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RE: Master Wishlist Thread

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RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/22/2010 2:39:52 PM   

Posts: 7937
Joined: 7/24/2007
From: The Big Nowhere
Status: offline



With Elliot and team working on new mod features for the next update, I thought it would be an opportune time to make a list prioritising what I think are the most important improvements for modding the game.

1. More ship families. This could be set extremely high or even infinite. This also includes the other race families like the pirates, Shaktur, Freedom alliance ships.

2. More modable racial stats. As much as possible about each race should be modable. This includes things like race bias, special tech (can be more that 1). Race family should also be modable (ie I can create feline race family if I so desire).

3. Modable technology. Edit the names, images and properties of each tech. And Being able to define new technologies as well as their position in the tech tree would be awesome as well.

4. Ability to mod ship sizes. There is a bug which makes round, fat ships appear small and thin, stretched ships to appear larger. This needs to be fixed first, but after that, I would like to set each ship with a modifier, perhaps 3 settings, 1=small, 2=normal, 3=large. This would allow huge ships to be created for races such as the Galactic Empire or the Borg, when compared to other empires ships like the Tholians.

5. More ship types per ship role. This would activate the unused ship images MIL1A etc. What I would like to see happen though, is each new ship image can be activated once the empire reaches a certain tech level. This would create the illusion of an evolving race. It would allow the player to start a game with Captain Archer's Enterprise and then by the time they are ready to build 500 size ships, they can move on and build Captain Kirk's Enterprise.

6. More than 20 races. I'd like to add more races to the game, even if these races are minor and share a generic ship family.

7. Modable weapons. This includes the weapon images. Also would be nice to have a beam weapon that looks like a phaser array from Star Trek. I can't think of other weapons right now that would need a new weapon effect, perhaps Mass Drivers? Though I'm not sure how popular/useful they are. Again, ability to add new ones.

8. Modable types of government. I'd like to add more governments, change stats etc.

9. Modable resources, perhaps should be higher on the list. Change images, stats. Add New as well.

10. Toggle for galactic history, Could be set in the start up screens, but I'd like to switch it off for certain themes.

11. Bigger galaxy map. I'd like to put this higher but I know it's a big ask. With a larger galaxy map, more space, There would be a longer expansion part of the game. I think with the improvements to the games performance with previous patches, many people's computers could handle the extra memory load.

That's all I can think of for now. I've tried to list these items in order of importance and also in order of viability.

If Erik and Elliot would like me to move this to it's own thread, we could keep the modding wishes separate from the gaming wishes.

EDIT: new thread started for this.


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

(in reply to Igard)
Post #: 841
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/22/2010 2:57:17 PM   


Posts: 1290
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shouldn't bug fixing, performance improvements, and core gameplay fixes come first?


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 842
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/22/2010 3:56:46 PM   

Posts: 2282
Joined: 3/29/2010
From: Scotland
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Shark7, thankyou. Good points. I've added your suggestions to the modders wishlist;


ORIGINAL: taltamir

shouldn't bug fixing, performance improvements, and core gameplay fixes come first?

I agree, but the tech support forum has slowed down, there seem to be less bugs these days.

I think the time has come for new modding features, I don't expect all of them to get implemented and not all at once.

Erik has said that this is coming soon so hopefully a list like this should help.

It doesn't belong in this thread anyway. I've started a new thread specifically for modders wishes.

(in reply to taltamir)
Post #: 843
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/23/2010 11:41:13 AM   


Posts: 1290
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we need some color coding.
an option to change the galaxy map from showing empire colors, to showing color coding of your relationships... that is, all empires at war will be red, empires with sanctions orange, subjugated yellow, neutral gray, trade agreement green, and protectorate and mutal defense pack whatever shade of blue that each is is called.
also, when you right click on a system and select "attack" and it brings a list of target, those should be color coded based on relationship...

In larger games with dozens of empires you often find yourself at war with several, and its way too much of bother to figure out which is which... especially bad since some empires have very close colors (slightly different shades of green, or red)... due to simply how many empires there are.

what i do is I find one empire whose color is obvious, memorize its name, then I manually only attack it (while my fleets on auto handle the rest), and whenever I issue an attack order i look at the empire name to see that it is the right one and not just a similarly colored one (and yes, I do make mistakes still)

if i could color code them by relationship to me rather then by their empire it will make things much much better.


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

(in reply to Igard)
Post #: 844
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 4:41:13 AM   

Posts: 854
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From: Texas, USA
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IDEAS REPOSTED: I just want to make sure that these suggestions are recorded in the proper spot!

