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Days Until Arrival - Organizing??

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> The War Room >> Days Until Arrival - Organizing?? Page: [1]
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Days Until Arrival - Organizing?? - 4/19/2010 10:14:58 AM   


Posts: 23
Joined: 4/19/2010
Status: offline
Hello folks, I'm up to early January 1942 on my first game of AE so I'm still learning quite a bit.

When I look at my ground reinforcement schedule, I see that 40 or so units remain with Days Until Arrival status of "Organizing". I realize they are portions or fragments of units that have already arrived or existed initially. However some of these parent units are actually physically present in the game and are not divided.

A quick forum search and looking through the manual did not help me explain any of this. This leads me to a few questions. 1. What causes this? 2. Does it harm my allied forces in any way? 3. What will eventually happen to these groups? 4. What, if anything, should I do about this?

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RE: Days Until Arrival - Organizing?? - 4/19/2010 11:06:34 AM   
castor troy

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From: Austria
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Hello folks, I'm up to early January 1942 on my first game of AE so I'm still learning quite a bit.

When I look at my ground reinforcement schedule, I see that 40 or so units remain with Days Until Arrival status of "Organizing". I realize they are portions or fragments of units that have already arrived or existed initially. However some of these parent units are actually physically present in the game and are not divided.

A quick forum search and looking through the manual did not help me explain any of this. This leads me to a few questions. 1. What causes this? 2. Does it harm my allied forces in any way? 3. What will eventually happen to these groups? 4. What, if anything, should I do about this?


known bug, have a look at the Tech support sub forum.


(in reply to GoTraurig)
Post #: 2
RE: Days Until Arrival - Organizing?? - 4/19/2010 11:16:58 AM   


Posts: 23
Joined: 4/19/2010
Status: offline
Thanks Castor Troy, I found the thread you were talking about. Weird that the forum search didn't bring it up. I'll try a greater variety of search terms next time.

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3
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