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RE: Plan XVII - 5/26/2010 12:26:17 PM   

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June 1915


An aerial clash above Lille sees the first of a new type of hero for the world! The French pilot Guynemer becomes the first ace pilot of the war. French forces consist of 4 Escadrille of fighters and bombers whilst the Germans have a gruppe each of fighters, bombers and zeppelins. The German fighter gruppe is damaged.

Vitry le Francois falls swiftly, only 1 German infantry corps was present and they were sent packing in short order.

British forces take Basrah despit heavy casualties.

German forces have advanced on Arras taking advantage of the gaps in the British lines.

< Message edited by Dixie -- 5/26/2010 12:27:16 PM >


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Post #: 31
RE: Plan XVII - 5/27/2010 10:55:51 AM   


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Now that Vitry has fallen, will you shift some of the french armies west to allow the british to focus more on the north ?


Adieu Ô Dieu odieux... signé Adam

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Post #: 32
RE: Plan XVII - 5/27/2010 2:52:20 PM   

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Now that Vitry has fallen, will you shift some of the french armies west to allow the british to focus more on the north ?

Yes, Fr VI Army will definately be shifted north to allow the Brit armies to form a continuous defensive line. They will probably move to Douai whilst GB II Army moves to Arras, if that pays off then the GB GO will be planned to retake Lille later in the year.


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Post #: 33
RE: Plan XVII - 5/28/2010 5:02:39 PM   

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July 1915

The damn Russians are still crowding out SPain so I'm unable to send my diplomats there Added to that is the fact that they're doing **** all with both diplomatic slots...

The Battle of Arras ends in a swift victory for the British as a German Infantry corps is left disorganised by the overwhelming forces facing them.

A German Infantry corps attacks at Douai but is destroyed by the infantry corps attached to the British GHQ.
A German Infantry corps is destroyed when it attacks the French at Bar le Duc

Fr Grand Offensive:
The start of the first Entente grand offensive begins with some tactical choices to be made in the attack on St Mihel. For this offensive the choices are Heavy Bombardment and infantry attacks By Waves. In the event the battle is an anti-climax, German forces in the town are weak and are easily beaten.
The Battle of Valle de Moselle is a bigger affair but it's still over after just a single turn after the French artillery leaves the German front line forces wounded. The artillery doctrine check is failed so there's no new tactics available yet.

With the initial stages of the Grand Offensive a rousing success I'm going to push on over the German border, Metz in particular is a tempting target and would be a major boost to French morale.

Other stuff
With the British line now secured the time hhas come to plan a grand offensive for the UK. GB II and III Armies have been assigned the important objective of Lille. Both generals have a bonus to tank usage so the arrival of these machines should provide an advantage to the offensive.


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Post #: 34
RE: Plan XVII - 5/31/2010 1:49:25 PM   

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August 1915

The Russians are still crowding Spain so I sent my diplomats to Portugal instead, although they failed to achieve any success.

Turkish forces begin a grand offensive against Commonwealth forces in Egypt, despite the use of combat gas and a preliminary bombardment the TUrks are easily defeated and sent scurrying home.
German forces attack the French at St Mihel, stalling the French offensive operation planned from there (the Metz attack). French losses are light whilst the Germans lose an infantry corps. II Army advances on Morhange unopposed and surrounds the city.
Another German corps attacks the French at Bar le Duc and is defeated (wounded & shaken).

Several battles break out along the Italian border with A-H, the Italian forces easily defend their homeland from the attacks.


France attempts to restore order two times, the first fails but the second attempt succeeds.
France fails to appoint a new leader.
France succeeds in obtaining a war loan.
A mutiny in the French army is held off through extensive trials of mutinying troops, but the stability of France still worsens through civilian issues.

Great Britain fails to strengthen parliament.
GB succesfully calls up conscripts.
GB improves the war economy (2 times).
GB obtains a war loan.

It's not looking good for the Entente although the German advances have been halted in the West. Military casualties and submarine warfare are sapping the NW of the Entente.
France: National mood is Pacifist, NW is 10
GB: National mood is War Mongering, NW is 11
Italy: National Mood is defeatist, NW is 28


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Post #: 35
RE: Plan XVII - 5/31/2010 2:17:17 PM   

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September 1915

Diplomacy & Events
Finally a Russian diplomat leaves Spain, his place is taken by the best of the GB ambassadors who immediatly manages to patch up relations with Spain. Due to his efforts the Spanish have stopped helping Germany with their war effort.

I opt to play the Polivanov event on Russia, providing a boost to the economy there.