1: Make AI empire flag, color scheme, ship artwork set, and empire name customizable in the game setup options. This would help solve said problems and also go very far in helping players and modders set up custom scenarios. In addition, I would suggest making previous custom game settings reload the next time a player goes to setup a new custom game, it would save lots of effort and clicking!!!

2: In menus and ship mission info box, planetary body names be hyperlinks to that location if clicked.

3: I agree that in general space monsters need to have more "piratical" (lol) features:

Show up on minimap with a special symbol (kinda like the old seamaps with "here be monsters") so as to note general area.

Drop rewards.

They already tend to:

guard powerful ship graveyards and good planets/resources.

I think that they reproduce???

are completely deactivateable in upcoming patch

As in my previous post about space monsters:

Space Dragons: Guarded the best systems with multiple awesome planets/resources
Space Amoeba: would nest and reproduce at habitable worlds, then fan out and grow/attack like an infestation
Space Crystal: usually located at mineral rich planets, making players work to be able to claim it
Space Eels: like Space Crystal, but at planets with good environments, again making players work for great planets
Space Swarms: (like a killer beehive)
Von Neuman machines: machines that replicate, like the Space Amoeba, but at resource rich worlds

More varied space monsters that look different, behave different (eat ships, live at X type stars, more territorial or less territorial, etc), fight differently (some like Kaltors attack armor in melee, others that attack at range and hit shields, have area effect, stop hyper, etc), and have some of them tied to the story, and some of them tied to the map only. Link some of them to galactic or empire wide events, Lastly, make them moddable!!! that way players can recreate their favorite Sci-Fi settings :)

(in reply to taltamir)
Post #: 845
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 12:31:51 PM   


Posts: 113
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This thread could really do with some organizing, it's becoming quite messy to follow. Maybe there should be separate threads or subforum like someone suggested earlier.

Like this:

- Gameplay
- UI
- Graphical
- Modding (already has its own thread)
- And stuff I forgot

I like the subforums idea, so that each idea could be made a separate thread and have its own discussion. And they wouldn't fade into obscurity as easily.

< Message edited by caerr -- 7/26/2010 12:33:47 PM >

(in reply to the1sean)
Post #: 846
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 2:00:36 PM   

Posts: 7937
Joined: 7/24/2007
From: The Big Nowhere
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Subforum with stickied threads based on the area would be grand.


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

(in reply to caerr)
Post #: 847
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 2:34:12 PM   


Posts: 227
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From: Montpellier, France
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An idea came to me to help differentiating empires : changing the stroke used to draw icons around the units (the triangle), planets (the circle), and stations(the hexagon), a little like the ones used to show multi empires systems, that could be added to it.
I'm thinking about things like thin lining for neutral faction, thick for my units, red outline for enemies, green outline for allies... Below is how it could look (I'm more autist than artist, but you can see the idea).
This way, the colors would be less of a problem (given the choice of colors for the empires are brighter than the current ones), because some really are not very visible over the dark background of the universe).
Each empire could also be presented with two colors and an effect, like for sport teams. Something like the plain grey empire, (why is there not grey or white colored empire ?) the blue on top to red on bottom with a all the colors in between (don't remember the name of the effect) empire, the yellow with blue dots empire...

edit: I've just seen I made a color code mistake on the planet on the right, but you see the general idea.
edit of the edit: The planet on the left, of course...

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Florestan -- 7/27/2010 1:54:14 PM >

(in reply to caerr)
Post #: 848
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 9:28:12 PM   


Posts: 227
Joined: 6/5/2010
From: Montpellier, France
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It would be nice, in the planner screen, to be able to select and view, and manage the colony and constructors ship that are targeting the worlds.
And giving, or at least cancelling future orders to ships in construction in the galaxy map.
I'm often searching for the ship because I clicked a little fast and send the constructor half a galaxy away when another one was just the neighboring system or sent a colony ship of the wrong race colonising an already colonised world.
I'd love if the planer or ships were able to create a route when planing, so that the ship would refuel when needed and possible for far away targets.
And when a ship cancels an order, it would be so good if I could read why instead of a strange "completed mission" message. It's so frustrating to find a sitting colony ship just pixels away from their target without any explanation! Then you click, and two seconds later, colonization is done !

