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Crashing with 7.1

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Crashing with 7.1 - 7/25/2002 6:51:25 AM   


Posts: 7
Joined: 7/19/2002
From: Calgary,Alberta,Canada
Status: offline
Hey all just wondering if this happens to anyone else in 7.1

I get random crashes to desktop when I go to configure a campaign, sometimes when I click on continue to proceed to the core force selection screen, sometimes when I hit continue to go to the support units selection screen. It just quits to desktop, a clean crash though so I can just restart the game and try again.

Annoying though, never happened in any of the earlier SpWaW versions...

It sometimes albeit somewhat less commonly crashes the same way when during a turn a AFV is hit and it's working out the penetration results, I hear the the sound which indicates a damaging hit the sound gets stuck and poof, back to windows.

I asked for info on any bugs in my other posts but nobody responded, should I be putting this in a different thread so a programmer can reply to me? Or is 7.1 the the last verions so bug hunting is a futile endeavor? Thanx for getting back to me!

Post #: 1
- 7/25/2002 4:10:24 PM   


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From: ocala florida
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I cant remember the thread but it was covered.The Main thing that fixed the same problem for me was NOT using the start up menu to start your game.Instead create a new icon using mech.exe from the folder.Its still occasionaly drops me but then i learned to save after every turn i kicked butt.Hope that helps.

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Post #: 2
- 7/25/2002 11:10:41 PM   


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What are your system specs, to include operating system, avaiable HD space, DirectX version if known, and how did you arrive at your current version.


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Post #: 3
- 7/26/2002 6:33:02 AM   


Posts: 7
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From: Calgary,Alberta,Canada
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Ok thank for the tip Gyblin!! I'll try starting it with mech.exe and see if that helps the stability.

Thanks for the tip Gmenfan but I run a fairly old p2-233 system so I cannot use the new drivers for my video/audio anyways :(
My system is extremely stable since I built it myself and it runs even some of the newer games flawlessly. I'm sure it's just a glitch in 7.1 since I ran all the previous versions without any trouble, and like Gyblin says I always save at the start of every turn just in case.

So I guess it's not a HUGE deal but I was wondering if there was a quickfix for it anyways, there isn't other than running the mech.exe so no biggie, thanx guys for the help!

Back to my crusade in North Africa!


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Post #: 4
- 7/26/2002 8:39:24 AM   


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If you have new drivers for a device, then doesn't matter what your proccy is, you can get the new drivers, and in fact you should...I'm going to tell you to get Direct X 8.0 or higher, I'm running 8.0 right now and have never had a problem in the time I've played 7.1

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Post #: 5
- 7/26/2002 3:23:19 PM   


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From: ocala florida
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I dont think directx is the problem.It has to do with something being calculated during armor penetaion.It ALWAYS happens then.Especialy if im poping 2 or 3 tanks in a row.Im running directx 8.0a.Still get the glitch although the Mech.exe thing keeps it to a once in awhile,hell the game is that good so i dont care.

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Post #: 6
- 8/1/2002 11:18:21 AM   


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7.1 crashes on my system so often that I had to uninstall it and use 6.1. After 6 months I came looking for another patch but it looks like the same 7.1 is still the latest. Too bad as I really like this game.

My crashes occur in the same places, during force selection in a campaign, during armor penetration calculations, especially frequent if you pop multiple enemy tanks in a row. I think that actually has something to do with it. As I believe the penetration calculations are getting zeroed out and all rounds will suddenly penetrate, A memory leak currupting the unit tables during combat routines. As I've noticed 20mm armed early armored cars 234/1's suddenly popping t-34/85's at rediculous ranges then crash to desktop.

Also noticed is randomly dissapearing weapons, one turn it's there, far behind friendly lines moving up, then presto chango next turn all the machine guns on a tank have suddenly dissapeared and I'm not even fighting in ITALY!!! (catch 22 reference!)
Not being able to cancel artillary missions, plane missions coming in and exiting from random locations not even close to what I actually set them at. But worst of all, is the fact that air missions simply refusing to attack anything other than vehicles. Thats the absolutely worst failure in the whole game code. I just love it when a plane armed with nothing but machine guns and bombs simply flies right past it's target area, crosses all the way across the map to atttack some stupid useless truck then getting shot down deep in the enemy flak area. Would be nice to be able to rescue the pilot after the scenario then have the survivors of the assault that he screwed up by not dropping his bombs on target execute him during the after mission screen....
Another annoying 7.1 bug, and the one that inspired me to uninstall it, was when the artillary mission times would change randomly between campaign missions. My nice 0.02 time hummels would change seemingly for no reason to 1.2 because some 50mm morter crew in the infantry got upgraded to an 81mm. That really sux. It disgusted me so much that I went back to SP3 for a while.

I won't be playing 7.1. And after the last few times of downloading the game files 4.1, 5.0,5.1,6.1,7.1 each taking literaly weeks at 28.8kb (or I could pay at my local Ecafe yea right!) just to discover that not much has changed, all my maps are again incompatable, all my scenarios are incompatable, The same idiot Suicidal AI, The same screwed up OOB's, An even smaller force size, still no way to predict just when the Force selection screen is going to suddenly cut you off from buying units with no warning, All the same stupid cosmetic programming screwups all still existing. And I wonder just what was actually done to justify yet another version number? It isn't likely that I'll download 8.1 either. I sometimes wonder why I even bothered to download 4.1 SP3 is in my opinion the best version of this game. SPAW isn't, in my opinion an improvement. Just a dog with fleas. And YES, I've played them all. I have Every version of this game since Kamfgruppe (C 1985 one of Grigsby's best works IMHO)



Give a man a torch and he burns for a day, set a man on fire and he burns for the rest of his life! Bombers at 12 oclock HIGH!

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Post #: 7
Question - 8/1/2002 10:19:10 PM   

Posts: 1660
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From: Haines City FL, USA
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Kanda: Can this old man ask one question ? Do you have all OOBs dated 04/07/02 installed ? From what you describe sounds a lot like fouled up OOBs. I may be wrong, but before you give up on 7.1 take a look. I've been playing 7.1 on an antique machine and have had no problems except winning. Good Luck :) :) :cool:


"God Bless America and All the Young men and women who give their all to protect Her"....chief

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Post #: 8
One thing that I have found - 8/2/2002 12:56:35 AM   
Gary Tatro


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is that if you turn off your screen saver the game crashes less often.


"Are you going to do something or just stand there and bleed"

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Post #: 9
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