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PBEM form (feedback)

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PBEM form (feedback) - 8/20/2002 9:07:23 AM   


Posts: 309
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A little while back I posted a thread for a (standardized form) when we want to have someone a PBEM game of SPWAW. I came up with one. I know, if you guys look at it we can come up with something we all can agree on (format wise). Download it, change what you want and then post your version. The bottom line is we all want something that will work. If someone thinks they can make a better one that's great. I just want to get the ball rolling. Thanks in advance.

Attachment (1)
Post #: 1
- 8/20/2002 9:09:35 AM   


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Ok guys and gals, this is something we wanted a short time ago, so please give feedback(good or bad) so corrections if any can be made.:) The only thing I would like to see added would be map size. Also misspelled PBEM in the title and file name.


(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 2
- 8/20/2002 9:37:47 AM   


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From: Elmhurst, Il, USA
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looks good...but not having kept up with the forum..what is this for? a doc to post at forum or by email when requesting a game?



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Post #: 3
- 8/20/2002 9:41:38 AM   


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A standardized PBEM setup document gamers could either email to each other for initial setup or posting on the forum.


(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 4
- 8/20/2002 9:55:32 AM   


Posts: 157
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From: Elmhurst, Il, USA
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ok, looks great...lets edit it to perfection and run with it...great idea


"Karate means never having to say you're sorry"
-E. Andrew Kovich

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Post #: 5
- 8/20/2002 10:05:58 AM   


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I was in a hurry PBEM of course.

(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 6
- 8/20/2002 10:09:50 AM   


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Here it is with the suggested improvements.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 7
- 8/23/2002 9:27:04 AM   


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Works for me.:D


(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 8
- 8/23/2002 9:58:41 AM   


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Do you think we should stick an offical logo or something like that on it?

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Post #: 9
PBEM standard Form - 8/23/2002 10:17:17 AM   


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Check the the one used at Freedom Fighters Wargame Club
if it works go with it.

(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 10
- 8/24/2002 3:25:42 AM   


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Were exacltly in the site is the form? I could not find it.

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Post #: 11
ffwgc pbem report - 8/24/2002 9:13:38 AM   


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Its at

then go to REPORT GAME 2P. It is a sitrep for panzer general II but quite a good one. Besides imitation allways tells you your doing something right.

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Post #: 12
- 8/28/2002 9:04:16 AM   


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I had a look at it and it looks good. I like the word format rather than the electronic form. I would like to be able to print it up and keep a record of my games as well.
I can't tell you how many time I have been playing more than one email game in the same sitting and I would forget which email slot belonged to who. With this system you can have a record and keep much better track of your games. That's my two cents.

(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 13
- 9/15/2002 5:16:00 AM   


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Would just sending a snap-shot of the proposed preferences screen do the job? All the data is right there, and any extras such as arty limits, set-up limits, etc could be included with a copy of the mission statement. I think that would provide all the data one needs, and everyone would know what they were looking at, which would eliminate language troubles. Anything left out could argueably be considered 'gaming the system', since there is no button or switch for it. whoops I forgot astricks. Maybe this ain't so easy.
T.(you could keep the screen shot as a file. works as well as paper, most of the time).


"The 15th May, 1948, arrived ... On that day the mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, because the Arab armies were about to enter and fight in their stead."
– The Cairo daily Akhbar el Yom, Oct. 12, 1963.

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Post #: 14
PBEM sheet - 3/4/2003 3:02:30 AM   


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Jack, great idea! here is the Data Sheet I made up, useing your
Idea. Let me know what you think, If you like it fell free to use it.
That go's for anyone, looking forward to some great PBEM games

BTW a "snap-shot" picture would be a file size of around a meg.
Kinnda big for e-mail (and those of us with 56k dail up)
this sheet is about 1kb :)

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 15
Rules of engagement. - 3/29/2003 12:08:45 AM   

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I was hoping the form might include something like this.

Attachment (1)


" Look alive!! Here comes a Buzzard"

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Post #: 16
So far... - 7/16/2003 1:15:40 AM   


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All look pretty good. Is someone actually going to make an amalgamation of all these?

The only thing I’d add is a “Player Availability Schedule”, and a block for their time zone.

And while I’d not hold my opponent’s feet to the fire over playing times, I’d get a good idea of when to have my turn played and send in order to best facilitate the game. For example, I just started a game with Viking, told him when I could check for turns/play/send them during the day and evening, and what time zone I’m in. That way, if he wants to maximize the game speed, he can synchronize his sending with my availability, and vice versa.

Alternately, if the forms are completed and the parties realize they’ll only be able to get in one turn per day, they may choose alternate playing partners.

(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 17
PBEM form remarks - 3/24/2004 5:39:16 PM   

Posts: 95
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From: North Carolina, USA
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Looks pretty good. Personally I would like to see this as something that could be posted easily to the board (without having to download), but since the board doesn't support HTML this is the best option (since the board does support .doc downloads).

My addition to this:
Where is true troop / rarity?
Mention pre-laid mines or not?
Mention number of infiltration units or not?

< Message edited by mine_field -- 3/24/2004 10:41:25 AM >

(in reply to Vathailos)
Post #: 18
RE: PBEM form (feedback) - 12/3/2004 10:57:11 PM   

Posts: 272
Joined: 5/13/2000
From: Canada
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A little while back I posted a thread for a (standardized form) when we want to have someone a PBEM game of SPWAW. I came up with one. I know, if you guys look at it we can come up with something we all can agree on (format wise). Download it, change what you want and then post your version. The bottom line is we all want something that will work. If someone thinks they can make a better one that's great. I just want to get the ball rolling. Thanks in advance.

Hello. Thanks greatly for the form. I have been using it for all my pbem games and will continue to use it during the Messina Tourney at WarfareHQ [All Combat All The Time].

The Messina link is:

You and all other aliases are welcome to take part. I am currently completing the registration page.


(in reply to Jack)
Post #: 19
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