Posts: 28
Joined: 12/16/2010 Status: offline
After playing DW and ROTS for a while, I have a few suggestions I would like to see. 1) I would really like some method of dictating what kinds of missions my automated military ships can do. I find it fairly annoying in the early game when I have a limited number of ships and my escort ships prioritize escorting freighters and mining ships to patrolling mining stations and other stationary bases. Since most escort ship have like 1/2 to 1/3 the fuel of a mining ship or a freighter, their escort missions are fairly worthless. Honestly, I would love it if there was some policy screen where I could say, Automated military ships can only patrol systems and escort constructors/colony ships. 2) I would love it if I could specify how far out my automated constructors can go from my owned star systems. Recently I had a construction ship fly half way across the galaxy to try and snag a research location in the middle of a semi friendly region. While I would like to automate these constructors, I find too often that they will prioritize far off and undefendable locations to close and well insulated locations. Again, some kind of policy screen for their automation would be stellar. 3) I think it would be cool if the new ship build screen has two additional buttons, one for clearing the fields and one for adding the new ships to a particular fleet. I really love the ship build screen, but many times in the late game, I find myself using it to queue up building a set of ships for a new fleet. Yet, I am force to set up how many to build, then open up the ship screen and manual select all the new ships to add them to a new fleet. It would be very nice if I could simply open the build screen, set up how many ships I want, select a fleet for the ships, then have them be already added to the new fleet. 4) It would be cool if a construction ship showed some kind of percent to completion on its main screen card. Right now, this information is available but I have to go to the construction yard screen to see it. This is especially important when trying to repair a world destroyer as it is nice to know how soon it will be completed. 5) It would be nice if I could queue up repair missions for a construction ship. 6) I think it would be nice if I could set a mission for troop carriers to load until full. Right now, the only mission I can seem to find is "load at nearest colony with troops" or "Load at a particular colony". In general, this means that if I want a set of troop carriers to load until full, I have to either manually sit and keep setting the mission to load at nearest colony or automate my troop carriers to do this. 7) Add a fleet mission where all ships in the fleet refuel at the closest station to each individual ship. Later in the game when I start creating fleets from all over my empire, they tend to need to be refueled. However, if I tell them to refuel at nearest refuel point, they are ordered to move to the nearest one to the fleet leader even if it is all the way across the galaxy. 8) Currently, there is a moderate exploit which makes gifts fairly worthless. Instead of giving gifts, one gets fair more out of simply starting a trade and trading a small amount of money for a large amount of money. The AI sees this as you giving them an amazing trade. This is fair more cost effective, especially once your personal treasury makes giving even small gifts a massive economic hit. 9) Trading Sanctions should have a in game time limit. Currently, one can exploit trading sanctions by simply trading a very high priced trade sanction on a well liked friend, then turning around and resetting up the free trade agreement, only to trade it again. In a recent game, I have a 90+ relation with an empire and was able to sanction them like 4 times in a row to the tune of around 40mil in techs from the shakturi. In the end, I still was able to come away with a 23+ relation and a free trade agreement. 10) Fighter bays are not considered a weapon. I tried to create a type of fighter escort ship but was forced to add a blaster since fighters are not considered a weapon. 11) Starting near the Ancient Guardians kind of sucks as they will usually take most of the best spots near you and you can't negotiate for their conflicting mining stations. 12) War mongering should probably have a bigger diplomatic impact than simply a reputation hit. In my last two games, I have played as a fairly war like people but kept an amazing reputation. 13) Aligning with the shaktur should probably have a huge diplomatic impact. In my most recent game, I had a 90+ relation with the shakturi and was slowly destroying the galaxy with them, but no one seemed to care about it. Well, This is all I can think of right now. I will post again when I think of more things.