(in reply to Florestan)
Post #: 849
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/26/2010 11:19:18 PM   


Posts: 14
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-Retrofitting progress bar for all stations and ships
-Option to automate, automatic retrofitting of everything (without automating ship production and design)

-Bar that shows amount of armor in combat
-Ability to disable vehicles, and steal their technology
-Components should not be destroyed untill armor is under 10%
(might have spoken too soon, i think that repair item, repairs... if its not the 1/200 items destroyed)
-option for automatic bombardment of enemy planets / troop transport
-automated military attacks on a universal scale (they dont seem to attack very well)
-option for military vessels to only run at 50% armor ( for armor based ships)
-bonuses to class of military ships ( frigate - 30% more speed, destroyer 30% more dmg)
as of now you can use the same design for all ships, which user choice is good but i feel like it should
matter what type of ship is doing what

---Higher tech---
-Top tech level of 25 from 9
-This tech could reduce size; maintenance costs, increase speed, decrease weight,ect.
-Way to increase total empire potential tech, other then based on population. Perhaps a tech level 9 research
item that requires mass amounts of hydrogen or something
-Example of high tech( level 25 fuel cell = endless fuel )
-New tech item [structure plasma nanite] reduces weight of ship (but still counts towards ship size)
so it is possible for faster ships with less need for heavy engines/ reactors
-Command center level 10- 20% reduction in maintenance costs [] Level 25- 90% reduction in maint costs
I feel that late game is slower then it needs to be, getting hammered by maint costs, means less military
and less defense posts, less action/ fun.
-In higher tech, unlock the planetary destroyer weapon, and add a star destroyer weapon... and a
system destroyer weapon that fires from the adjacent system (would be cool if it was mobile).
-Alow for creation of stars, planets, ect in a legitimate game without the editor... via some tech unlock.
-Allow for seeding of a random race on a planet
-Make it so that planets cannot be attacked untill their space station is destroyed

-The ability to see what mining posts have stored, and how much of what... is being picked up by civilians.
-Ability to buy colony or systems through trade negotiations - by right clicking on what you want from the
star map, then bringing up a trade screen from there.
-Option to hide all civilian ships ( im sure when i get my new computer i wont care about this lol)
-More information on how many trade hubs are needed, and if they are being used.

-Slider bar for colonly population growth (fastest setting would take 45mins-2 hours for a colony to go from 10mil
to max)
-Natural 1600 hyper deny at all planets / moons ect. (does not affect civilians)
-Other options to make citizens happy, or cumulative effects when stacking med/ rec centers at bases
-Fix ai not building large fleets of ships, when you dont. This makes the game feel static.
( i think this is caused by the AI not having enough money, bc planets population increases
so slowy )
-Option to see if colonys have a space port (shown in above post )
-option to never pause the game for any reason
-remove zoom buttons on mini map and add veiwing options such as; only show my civilizatoin, only military,
private, ect.
-ultra long range scanner colored circle overlaps hundreds of times if you give ships the component,
lags the game severely.
-Fix Ai from stopping building colonies at a low amoutn 1-20. Without an effort to expand.
-zooming in and out is laggy on a 2gb, 2.0ghz dual core, 9600gt system ( even on the start of a 100 system map game)
-When you get +40 rating for trading tech, then go to war, that +40 is lost

-How to tell if excess minerals are being sold or not
-Tourists dont seem to be generating pfrofit at resort hubs, am i doing something wrong?
-How do i generate income, aside from just waiting for colonys population to grow, for tax income?

(in reply to Florestan)
Post #: 850
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/27/2010 1:25:30 PM   


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  • Do not pause my game: Never have ANY popup or other automatically triggered thing pause the game. Pretty please?
  • I don't care for decision dialogs: Let the ship that discovers an abandoned ships / station just stay there until I make a decision. Or allow me to set to always investigate ships/stations (or never). But actually I wonder why this is even a question. They should just do it, always. Its not like it is particularly fun to have control over what might be called "random" events by knowledge of what might happen.
  • More unpredictable random events of actual importance: More random evils/good things in the galaxy that really may affect even a mid size and larger empires. At this point, only some stars / planets with very high bonuses and the discovery of old battlefields (free fleet!) and those huge battleships matter much. But it could be different... For instance, if the Kaltors replicated more and move faster dependent on how many ships they consume. They just be in the process of eating up a minor empire and then come for yours if not acted upon instantly. Or a moving black hole that eats up a large number of planets and ships prior to leaving the galaxy. Or ... whatever. :p
  • More diverse weaponry: Longer range on beam weapons according to ship / station sizes perhaps. Or highly finite ammo and long reload times but high damage on torpedoes. Make combat a bit more varied. Now its "plop" or "plop" either way with just DPS or DPS but no other factor deciding between weapons.
  • UI performance: The UI in this game must be one of the slowest I've seen recently. Yes, the UI in particular, with its lists and images. If no real fix is possible, how about you just let me hide/minimize these windows rather than closing them?
  • Better usability in commanding many ships/stations: Most importantly, I'd like to be able to more easily set batches of ships / stations to be automated or retrofit to a certain model. However, the automation toggle does not respect ship selection in the list of ships and bases. Also, if you have multiple types selected you do not get easy retrofit options (though it is nice that retrofitting with no model selected seems to upgrade, I cannot easily upgrade a mixture of small and medium bases to large ones and such).
  • Better usability in commanding many ships/stations (2): Multiple ship selection in space is annoying, in particular selecting / deselecting ships in a combat group. Usually I might want to send the damaged ones home for repair, or only select the largest / smallest or those with special equipment to move. But selecting / unselecting ships by type or by damage or even individually is really hard. The selection panel does not even allow for ctrl-clicking, or any more elegant selection toggle things as seen in many RTS and 4x games.
  • Areas of operation for fleets: How awesome would it be if I could tell a fleet to automatically engage the closest of any or any enemy ships in a certain area? Even more awesome if they could try to intercept warping ships going through these areas...

