Posts: 8573
Joined: 11/14/2003 From: Scotland Status: offline
So - to the campaign. You get 3 campaigns in the box for both the USAF and USN which obviously have different aircraft, experiences, pilots and equipment. The 3 campiagns and War in the South (1965), Rolling Thunder (1967) and Linebacker (1972). As well as having each of these for the USN and USAF, there are different targets in the campaigns. Overall, alot of combinations to for many, many varied gaming hours. Throwing into the mix die rolls and rules to make even more variation, including making each campaign harder or easier by selecting from a list disadvantages and advantages. I've decided on an early campaign - War in the South (1965). There are 3 campaign lengths - 2days, 4 days and 7 days (in addition, there is a game option to allow you to link the campaigns!). I've selected the Medium 4 day campaign. There are specific rules for this campaign (short, medium or long): 1. I must choose 3 LESS Average pilots 2. SA-2 counters are removed from the defence counter arsenal 3. The Event cards Bandits!, SAM Site!, B-52 Strike and Show of Force are removed 4. I have to subtract 2 from the number of aircraft allowed to fly a mission 5. No Bandit counters are to be drawn As it's the Medium campaign, I get 4 Special Option points. I can use these for special abilities, like Tankers (to remove the weight penalty enforced on my specific route) or use special weapons like th AGM-12 Bullpup or the BLU-1 Victory Conditions are: 9+ Great 6-8 Good 4-5 Adequate 2-3 Poor 1- Dismal It'll be tough, bearing in mind I'm to lose 2 aircraft each mission! The core campaign plays out in average difficulty. To make it harder I could make the campaign harder by 1. ACE Difficulty - select 3 disadvantages 2. VETERAN Difficulty - select 2 disadvantages 3. SKILLED Difficulty - select 1 disadvantage The disadvantages are: 1. Extra Stress - Pilots suffer 1 extra stress point 2. Improved Sites/Bandits - Add 1 to Site/Bandit rolls 3. Reduced SOs - start with fewer SOs (Short -2, Medium -5, Long -8) I could also make the campaign easier by 1. GREEN - select 1 advantage 2. NEWBIE - select 2 advantages The advantages are: 1. Less Stress - Pilots suffer 1 less stress point 2. Donwgraded Sites/Bandits - Subtract 1 from Site/Bandit rolls 3. Fewer Sites/Bandits - Place 1 fewer site/bandit counters in the Centre Area 4. Increased SOs - Start with more SOs (Short +2, Medium +5, Long +8) For this campaign, I choose the GREEN Campaign, so get to choose 1 advantage. I choose Downgraded Sites/Bandits as I am going to have fewer aircraft to fly with. This is the Campaign map
A word on the Campaign map. The section at the bottom shows the Recon, Intel and Political tracks. These are moved as you fly missions. As the Recon slider moves to the right, you are allowed a larger selection of targets. As the Intel moves to the right, the numbers of sites can be reduced and as the political counter is moved to the right, you are limited to targeting less politically sensitive targets.
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< Message edited by JudgeDredd -- 4/28/2011 8:49:02 PM >
Alba gu' brath