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RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A)

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RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 11/29/2011 11:52:10 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: obvert
I will keep the early CVEs accelerated, which still gives me a surplus, and then build up the pools for the late war. Is there a number I should shoot for by say 12/43?

I haven't a clue. The only recommendation I can make is to use tracker. You can create a graph that will show your surplus vs. future needs. Damian can probably give you better info on where to find it.


Created by the amazing Dixie

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Post #: 61
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 11/30/2011 7:04:47 PM   

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15 Dec 1941

PI: Another sweep at Clark found 12 P-40E up for CAP. These guys are masochists here. We knocked down 3 more in the air and 1 as an ops loss. No zero losses.

The port strike was a partial success. Out of the six bomber groups set to fly, only 3 did. Grrr. The Langley took two critical hits, two subs were critically hit (!), but no sign of a hit on the Boise. Also got an xAK which probably sank. The rollover shows 9 ships in port now (TK DD DD DD xAP xAP SS AVD AVD) and we'll have to see if we get it tomorrow. If it was here fixing even on pierside it could take a turn or two to get moving. I think it might have gone though. Jolo will fall next turn giving us much better search in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea areas.

Our troops should move into Lingayen tomorrow, and 3 units are present there. One Sally group will hit them to keep them there if possible.

DEI: Blabac, Jesselton, and Jolo will be attacked tomorrow. Sambas fell yesterday.

The Air HQ from Saigon is nearly at Singkawang, and will arrive next turn. This TF was attacked by Dutch sub KXIV during the night. The two sub chasers were right on target, hitting it immediately with a penetrating shot to the engines. Two more shots were direct hits causing explosions, and the other 4 were minor causing leaks. Heavy damage was reported after the turn, but there is a sub listed in the hex today. Hmmm.

Nagato, Fuso, Ise and Hyuga bombarded Ambon and did some serious damage. In addition to the 21 squads destroyed, 34 disabled, and 3 planes destroyed, 1 gun was destroyed and 3 disabled. Hopefully these were the CD guns.

Malaya: We're surrounding the Rgts in Alor Star and moving the 14th Armour into the jungle hex between Patani, Singora, and Alor Star to take away any retreat. Meanwhile, a regiment is still moving forward to Georgetown. In the rollover 68 fighters and 100 bombers are listed in Singapore. We've got to start sweeping soon so we can get to bombing and restricting fort building.

Burma: Port Blair fell today. The fields are untouched so I can fly in an airbase and Nells and start to use it right away. This will be great to search for supply TFs coming into Rangoon and getting subs vectored in as well as other air. An AF Coy will begin to move in in two days once it gets out of strat mode in Bangkok.

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to fly an entire Air HQ in with torps before the torps have been purchased? I've tried once they are bought into the unit, but never before that. It just occurred to me.

Pacific: As the KB moves past 16 Vals take a shot at an AVD sitting at Hilo. Add another ship to the PH trip total.

NO PAC: Transports are five hexes from Attu and should land tomorrow or the next day.

SO PAC: We'll try again at Kaveing. Transports are unloading at Turk to reload with better TF composition before heading to Rabaul.

Subs: In addition to the destroyed Dutch sub and the possible two at Manila, our subs continue to wreak havoc and take out another US Coast Guard ship, the PC Crawford, near Coal Harbour. Every little bit helps.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 62
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 11/30/2011 8:12:23 PM   

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Oh yeah

I forgot to mention that there is a SCTF at Boela, and while we're loading the troops back up from Sorong we have a big SCTF of our own here. It appears that ours has not been seen, maybe because our bombardment last night wiped out all of the patrols from Ambon. Good timing. We're going in with the Kongo and three CAs covered by 5 DD. Only Kongo is low on ammo, but it can move and still suck up hits as well as use the secondary guns.

Moon is 3% for this one. I would think that would give us an advantage at this point in the war. But that might bring the range in close as well, risking torpedo hits. We have two sets of Petes on night search as well to get every extra detection possible.

Also, a TF of 9 ships is south of Palembang. There are 6 subs within 3 hexes of it all neatly lined in rows along the two different axis it's likely to take not that I planned this, they were just there. Hoping for force Z. Betty and Nells fro Kuching and Singkawang are providing a lot of search, but this should happen at night and it's very dark, so I hope we see them.

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Post #: 63
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/1/2011 6:13:27 PM   

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16 Dec 1941

Pacific: I forgot to mention the failed Guam attack last turn. My SNLF got only 1 to 2 against the base force there. So the 4 CA bombarded today. We'll shock attack tomorrow. The KB is 5-6 days away from the next mission at Canton. Subs two hexes away chasing from PH.