The first of the GB tank corps arrives at the front, they have been assigned to II Army under Gen. Haig where his tank bonus will provide a boost. The 2nd tank corps will also be sent here. (To improve tank tactics a minimum of 2 tank corps is required in a GO, 4 tank units otherwise).


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Post #: 36
RE: Plan XVII - 5/31/2010 9:56:06 PM   


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You should try and form new governments!

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Post #: 37
RE: Plan XVII - 6/3/2010 8:24:05 AM   

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October 1915

Diplomacy & Events
I played several events this turn; Combat doctrines will provide a boost for doctrine research in the GB offensive, Mata Hari has stolen the German West front plans, Diplomacy will give me some more diplomats and National Will has improved the NW of France (by 1 point!).

The final actions in the French grand offensive have taken place at Metz. With the fortress surrounded and under siege I made the decision to commit my infantry corps to an assault. Although it was a costly excercise (2 corps destroyed, 1 disorganised, 2 shaken) the fortress fell. I'm hoping that the positive NW gain from such an important objective will offset the casualties taken.

British forces fail to take Lille despite the presnce of tanks. Brit forces were just too heavily outnumbered by the Germans and 2 infantry corps are destroyed.

French forces take advantage of the recent intel boost and capture the weakly held areas of Mulhouse and Saarburg.

Meanwhile in Russia revolution breaks out, an ideal time to use my Kerenski event...


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Post #: 38
RE: Plan XVII - 6/3/2010 8:51:18 AM   

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French Front

Here's the current situation:
The recent succesful GO and capture of Metz has torn a wide gap in the German front lines, coupled with the Mata Hari event I can see that Southern Germany is effectively undefended. The key issue now is whether to consolidate my gains or press on, both have their advantages. Play it safe? Or go for the throat?

Mannheim, Mainz, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe are all possible gains for France.
German forces cannot currently defend the entire front.
NW gains from taking major German cities (and similar loss to German NW).
Who knows when this type of opportunity will crop up again?

French forces can't fully defend the current front let alone new gains in Germany.
Runs the risk of forces being cut off.

Less risk to my forces.
Chance to plug the holes in the French lines.

Er, no major ones really.

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Post #: 39
RE: Plan XVII - 6/3/2010 9:17:19 AM   

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British Front

There's no map for this part, the map from a few posts back is pretty much how things are currently. Arras is in British hands but Lille remains under German control.

The failure of the British attack means another attempt is in the works, I've got two more British infantry corps arriving next month and these will be thrown into the action. Eventually something will have to give in the German defence and Lille will be mine! The importance of retaking Lille may decline depending on decisions taken further south. Currently Belgium is jammed full of German troops, these are either going to stay where they are, making a visit to the Black Forest more likely or they'll be pulled south to defend Germany making an attack into Belgium more attractive.

Until a decision is made, I'll leave you with this stirring quote summing up the British Army's opinion of the war.

"That's the spirit, George. If nothing else works, then a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through."
-- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett


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Post #: 40
RE: Plan XVII - 6/3/2010 10:58:50 AM   


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Great read...I'm starting another game from the French side (4 player) after a decisive CP win. Am following this closely.

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Post #: 41
RE: Plan XVII - 6/3/2010 9:06:43 PM   


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Post #: 42
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 5:07:41 PM   

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Nov-Dec 1915

With Saarbourg under siege it was time for another risky infantry assault. The French had the advantage that unlike Metz, Saarbourg had been reduced. Two rounds of infantry assaults were enought to secure the city at the cost of one corps destroyed, a light cost for such an imortant objective.

A British Diplomat is sent to Spain (again), he achieves a resounding sccess improving Spanish opinion of the Entente by 3 points.

Going on the old adage, nothing ventured nothing gained, the French will continue to advance through Southern Germany. The GB offensive on Lille will continue as well. Acting on the intel received from the Mata Hair event several of the weaker German positions are being probed by French attacks. To sum up, there's a lot happening on the West Front this month, attacks along the front range from three Infantry corps right up to multiple Armies attacking a single city.

The German Navy clashes with the Royal Navy at Dogger Bank, two German squadrons are destroyed and an old German battleship is sunk in a brief clash.

French and German forces clash in Vosges as the French advance. The German defence consists of just a single infantry corps, but aided by the terrain they take a heavy toll of the French before they are defeated. Two French infantry corps are destroyed along with a cavalry corps before the area is safely under French control again.
French forces swiftly overwhelm another German infantry corps in their advance on Argonne.

