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Bug, Reserve a/c going to different Sqn.and taking all the pilots with them.

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Uncommon Valor - Campaign for the South Pacific >> Tech Support >> Bug, Reserve a/c going to different Sqn.and taking all the pilots with them. Page: [1]
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Bug, Reserve a/c going to different Sqn.and taking all ... - 9/30/2002 6:54:14 AM   


Posts: 349
Joined: 3/27/2000
From: Adelaide, SA, Australia
Status: offline
Hello all.
A new? bug. discovered when trying to sort out the Air groups for the 3 Japanese CS's.
Background. the three CS's come with Asymetric airgroups, but the computer thinks that they should both be the same size, this is even though they have different size designators.
So what it does is to place the excess A/C from the larger group into reserve, and feeds replacements to the lessor group.
This means that the A/C become unflyable, as the CS has become overloaded with A/C.
So what I decided to do was to siphon these reserve A/C off to another airgroup.
This is what I did For Nissan.
place Nissan in the Port.
Transfer Tone-1 A/G to Base, (currently has 2 E7's)
Transfer Nissan-1 A/G to Base (currently has 10 + 4 reserve E7's)
Now what happens is that all of the Reserve A/C, and ALL of the pilots, from Nissan-1 end up in Tone-1, Leaving Nissan-1 with 10 A/C and NO pilots, and Tone-1 with 2 + 4 A/C and 16 pilots!
The Reserve A/C should have stayed with the Nissan-1 A/G as I was simply unloading the A/G in port!
The exact same thing happened again when I tried to even out the Chitose and Chyoda airgroups.
AS a related note, if the program is going to go around forceing all the Japanese AV's and CS's to have Airgroups that are exactly 1/2 the AV/CS capacity; Can we please have the Scenarioes edited so that these airgroups come as standard airgroups that are of equal size; And not the current Asymetric airgroups that result in the AV/CS A/C rapidly becoming unflyable due to AV/CS overloading.
A possible change. Could we please have the program simply send reserve A/C back to the aircraft pool, when a airgroup with aircraft in reserve is moved?


"We're having a war, and we want you to come!"
So the pig began to whistle and to pound on a drum.
"We'll give you a gun, and we'll give you a hat!"
And the pig began to whistle when they told the piggies that.
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