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Tsar Gone Shame

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Tsar Gone Shame - 8/28/2010 10:05:12 PM   
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Matrix Hero

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From: South Carolina
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I'm baaaaack OK I have been invited to play in a game, I have no idea what country I am, I have no idea who else is playing, all I know is that we have 5 people and Russia is going to be AI. Thus the name of this thread. Hard to say Rule Britannia if I end up as France or Death to the Prussians if I turn out to be Austria (although I am sure it would make them very nervous ). That being said, hopefully our GM will take this hint and continue this AAR. I will of course discuss what the heck I was thinking and doing after each turn and SPOILER my overall strategy which is to win .


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RE: Tsar Gone Shame - 8/29/2010 4:12:07 PM   
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Matrix Hero

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Now I know more. I am France with a bid of 22. Russia and Prussia are AI. Britain went for 30, Austria for 15, Spain for 4 and Turkey for 3. Russia has a 20 bid and Prussia has a 4 bid which occurred due to the fact that 2 players bid but did not feel they had time for the game at this moment so even the AI has some work to do. We are doing setup, Russia's is horrible imho with an army split into 3 parts, none strong enough to fight anything substantial. What I presume is the Swedish invasion force seems to be the strongest and the Southeast Department is unopposed for miles so is basically near a few small value minors and Turkey's mountains when it would be better used near say Odessa. Turkey has set up as well and has kept a mobile force in Athens, what appears to be overwhelming force in Palestine and a screen near Austria that seems poised for defensive or offensive operations as the situation warrants. No one else is set up yet and hopefully we will have some screen shots. I decided to jump right in to diplomacy and I am of course working to end this foolish war with Britain by way of White Peace, trying to get Spain to help me in case Britain is not down with the peace, trying to get Austria to focus on Poland (a personal project of that player's since forever) and getting Turkey to give me an idea where his armies are going, although I seem to have an impression of that from the setup. Russia and Prussia cannot be spoken to but I do not forsee anything happening between Russia and I soon. A wrong move could put me at war with Prussia early so I have to be careful there too.

(in reply to Murat)
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RE: Tsar Gone Shame - 8/30/2010 1:41:55 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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Congratulations on the easy win.



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RE: Tsar Gone Shame - 8/31/2010 2:28:16 AM   
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Dancing Bear
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You guys should try to find two more players and make a game of it, unless this is just a practice run.

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