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Factory damage

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Factory damage - 7/2/2010 8:07:20 PM   
Rob Brennan UK

Posts: 3685
Joined: 8/24/2002
From: London UK
Status: offline
Hello again , its the curious pest once more.

When a factory gets hit to say 30% and it isnt enough to spawn dispersal sites. does the factory actually work at 70% capacits or just stop completely untill repaired to 0.

Another related question (kind of), When you produce less than the required humber of engines (all too common for Germany) How is the engine production prioritised ? does it go to factories producing planes? or just randomly ? or to the nearest plant, even if its in research mode ?

As an example i am producing about 25 213 Engines used for both the Dora and the Ju388. I have about 33 Dora industrial output so that exceeds engine production. are the Ju388 factories getting engines for prototypes ? or is it all going into Dora production. AI has been hammering my biggest engine plants of late , hence the drastic shortage in most engine types untill the dispersal sites get going.

I seems that its all going into the 190D's as i am producing quite a number of there (actual numbers i cannot tell) and the Ju388 while due in 4/44 has not arrived despite having 5 plants making prototypes for months now.

I could well have answered my own question here . but hearing it from the horses mouth (devs) would be gratefully recieved.

Apoogies for the waffle



sorry for the spelling . English is my main language , I just can't type . and i'm too lazy to edit :)
Post #: 1
RE: Factory damage - 7/3/2010 1:44:03 AM   

Posts: 1700
Joined: 10/13/2005
Status: offline
Facs work at damage relative capacity until 50% damaged. After that they shut down. I forget the dispersal trigger point. 

Engine prioritisation is first in, best dressed at present, but it usually allows a trickle to other types that the first one, and it does not discriminate between prod and research. It uses the database possie at the moment, but I've rebuilt the GUI to allow priorities to be set by the user.


gigiddy gigiddy gig-i-ddy

(in reply to Rob Brennan UK)
Post #: 2
RE: Factory damage - 7/3/2010 6:15:06 PM   
Rob Brennan UK

Posts: 3685
Joined: 8/24/2002
From: London UK
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: harley

Facs work at damage relative capacity until 50% damaged. After that they shut down. I forget the dispersal trigger point. 

Engine prioritisation is first in, best dressed at present, but it usually allows a trickle to other types that the first one, and it does not discriminate between prod and research. It uses the database possie at the moment, but I've rebuilt the GUI to allow priorities to be set by the user.

Fantastic Harley , I am sooo looking forward to the next patch for this game . Its truly wonderful how much work and continued support all the dedicated Devs and testers have put into this !


sorry for the spelling . English is my main language , I just can't type . and i'm too lazy to edit :)

(in reply to harley)
Post #: 3
RE: Factory damage - 9/30/2010 9:49:22 AM   


Posts: 463
Joined: 7/24/2002
From: Burghausen/Bavaria
Status: offline
after a factory has dispersed it remains as a damaged capacity 1 plant but without attached equipment (say EFACs have no engine type attached - and can not be accressed in the production menu). Will this plant start to produce anything when it finally gets repaired?


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(in reply to Rob Brennan UK)
Post #: 4
RE: Factory damage - 10/3/2010 1:41:52 AM   

Posts: 1700
Joined: 10/13/2005
Status: offline
Yes, if an EFAC gets bombed and disperses it shows as a FAC. If it then gets a unit of production back later, it will become an A/C/E Fac once again.


gigiddy gigiddy gig-i-ddy

(in reply to Rainerle)
Post #: 5
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