTask.doInBackground(
at witptracker.ReadTurnTask.doInBackground(
at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)

Is this something I need to worry about? I have 17 months of data stored, Dec 7, 1941 to May 5, 1943.


(in reply to Bill Durrant)
Post #: 6058
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 6/2/2021 2:11:35 AM   


Posts: 2052
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From: Middletown, NJ
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Yipes. Didn't expect that to happen. You can free up some DB space by purging old Alerts.

(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 6059
RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.11 Available! - 6/2/2021 2:25:42 AM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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Interesting. I had alerts from day 2 up. The is 2GB in size and did not change size when I cleared all but the last 10 days of alerts.

Also, I did not get any error messages when I loaded tracker, maybe they only show up when I read a turn in. I am at a good spot to restart my database
so I will do that but also I will see what happens with the next turn.


(in reply to floydg)
Post #: 6060
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