NO PAC: Landed a base force on Attu today. It'll take the base tomorrow. I am hoping this seems like a departure from my strategy last game, which it is not. If Jocke responds quickly he could keep me from my next target of Cold Bay. The fast trans TF is loading the now rested SNLFs at Wake after being refuelled, and it'll be up there in a week or so. There is search from the AMCs and CLs involved, and I'll have some Mavis at Attu and hopefully at Adak by the time it arrives. Fingers crossed, but the subs on the west coast north have not seen any TFs leave the area to go up here.

SO PAC: We'll try a shock at Kaveing after today's attack came up 1 to 1 with even losses. Rabaul invasion loading at Truk.

Malaya: Change of mind. Instead of waiting for the 14th Tank to move into the forest hex and completely surround these Rgts at Alor, which would have taken about 11-12 days, we'll pile everything that is here now into the hex and try to get enough of an advantage to trash these units completely or force them to surrender. We can't afford to wait over a week here. A Rgt is in Georgetown and will attack tomorrow.

Burma: Chang Mai and Pisanoluke are building airfields. Raheng is awaiting a construction unit. Airbases are moving in. no activity from the Allies. All available Thai troops with some IJA units will march to Moulmein starting now.

DEI: Neither impending surface engagement happened. The TF at Boela (shown as 5 ships CL DD DD) shot west to get at the Kendari invasion forces. It missed by 3 hexes, but landed next to my fast transport headed by CLs Naka and Kuma and with 6 new DDs. Unfortunately I did not change out Kuma's CPT, who is leading this TF. His skills are: LD 60 - INSP 49 - NVL 60 - AGR 52. Not awful, but not great. The moon is now 0%. Will anyone hit anything? Will they both get so close they annihilate each other with torps?

The Kandari invasion will land next turn. Two SCTFs will be there to support, including the 4 BB 4 DD TF. The other large TF with Kongo and 3 CA will move into the middle of the Banda Sea.

No sign of the listed BB TF near Billiton. Must be quick or not BBs at all.

Today we launched a few deep penetration fast transport TFs. One of 4 DDs to Bima to set up a patrol base here. Another to Dili. A third will attempt to get to Christmas island and take this base. CA Maya plus two CL and 3 DDs should be able to handle themselves unless they run into force Z. It's a risk, but it could also run into some juicy targets south of Java. The benefit would be to get good patrol in this area and scout for the about to arrive Mini KB and other surface groups.

PI: Three more P-40E taken down over Clark. Not sure how we can see the actual pilots involved while dogfighting, but during the animations I did notice Wagner was one of them, and he was forced to dive away when his P-40 was damaged. Looks like he brought it home though. No P-40E ops losses were recorded. It would have been nice to get one of the better early war pilots out of there.

Two ground units have been caught in Lingayen and unless they are moving fast enough to get out tomorrow they will be roughed up.

Another port attack at Manila. The rollover still shows 5 DD in port. Here is the story:

Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 117 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 41 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 39
G3M2 Nell x 33
G4M1 Betty x 50

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Pillsbury, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
SS Sailfish, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
AV Langley, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP President Madison, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
SS Porpoise, Bomb hits 3, heavy damage
DD Thanet, Bomb hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Si Kiang, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
xAK Ethel Edwards, Bomb hits 3, on fire
xAK Capillo, Bomb hits 2, on fire

Allied ground losses:
16 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Port hits 7
Port supply hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
25 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
20 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
27 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
6 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb
5 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 800 kg AP Bomb

Massive explosion on SS Sailfish

Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 89 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 28
Ki-27b Nate x 24
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 18

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
AV Langley, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP President Madison, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Ethel Edwards, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK Capillo, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Si Kiang, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Port hits 3

Aircraft Attacking:
28 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
18 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet *
Port Attack: 2 x 100 kg GP Bomb


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< Message edited by obvert -- 9/23/2013 12:13:31 PM >

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Post #: 64
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:25:33 PM   

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It's about time to see what is happening to the various ships and other units I'm following in this game. Also, time for some pics.

Tainan Ku S-1

This group is leading in kills with 48. They and the 3rd Ku have wiped the slate of all but about 5 US fighters in the PI. As you can see, there have been some losses. 5 KIA and a few more missing and wounded. After the next few turns this group will move to deal with Buffalos at Singers.

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Post #: 65
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:26:22 PM   

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Surprisingly, Sakai has no kills!

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Post #: 66
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:29:33 PM   

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Happily I've managed to keep all subs away from the mines this game!

