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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich >> Reviews Page: [1]
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Reviews - 12/16/2009 4:16:35 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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Here are links to three reviews that I've seen about the game. In the interest of full disclosure, I've listed all that I know of, good or bad.

In German:

Post #: 1
RE: Reviews - 3/12/2010 7:48:49 PM   

Posts: 867
Joined: 8/2/2004
From: Republic of Kilburn. London UK
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Just seen this review in the UK edition of PC Gamer. There does not seem to be an online version.

March 2010. BLITZ SPIRIT, Wallop middle wallop in Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich. by Tim Stone.

Next time you are feeling under appreciated spare a thought for Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding. A couple of months after he had led fighter command to victory in the Battle of Britain the miserable fokkers at the top of the RAF sacked him.

Playing the BOB half of this deep air operations war game is a fine way to remind yourself of poor stuffies achievements. The game might be a spruced up reissue of two ancient talon soft wargames (12.00 High and Battle of Britain) but the detail, originality, and commitment to history remain hugely impressive.

You can orchestrate two of WWII biggest and bloodiest air campaigns from either Allied or Axis perspective, every raid or intercept can be hand plotted. Roots, tactics, squadron selection, the lot. As well as hostile fighters and bombers you must contend with meteorological, technological and economic factors. The best laid plans of mice and airmen can be foiled by cloud over a target, a hole in the radar net, or an aligning aviation industry.

Considering the richness of the simulation the AI is highly capable, the learning curve surprisingly gentle. You'll grasp the basics of raid planning in a few hours, learning how best to use different plane types, or utilise tired or demoralised pilots, that could take weeks if not months of experimentation.

Sadly, the resurrectionists at Matrix haven't done much with the dated graphics or austere click heavy interface. Recommending this absorbing strategy gigant would be a lot easier if it's sorties were flown over a handsome total war style relief map. 72%


(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 2
RE: Reviews - 7/29/2013 1:34:14 PM   

Posts: 1700
Joined: 1/5/2009
From: Germany
Status: offline
Here's a good review from Finland:

Conclusion with google translator:
"Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich is a stunning, shocking and gripping game. For those like me, and air war freaks. It offers a slow pleasure-filled moments of the air war for hundreds of hours. Enjoy, brothers, to the fullest".

(in reply to watchtower)
Post #: 3
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