The second attempt to retake Lille is a massive affair, two British Armies and one French are involved. Despite stern German resistance the superior Entente numbers prove too much and the German defence is defeated and flees the battlefield. 1 Entente infantry corps is destroyed whilst the Germans lose 5 Infantry/Cavalry corps with several others taking serious casualties.

British forces attack at Guise and defeat another German infantry corps.

A British attack at Ypres is an official success, despite the loss of 2 infantry corps.

French forces reach Thionville unopposed and lay siege to the city. French artillery bombards the fort and reduces the defences in preperation for an infantry assault.

France loses 2 NW from combat losses.
France fails to restore order.
France succeeds in appoint a new war leader.
France succeeds in gaining a war loan.
National Will of France is improved by 5 points (improve NW).
National Will of France is improved by 5 points as a failed mutiny is put down.
The Franch Grand Camapaign in St Mihel is declared a success (clearly!) and has boosted French NW by 10 points.
The major victory won in Lille has boosted French NW by +3, in addition recapturing the city has given +1NW.
The capture of Thionville has boosted French NW by 1 point.
The conquest of Colmar, Saarbourg, Thionville, Bitche, Kaiserslautern, Chalons sur Marne, Argonne has improved French NW by +7.
Parliament's mood affects French NW by -1.
Strikes and rebellions affect French NW by -3.

British Parliamentry mood is unsuccesfully improved, GB is now Pacifist.
GB loses 2 NW through combat losses.
GB has suceeded in improving wartime economy.
GB succeeds in her attempt to strengthn parliament.
GB has adopted the choice war loan.
The stability of GB has worsened and NW loses 1 point.
The British offensive on Lille has been succesful, only just though.
British NW is affected by Parliament's mood, -1 NW.
Strikes and rebellions cause a loss of 2 NW in Britain.

Entente naval forces sink 1 u-boat.


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Post #: 43
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 5:28:13 PM   

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France, Jan 1916

The recent Grand Offensive was far more succesful than I had hoped for. In addition to retaking St Mihel the French Army managed to rampage through the German lines and even reached the Rhine before German forces could be redeployed to meet the threat. The upshot of that is the French NW has rocketed to 38, although the government remains Pacifist.

The blue shaded area represents current French held areas, with the dotted red line showing areas taken since the start of the French offensive. The territory gains are going to be difficult to hold effectively, but the Germans now have a huge frontline to defend so I'm feeling confident for now at least. French forces now have to convert the rail tracks to Entente standards.

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Post #: 44
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 5:38:37 PM   

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British Sector, North France/Belgium

German forces have been pushed back to the Belgian border with France, British forces are slowly gathering strength with several infantry corps scheduled for arrival this year. Early planning for a grand offensive is already being considered. The obvious option would be to clear the Channel coast as far as the Dutch border leaving the front line along the Escaut river.

British NW is still not great at 27, but it's not terrible either. The government line is stronger in Britain than France, with the nation being firmly behind the war effort (war mongering). At sea the u-boat is, at least for now, defeated. There are currently no German u-boats at sea whilst the Entente has 21 escort units patrolling the oceans.

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Post #: 45
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 8:32:40 PM   


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Nov-Dec 1915

France loses 2 NW from combat losses.
France fails to restore order.
France succeeds in appoint a new war leader.
France succeeds in gaining a war loan.
National Will of France is improved by 5 points (improve NW).
National Will of France is improved by 5 points as a failed mutiny is put down.
The Franch Grand Camapaign in St Mihel is declared a success (clearly!) and has boosted French NW by 10 points.
The major victory won in Lille has boosted French NW by +3, in addition recapturing the city has given +1NW.
The capture of Thionville has boosted French NW by 1 point.
The conquest of Colmar, Saarbourg, Thionville, Bitche, Kaiserslautern, Chalons sur Marne, Argonne has improved French NW by +7.
Parliament's mood affects French NW by -1.
Strikes and rebellions affect French NW by -3.

That's what I love about this game. Even with all the success Parliament still isn't happy.

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Post #: 46
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 9:41:50 PM   


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Have the tanks seemed useful? And is anything going on with the Air Power worth mentioning?

Do you feel Air and Tanks are worth pursuing?

Other then the Trenches improvements, is Research playing a role in this scenario?

What difficulty level was this set at, Easy, Normal, Difficult?

This is an incredible AAR, thank you.

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Post #: 47
RE: Plan XVII - 6/4/2010 10:23:20 PM   

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Have the tanks seemed useful? And is anything going on with the Air Power worth mentioning?

Do you feel Air and Tanks are worth pursuing?

