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RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4

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RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 10:35:04 AM   


Posts: 58
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Obviously some very clever people have worked very hard on behalf of us all.

How long is around the bend?

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 31
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 12:23:39 PM   
Jo van der Pluym

Posts: 834
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From: Valkenburg Lb, Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: Maddoc06


Obviously some very clever people have worked very hard on behalf of us all.

How long is around the bend?

1 hour and 25 minutes.


Greetings from the Netherlands

Jo van der Pluym

(in reply to Maddoc06)
Post #: 32
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 1:40:14 PM   

Posts: 1362
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ORIGINAL: Maddoc06


Obviously some very clever people have worked very hard on behalf of us all.

How long is around the bend?

A tad longer than 'soon' and somewhat shorter than 'when it's here'. Hope that cleared things up.


(in reply to Maddoc06)
Post #: 33
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 5:05:46 PM   

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I want to hear Bagdad Bob's opinion.

(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 34
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 6:08:25 PM   

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Here's BB's latest tweet

Attachment (1)


The TOAW Redux Dude

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Post #: 35
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/4/2010 6:16:40 PM   
Jo van der Pluym

Posts: 834
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From: Valkenburg Lb, Netherlands
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I want to hear Bagdad Bob's opinion.

Feldwebel Schultz comment about the TOAW 3.4 release date

Attachment (1)


Greetings from the Netherlands

Jo van der Pluym

(in reply to mbar)
Post #: 36
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/6/2010 3:44:35 AM   

Posts: 492
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Thanks guys! You'll get me through to the release date.

(in reply to Jo van der Pluym)
Post #: 37
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/9/2010 3:22:28 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
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I wanted to highlight one 3.4 feature that can easily be overlooked, since it may seem innocuous: Variable Supply Points.

Note that they will allow different sections of the map to more or less have different Force Supply Levels. And those levels can be varied independently by event.

So, for an ETO scenario the Allies can have separate FSLs in England, France, Italy, Norway, USSR, Africa, etc. The Axis can have ones for Europe, Norway, and Africa, etc. Each can be adjusted independently.

Also, it's a powerful building block for further supply enhancements - see my physical supply suggestion on the Wishlist thread. Concentrations of physical supply would act as variable supply points.

Some other seemingly minor items will have major impact as well:

Adjacent ranged units will now bombard when assigned to an attack. Note that this will improve naval combat.

Engineer effects are now scaled by the fraction of movement allowance the unit has left.

The designer is now armed with an expanded suite of game parameters that he can adjust.

(in reply to mbar)
Post #: 38
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/9/2010 11:15:15 PM   

Posts: 2236
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ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay

I wanted to highlight one 3.4 feature that can easily be overlooked, since it may seem innocuous: Variable Supply Points.

Note that they will allow different sections of the map to more or less have different Force Supply Levels. And those levels can be varied independently by event.

So, for an ETO scenario the Allies can have separate FSLs in England, France, Italy, Norway, USSR, Africa, etc. The Axis can have ones for Europe, Norway, and Africa, etc. Each can be adjusted independently.

Also, it's a powerful building block for further supply enhancements - see my physical supply suggestion on the Wishlist thread. Concentrations of physical supply would act as variable supply points.

Some other seemingly minor items will have major impact as well:

Adjacent ranged units will now bombard when assigned to an attack. Note that this will improve naval combat.

Engineer effects are now scaled by the fraction of movement allowance the unit has left.

The designer is now armed with an expanded suite of game parameters that he can adjust.

How will it be handeled if two SPs with different levels of supply are on a railway hex? Say i have one with 30 in Berlin and one with 20 in Rome on a Europe Map. Both SPs are on a railline and connected through this railline. Does the 30 supply SP overwrite the 20 supply SP throughout the whole net?


(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 39
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/10/2010 5:40:56 PM   

Posts: 9511
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Found it in the What's New -

If the line connects to multiple supply points of variable values then the strongest one is broadcast over the line.


(in reply to Telumar)
Post #: 40
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/10/2010 6:46:30 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
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From: Houston, TX
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Found it in the What's New -

If the line connects to multiple supply points of variable values then the strongest one is broadcast over the line.