< Message edited by Radtoo -- 7/27/2010 1:50:39 PM >

(in reply to tassox33)
Post #: 851
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/27/2010 3:21:33 PM   


Posts: 227
Joined: 6/5/2010
From: Montpellier, France
Status: offline
I had missed that one:

11. Bigger galaxy map.
Well, what kind of mainframe do you plan to buy to get this working smoothly ?
You have bitten more than most can chew, here...

ORIGINAL: tassox33
-Ability to disable vehicles, and steal their technology

-bonuses to class of military ships ( frigate - 30% more speed, destroyer 30% more dmg)
Interesting idea ; I would opt for a greater size difference between default escort, frigates and destroyers, and a little more default thrusters and engine for the first two : this would make them more nimble, and help fleeing and avoiding hits. In a word, it would help to have a good reason not to build only destroyers. Perhaps limit the size range of each ship type, depending on the current maximum. People have spoken about fighters, too, it would be cool ! But not very probable...

-Top tech level of 25 from 9
++. I wouldn't mind if some of the current icons were reused several times to help populate new technologies.

-Way to increase total empire potential tech, other then based on population. Perhaps a tech level 9 research item that requires mass amounts of hydrogen or something
What about new rare resource, perhaps, to build special research labs able to research past the normal potential, or needed to research the later techs

-Allow for creation of stars, planets, etc in a legitimate game without the editor... via some tech unlock.
That seems a little strange to create a planet from nothing. Perhaps tow in a planet from another system, like the star wars novels'[SPOILER] Centerpoint station[/SPOILER]. Given the names of the stars in game, I'm sure Elliot knows what I'm speaking about!

-Allow for seeding of a random race on a planet
What do you mean? like creating an intelligence race from scratch, on the spot ?

-The ability to see what mining posts have stored, and how much of what... is being picked up by civilians.
Well, lucky you ! It's already in the game! In the ships and bases screen, the cargo tab.

-Natural 1600 hyper deny at all planets / moons ect.
Star war fan as well ? well I'm not sure this would be very good for the game dynamic.

planets population increasesso slowly
Funny that I read how much too fast the colony population grow for other people! Some think that this slow gets in the way of fun, and other that this fast gets in the way of realism, and thus fun...

-Fix Ai from stopping building colonies at a low amount 1-20. Without an effort to expand.
Some people think that AI don't colonize enough, even if a lot more in 1.0.6 than in In fact, in the beginning, if you can only colonize continental planets, it is quite hard to find a lot of them. It is why I prefer to start the game with aquatic or volcanic races, that can spread a lot faster. This is a very important aspect of a race, that is not very well described in the galactopedia. Maybe it would be better to even the generated colonizable planet types numbers. A way or another, I always rapidly have a big lot more colonies than the AI. (I don't automatise anything but tax rates)

-zooming in and out is laggy on a 2gb, 2.0ghz dual core, 9600gt system ( even on the start of a 100 system map game)
It is still laggy in the 1.0.6, but much better.

