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RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1

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RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 3/4/2011 5:51:49 PM   
Mike Parker


Posts: 583
Joined: 12/30/2008
From: Houston TX
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I've mentioned this before. I will do so again.

If during my opponents turn he moves a combat unit adjacent to my HQ. I have no problem with it displacing that is how it should be. Currently if I have an HQ selected and try and move it adjacent to an enemy unit all by itself it will not let me, again working as it should. HOWEVER

If I have a Combat and HQ stacked in a hex adjacent to an enemy unit, and I move the combat unit and not the HQ, therefore leaving the HQ unit adjacent to an enemy the HQ immediatly displaces. THIS IS A BAD IMPLIMENTATION. At least for me this is what bugs me about this rule, this is 99% of all the accidents.. I am not intending to leave the HQ hanging, it just happens because I am a bit sloppy with how I move my units.

I believe this works as it does now because the designer does not wish you to be able to leave 0 CV units adjacent to enemy units (that are not themselves 0 cv units). So in deciding how to handle this the game check anytime a move is made to see if that move results in a 0-cv unit moving adjacent to or being left adjacent to a combat unit. If its moving adjacent to it doesn't allow the move at all. If its being left behind it immediatly displaces the unit. This does rather handily solve the problem, under this procedure you won't end up with a HQ left adjacent to an enemy combat unit. However there is a better way to handle this.

Rather than immediate displacement just allow the HQ to remain adjacent to enemies, but during the opponents logistics phase (or when the phasing player hits end turn) as its checking units check and see if any 0-cv enemy units are adjacent, if they are THEN impliment the displacement move. This would end up with no HQ's adjacent to enemy units when your opponent begins his turn, and it would allow you to leave behind an HQ that you intend to move (or that you intend to have some other unit move into the hex) without displacement and move it later.

The only other issue with this, is I believe you would have to code in a check during unit retreat to allow a retreating unit to retreat INTO a hex with a 0-cv unit (and therefore displace it) so that folks could not use HQ's and such to help surround an enemy unit.

This would eliminate the need for any warning notification at all.. and it would I believe satisfy the overall reason for the rule in the first place.

(in reply to Marc)
Post #: 91
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 3/8/2011 4:35:32 PM   


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I thought you could set your rail units to automatically repair rail lines?

(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 92
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 3/8/2011 4:58:11 PM   

Posts: 5665
Joined: 8/31/2003
From: Irving,Tx
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You have 5 that you must control, those are your serious rail repair guys. All the others are auto repair guys.

(in reply to findmeifyoucan)
Post #: 93
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 4/29/2011 1:21:23 PM   

Posts: 162
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This was really dumb of me, but it took me until turn 12 to realize that you could move the Finnish troops in the Leningrad Campaign.

(in reply to 2ndACR)
Post #: 94
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 9/1/2011 2:36:28 AM   


Posts: 21
Joined: 11/24/2008
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ORIGINAL: Mike Parker

If I have a Combat and HQ stacked in a hex adjacent to an enemy unit, and I move the combat unit and not the HQ, therefore leaving the HQ unit adjacent to an enemy the HQ immediatly displaces. THIS IS A BAD IMPLIMENTATION. At least for me this is what bugs me about this rule, this is 99% of all the accidents.. I am not intending to leave the HQ hanging, it just happens because I am a bit sloppy with how I move my units.

I began playing a few weeks ago and this has bitten me more than once. It would be nice to have some kind of warning along the lines of "Are you sure you want to do this?" or "Move HQ first."

It's frustrating after moving your 900th unit of the turn to realize that the 300th unit you moved had its HQ bug out because you forgot it had its HQ stacked with it adjacent to an enemy unit.


Matt. 22:36-40
Ps. 98:4-6

(in reply to Mike Parker)
Post #: 95
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 9/3/2011 12:56:39 AM   


Posts: 97
Joined: 8/18/2011
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ORIGINAL: Mike Parker

Rather than immediate displacement just allow the HQ to remain adjacent to enemies, but during the opponents logistics phase (or when the phasing player hits end turn) as its checking units check and see if any 0-cv enemy units are adjacent, if they are THEN impliment the displacement move. This would end up with no HQ's adjacent to enemy units when your opponent begins his turn, and it would allow you to leave behind an HQ that you intend to move (or that you intend to have some other unit move into the hex) without displacement and move it later.

This is, obviously, the correct solution to this issue. I find it truly astonishing to see representatives of the game designer calling players "fools" for pointing this out. Chapter 1, paragraph 1 of customer service: don't call your customers idiots. They tend not to remain your customers.

(in reply to Mike Parker)
Post #: 96
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 9/3/2011 8:53:34 AM   


Posts: 2057
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Who said that? Mynok? He's not a 'representative' of the game designer(s); he's just a guy who plays the game and doesn't work for the company.

(in reply to cherryfunk)
Post #: 97
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 4/10/2012 1:55:16 AM   

Posts: 435
Joined: 12/24/2011
From: Dallas, Texas
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That solution has been implemented. The people that were against it, were, just plain weird about it.
The designers did the right thing, they listened to the right group, and ignored the vocal minority who insisted this was fine as a game design.

(in reply to randallw)
Post #: 98
RE: Where did my HQs go? Noob mistake #1 - 5/22/2012 6:02:23 AM   

Posts: 3152
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From: Hex X37, Y15
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Might this thread be redundant in the sticky section now?

(in reply to AFV)
Post #: 99
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