Correct. And that means that if the Axis side wants to have different FSLs in France, Russia, and Italy, the designer would have to keep the rail nets separate.

(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 41
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/10/2010 7:41:27 PM   

Posts: 9511
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We noticed in D21 that in northern Finland, where we purposefully made supply horrible, that there was now no supply. I could guess that this is because of the movement factor calculation included in 3.4 supply rules. Not a problem at all, just mentioning it because if anyone made a scenario that included horrible supply, if they run that scenario under the 3.4 'new supply' rules, it might go from horrible to, um ... more horrible. In that case a supply point adjustment can be done, or maybe running the 'high supply' option? I haven't tried that.


(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 42
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/11/2010 12:40:01 AM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
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We noticed in D21 that in northern Finland, where we purposefully made supply horrible, that there was now no supply. I could guess that this is because of the movement factor calculation included in 3.4 supply rules. Not a problem at all, just mentioning it because if anyone made a scenario that included horrible supply, if they run that scenario under the 3.4 'new supply' rules, it might go from horrible to, um ... more horrible. In that case a supply point adjustment can be done, or maybe running the 'high supply' option? I haven't tried that.

You could also adjust the supply radius, or I'm sure that there are a bunch of other options. I'd also hope that even though there's no supply, the units are still in supply.



Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
My comments are my own, and do not represent the views of any other person or entity. Nothing that I say should be construed in any way as a promise of anything.

(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 43
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/11/2010 4:39:38 AM   


Posts: 124
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Question re. Saving in XML


The File pulldown has Open/Save Map in XML and Open/Save Game
in XML options (must not be in Force Editor).

Does this work while in scenario edit mode, while playing the game or both ?

It would be good to have a the XML version of the save file which contained all the data for the save in single file ( would make building utilities much easier :-)


(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 44
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/11/2010 6:14:30 AM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
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Question re. Saving in XML


The File pulldown has Open/Save Map in XML and Open/Save Game
in XML options (must not be in Force Editor).

Does this work while in scenario edit mode, while playing the game or both ?

It would be good to have a the XML version of the save file which contained all the data for the save in single file ( would make building utilities much easier :-)


It works in editor mode. It may work with single player games too, I don't remember. It doesn't work with PBEM, but I'm pretty sure that you can export the OOB for your side in XML.

I'm hoping that these help encourage utilities. After the next patch, I may try to write an open source editor for the OOB, the map would be hard because it would need the graphics files which are copyrighted, but it may be possible to write an editor for the rest of it that's easier to use than the current one.

The scenario viewer uses a module I built that exports XML in the same format from an .SCE file, so it's practical to work with sce files as well as XML files as long as you're doing .Net.


(in reply to Anthony_MatrixForum)
Post #: 45
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/11/2010 12:31:01 PM   


Posts: 786
Joined: 11/2/2000
From: Oslo, Norway
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I just noticed in build 173 that exporting/importing the OOB (no changes) would cause side 2 (only) to appear to be 'read-only'. I cannot selected a unit on the right pane. Sorry about the bad pic quality, blame the 200kb limit.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 46
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/12/2010 3:09:07 AM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
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ORIGINAL: Erik Nygaard

I just noticed in build 173 that exporting/importing the OOB (no changes) would cause side 2 (only) to appear to be 'read-only'. I cannot selected a unit on the right pane. Sorry about the bad pic quality, blame the 200kb limit.

Thanks Erik,
I can verify it, it isn't setting the parent correctly when loading the OOB. I'm not sure how I missed that, I know I saved and reloaded and checked that the files were the same. It will be fixed for release.


Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
My comments are my own, and do not represent the views of any other person or entity. Nothing that I say should be construed in any way as a promise of anything.

(in reply to Erik2)
Post #: 47
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/13/2010 5:42:56 AM   


Posts: 23
Joined: 12/23/2006
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Is there any way to get rid of the floating thing that shows whats in each hex?

(in reply to JAMiAM)
Post #: 48
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/13/2010 5:50:20 AM   

Posts: 9511
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ORIGINAL: edk2384


Is there any way to get rid of the floating thing that shows whats in each hex?

