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Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (Japan)

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Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (Japan) - 9/30/2009 5:39:46 PM   

Posts: 7336
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From: Chicago, Illinois
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This is the "Other Side" or companion AAR to Cuttlefish's AAR. Although he isn't doing an AAR similar to his excellent "Hibiki" AAR from WITP, it is still great to have him as an opponent. Obviously he is experienced. My only regret is that I can't read his AAR.

I have never played Allies in a PBEM, and decided to take the plunge. So, feel free to add your comments and suggestions as I figure out the next steps as Allies. Should be fun!

We agreed to no House Rules, other than historical restrictions on land units and PPs, for RTA, Kwantung, and Allied Chinese. Other than that, no holds barred!

We did a NON-HISTORICAL start for Dec 7th. I was only able to issue orders to TFs at sea for this, and CF was OK with moving Force Z. Obviously, it didn't get sunk then. I still plan to use it though as Churchill intended; not sitting in port in Colombo, but looking for trouble.

Initial Strategy:
From a Grand Strategy standpoint, obviously I am on the defensive. I don't plan a Sir Robin, but I don't plan to get land units destroyed either by being deployed too far forward.

In the SRA, I plan a sprited defense. No land units will be withdrawn, and air units and ships will stay and fight. The objective is to inflict damage to shipping and air units, and buy time. That's it.

In BURMA, we are pulling back for an initial stand at Pegu. I will re-look at strategy once I determine the size and scope of the Japanese push; whether to defend forward, or save reinforcements for India.

In the PACIFIC, I have already loaded 8th Marines and a CD unit for Pago Pago. Figured why not, they were prepping for it. I don't intend to reinforce PM or Noumea yet, but I want to build a backstop of bases to get fuel, supplies, convoys to Australia.

Fleet Moves:
I am moving the USN CVs southward, and will probably bring them to the Celebes Sea as as surprise. I will be extrememly cautious with them however; I would rather sit in port than risk them against KB. Losing 2 CVs early is really damaging to the cause, and I don't want to do it. So, unless I am SURE that KB is not lurking, we won't be looking for trouble here.

Other than that, I am getting used to Allied shipping requirements and patterns. In general, I am sending long-range APs to Aden and the US West Coast. I am sending long-range AKs to Cape Town, and US West Coast, and Tankers to Abadan, and US West Coast.

Combat Reports, Dec 7th and 8th:

Cuttlefish's opening moves were fairly standard. He attacked Pearl Harbor, and left after a day, satisfied with the results. It was not a bad attack for the Empire actually. I understand he posted the Combat Result.

Arizona and Oklahoma were SUNK. California lasted until the 9th, but with 98 flt and 66 fires, I scuttled her; she was a goner. That's 3 BBs. The remaining BBs are all in pretty bad shape, but should live. He also got a DD and a couple auxilliaries.

Japanese troops landed at Khota Bharu, and took it easily. In terms of tactical strategy, I am going to basically do a Sir Robin here; fighting forward doesn't seem to do much for the Allies. The roads are bad, so that helps.

I am garrisoning Mersing heavily against a landing there. I am going to leave at least a battalion in every city as I pull down the peninsula, to guard against para drops. Other than that, we're running as fast as possible for Singapore. EVERYONE is prepping for Singers.

The first of no doubt many high-altitude sweeps came in over Clark yesterday; we lost 11 P-40s, and our pilots reported 6 Zero kills. Eventually we'll lose, but I'll take that ratio of losses; good Zero pilots are hard to replace.

Other than that, we are pulling everyone to Clark and Manila; large fleets are offshore. Bombers will attack as well as subs, etc.

Ships are fleeing all over the place of course. So far, he got a couple xAKLs, that's it; everyone else is moving out. I'm sure we're not done yet though.

I am moving non-combat ships mostly out of this theater. Large xAPs are moving to Australia, and then to USA. Every other hull, no matter what the size, is loading up fuel to take to Australia. No reason to leave it for the Empire!

Ships that fled the port Dec 8th are returning. The 8th Marines are loaded up for Pago Pago. Other than that, quiet, as we don't know where KB is.


Post #: 1
RE: Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (... - 9/30/2009 5:49:17 PM   

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Kudos on the thread title Q-Ball 


1966 was a great year for English Football...Eric was born

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 2
RE: Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (... - 9/30/2009 6:01:58 PM   

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My only regret is that I can't read his AAR.