I-25 was out searching for US CVs returning to PH or moving north, and will now move toward supply lanes as the KB leaves the area. We believe the US CVs either went north or south quickly. Those areas all have subs moving toward them now to have a look.

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Post #: 67
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:36:41 PM   

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Hokoku Maru

This AMC is near its starting point in the South Pacific. To both avoid US CVs moving to the south and scout for transport heading to the deep SO PAC, these two AMCs are in stationary patrol. If and when we have Canton Island secured, we will move these up to replace the poor captains and change the Alfs to Jakes. Then they will move again to another scouting position.

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Post #: 68
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:36:56 PM   

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ORIGINAL: obvert

Surprisingly, Sakai has no kills!

His air skill is the lowest of your high exp pilots ... still awfully good though ...



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Post #: 69
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:39:30 PM   

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14 Tank Rgt

This unit will be moving down toward Singapore, but will not be taking part in the attack. It will move back toward burma and help there once the roads and rails are clear.

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Post #: 70
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:40:48 PM   

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Nagato Maru

This ship is in Kobe changing into a PB.

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Post #: 71
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:42:16 PM   

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Oregon Maru

This AK has just added extra troop carrying ability and will move to Tokyo to await units to carry.

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Post #: 72
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/2/2011 4:44:48 PM   

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DD Shiranui

Shiranui is back with the KB after the short detachment to hit an ASW group. They are on the way to Canton Island to support the landing there.

Several US sube have been trying to catch up to us but so far the KB has eluded them by changing course each turn.

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< Message edited by obvert -- 12/3/2011 2:24:00 PM >

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Post #: 73
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 2:27:25 PM   

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S DEI: A shot to show the state of things. Kendari invasion will land next turn. The Balikpapan invasion is about two days away as well.

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Post #: 74
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 2:29:35 PM   

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N PI This shows where we've gotten to with the Luzon troops.

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Post #: 75
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 2:32:30 PM   

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China: Troops are gathering for Yenan behind the lines. Only a small number of armour units are active in the far north.

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Post #: 76
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 2:35:18 PM   

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Singapore: A good portion of British air forces are in Singapore. Very soon we'll begin extensive sweeps to reduce these numbers and begin bombing.

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Post #: 77
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 3:09:35 PM   

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Are u sending troops to guard the Kuriles?

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Post #: 78
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/3/2011 3:17:43 PM   

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You bet! Gotta take the Aleutians away first though, so I have a little more of a roadblock up there. Not that one has to go through the Aleutians.

Once I have the points, probably during the summer of 42, there will be several reserve infantry units also ready to just move in there if something BIG is coming.

In your game, once everything unfolded, I began to wonder if anything could have stopped that invasion completely even if those islands were stocked with troops and the KB had intercepted. It would have been harder, and you might not have gotten as much right away, but especially with where the bulk of his troops were, it would have been tough to do anything meaningful even with a week's notice.

Moral of the story; don't leave your entire army at the farthest possible point from your most important area when your enemy has an even bigger army.

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 79
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/4/2011 12:38:14 PM   

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17 Dec 1941

DEI: An exciting turn. Several surface actions and a fairly good outcome for the IJN. This game I've spent extra time assessing what the Allies can bring in the area and was ready for anything up to the size of a reinforced Force Z, which is what we got.

Firstly, a nght action involving the previously spotted CL led TF. It was 0% moon, so these battles all got in a bit too close for comfort.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Taliaboe at 74,104, Range 9,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Naka, Shell hits 1
CL Kuma
DD Natsugumo
DD Yamagumo
DD Minegumo, Shell hits 2
DD Asagumo
DD Harusame
DD Yudachi

Allied Ships
CL Mauritius, Shell hits 1
DD Alden, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Edsall, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD John D. Edwards
DD Whipple