-How do i generate income, aside from just waiting for colonys population to grow, for tax income?
Sell territory maps! AI love maps, and pay good money for them when you start to spread. Avoid galaxy map, though, if you don't want them to steal your precious colonizable worlds. But personally, I prefer to trade them against techs. This way, it cost I have to add money to the maps, so it's not a very good way of making money...
Resort income is slow to come, you have to be really near systems that are very well populated and developed for them to begin to fill up. When it start becoming profitable, you have so much from your colonies that it has become negligible.
The best way to have money is still not spending it on things that have a maintenance cost. Go for colonization ships, which maintenance soon disappears, and latter hatch in new revenues. It also causes the private sector to buy you ships. You don't need a lot of mining bases either. a very few are mostly enough, even in late games, in my experience. I would even say especially, as you then are able to colonize more worlds types. Yes, it is private sector that pays that maintenance, but I prefer them to update their fleet and pay the fees to me than to unused mines maintenance!

ORIGINAL: Radtoo a moving black hole
Basically, a black hole is something so heavy even massless light is caught in its gravity field. How would you move that? It seems to much magical to me. Besides, it would be to big a cataclysm, you could do nothing about it.

UI performance: The UI in this game must be one of the slowest I've seen recently.
You're very right, and there is space for quite easy optimisation in them, it seems. In the late games, it becomes so much (tens of seconds slow) that I flee the ship and bases screen as much as I can. Simple optimisation, like when accessing the ship and bases panel by double clicking the information panel should filter the list with that kind of ship or base only, even if at the cost of not being able to change the filter from there. We have whined all we could about this, but it's not fixed yet. Seeing how often we are heard, we can still hope we will see something done about it soon!

Multiple ships selection in space is annoying[...]The selection panel does not even allow for ctrl-clicking
You are very right here. beside the fact that the standard ctrl-click multi selection was replaced by a shift-click (that does not work very well), one should be able to deselect ships from the information panel (the left bottom one).

(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 852
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/27/2010 10:51:16 PM   


Posts: 14
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Tassox -bonuses to class of military ships ( frigate - 30% more speed, destroyer 30% more dmg)


Florestan - Interesting idea ,I would opt for a greater size difference between default escort, frigates and destroyers, and a little more default thrusters and engine for the first two : this would make them more nimble, and help fleeing and avoiding hits. In a word, it would help to have a good reason not to build only destroyers. Perhaps limit the size range of each ship type, depending on the current maximum. People have spoken about fighters, too, it would be cool ! But not very probable...

Yah that's a good idea too, i've found myself only making destroyers also. I would like to see options like there are in Eve online, where ship fitting matters. Right now i just build a gigantic destroyer with max everything, blockade a planet, then bombard it to death. Forget about the billions of lives, im not a huge fan of the penalty of bombardment versus the slowwww troop takeover... so i cheat and change my reputation.


Tassox -Top tech level of 25 from 9


Florestan - I wouldn't mind if some of the current icons were reused several times to help populate new technologies.

I agree obviously, i just like the idea from going from a civilization that has one colony and just discovered hyperdrive.. to a civilization like the ancients/ auri in stargate. I would be up for limiting jump distances, it does seem weird that you can travel across the universe in months with enough fuel with the lowest hyper drive. Id aslo like to see longer start up times on the hyperdrive (ships look like they are just teleporting around killing system targets, there needs to be an animation for it too).


Tassox -Way to increase total empire potential tech, other then based on population. Perhaps a tech level 9 research item that requires mass amounts of hydrogen or something.


Florestan - What about new rare resource, perhaps, to build special research labs able to research past the normal potential, or needed to research the later techs.

If you're talking about max potential based on the population, and not based on the number of labs then yes, i agree. But you can build enough space labs for 4 million potential, and the population will only support so much. I personally play with tech on slowest setting in games, it makes it that much more valuable and fun when you unlock something new. For the scope of the game, the amount of tech seems limited.. not only from a-z of one peice, but lacking in diff types of weapons, countermeasures, reflective/ healing armor ect.


Tassox -Allow for creation of stars, planets, etc in a legitimate game without the editor... via some tech unlock.


Florestan - That seems a little strange to create a planet from nothing. Perhaps tow in a planet from another system, like the star wars novels. Given the names of the stars in game, I'm sure Elliot knows what I'm speaking about!

Ha towing planets, thats an interesting idea. I mean its not so far fetched to create a new planet, think startrek the genesis project, or Spore the game. Its not like its made from nothing... to justify it lets just say.. its made from a bunch of energy.. that energy came from somewhere. Whether it borrowed it from another dimension (zedPM) or taken from a sun causing a supernova (that would be an epic animation!!!)


Tassox -Allow for seeding of a random race on a planet.


Florestan- What do you mean? like creating an intelligence race from scratch, on the spot ?

Yes exactly, well from gathered DNA and from the tech of a holodeck or something, to go along with making a new planet


Tassox -Natural 1600 hyper deny at all planets / moons ect.