Good thing you aren't. Here is the opening to his AAR:

"House Rules: We don't need any, because Q-Ball is completely incompetent, will lose his entire fleet in less than a week, lives in Chicago, and has pasty white arms and thighs because he last ventured out into sunshine seventy-two months ago. The game will be an exercise in tedium exceeded only by the immense record of futility exhibited by the Chicago Cubs."

P.S. Good luck Q-Ball - this should be a great game (and I won't ghost-write for Cuttlefish very often...)

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 3
RE: Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (... - 9/30/2009 8:22:19 PM   
Capt. Harlock

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House Rules: We don't need any, because Q-Ball is completely incompetent, will lose his entire fleet in less than a week, lives in Chicago, and has pasty white arms and thighs because he last ventured out into sunshine seventy-two months ago. The game will be an exercise in tedium exceeded only by the immense record of futility exhibited by the Chicago Cubs.

Is someone trying to stir up trouble?

Mind you, I can't argue with the accuracy of the statement about the Cubs.


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

--Victor Hugo

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 4
RE: Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (... - 9/30/2009 10:05:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Good thing you aren't. Here is the opening to his AAR:

"House Rules: We don't need any, because Q-Ball is completely incompetent, will lose his entire fleet in less than a week, lives in Chicago, and has pasty white arms and thighs because he last ventured out into sunshine seventy-two months ago. The game will be an exercise in tedium exceeded only by the immense record of futility exhibited by the Chicago Cubs."

That's funny!

Actually I'm not going to refute the accuracy of any of those statements, except that I sail so I do get sunshine, though pasty whiteness definitely comes back in the winter time.

I will also not refute the futility of the Cubs, but the true measure of any fan is sticking with your team through thick and thin, and Cub Fans, we have had plenty of thin....

Anyway, back to the war....


(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 5
Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 3:45:55 AM   

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Combat Report, December 9th

Battle of Samah
The BBC in London comes to life with the story of our glorious victory at Samah! In the finest tradition of the Royal Navy, a force of 3 old RN Destroyers acheived a tremendous victory! The chaps facing the Hun in Tobruk, as well as our boys fighting the Jap in Malaya will be heartened:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Samah at 69,63, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
APD Hagi, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
TB Hayabusa, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Atago Maru, Shell hits 5
xAK Meiyo Maru, Shell hits 17, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Santos Maru, Shell hits 4, heavy fires
xAK Zyuyo Maru, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAKL Hidaka Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire
xAKL Raizan Maru, Shell hits 3, heavy fires

Allied Ships
DD Scout
DD Thanet
DD Thracian

Japanese ground losses:
597 casualties reported
Squads: 7 destroyed, 17 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 34 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Reduced sighting due to 67% moonlight...
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 67% moonlight: 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards......
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 9,000 yards...
Japanese ships attempt to get underway...
Range closes to 6,000 yards......
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 6,000 yards...
TB Hayabusa engages DD Thracian at 6,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages APD Hagi at 6,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Zyuyo Maru at 6,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 6,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAKL Raizan Maru at 6,000 yards...
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
TB Hayabusa engages DD Thracian at 4,000 yards...
DD Thanet engages TB Hayabusa at 4,000 yards...
TB Hayabusa sunk by DD Scout at 4,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 4,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Atago Maru at 4,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAKL Raizan Maru at 4,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAKL Hidaka Maru at 4,000 yards...
Range closes to 2,000 yards...
xAK Zyuyo Maru sunk by DD Thanet at 2,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages APD Hagi at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Santos Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Atago Maru at 2,000 yards...
Range increases to 3,000 yards...
APD Hagi sunk by DD Thracian at 3,000 yards...
DD Thanet engages xAK Santos Maru at 3,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Atago Maru at 3,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAKL Raizan Maru at 3,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAKL Hidaka Maru at 3,000 yards...
Range closes to 2,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Atago Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Thanet engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Thracian engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
DD Scout engages xAK Meiyo Maru at 2,000 yards...
Japanese Task Force Manages to Escape...
Task forces break off......

Night Time Surface Combat, near Samah at 69,63, Range 2,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
xAK Atago Maru, Shell hits 1
xAK Santos Maru, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Hidaka Maru, heavy fires
xAKL Raizan Maru, heavy fires

Allied Ships
DD Scout
DD Thanet
DD Thracian

Japanese ground losses:
441 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 20 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 4 (0 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Pretty good scored, 1 TB, 1 APD, and at least 2 transports down, with 2-3 more in serious trouble and perhaps sunk. On top of it, some Japanese unit or other was savaged and pretty much eliminated, which helps the cause.

