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The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles

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The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 4:44:38 PM   

Posts: 403
Joined: 6/21/2002
From: The Netherlands
Status: offline
It has to be said. There is a huge difference in appearance of the vehicles and guns in this game. Some models are gorgeous, others are simply horrible. How will this be tackled? Is Matrix going to improve upon the models or are we dependent on gifted community members/modders? Just curious, because the attraction of this game will increase a lot when all models are beauties, instead of beasts.


Post #: 1
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 5:13:24 PM   


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I agree.

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RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 5:17:54 PM   
Mad Russian

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That's a product of this being a hybrid game. PCO was never intended to be a game. It was only to be a patch. Then it turned into an upgrade and finally a game. MANY of the models were redone. But as you say, not all of them.

More than likely there will be some support from both sides. Some by the game development team and some by the community.

If the community likes the game then there will be lots of different models to choose from; as they add to what's already been done.

We'll just have to wait to see where it all goes.

Good Hunting.


< Message edited by Mad Russian -- 5/16/2011 5:18:25 PM >


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(in reply to Enigma6584)
Post #: 3
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 6:30:17 PM   

Posts: 2364
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From: Italy
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Is Matrix going to improve upon the models or are we dependent on gifted community members/modders?

I am working to finish to improve the Pz IV series, so in the next patch there will be new Ausf G late, H and J, if possible also the StuG IV, StuG III G and StuH 42.


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(in reply to Jacko)
Post #: 4
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 6:32:05 PM   
Erik Rutins


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This is more a function of the decision to keep backwards compatibility, in the sense that we keep taking the content from previous releases and making sure it works with the latest release. If you look at a lot of the squads and vehicles that were in Kharkov and Winterstorm, a huge number were redone and many were added. There are probably more new units in Ostfront than in the past two releases. However, some we didn't get to. Same for the maps. Most of the original maps got a facelift, but a few did not.

We decided we'd rather have a few units or maps that looked a bit older than exclude them from the game. The newer maps and units show the current standard and all the new future content will be up to that standard or higher. As time allows, we'll continue to improve on the older vehicles, squads and maps as well.


- Erik


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(in reply to Mad Russian)
Post #: 5
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 6:33:51 PM   

Posts: 403
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From: The Netherlands
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Is Matrix going to improve upon the models or are we dependent on gifted community members/modders?

I am working to finish to improve the Pz IV series, so in the next patch there will be new Ausf G late, H and J, if possible also the StuG IV, StuG III G and StuH 42.

Delighted to hear it, JMass. I love your work. Thank you very much for your dedication!


(in reply to JMass)
Post #: 6
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/16/2011 6:34:54 PM   

Posts: 403
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From: The Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

This is more a function of the decision to keep backwards compatibility, in the sense that we keep taking the content from previous releases and making sure it works with the latest release. If you look at a lot of the squads and vehicles that were in Kharkov and Winterstorm, a huge number were redone and many were added. There are probably more new units in Ostfront than in the past two releases. However, some we didn't get to. Same for the maps. Most of the original maps got a facelift, but a few did not.

We decided we'd rather have a few units or maps that looked a bit older than exclude them from the game. The newer maps and units show the current standard and all the new future content will be up to that standard or higher. As time allows, we'll continue to improve on the older vehicles, squads and maps as well.


- Erik

The right decision, to my opinion, Erik. I'm glad you included them all. But I hope the older units will be updated soon, since that will make or break this game. Imagine making a demo with the older units. I must be honest, I wouldn't have bought this game in that case. Some remind me of the initial models in CMBO. And having a number of very good, new units next to them makes them look even worse.

< Message edited by Jacko -- 5/16/2011 8:28:12 PM >


(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 7
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 4:54:03 AM   


Posts: 581
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From: Chilliwack, British Columbia
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I wonder how many people out there are gifted enough to be able to MOD the lesser done vehicles ect.? I myself would love to be able to do it, but am limited to stick men and crayons.