Other then the Trenches improvements, is Research playing a role in this scenario?

What difficulty level was this set at, Easy, Normal, Difficult?

This is an incredible AAR, thank you.

The tanks are still at an experimental stage, I don't seem to be able to put them into the front line. I've only got 2 tank corps at the front right now, so I've not got major hopes pinned on their performance.
Aerial warfare is still in it's infancy, the French have got a better air arm than the Brit RFC at the moment with scout planes as well as bombers. The RFC should receive fighters later this year. There was the chance of an aerial battle over Lille, but as the Brit component was just a bomber squadron I stayed well clear.

Research has been a mixed bag, the French don't seem to be achieving anything, they're still researching Chlorine gas! Otherwise, the Entente has managed to research various techs. Trucks, machine guns, tanks and aerial cameras. Some have an obvious effect, some like trucks have a less obvious but equally important effect.

Difficulty settings etc:

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Post #: 48
RE: Plan XVII - 6/5/2010 3:59:58 PM   

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In reference to tanks and their usefulness, a top tip would be to research infiltration doctrine. Without that you can't use tanks, a fact I overlooked.


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Post #: 49
RE: Plan XVII - 6/5/2010 8:52:14 PM   

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Feb 1916

Events & Diplomacy
Diplomats again go to Spain and improve the Spanish opinion of the Entente, although I still need to garrison Toulouse (which I can't do yet).

I also played the Severe Blockade event which will make the Entente blockade worse for Germany over the next 6 turns. German NW has tumbled after the French offensive grabbed massive tracts of land and the blockade will hopefully compound this ahead of some summer offensives.

There are no plans for large scale attacks in the near future, Fr V Army is commited to a limited attack on Rethel in order to try and wrest back control of the town after a year under German occupation. British forces are moving to new positions along the Belgian border ready to take advantage of any opportunities that arise.

The Battle of Rethel results in a French victory, although 2 of the corps commited are shaken by the bloody combat and the causalties suffered against a single German corps with artillery support.

German forces attack the French at Craonne, heavily outnumbered by the defenders the German I Saxon Corps is left a disorganised rabble fleeing back to their own lines.

Germany takes the undefended French region of Guise.

< Message edited by Dixie -- 6/6/2010 7:04:18 PM >


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Post #: 50
RE: Plan XVII - 6/6/2010 4:43:53 PM   


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In reference to tanks and their usefulness, a top tip would be to research infiltration doctrine. Without that you can't use tanks, a fact I overlooked.

Thanks for the tip...I have tanks but can't use them in my 1916 Grand Offensive. I'm gettin' chewed up on the attack because I thought the infiltration doctrine applied to only storm troops.

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Post #: 51
RE: Plan XVII - 6/6/2010 6:49:35 PM   

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Yes, Infiltration is required for all "support units" such as Stosstruppen (Assault Troops for the Entente) and Tanks.

The only assault troop unit that does not require the Infiltration doctrine is the leader "Von Lettow" (yes, he's now handled like a special African support unit).

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Post #: 52
RE: Plan XVII - 6/10/2010 6:30:22 PM   


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GReat AAR, I am waiting impatiently for it to continue !!


Adieu Ô Dieu odieux... signé Adam

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Post #: 53
RE: Plan XVII - 6/11/2010 7:01:56 PM   

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GReat AAR, I am waiting impatiently for it to continue !!

You'll have to hang on until Tuesday


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Post #: 54
RE: Plan XVII - 6/13/2010 5:44:55 PM   
06 Maestro

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It looks like you really cracked the line. Supply can become a big issue in these circumstances-units could be "withdrawn" if isolated.

HQ's can be used as a supply relay-just how far I forgot, but it is useful.


Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.

Thomas Jefferson

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Post #: 55
RE: Plan XVII - 6/16/2010 9:12:05 AM   


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You'll have to hang on until Tuesday

We are Wednesday !!!


Adieu Ô Dieu odieux... signé Adam

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Post #: 56
RE: Plan XVII - 6/17/2010 9:06:50 AM   

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I would have had a turn done, but I had a crash 


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Post #: 57
RE: Plan XVII - 6/17/2010 10:59:55 AM   

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I would have had a turn done, but I had a crash 

I hope you saved the game before committing moves.

If the crash is reproduced regularly, don't hesitate to send me the save by mail, of course!

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Post #: 58
RE: Plan XVII - 7/4/2010 2:17:33 PM   

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There's an update coming tomorrow 


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Post #: 59
RE: Plan XVII - 7/4/2010 4:42:22 PM   


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