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Joined: 10/27/2009 From: California, USA Status: offline
(A copy and paste from http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2391696 (wish list thread) because it's relevant.) ----- Planetary bombardment and post conquest genocide options; let's do it. In game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences. I agree that planetary bombardment of structures and population AND post-conquest genocide options, with the result of lowering diplomatic reputation and lowering one's own race population happiness, should be a feature. The more similiar the target race is to one's own race, and if one's own race is not extremely aggresive, then there should be degrees of unhappiness penalties applied to one's own population; as well as diplomatic reputation penalties from foreign civilization races similiar to one's own. Extremely aggresive races should be immune to their own population becoming unhappy due to planetary bombardment and genocide; but still affected by diplomatic reputation penalties from foreign civilization races different than them. A high reputation or mildly aggressive race might do it sometimes. A low reputation or extremely aggresive race might do it often. I would expect an extremely aggressive race to do it often. If I want to play as an extremely aggressive race I would want to do it. Again, in game genocide is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences. If a race is at war with scary, extremely aggressive race that never surrenders, has no emotions we think as positive, and eats and/or assimilates/absorbs people then it might be beneficial to bombard and do post-conquest genocide. In reverse, an extremely aggressive race would most likely bombard and do post-conquest genocide whenever they can. If the extremely aggressive race eats people then that would be slow genocide. There are many examples of those scenarios in science-fiction stories. ----- I totaly believe that present or future Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide via planetary bombardment and post conquest options. Especially if the target enemy races are Borg-like, Zerg-like(Starcraft), Flood-like(Halo), Tyranid-like(Warhammer 40,000), any various races like spiders,insects, or others similiar that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they eat us or do genocide against us), maybe like the Wraith of Stargate Atlantis, any robotic race that are extremly different and hostile to us(like they do genocide gainst us): maybe like Terminators and their Skynet AI leader, like Replicators of Stargate-SG1 TV series, and like Necrons of Warhammer 40,000. There are many more alien races in science-fiction stories that I believe that Humans and similiar races would be willing to often do genocide against via planetary bombardment and post conquest options. ----- I, and others, have been opposed to how some game developers sometimes exclude, in new games, popular features from previous successful games. I suppose that it could be for game balance of power, budget constraints, time constraints, or to be unique. To not include these, and certain other features, is artificial limitations. For example, in the game, I am a galactic civilization leader and I order my fleet to bombard an enemy planet. Yet, for some reason, my ship weapons can not fire. These are some of my personal requests. I understand that maybe some others will disagree. Code Force and Matrix Games, please delay the release of Distant Worlds to implement the feature of planetary bombardment and genocide choices after conquest. I know that it may be too late. If so, then please implement them in an update as soon as possible. Maybe the companies can take a poll to see what others think about planetary bombardment, post-conquest genocide choices, and other features. Again, in game genocide, via planetary bombardment and post conquest options, is not so negative when applied to space alien races of very extreme differences. Does anyone else agree? ----- Armada 2526 has 6 options for post conquest of systems/planets. The words chosen are all gramatically similiar and sound like a nice poem...heh. I like them. The options are: (In quotes is what the mouse-over tooltip shows.) -Subjugate ("Take control of the colony") -Exterminate ("Eleminate all life at this colony (#) casualties") -Devastate (This will detroy structures.) -Contaminate (This requires infection technology and the ships to deliver it as a weapon.) -Obliterate ( This asteroid ship technology and the ships built to deliver them as weapons.) -Take No Action ("Do nothing") These options might be someting to consider for Distant Worlds. Don't worry about an issue of copying. It's good to emulate good ideas.
Wish list:population centers beyond planetary(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Culture):Ships,Ring Orbitals,Sphere Orbitals,Ringworlds,Sphereworlds;ability to create & destroy planets,population centers,stars;AI competently using all advances & features.