Check this to see if maybe this is what you are talking about :


(in reply to edk2384)
Post #: 49
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/16/2010 12:12:13 AM   


Posts: 68
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Hi all,

I know it's been forever in coming, but patch 3.4 is right around the bend


I used to have a car like that.

Best wishes,

I used to have a girlfriend like that.

(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 50
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/16/2010 5:22:43 AM   

Posts: 1324
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A few questions. I apologise if the answers are obvious, but couldn't get them, myself...

From the What's New Document:

Clouds even move between player-turns – just without weather effects.

Does this mean that one cannot rely on the weather effects of a given hex under a cloud, or rain, being what one would expect under a cloud, or rain?

From the What's New Document:

Also, note that movement recovery is done twice for each side (start of each player-turn). This will clear
the “Retreated” condition for both sides during their own player-turn (previously an unfair advantage for side-one).
It may even make use of reserve deployments more palatable to players.

I don't suppose there was any thought given to having half of the movement points 'regenerate' at the end of each turn, eh? Meaning a unit that was pushed around to max MP would be penalized for that, but also given a chance to retreat, as well?
(Yes, of course I should have brought this up before the patch came out :D)

From the What's New Document:

23. Old ACOW bug that caused bogus attacker evaporations was found and fixed.

Kudos, and how the heck did you find that?

Thanks again, boys.


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(in reply to Odenathus)
Post #: 51
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/16/2010 1:55:21 PM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
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I'm not sure what the cloud comment meant. They should be accurate, I think.

We did think about recovering half. This was back when this was supposed to be a simpler patch, so I opted for the simpler solution.

I don't remember exactly, but it was probably while grinding through one of Bob's test scenarios. I think he spits them out daily, and was willing to spend hours in working them to see the results in Excel to point out the bugs I'd introduced. it's a far better game because of that!


Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
My comments are my own, and do not represent the views of any other person or entity. Nothing that I say should be construed in any way as a promise of anything.

(in reply to Veers)
Post #: 52
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/16/2010 3:32:02 PM   

Posts: 1324
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ORIGINAL: ralphtrick

I'm not sure what the cloud comment meant. They should be accurate, I think.

We did think about recovering half. This was back when this was supposed to be a simpler patch, so I opted for the simpler solution.

I don't remember exactly, but it was probably while grinding through one of Bob's test scenarios. I think he spits them out daily, and was willing to spend hours in working them to see the results in Excel to point out the bugs I'd introduced. it's a far better game because of that!

The cloud comment was at the bottom of the first paragraph of the player 1/2 balancing section. But, if the clouds are accurate, good. :D


Well that you Mr. Cross for the hours of work on this one.


To repeat history in a game is to be predictable.
If you wish to learn more about EA, feel free to pop over to the EA forums Europe Aflame Forums.

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Post #: 53
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/16/2010 3:56:16 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
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From: Houston, TX
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ORIGINAL: ralphtrick

I'm not sure what the cloud comment meant. They should be accurate, I think.

We did think about recovering half. This was back when this was supposed to be a simpler patch, so I opted for the simpler solution.

I don't remember exactly, but it was probably while grinding through one of Bob's test scenarios. I think he spits them out daily, and was willing to spend hours in working them to see the results in Excel to point out the bugs I'd introduced. it's a far better game because of that!

The cloud comment was at the bottom of the first paragraph of the player 1/2 balancing section. But, if the clouds are accurate, good. :D


Well that you Mr. Cross for the hours of work on this one.

Weather effects: mud, snow, etc. are only figured once per turn. But clouds move between player turns - so you can't put a ship under a cloud on your player turn and know that it will still be under that cloud during the enemy player turn. Otherwise, player one could exploit this, but not player two.

(in reply to Veers)
Post #: 54
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 4:36:37 AM   

Posts: 1324
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ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay




ORIGINAL: ralphtrick

I'm not sure what the cloud comment meant. They should be accurate, I think.

We did think about recovering half. This was back when this was supposed to be a simpler patch, so I opted for the simpler solution.

I don't remember exactly, but it was probably while grinding through one of Bob's test scenarios. I think he spits them out daily, and was willing to spend hours in working them to see the results in Excel to point out the bugs I'd introduced. it's a far better game because of that!