(in reply to Jacko)
Post #: 8
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 5:20:39 AM   

Posts: 403
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From: The Netherlands
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That is exactly what worries me too. It may be a lot simpler in PCO than in for example CMBB or CMSF, but it is still only for the gifted. 


(in reply to Ratzki)
Post #: 9
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 7:59:27 AM   

Posts: 2494
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From: Jyväskylä, Finland
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If modders become interested Im sure thell be tons of vehicle mods like in first combat mission games.

I agree it was the bets decision to include the old content. I rather have old models than no models at all. This game is slowly becoming like 3d spwaw that includes everything.

< Message edited by Zakhal -- 5/17/2011 8:01:06 AM >


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(in reply to Jacko)
Post #: 10
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 8:13:00 AM   

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This game is slowly becoming like 3d spwaw that includes everything.

That would be a direction I would appreciate.


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(in reply to Zakhal)
Post #: 11
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 8:23:24 AM   

Posts: 2364
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From: Italy
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Could you suggest which models need more some improvement?

< Message edited by JMass -- 5/17/2011 10:19:19 AM >


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(in reply to sztartur2)
Post #: 12
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 2:45:34 PM   


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I wonder how many people out there are gifted enough to be able to MOD the lesser done vehicles ect.? I myself would love to be able to do it, but am limited to stick men and crayons.

There lies the issue. It's time consuming to learn, and time consuming to make. To make something well takes a range of talents, all can be learned, but it again takes time.

When people ask "why isn't x. y. z" in the game, it's because there's a huge degree of prioritizing involved in what gets produced (just like it was in real life). If we don't get a nice looking Panther in, why will motorcycles matter? Etc.

I really, really hope some of you do start trying out some 3D modding. I basically taught myself from the ground up. You can do it too. Get that FragMotion program, and start playing. We'll help where can with technical stuff.


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(in reply to Ratzki)
Post #: 13
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/17/2011 4:13:20 PM   

Posts: 403
Joined: 6/21/2002
From: The Netherlands
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Could you suggest which models need more some improvement?

JMass, I sincerly hope I don't hurt anybody's feeling, because that really isn't what I'm aiming for. But I think the entire Pz III series, the entire 251 series and the entire 250 series need to be improved. Setting the standard are vehicles like the Jagdpanzer series, the Brummbär-series and the Grille-series.

Furthermore the Marder-series, the StuG-series, the T60-series, the trucks and guns like the 88mm, 75mm PAK and the ZIS-2. need improvement.

I also would recommend to bring the Panther-series to the standard of the Jagdpanzer-series, since it is one of the most important tanks in the game.

There are a number of VERY good models in the game, as mentioned above, which include the T-35/85 which is superb, but the difference between the beauties and the beasts is simply to great at the moment.

< Message edited by Jacko -- 5/17/2011 6:22:44 PM >


(in reply to JMass)
Post #: 14
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/19/2011 2:24:45 AM   

Posts: 12907
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Meanwhile nobody mentions that we don't have sawtooth roads and terrain features. That you can place buildings in any direction that you want. Our maps are on par with any 3D game that I have seen. OK I haven't seen many but I think they are...


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(in reply to Jacko)
Post #: 15
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/19/2011 3:18:39 AM   

Posts: 927
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Meanwhile nobody mentions that we don't have sawtooth roads and terrain features. That you can place buildings in any direction that you want. Our maps are on par with any 3D game that I have seen. OK I haven't seen many but I think they are...

The maps, terrain and buildings are excellent! Just thought I'd mention it for you... I really like everything about this so far..

(in reply to junk2drive)
Post #: 16
RE: The beauty and the beast; modding vehicles - 5/19/2011 4:11:04 AM   

Posts: 403
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From: The Netherlands
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This game has potential, Junk. I'm sure of that. And you guys have done a great job in many ways. It is just that you are real close to make a winner of this game and some things still need to improve. There is much more to like than to dislike and of course this game needs time to develop. It is just that you need buyers to be able to do that and they will only be attracted by eye candy combined with solid gameplay. You'll get there. 


(in reply to Commanderski)
Post #: 17
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