Don Doom
Posts: 2446
Joined: 9/23/2000 From: Lost somewhere in the upper backwoods of Michigan! Status: offline
Just finished battle 7? paris clean-up.
Two places on the map at hex 22,13 and 66,24 had structure collapses? lost an M4A3 at 22, lost an M3,HT at 66. But both places were roads.
I had forgot to run my curser before moving.
The game ended brfore the german reinforces could show up? took on seven PZKIV H's, four trucks and some at infantry. one at pill box and one rife log/pit two 88mm at.
When I went back to the map afterwards, for some reason a rife log/pillbox did not attack, and some three AT infantry had not attacked? I traced my route and had passed right next to all of them? Fog Of war? I have c&c off, limited intel on. I lost two m36's one M4/105 and obs. three HT's.
I got a marginal Vic. This one I feel was a little easy. My recon took the far v-hex by turn 4 and I had taken out the two 88's by turn 6, the concrete at pill box was side-stepped six of the H's were dead by turn seven. I was hoping for some supprise atacks from somewhere. I feel I had too much resouces for this job.
Doom Vet of the Russian General Winter For death is only the begining