This was a case where playing Japan alot really helped me. I know there are alot of units at Samah that are needed forward, but not alot of escorts to protect the anchorage. The hard part now is that we are headed back to Hong Kong for fuel; in other words TOWARDS the Japanese. Even if they are all torped by Bettys, I am satisfied with the result.

The Japanese are landing at Appari and Vigan. Several subs attacked unsuccesfully; a SOC Seagull did put a bomb on a Jap transport. PTs will attack tommorow.

So far, the fleeing ships are faring well; 4 xAKLs were sunk by Ryujo today, but that's it so far.

Eastern Pacific:
The Japanese landed on Tarawa. CA Louisville is only 50 miles out; although we are just a tad late, she will attack the transports tonight, and then RUN for Suva; KB may be near.

My only disappointment was this Vildebeest attack; this was as sweet an attack as I have ever seen mustered over Malaya! I am sure Cuttlefish's heart sank a bit when he saw it. Alas, our aim was bad:

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kota Bharu at 51,75

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 49 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 32 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-27b Nate x 2

Allied aircraft
Buffalo I x 24
Vildebeest III x 23

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-27b Nate: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Vildebeest III: 4 destroyed, 9 damaged

Japanese Ships
BB Haruna, Torpedo hits 1
xAK Ayatosan Maru
BB Kongo

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x Vildebeest III launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Mk XII Torpedo
8 x Buffalo I sweeping at 10000 feet *
10 x Vildebeest III launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Mk XII Torpedo
7 x Buffalo I sweeping at 10000 feet

Next time maybe!

A Dutch sub sank an xAKL off Miri loaded with troops; this TF will unload tommorow. I have USN DDs nearby, refugees from the Phillipines; they will attack, mostly to break up the invasion. The night after, I should be able to reach it with a USN Cruiser TF. Think we can actually defeat the Miri Invasion? Or will I be killed off by Nells?

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Q-Ball -- 10/1/2009 3:48:55 AM >


(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 6
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 2:35:46 PM   

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From: Chicago, Illinois
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Combat Report, December 11th, 1941

Yesterday's report featured a set-up for tonight's action; I expected a number of night actions, one went very favorably for the Allies off Miri:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 65,86, Range 2,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
xAK Kaiko Maru, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
xAK Eihuku Maru, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
xAK Hakonesan Maru, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
xAK Hakubasan Maru, Shell hits 13, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Nako Maru #2, Shell hits 3, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD John D. Ford
DD Peary
DD Pillsbury
DD Pope

Japanese ground losses:
795 casualties reported
Squads: 38 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 31 destroyed, 20 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 8 (4 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Cuttlefish had an escort of Chokai and 3 DDs nearby, and intended for them to cover this TF. I wonder if he is learning the same lesson I had to lose 2-dozen transports in my other PBEM to learn the hard way: Always set amphib TFs to FOLLOW Surface Combat TFs, not the other way around. If the surface TF had moved in first, the result likely would have been a couple sunk USN DDs. I expected that, because tommorow night, a large USN Cruiser force is teed up to hit Miri again, and I expected that to go well, as the IJN ships wouldn't have a way to re-arm.

Some troops got ashore anyway at Miri, it's not a huge loss for Japan, as between the two combats I haven't sunk anything larger than a TB.

He did get some revenge, as Nells from Saigon took out a DD in the day phase.

Another stampede of Vildebeests over Khota Bharu; this time 13 attacked, escorted by 12 Buffalos, and sank 1 AK while damaging another. Other than that, I am fleeing to Singapore.

Cuttlefish must have seen CA Louisville; the transports skedaddled. I'm not going to hang around and find out what happened, because KB is lurking, and without any DD escorts it's getting to the point that IJN subs could be around as well.

Rock and a Hard Place:
My USN TF, consisting of CA Houston, CLs Boise and Marblehead, and a bunch of DDs are off Jesselton, between a rock and a hard place; the rock being Nells in Saigon, and hard place being Ryujo blocking the passage near Tarakan. I am choosing to move forward, I will raid the Miri ships again, and move quickly to Palembang. The RN DDs are back at Hong Kong in pretty much the same place, but VERY deep in Indian country. Rather than try and attack the transports off Phillipines, they are going to make a run for it.

Other Notes:
CF did sink several ships fleeing the Phillipines, notably 2 AOs; I wanted to save those in particular. He also found all the ships fleeing east toward Pearl harbor, I think Hosho is working those over.