Florestan - Star war fan as well ? well I'm not sure this would be very good for the game dynamic.

How so? I just wanted the combat to be more meaningful in systems like in Sins of a Solar empire. Yah starwars fan along with startrek any scifi game; movie, or series lol.


Tassox - planets population increasesso slowly


Florestan - Funny that I read how much too fast the colony population grow for other people! Some think that this slow gets in the way of fun, and other that this fast gets in the way of realism, and thus fun...

Yah i have no problem seeing it from the other perspective, id like the game to be a bit faster paced, and this could all be done with sliders in the before game menu.


Radtoo - Do not pause my game: Never have ANY popup or other automatically triggered thing pause the game. Pretty please?

I agree, a fully automated , never pausing empire would be fun... if only they could find a way to make my military ships attack on a universal scale and take over enemy colonies.

(in reply to Florestan)
Post #: 853
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 10:01:31 AM   


Posts: 208
Joined: 7/3/2010
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Yo, I have a couple of ideas, maybe not much of a priority or a possibility in the near future but it might be worth looking at:

1) Space habitats and more places that can be colonized: as in civilian space stations and star bases that have minimum defense ability but can house a set amount of population depending on size; the population pays taxes and such but not much. However, in the early game or in games with few good planets it might be a worthwhile option. Also, the ability to build habitat domes with a certain pop limit(eg: 1 mill) on moons, asteroids, lifeless planets. These would function like colonies and such, but at a much smaller scale. It would be realistic if you think of it, especially when the home planet is over populated(16 billion people ftw!!) that some people would prefer harsh living conditions but in a new frontier. Even nowadays they plan on colonizing the moon and mars though it's unlikely there would be many colonists living there and several orbital cities...
Or you could simply make starbases have a population, faster way.

2) Asteroid military outposts and listening posts: cheap bases that are hard to detect and can be placed on asteroids. Possibly a way to spy on the enemy or detect invasion fleets....or simply a resupply point for the damaged ship.


(in reply to tassox33)
Post #: 854
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 3:37:37 PM   


Posts: 227
Joined: 6/5/2010
From: Montpellier, France
Status: offline

lacking in diff types of weapons, countermeasures, reflective/ healing armor ect.

Like the one in Galactic Civilization 2... the problem being that the size of the ships would start to swell... Interesting, but it would need some fine tuning to work out.

Yes exactly, well from gathered DNA and from the tech of a holodeck or something, to go along with making a new planet
I'm not sure I would like that... It makes me think to eugenics too much... (for the readers not knowing, one of Hitler's projects to create a superior Arian race through selection)


Tassox -Natural 1600 hyper deny at all planets / moons ect.

Florestan - I'm not sure this would be very good for the game dynamic.
How so?

It definitely is worth a be try, but the thing is, it would need some AI modifications (always tricky over something that's working). It would indeed render bases and planets attack a lot more deadlier if not well planned; failed pirate attacks in particular would have a greatly higher death toll. But it would also mean an advantage to use nimble and fast ships.


Some think that [...] slow [population growth]gets in the way of fun, and other that this fast gets in the way of realism, and thus fun...
Yah I have no problem seeing it from the other [fast] perspective[...]this could all be done with sliders in the before game menu.
Definitely. People should be able to play the game in the way they like the most (and the game already has made good progress about that).

Space habitats[...]make starbases have a population

The game as it is enables a lot of places to be colonized already. I generally finish my games still colonizing on big scales, with only a few planets with maxed population, often home planet taken from other empires. Space habitat station are cool for the roleplay but would cost a lot more than simply colonizing new planets. It would have an interest only the colonizable planets were very few (and fought for). Or only quite rare, but with a high population growth rate, as hoped by Tassox.
It reminds me of one of the star wars novels, Shadow of the Empire, I think, where we see private space stations used by super rich people as mansions orbiting around the overcrowded Coruscant. (The emperor's and the prince Xizor's, master of the Black Sun galactic criminal organization)
Having personnel aboard ships and stations would be quite logical, too, would make nice stories, and enable capture them. The problem is that it would be so much simple to destroy them, and then build a new one instead we would never use the feature.
What I would really want to see is giving the ability to constructor ships to retrofit any space stations or ship. And scrap space stations to get the technologies from the abandoned ones. They already can repair and scrap ships, I don't understand why they cannot do this too.
I mean, OK, most of them are private stations, even if I built them (which is kind of odd, but fits the gameplay), but not all of them. I would have seen the private sector ask for new bases and order them when they are needed instead of the current system. This would include resort bases, that would gain money to the private sector first, and to the empire through taxes. And they would ask for retrofits when needed. The bases and ships would be built on the customer specifications and designs, that would be a bit more varied than they are now.(with more shields, with or without lasers, etc.)
They would pay for they need, but choose where to build them (they are the commerce specialists, after all). This would impose strategic needs on the empire, which mission is also to protect its citizen.
Private space stations loss would cause important unhappiness on the nearby worlds for some time, forcing the player to pay attention.
But I know I'm dreaming a little, but perhaps inspire too... A released game can't possibly be changed in such big ways. Just enable stations retrofitting and scrapping...

