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Joined: 3/8/2004 From: Sandviken, Sweden Status: offline
Back in the old game, i always tried to streamline the german production to get the most out of it. This thread is an invitation to discuss the different strategies players have come up with. My two cents (1943 campaign) First of all, i would split it in different parts a) the Bf 109 part b) the Fw 190 part c) the nightfighter part d) the Zerstörer (Destroyer) part e) the rest not fitting in a) Bf 109 should be streamlined, producing a few types in maximum numbers possible. might not be the best type of plane around (a little outdated by 1943/44), but by the time of the game, you are stuck with it. possible types would be the G6 and G14 at start, followed by the G10 later. the Bf 109 H could be produced in small numbers as a high altitude interceptor (had problems with wing flutter historically). When the Bf 109K becomes available, shift to that. b)Fw190 In the beginning, Fw190A is the mainstay. in addition, small numbers of the F variant should be kept in production. later, shift to D and finally to the Ta 152. c) Nightfighters Ju88 is probably the most promising (first C, later G) in combination with the He 219. Ta 154 can be taken into consideration. Bf 110 and Do 217 should be shifted to the other types, thus concentrating on a few types. d) Destroyers only interesting as long as the P-51 is not around. production can be concentrated on Me 410, but it probably is not worth the effort (engines?). Me 410 is not such a big step forward from Bf 110. in 1944, the whole production should be shifted to Jetfighters, since the Me 262 will replace the destroyer units in hunting bombers. He 162 and the Ta 183 might come to late to have a major impact. some production might be shifted to Fw 190 F. e) the rest (R&D, small series, prototypes) The Luftwaffe has a lot of research going on. Since the number of types possibly available has changed compared to the old game, and i haven't thoroughly looked at the types yet, i cannot really say which are promissing and which are not. Some of the Bf 109 production might land here in late war ( for Do 335 for example). Me 163 is probably useless. Need to take a closer look at the R&D before i can flesh this part out. I left several points out like engines, which might limit the options you have, the allies (italians etc.), and, of course, the allied bombing campaign, which will limit the options you have later in the war as your production centers are turned into scrap metal. comments are welcome; hoping for some interesting ideas others have come up with.
Bougainville, November 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. It rained today. Letter from a U.S. Marine,November 1943