(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 7
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 3:49:13 PM   

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From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
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My experience thus far is that LBA rarely sortie against fast combat ships moving at mission speed - so I suspect your TF that will hit Miri and retire toward Palembag will make it unscathed. This changes, of course, once the Japs have enough patrol aircraft or other assets to get reliable sightings.

In my game with Miller, I set many Manila-based ships to flee east and north to destinations including Rabaul, Midway, and even the Aleutians. Even though they were set to remain on station, they refused to follow orders. They would go to great lengths to avoid enemy ships, and thus ended up steaming in circles, stopping, or retreating. I tried everything, but I couldn't persuade these ships that their best chance was a sprint to safety. It was pretty frustrating. Have you experienced that?

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 8
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 3:57:53 PM   


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You can put the merchies on suicide threat levels . . . even they seem to follow them. Although I thought that was the default.

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 9
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 4:00:53 PM   

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I have all fleeing ships set to "Direct" and "Aboslute" settings; meaning they are supposed to take the most direct route, and ignore any threats. Seems to be working so far. Did you try that? On "Normal", they steam in circles.

The DDs that got hit from Saigon were on mission speed, so I do think planes sortie against it.

I have also noticed in both games that Dutch Martin bombers can't hit anything. I guess it shouldn't be that surprising given the very los Nav B experience levels, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, right? I have yet to see a hit on a ship from a Martin.


(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 10
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 4:48:13 PM   

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I'm in early February '42 and thus far Martins have scored two hits - one bomb on each of two AKs. It's a record of futility.

I've gotta start reading the rules - I wasn't aware of the ship settings you refer to.

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 11
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 5:05:03 PM   

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Rock and a Hard Place:
My USN TF, consisting of CA Houston, CLs Boise and Marblehead, and a bunch of DDs are off Jesselton, between a rock and a hard place; the rock being Nells in Saigon, and hard place being Ryujo blocking the passage near Tarakan. I am choosing to move forward, I will raid the Miri ships again, and move quickly to Palembang. The RN DDs are back at Hong Kong in pretty much the same place, but VERY deep in Indian country. Rather than try and attack the transports off Phillipines, they are going to make a run for it.

Any thoughts about sending some fighters to the north coast of Borneo to act as LRCAP, putting your ship based planes on cap and directing the force to flee up the coastline because it's one, maybe more hex further? Every little bit counts at this stage.

Good luck.

< Message edited by SuluSea -- 10/1/2009 5:19:38 PM >


"There’s no such thing as a bitter person who keeps the bitterness to himself.” ~ Erwin Lutzer

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 12
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 9:57:46 PM   

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To get your Dutch Martins to be able to hit a ship, I think you need to set them on training for Naval Bombing from the very begining. I would try to do 50% training and 50% rest for about half the 8 groups you start with. Once their experience gets over 50, then actually use them.

(in reply to SuluSea)
Post #: 13
RE: Battle of Samah! - 10/1/2009 11:24:56 PM   

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N59giants. There appears to be a problem with training though. Some units are gaining experience and others appear to get none. Apparently a bug lined up for repair in the next patch.


Image courtesy of Divepac

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Post #: 14
Battle of Miri! - 10/2/2009 4:10:12 AM   

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Sulu Sea: Not a bad idea, I used some Beef-alos to CAP damaged ships after the combats described below. They are based at Singkawang.

nygianst59: Agreed, will try that, though the Martin bombers may be relegated to permanent suckitude. PS, go BEARS!

aprezto: Training is addressed apparently in next patch. This will help the JAPS more than Allied; I have a PBEM as Japs as well, and at heart I am a JFB, we need the help actually!

Combat Report, Dec 12th, 1941

LOTS of action off Miri. If you read the Dec 11th report, you know the set-up: I had set that USN Cruiser TF to attack Miri and look for trouble. They found it. Alot of it! And not every ship lived to tell the tale!

Battle of Miri:
The Battle of Miri shall be inscribed in the annals of the United States Naval Tradition, with our glorious victory at the Battle of Miri! Our gallant captains inflicted great damage on the evil Japs, enough to warm the hearts of all on the Homefront!