(in reply to Merker)
Post #: 855
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 3:54:52 PM   


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I'm not sure I would like that... It makes me think to eugenics too much... (for the readers not knowing, one of Hitler's projects to create a superior Arian race through selection)

what he is suggesting is completely unrelated to eugenics, I don't know why you thought of it.
besides which, hitler was also a vegetarian and opposed cruelty to animals... eugenics gets associated with human experimentation and ethnic purity and the like because thats the twist hitler gave it when he latched on to the idea.


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

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Post #: 856
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 4:41:56 PM   


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Yah im not talking about the arian race lol. I'm just talking about playing god with planets, stars and life forms. I like the idea of a private sector contolling the part of the game that they thrive on. Half of the time i have no idea if they need more cargo space/ docking bays, or resort bases.

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Post #: 857
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 5:40:17 PM   


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ORIGINAL: tassox33

Yah im not talking about the arian race lol. I'm just talking about playing god with planets, stars and life forms. I like the idea of a private sector contolling the part of the game that they thrive on. Half of the time i have no idea if they need more cargo space/ docking bays, or resort bases.

if i understand correctly, you want something similar to the spore creature creator?


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

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Post #: 858
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/28/2010 8:12:34 PM   


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No, not the creature creator. Just a step further then using the staff of life on a planet in the space game.

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Post #: 859
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/29/2010 9:44:44 AM   


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From: Montpellier, France
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Yah im not talking about the arian race lol. I'm
Of course you aren't!

what he is suggesting is completely unrelated to eugenics, I don't know why you thought of it.

Well, messing around with sentient beings genetics feels quite related to eugenics to me. I know DNA was only discovered in the fifties, but the idea of "enhancing" people through science didn't need it.
Of course, it is not the same thing as creating a race from scratch. And thinking to it, there is no reason why a game could not do that. It simply gives me the creeps...
I'm sorry if I sounded like I am seeing nazis everywhere!

hitler was also a vegetarian and opposed cruelty to animals...
What a fine and gentle man! . And he was experimenting with witchcraft and satanism, too...

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Post #: 860
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/29/2010 7:52:05 PM   


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And he was experimenting with witchcraft and satanism, too...

indeed, did you know that the original swastika is a symbol for light and sun, but hitler inverted it and turned it sideways... as if to make it an "anti swastika"... aka, a symbol for darkness. What does that say about a man, eh?


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

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Post #: 861
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 4:26:21 PM   


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A new wish: The escape auto order for ships functions quite wrong. The ship that switches to 'escape from enemy/kaltor/space amoeba' only uses the standard drive and ignores the hyperdrive. This is effectively suicidal for freighters and similarly slow ships as it just turns them into target practice. In the case of kaltors this has caused many of my ships to die, including cruisers, which are costly. I don't understand why they don't just jump away, even when fully charged. Also, they keep ignoring my order to jump when on 'escape from' action and just end up dead. I never had a ship escape a combat situation it couldn't win simply because of the silly 'escape from' action that makes it a big target. The action should be: 'jump to nearest friendly base' or something.

Is this the right forum for this idea or the tech forum more likely. Because it seems like a bug to me.


(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 862
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 5:39:23 PM   

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Diplomacy option: When relations are high enough, and certain conditions are met, an AI empire might offer to join your empire. When you accept, you get a large percentage of their territory and ships added to your empire, while a percentage would split off and form an independent empire (not every one likes the idea).


- Max relations
- Max reputations
- Empire sizes (smaller joins larger)
- Game time (this should be an end game happening)


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

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Post #: 863
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 6:22:06 PM   

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- Empire sizes (smaller joins larger)
- Game time (this should be an end game happening)

I think it should only apply to very small empires (4 or 5 colonies maximum) Any larger than that and they would most likely see no point in membership (have too high an opinion of themselves).

I think with the above considered, this could allow for it to happen any time in the game.

