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Current Patch?

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Current Patch? - 8/27/2011 7:28:51 AM   

Posts: 653
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Hey everyone! I just wanted to ask if anyone has something to report with the current beta patch.

Has anyone encountered a problem? Has the (very) minor tweaking of the AI changed the play balance for the worse? I certainly hope not.

I realize that this patch is mostly a maintenance release and therefore there isn't very much to interest players who have already played "Hannibal" a fair amount.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC
Post #: 1
RE: Current Patch? - 8/27/2011 8:45:47 PM   

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I have not encountered any bugs.

The Zeugitania recruiting pool changes you desribed as "very slight". However, I found the extra recruits quite noticeable, particularly African heavy Infantry. Definatly seeing more "A" troops in the Carthaginian OB.

No longer reserving a Command Phase for Hannibal can make quite a difference. This is particularly so late in the game when I tend to just park Hannibal and his army outside Rome in the hope the Romans will attack.

Altogether I would say the campaign is slightly easier for Carthage now. Play balance has not changed to the point of being detrimental to the game.

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 2
RE: Current Patch? - 8/28/2011 5:18:06 AM   

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Thanks for the feedback. There is some random chance with the growth of each province's recruiting pool. So you'll see in some games a more noticeable difference. That may have happened in your game(s).

As for the command reserved for Hannibal, I can see how this makes things a little easier. But I'm glad to hear that the play balance is still about right. I can do a final tweak on these two points before the patch goes gold if needed.

By tweaking I don't mean to revert the rule (for reserving a command for Hannibal) but perhaps to adjust the probabilities for how many command phases the Carthaginian player will receive on a given turn.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Drakkon)
Post #: 3
RE: Current Patch? - 8/29/2011 10:27:12 AM   


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I haven't had any bugs in the two games I played (or if I had some, I didn't noticed them), but I noticed that Carthage now has a better chance of replenishing her armies. The extra recruits really do help when playing on hard difficulty. It's not too easy though, at least not for me - the AI is as deadly as ever, and you can't afford to make too many mistakes. One does not simply walk into Rome. 

All in all, good work.

Any news about the next game?


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 4
RE: Current Patch? - 8/30/2011 5:19:53 AM   

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Hey PJJ,

Thanks for the kind words.

The new game is progressing slowly, but it is progressing. I think that things are finally starting to move more quickly. I hope to have a few screen shots to post in about two weeks. But I'll have to see if my graphic designer can make that deadline.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 5
RE: Current Patch? - 9/6/2011 9:59:07 AM   

Posts: 2930
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From: Murderous Missouri Scum
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Can't wait to see what you're cooking up James.  


(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 6
RE: Current Patch? - 10/29/2011 3:56:43 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mercenarius

The new game is progressing slowly, but it is progressing. I think that things are finally starting to move more quickly. I hope to have a few screen shots to post in about two weeks. But I'll have to see if my graphic designer can make that deadline.

So, James, what about those darn screenshots?? More than a few weeks have passed since this post and as one of your old play-testers I'd sure like to have a peek at your next piece of work....maybe you want to get after that graphics designer of yours?


(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 7
RE: Current Patch? - 10/29/2011 9:09:52 PM   

Posts: 653
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Well, I am a terrible estimator!

As you have surmised, my graphic designer has had some unexpected delays. And he has some other previous commitments. And so he has been delayed in getting materials to me. I hope to post some screen shots very soon.

In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that I'll post something next weekend. It won't be too extensive, but I'll post something.

And, as always, thanks for the interest!


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to TJD)
Post #: 8
RE: Current Patch? - 11/1/2011 8:16:50 PM   

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In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that I'll post something next weekend. It won't be too extensive, but I'll post something.

The sound you hear is that limb being sawed off behind me.

After speaking with Erik Rutins, I realize that I was premature in promising some early screen shots. People who have actually played "Hannibal" could evaluate early artwork from me, but others might get a false impression of the next game. So I am going to have to hold off with any public screen shots for a while.

I am sorry to pull the rug out from under you. My enthusiasm sometimes gets the better of me.

You guys can learn a game, play it, enjoy it, master it, and put it on the shelf much faster than I get produce a new one.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 9
RE: Current Patch? - 11/2/2011 2:14:25 PM   


Posts: 355
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If I may ask... Who is the artist? Has he created graphics for any other (Matrix or not) game?

Thanks in advance.

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 10
RE: Current Patch? - 11/6/2011 10:09:51 PM   

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Nikel, I am sorry for delay in responding. I'll post a reply as soon as I complete a little focus testing on current concept art.

I don't mind the question, not at all. And I don't mean that in the mode of Captain Kirk - "you can ask."


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Nikel)
Post #: 11
RE: Current Patch? - 11/7/2011 11:38:16 AM   


Posts: 355
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Thanks, waiting for the complete answer 

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 12
RE: Current Patch? - 11/9/2011 12:57:57 AM   


Posts: 97
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I hope the new map retains the feel of Hannibal's map, but is significantly improved in terms of quality, resolution, etc.  Some animation wouldn't hurt either.  I know a few people who balked at purchasing Hannibal because of the map quality -- since you spend most of the game on it, some chrome there would be a good use of development time.

(in reply to Nikel)
Post #: 13
RE: Current Patch? - 11/14/2011 7:23:20 PM   


Posts: 167
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Will the Romans be involved in the next game? I hope you can reveal at least that, if not much else. 

Looking forward to the new screenshots!


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to cherryfunk)
Post #: 14
RE: Current Patch? - 11/15/2011 6:13:12 AM   

Posts: 653
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Will the Romans be involved in the next game? I hope you can reveal at least that, if not much else. 

Yes, the Romans will be involved in the next game. Most definitely.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 15
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