Night Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 64,87, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Hatsuharu
DD Nenohi, Shell hits 1
DD Hatsushima, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
DD Wakaba, Shell hits 12, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Houston, Shell hits 1
CL Marblehead
CL Boise
DD Barker, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Bulmer
DD Paul Jones
DD Parrott
DD Stewart

Day Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 64,86, Range 24,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Hatsuharu, Shell hits 19, and is sunk
DD Nenohi, Shell hits 11, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Houston
CL Marblehead, Shell hits 3
CL Boise, Shell hits 1
DD Barker, on fire
DD Bulmer
DD Paul Jones
DD Parrott
DD Stewart, Shell hits 1

Day Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 64,86, Range 28,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
APD Aoi, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
TB Kasasagi, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
AMc Wa 19, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Hokko Maru, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
xAK Zinzan Maru, Shell hits 17, and is sunk
xAK Kinkasan Maru, Shell hits 17, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Giyu Maru, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
xAKL Kembu Maru, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
xAKL Kiko Maru, Shell hits 5, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CA Houston
CL Marblehead, on fire
CL Boise
DD Bulmer
DD Paul Jones
DD Parrott
Day Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 62,85, Range 26,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Shell hits 5
DD Yugumo
DD Sagiri
DD Hokaze, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
CA Houston, Shell hits 4
CL Marblehead, Shell hits 1, heavy fires
CL Boise
DD Bulmer
DD Paul Jones, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD Parrott, Shell hits 3, on fire

In the DAY phase, to be fair, Bettys from Saigon put a hurting on us; I sort of expected that. CA HOUSTON was SUNK along with another DD, and Marblehead also took some damage. The final tally is not done, but so far we have sunk 4 modern IJN DDs, a bunch of Transports, in exchange for CA Houston, 2 DDs. More importantly, I think we have sent the message that we are NOT doing any SIR ROBIN here!

Despite the carnage to the IJN, Miri falls anyway.

Elements of the 16th Division come ashore at Legaspi. IMHO, I think this is a mistake; no reason they can't land closer to Manila. It will take a few days just to walk to Manila, so I have some time to move to Clark for the initial stand. In my other PBEM, I landed them at Altimonan.

Other troops land at Appari, and Vigan.

My subs have done jack so far, other than eat Depth Charges. The Japs have sunk several ships fleeing the PI and Hong Kong.

144th Regt. lands at Guam. It should fall tommorow.

Nothing. I think Cuttlefish was smart enough to cancel the initial Wake Invasion. KB sank 2 xAKLs off French Frigate Shoals moving toward Midway, which was interesting. I suppose they are moving toward Wake? Or just hanging out? Not sure......

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(in reply to aprezto)
Post #: 15
RE: Battle of Miri! - 10/2/2009 4:12:44 AM   

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PS, in the AAR wars, so far Cuttlefish is out-hitting me, 469 to 293. To be expected I suppose, he is a better writer than I am to my admission. The HIBIKI AAR was excellent, so I know he has many fans!


(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 16
RE: Battle of Miri! - 10/2/2009 8:22:28 AM   

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PS, in the AAR wars, so far Cuttlefish is out-hitting me, 469 to 293. To be expected I suppose, he is a better writer than I am to my admission. The HIBIKI AAR was excellent, so I know he has many fans!

I wouldn't have fewer posts than Mr. C. Fish...........I expect most folk will read both sides.......good luck.....btw....

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 17
RE: Hunting the Hibiki: Q-Ball (Allies) v Cuttlefish (... - 10/2/2009 1:08:26 PM   

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Long live "Big Bad Boise."

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 18
RE: Battle of Miri! - 10/2/2009 2:30:50 PM   


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But you are bitting like a child, he already have lost a lot of ships, so dont be me upset about number of AAr hits

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 19
Legend of the Boise - 10/2/2009 3:10:42 PM   

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nygiants, svenslim, fabertong: Thanks for the comments guys! That's the objective, make it HURT.

Combat Report, Dec 12th, 1941

All the surface action yesterday left a bunch of ships off the north coast of Borneo. CL Marblehead and a damaged DD are moving toward Batavia. CL Boise was unhurt, and accompanied by an undamaged DD, encountered action off Borneo in spades!

Night Time Surface Combat, near Miri at 61,85, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Shell hits 8, heavy fires
DD Yugumo
DD Sagiri
DD Hokaze, Shell hits 2

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 2
DD Bulmer, Shell hits 3
Night Time Surface Combat, near Kuching at 60,86, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Fubuki
DD Usugumo
DD Shirayuki
DD Hatsuyuki

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 3
DD Bulmer, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
Night Time Surface Combat, near Subi Island at 58,85, Range 2,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, heavy fires
DD Yugumo
DD Sagiri
DD Hokaze, Shell hits 2, on fire

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 3

WOW! DD Bulmer is gone, and according to Phil, Chokai will make it, Hokaze maybe not. BOISE is basically unhurt, but after 2 days completely out of ammo. What a ship!

