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Smugglers IV - Doomsday Is Now Available!

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Smugglers IV - Doomsday Is Now Available! - 10/20/2009 6:40:48 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Joined: 3/28/2000
From: Vermont, USA
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Space is your playground… choose your destiny!

Matrix Games ( and Niels Bauer Games ( are pleased to announce the release of the turn-based space trading game Smugglers IV - Doomsday on the Matrix Games Online Store.

Smugglers IV - Doomsday is a fun and challenging turn-based space-trading game where you take command of an advanced space ship amidst a galaxy torn by war and crime! With your ship and skilled crew you can choose to be a greedy trader, ambitious bounty hunter, ruthless pirate, or one of the other professions in your quest for riches, fame, and power!

David Heath, Director of Operations at Matrix Games, said “Smugglers IV is a great game that really pulled us in with ‘just one more turn’ gameplay. The galaxy is a sandbox for your alter-ego and it’s really up to you how far you rise or how fast you fall (and whether you stay within the law or go completely outside it). The backstory and ongoing events add to the immersion, but the high replayability and fun gameplay are what kept us coming back and ultimately made up our minds that we needed to bring this title to our customers.”

Through trading, fulfilling missions, or pirating, you can earn the money and skills necessary to buy new ships and upgrade your equipment. As success brings larger ships, missions, and enemies, you'll have to manage a crew, board & plunder enemy ships, and even conquer star systems. You can move up in rank with the factions you align with and gain special abilities and powers as you become more experienced.

Smugglers IV offers addicting open-ended gameplay where the opportunities for victory are virtually limitless – make your choices wisely, however, as your actions will ultimately have an impact on a galactic scale!

Game Features

• Acquire up to 60 different abilities and choose between 6 different professions (trader, combat trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, smuggler, and pirate).
• 24 star systems with over 75 planets. Visit your favorite planets or discover some new systems. Beautifully crafted planet art.
• Four different factions with completely different ship textures, uniforms and medals (depending on your success you can pin rank signs, ribbons and medals on your proud chest).
• Completely new spaceships ranging from small fighters and corvettes up to large freighters and battleships.
• Crew combat featuring battle droids, EMP weapons and commando attacks. You can board and capture enemy ships.
• The ships have special equipment and abilities that makes every spaceship unique.
• Turn-based space combat system including different abilities such as cloaking, recharging shields, boarding enemy ships, etc.
• Advanced trade systems (Realistic supply-and-demand based pricing for those who love to trade)
• Non-linear war and campaign system. You can influence the war and how you do that is now displayed even better.
• Unique text engine providing different storylines of the war and mission descriptions (e.g. 10,000 different war declarations possible). Maybe this is the first time this has been successfully accomplished in a computer game.
• New music and SFX created by Nathan Madsen.
• Special locations spawning on the map (like hidden treasures, spy ships, VIP traders, alien artifacts...).
• Smuggling and pirating are lucrative and meaningful with hideouts and aging of criminal flags.
• Become Admiral and get command over a fleet of ships (in some missions).
• Attack large space stations and conquer whole star systems!
• Special end-game content: 7 new missions only available for battleships!
• No waiting! In many space trading games it takes you ages to go from X to Y. In Smugglers different star systems are just a mouse-click away!
• And much, much more...


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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Post #: 1
RE: Smugglers IV - Doomsday Is Now Available! - 11/1/2009 10:06:38 PM   

Posts: 1245
Joined: 12/9/2007
From: San Francisco, CA - USA
Status: offline
A good choice. I owned III and was very happpy with it. I've seen the screens and it looks promising and, as expected, better than the III. Congrats to Matrix for the good partnership (again). 


How long will you pretend you can't do anything about it? Support

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 2
RE: Smugglers IV - Doomsday Is Now Available! - 1/5/2013 12:21:59 AM   
Chet Guiles


Posts: 267
Joined: 6/14/2002
From: Southern CA
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I just purchased Smugglers IV and when I went to order the guidebook that the manual said was available, it turns out that not only is there no guidebook available, but the developer told me that there is no support for the game, but that Smugglers V is due out, and suggested I contact Matrix Games about whether the V will be considered an upgrade or a whole new game. The message from the developer was as follows:

Hi Chet,

regarding the guidebook I don´t understand which site you try to access. Originally it was planned to sell a guidebook for Smugglers 4, but it was never released. It´s now planned for Smugglers 5, but no guarantees.

Matrix Games publishes Smugglers 4 by themselves and I have no control over what they do or not do. Obviously it would be a good idea to put a notice on the MatrixGames site informing customers about Smugglers 5 or much better simply start selling Smugglers 5. I would also be willing to discuss upgrade possibilities for all MatrixGames customers, but again, this depends on MatrixGames. You should contact MatrixGames support and management about this.

Best regards

Niels Bauer

Just curious. Does Matrix plan to sell version V, and if so, is there going to be any discount for those of us who bought IV without being advised that the newer version was due out?

I bote that this forum section is not very well travelled, so suppose that means there is limited interest.

Let me know what's happening.


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 3
RE: Smugglers IV - Doomsday Is Now Available! - 7/31/2016 1:39:25 PM   

Posts: 11
Joined: 7/31/2016
Status: offline
good choice

(in reply to Chet Guiles)
Post #: 4
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