It's important to stress that there needs to be perfect conditions for a small empire to want to join a large one.

There can be no affiliation with enemies either. I think this would be an excellent addition to the diplomacy.

In fact, You could have a different end of game situation, where a reasonable size empire (let's say 80 colonies) joins another empire. Like you suggest, 50-75% of that empire (40-60 colonies) would join and the other percentage would form a new empire.

For something like this to happen, we would need empire wide buletins to inform all other empires of the power shift.

EDIT: sorry, Shark7, I just realised this is what we were talking about on the modders thread. I think this is a great suggestion and hopefully Elliot can find a way of implementing it in a way that works.

< Message edited by Igard -- 7/30/2010 7:02:03 PM >


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Post #: 864
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 8:15:34 PM   


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A new wish: The escape auto order for ships functions quite wrong. The ship that switches to 'escape from enemy/kaltor/space amoeba' only uses the standard drive and ignores the hyperdrive. This is effectively suicidal for freighters and similarly slow ships as it just turns them into target practice. In the case of kaltors this has caused many of my ships to die, including cruisers, which are costly. I don't understand why they don't just jump away, even when fully charged. Also, they keep ignoring my order to jump when on 'escape from' action and just end up dead. I never had a ship escape a combat situation it couldn't win simply because of the silly 'escape from' action that makes it a big target. The action should be: 'jump to nearest friendly base' or something.

Is this the right forum for this idea or the tech forum more likely. Because it seems like a bug to me.


they do use the hyper drive to escape, the hyperdrive has a warm up period depending on its model, when you give an escape command they start warming up their hyper-drive, when the requisite amount of seconds have passed, they warp.
this works better using higher end hyperdrives which have lower warm up duration.


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

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Post #: 865
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 9:20:42 PM   


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I have seen them occasionally use their hyperdrive to escape but it's like one in 10 ships. Most of the times they just change their previous orders to 'escape from' and even if they were about to warp out, they don't and just die. Besides, I've seen the hyperdrive 'charge' a lot faster when I give them the order to go somewhere myself, they do it in like 2 seconds. The escape action must be bugged or something, because it got half of my fleet killed during an assault, because they ignored my orders to jump out and just 'escaped' into vapors without doing anything but trying to run. Usually when I give the order to jump the ship stops dead, turns toward the destination and jumps. But the 'escape from' action seems to make them move, which might interfere with the jump command. I've seen ships get devoured by the space creatures that were far enough away because they panicked and tried to escape instead of simply jumping out like I ordered them to.

Perhaps the idea would be better put like this: make your orders override the 'escape from' command, after all, that's what military personnel are supposed to do, listen to orders, not run, even if it means their death.


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Post #: 866
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/30/2010 9:24:57 PM   


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it is possible that it is bugged.

I think there should be a key and button that temporarily disables all automation.


I do not have a superman complex; for I am God, not Superman.

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Post #: 867
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/31/2010 4:49:43 AM   


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Ability  to form a task  force with multiple fleets for a specific mission.  The task force will begin mission when all ships are fueled and disband when complete  the mission.

(in reply to 4xfan)
Post #: 868
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 7/31/2010 9:45:39 PM   

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there are a few things that could be done that would really help, especially with the interface

a fast way to pull up the detail about a ship would help alot, cargo, components etc etc.

there should be a way to order your ships to do something that overwrites their behavior setting, IE, if your colony ship decides it can outrun those pirates it found hiding at your potential colony instead of warping out. or your troop transport to suicide run its troops to the world instead of running when its shields are at 20% and spacing your army

there should be an improved menu ALA sins of a solar empire, a quick way to access build menues from a higher zoom. the construction menu is just not good enough.

in general there needs to be more ways to access information or issue orders in a timely way without feeling like you need to pause the game

EDIT: in addition, there needs to be more diplomacy options, i want to be able to trade for access to the super rare spices or to trade worlds

< Message edited by adecoy95 -- 8/1/2010 11:38:59 AM >

(in reply to nammafia)
Post #: 869
RE: Master Wishlist Thread - 8/2/2010 6:01:54 AM   

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another thing i would like to add:

currently choosing a planet to colonize does not feel very meaningful. because there is no cost to maintain newly settled colonies, a viable strategy mid game is to just go down the list and press build colony ship on everything that is not a shade of red.

it just does not feel very meaningful, adding a cost to maintain newly settled colonies would go a long way to making the mid game feel alot more special, and add a greater appreciation and dependency on the worlds you turn around and start making money from

< Message edited by adecoy95 -- 8/2/2010 6:03:09 AM >

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