My Vildebeest attacks are encountering more opposition; several shot down today, no hits. One more day, otherwise it may be time to pull them back to Java and save them for later.

Other than that, troops are marching down the railway slowly; we are moving all our troops into Singapore.

On the ground, Miri fell. There is no airbase there yet, so I bombed it yesterday with B-17s, scoring 4 OIL HITS. I'll keep doing that until he gets some CAP over it. I am certain that is majorly irritating!

The air war over Luzon continues. Clark is being heavily bombed, and we had a massive dogfight over the base. I am down to about 2-dozen P-40s, today we reported 7 Zeros down in A2A, if true I would be very happy with that. Those pilots are difficult to replace.

So far, no landing at Lingayen. Maybe Cuttlefish wants to clear the air first.

Fleeing Ships:
CF got two big APs yesterday, and is doing a good job chasing my ships. It appears all the CVLs are engaged in this task. I will save a few and provide a final tally, but overall, I've lost more than I would have liked

Sub War:
My results have been disappointing until S-Boat sank a big AK off Appari, and SS Searaven sank an AK off Cam Ranh Bay. I have only lost 1 boat so far. Still, I should be getting more chances with all the Nav Search I have over the SRA.

Japanese Intentions:
At this point I have no real intelligence, other than the CV sighting west of French Frigate Shoals on the 11th, when I lost the 2 xAKLs. These ships were sunk by a strike of 12 Vals and 9 Zeros. Very strange, both the fact that at least 1 CV loitered around after Pearl, and that the strike was pretty small. Not sure what this means.

Cuttlefish landed alot troops at Legaspi, where I have noone. In fact, I have nobody south of Manila; he should have landed further up the coast, it would have been a shorter walk. Still no landing at Lingayen. The Malaya landings are very standard so far. Miri and Jolo have also fallen. So far, nothing really out of the ordinary. It does take awhile for the Japanese to load up and point everyone correctly, so I expect a bunch of landings perhaps in the next week to 10 days.

We have sunk the first 4 ships of the Hatsuharu Class! Hatsuharu herself, in better days:

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Q-Ball -- 10/2/2009 10:31:12 PM >


(in reply to Swenslim)
Post #: 20
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/2/2009 8:22:28 PM   
Capt. Harlock

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BOISE is basically unhurt, but after 2 days completely out of ammo. What a ship!

Boise has frequently been a thorn in the side of the IJN in a number of AAR's. Small wonder, since she's basically a heavy cruiser armed with 15 6-inch guns. (Makes you wonder if it wasn't a mistake for the Japanese to up-gun the Mogami class to 8-inchers.)


Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men, between brothers?

--Victor Hugo

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 21
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/4/2009 12:29:42 AM   

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Capt Harlock: Boise was always legend on the WITP AARs. The US Asiatic Fleet pretty much ran the gauntlett, including a cruise all the way around Borneo, sinking several transports, 4 DDs, and shooting up Chokai pretty good. Houston sank, Marblehead needs months of yard time, and several DDs went down, but Boise wasn't scratched.

Combat Report, Dec 13, 14, 1941

Two days without a major move of note, though I suspect Cuttlefish is hatching several evil plans.

Phillipines: Japanese troops come ashore at San Fernando; I am moving everyone back on Clark and Manila. Apparently, he isn't landing at Lingayen, so I'm even moving the CD guns. My PT boats attack constantly in the daytime, and withdraw, including today against a transport TF. Major air attacks on the 13th resulted in 7 Zeros shot down, no attacks today.

Malaya: I am pulling everyone back on Singapore, and so far we haven't seen any Japanese bombing. Suits me fine, I would like to get everyone back in good order.

Borneo: An invasion TF appears to be approaching Kuching.

Celebes Sea: Nothing so far. Nada!

Sub Wars: CF's subs are doing a number on ships fleeing, they sank Dominion Monarch off Batavia, that one hurts. Also got a couple xAKLs. Several more fleeing transports also sunk, by BBs and CVLs. He has concentrated on getting PI ships, and done a good job. I got out all the ASs and warships, but he has caught and sunk most slow ships.

On my side, S-36 sank another AK off Appari, 2nd ship of the patrol. She heads home with empty tubes; THAT always feels good! Another Dutch sub put a torp into Chokai off Cam Ranh; she was shot up pretty good by Boise, and reported "heavy damage". I hope we got her.