The cloud comment was at the bottom of the first paragraph of the player 1/2 balancing section. But, if the clouds are accurate, good. :D


Well that you Mr. Cross for the hours of work on this one.

Weather effects: mud, snow, etc. are only figured once per turn. But clouds move between player turns - so you can't put a ship under a cloud on your player turn and know that it will still be under that cloud during the enemy player turn. Otherwise, player one could exploit this, but not player two.

That's good.
So, to be clear, on player one and two's turns the clouds will have their 'desired' effect, where you see them, at that time?


To repeat history in a game is to be predictable.
If you wish to learn more about EA, feel free to pop over to the EA forums Europe Aflame Forums.

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 55
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 5:33:44 AM   

Posts: 6685
Joined: 7/27/2003
From: Colorado Springs
Status: offline

That's good.
So, to be clear, on player one and two's turns the clouds will have their 'desired' effect, where you see them, at that time?



Ralph Trickey
TOAW IV Programmer
My comments are my own, and do not represent the views of any other person or entity. Nothing that I say should be construed in any way as a promise of anything.

(in reply to Veers)
Post #: 56
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 2:54:27 PM   


Posts: 903
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From: Southeastern USA
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I had the original TOAW game. Recently I purchased TOAW3 which has many improvement, obviously, including ELMER. Just getting back into the game and I am feeling my way along with the PO/ Elmer. All formations seem to have tracks preset. Why is the track to the 1st Obj. red and why does it always seem to be behind the formation? Also why do the tracks zig zag so much rather than taking a straight ahead path?
I deleted the 1st Obj and asked the PO to resequence and the blue conecting line then went to the 2nd Obj. What did I actually do there? Why wasn't it red?
When an Obj. is obtained, will the formation then attempt to move on tho the next Obj?
Thanks for the help.


(in reply to ralphtricky)
Post #: 57
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 5:33:31 PM   

Posts: 9511
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All formations seem to have tracks preset.

This varies between scenarios as the tracks are set by the designer. Some tracks are set with the full intention of making a game of it. Some tracks are set only to meet certain requirements and will therefore not make a game of it.


Also why do the tracks zig zag so much rather than taking a straight ahead path?

I can't answer for all cases, but maybe in the hopes that the formation will cover some territory as opposed to heading in a straight line. The best way to try and get the PO to conquer all territory is to assign objectives to each hex. You could have objective 1 at hex 0.22, and objective 2 at hex 39.22. This will leave the PO on it's own to determine the best route to take from 1 to 2. Or you could place one objective in each of the 39 hexes, hoping that Elmer will take your advice (not always true).


When an Obj. is obtained, will the formation then attempt to move on tho the next Obj?

Maybe ! Trial and error playtesting is the best way to be sure. There is more to it than the objective placement. Formation Orders, Formation Bias and Formation Loss Settings also have an influence. Elmer also monitors the overall situation on the map.

I'm not clear about your other questions so I will not offer anything there. Are you designing something or just trying to get a better understanding of your opponent ?

(in reply to GBS)
Post #: 58
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 7:44:20 PM   


Posts: 903
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From: Southeastern USA
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Thanks for the response. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I still don't understand why the first line in the objective track is red and the others Blue. Is this important?
Also one more thing concerning supply on the map. Why are some of the numbers encased in orange and most of the others blue? This has to mean something and I can't find anything in the manual about it. Thanks again.

(in reply to Maddoc06)
Post #: 59
RE: What's new for TOAW 3.4 - 8/17/2010 8:02:02 PM   

Posts: 2506
Joined: 1/23/2005
From: Belgium, residing in TX-USA
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Thanks for the response. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I still don't understand why the first line in the objective track is red and the others Blue. Is this important?
Also one more thing concerning supply on the map. Why are some of the numbers encased in orange and most of the others blue? This has to mean something and I can't find anything in the manual about it. Thanks again.

The red objective line is the path from the formation's units towards objective 1

The supply colors mean that that hex will give that amount of supply to one side (red/blue) or both (orange)


The TOAW Redux Dude

(in reply to GBS)
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