Japanese Intentions:
I have no idea where CF is headed. 2 Jap BBs have bombarded Wake a couple days lately, I suspect an invasion TF will show up shortly. I haven't seen ANY sign of movement around the Celebes Sea, or off Rabaul. KB was sighted last about 4 days ago moving toward Midway, but we have not spotted them there. It wouldn't surprise me if they were going to Truk or maybe supporting a Wake Invasion.

Intel has identified the 4th Division as moving toward San Fernando, and the 33rd toward Bangkok. I wonder where the 2nd, 21st, and 38th are going? They are the remaining "uncommitted" divisions; all the other ones are pretty much pointed somewhere at start. I can get used to this Allied SigInt! I never bothered as Japan. "Radio Transmissions Detected at San Francisco". Thanks fellas!

Maps I'll post a map or two once something interesting happens.....

< Message edited by Q-Ball -- 10/4/2009 12:34:19 AM >


(in reply to Capt. Harlock)
Post #: 22
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/4/2009 1:06:54 AM   

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GO Boise


Lucky for you, tonight it's just me

Any ship can be a minesweeper..once !! :)

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 23
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/4/2009 4:11:54 PM   

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scott1964: Indeed! Boise now rests at Batavia, with 3 USN DDs.

Combat Report, December 15th and 16th, 1941

Still relatively little BIG news, though a few things are brewing that indicate future action.

The 16th saw the first air attacks over Singapore. We lost 10 Buffalos, in exchange for 4 Zeros and 2 Sallys. They didn't do much damage. Not a bad result really, but not one we can keep up for any legth of time. Alor Star has fallen, and Japanese are marching down the Peninsula, approaching Georgetown and Temoulah. I have withdrawn most troops already to Singapore, leaving just enough to guard against Para Drops; without that, he could drop Paras up ahead on the tracks to capture the "railway stations", and move everyone up quickly. The 2 Australian Brigades are entrenched at Mersing, to guard against a landing there.

Borneo: A large TF of some sort is sighted just off Kuching. Force Z is in position to sortie, and will be at Kuching tonight. If that's where he is going, should be fun! To date, he has not made any move on the NW tip of Borneo, which is puzzling; this is a pretty standard step to Java.

Celebes Sea: Still no Japanese landings anywhere in the DEI, other than Miri. No Japanese landing on Davao. I used Cagayan to bomb the Oil a Miri a couple turns, but supplies there are very low. I paid the PPs to move all the B-17s to Soerbaya; better there than get killed on the runway on Mindanao. A Dutch surface combat TF is steaming toward Jolo, to attack whatever is there.

DEI: All defensive preparations and moves, including:
On SUMATRA, all northern units are concentrating at Medan. This is something like 8 units, which should be a speedbump.
On JAVA, I am using the Dutch air transport to airlift the Barisan Regt. into Soerbaya. It's a big unit, and pretty wasted on Pamakasan. This should take the rest of the month. Once that is complete, we will probably start consolidating troops at Palembang the same way.
I am lifting Fuel like crazy from Java; any hull leaving the DEI is taking fuel with them. The first ships are pulling into Australia, and will head back for more.

Carrier Dispositions: I found the location of KB, the hard way; Quail is a refugee from the PI. Japanese Carrier a/c hit Wake from the north the day before. I think this means that KB is heading toward Japan.

After the opening bell, we sent Ent/Lex south toward Pago Pago. They are now steaming toward Sydney. I had intended to use them in the DEI, but I don't want to do that unless I am certain that KB is NOT going to make an appearance. I would rather sit in port than risk it frankly. That is exactly where Saratoga is, sitting in San Diego, waiting to accumulate adequate fighters for her airgroups.

The hard way to find KB:

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(in reply to scott64)
Post #: 24
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/4/2009 7:47:52 PM   


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Good luck! I will keep an eye on this one.

As for Medan "speed bump". Those 8 units were knocked out in the 1st assault againts the base. I actually had the same idea and it looked like a plan since you could gather +300av worth of troops. In reality these troops did not mount anykind of defense.

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 25
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/4/2009 8:06:02 PM   


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Good luck! I will keep an eye on this one.

As for Medan "speed bump". Those 8 units were knocked out in the 1st assault againts the base. I actually had the same idea and it looked like a plan since you could gather +300av worth of troops. In reality these troops did not mount anykind of defense.

With the increased FOW, I've been aggressively doing recon. Saw those units there, so I brought in a couple of regiments. Plus, I made sure I didn't land where the troop concentrations were. There's something like 3 bases spaced every two hexes around Medan, connected by major road, so Japan can pick and choose where they land.

Not sure if anything is much better, though. The dutch troops just aren't very good.

(in reply to aztez)
Post #: 26
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/5/2009 2:02:07 PM   

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aztez and erstad: Thanks for the input. Yeah, I don't expect Medan to hold, the point really is to make Cuttlefish do what erstad did, which is bring 200+ AV to take it, not just little units to "mop up".

Combat Report, Dec 17th, 18th, 19th

These days featured 2 surface victories for the Allies; one that I am proud of, and one that frankly was kind of BS PT stuff.

First, on the 17th in the Phillipines:

Night Time Surface Combat, near San Fernando at 80,74, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
AMC Asaka Maru, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1
xAK Azuma Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
xAK Katuragi Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Arimasan Maru
xAP Dairen Maru, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Hoten Maru, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAP Tsingtao Maru, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAP Taizan Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAP Shanghai Maru
xAP Ukishima Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Aso Maru #7, Shell hits 11, on fire
PB Yamahagi Maru #3, Shell hits 3

Allied Ships
PT-31, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PT Q-111
PT Q-112
PT Q-113

Apparently, there were surface combat TFs in that hex, and CF had them following the proper way. They just got to the transports first. Even though it's my victory, I am not sure I like this result; that's alot of blood for transports that are supposed to be protected. That's also 13 out of 18 on torp hits. A little high? I can understand CF's frustration on this one.

The following night, at Jolo; this one, there was no surface combat TF protecting the transports, so this is on CF. They got crushed by the Dutch:

Night Time Surface Combat, near Jolo at 74,90, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
PB Saiko Maru, Shell hits 14, and is sunk
CM Yaeyama, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
xAK Kyusyu Maru, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
xAK Tenryu Maru, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Taifuku Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Nanrei Maru, Shell hits 13, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CL Java, Shell hits 1
CL De Ruyter
CL Tromp
DD Banckert
DD Van Nes
DD Witte de With
DD Evertsen
DD Kortenaer

C'est la guerre on that one. My opponent's morale is a bit low at the moment given the transport losses in the SRA.

Borneo: Still no sign of the Japanese on the NW tip of Borneo. They are taking bases on the NE tip, including Jesselton, Kudat, etc. Those bases seem kind of superfluous though; unless an airbase is size 2 or greater, it's not a threat to the Japs.

Phillipines: CF is advancing everywhere, final phase is coming shortly.


(in reply to erstad)
Post #: 27
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/5/2009 2:43:57 PM   
Micke II

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Apparently, there were surface combat TFs in that hex, and CF had them following the proper way. They just got to the transports first. Even though it's my victory, I am not sure I like this result; that's alot of blood for transports that are supposed to be protected. That's also 13 out of 18 on torp hits. A little high? I can understand CF's frustration on this one.

Hi Q-Ball

Very interesting to follow this game with the very agressive defense strategy of the Allies.
It's not the first time a surface combat with a follow order doesnt react in the same hex when the transport TF is attacked by PT.
i dont know if it's a bug or part of the new game mechanic.
Now I incorporate destroyers and a slow light cruiser in the convoy to get a better protection.


(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 28
RE: Legend of the Boise - 10/6/2009 12:37:20 PM   

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Combat Report, Dec 20-23, 1941

It's been a fairly uneventful few days until the 23rd, a couple big events happened. Otherwise, pretty much the standard Japanese advances. First....

Malaya: Japanese are advancing down the peninsula, taking Temoulah, but we are retreating in good order. I actually rebuilt the 11th Indian Division at Singapore. I still have a couple brigades making their way down, once they clear Malacca we will pull the Australians in from Mersing. We should be in the fort completely by New Years.

Phillipines: CF is taking the remaining bases outside of Manila and Clark.

Borneo: I am attaching a Map; CF is occupying several bases in the lower Phillipines, and I sent Force Z in to cause trouble. I had observed BBs there, but because Force Z survived the opening round, I think it's only fair to find trouble, since that's what Churchill intended. They found it.

Force Z tangled with a large TF built around 2 Kongos, and included 2 CA, a couple CL, and DDs. We sank CL Jintsu, and a DD...more on that later. Attached is a map of the region:

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(in reply to Micke II)
Post #: 29
Hibiki is SUNK! - 10/6/2009 12:39:54 PM   

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Here is the big news though: Hibiki was the DD sunk in that night action by Prince of Wales! She took 5 shell hits, including 2 14in hits which did her in. It's amazing that Hibiki made it through years of careful management by Cuttlefish through many combats, only to not even make it out of 1941 in this AAR! Alas, I need to change the title of my AAR, because mission is accomplished:

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