Japanese ground losses:
17 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 10,000 yards
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 9,000 yards
Japanese open fire on surprised Allied ships at 9,000 yards
CL Kuma fires at CL Mauritius at 9,000 yards
CL Naka launches Long Lance Torpedoes at CL Mauritius at 9,000 yards
CL Kuma fires at DD John D. Edwards at 9,000 yards
CL Kuma fires at DD Edsall at 9,000 yards
DD Asagumo launches Long Lance Torpedoes at DD John D. Edwards at 9,000 yards
DD Edsall sunk by DD Minegumo at 9,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards
CL Kuma engages CL Mauritius at 2,000 yards
DD Asagumo engages DD Whipple at 2,000 yards
DD Minegumo engages DD John D. Edwards at 2,000 yards
DD Harusame engages DD Alden at 2,000 yards
DD Alden engages DD Minegumo at 2,000 yards
Range increases to 3,000 yards
CL Kuma engages CL Mauritius at 3,000 yards
DD Whipple engages DD Asagumo at 3,000 yards
DD John D. Edwards engages DD Minegumo at 3,000 yards
DD Alden engages DD Asagumo at 3,000 yards
DD John D. Edwards engages DD Yamagumo at 3,000 yards
DD John D. Edwards engages DD Natsugumo at 3,000 yards
Range increases to 7,000 yards
CL Mauritius engages CL Kuma at 7,000 yards
DD Minegumo engages DD Whipple at 7,000 yards
DD Alden engages DD Harusame at 7,000 yards
DD Whipple engages DD Yamagumo at 7,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
CL Mauritius engages CL Kuma at 10,000 yards
DD Yamagumo engages DD Whipple at 10,000 yards
DD Yudachi engages DD John D. Edwards at 10,000 yards
DD Harusame engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
DD Asagumo engages DD Alden at 10,000 yards
DD Alden engages DD Yamagumo at 10,000 yards
DD Alden engages DD Natsugumo at 10,000 yards
Range increases to 12,000 yards
CL Kuma engages CL Mauritius at 12,000 yards
CL Naka engages CL Mauritius at 12,000 yards
DD Yudachi engages DD John D. Edwards at 12,000 yards
DD Minegumo engages DD Alden at 12,000 yards
DD Asagumo engages DD Whipple at 12,000 yards
DD Minegumo engages DD Whipple at 12,000 yards
DD Yamagumo engages DD John D. Edwards at 12,000 yards
Task forces break off...

The USS Edsal was the only loss for either side, going down to a long lance. No troops were lost from this TF either, and none of our ships had more than 9 damage in any category, so after the inevitable retreat after the battle, we'll continue on to Kendari next turn.

Unfortunately the Mauritius and 3 remaining DDs retreated at warp 7 back to Boela, where they caught 3 xAKs and a PB unloading a small SNLF unit. I didn't seem likely they could get this far in one turn after the battle, but they did. All 4 IJN ships are forming a nice new reef just outside Boela harbour.

Then we got into it with Force Z. This was another close in battle, especially considering we had 4 BBs involved. Luckily no torps got to any of our ships.

Night Time Surface Combat, near Kendari at 70,106, Range 1,000 Yards

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
Walrus II: 1 destroyed

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato
BB Fuso, Shell hits 9, heavy fires
BB Ise, Shell hits 2, on fire
BB Hyuga, Shell hits 9
DD Yakaze
DD Wakatake, Shell hits 1
DD Kuretake, Shell hits 1
DD Sanae

Allied Ships
BB Prince of Wales, Shell hits 8
BC Repulse, Shell hits 28, and is sunk
CL Java, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CL Danae
DD Van Nes
DD Evertsen, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Tenedos
DD Electra
DD Express

Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 2,000 yards
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 5,000 yards...
Range closes to 3,000 yards...
Range closes to 1,000 yards...
BB Hyuga engages BC Repulse at 1,000 yards
BC Repulse engages BB Ise at 1,000 yards
BB Fuso engages BC Repulse at 1,000 yards
BB Hyuga engages CL Java at 1,000 yards
BB Fuso engages DD Express at 1,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuretake at 1,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Wakatake at 1,000 yards
BB Fuso engages DD Evertsen at 1,000 yards
DD Van Nes engages DD Wakatake at 1,000 yards
Range increases to 2,000 yards
BB Ise engages BB Prince of Wales at 2,000 yards
BB Ise engages BB Prince of Wales at 2,000 yards
BC Repulse engages BB Fuso at 2,000 yards
DD Wakatake engages CL Java at 2,000 yards
DD Evertsen engages DD Sanae at 2,000 yards
DD Kuretake engages DD Evertsen at 2,000 yards
DD Wakatake engages DD Express at 2,000 yards
DD Yakaze engages DD Evertsen at 2,000 yards
Range increases to 3,000 yards
BB Hyuga engages BC Repulse at 3,000 yards
BC Repulse sunk by BB Ise at 3,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuretake at 3,000 yards
DD Electra engages DD Kuretake at 3,000 yards
DD Tenedos engages DD Sanae at 3,000 yards
Range increases to 4,000 yards
BB Prince of Wales engages BB Fuso at 4,000 yards
DD Sanae engages DD Express at 4,000 yards
BB Prince of Wales engages DD Sanae at 4,000 yards
DD Kuretake engages DD Evertsen at 4,000 yards
DD Sanae engages DD Evertsen at 4,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Yakaze at 4,000 yards
Task forces break off...

For some reason Repulse was a shell magnet and Prince of Wales got off relatively unscathed. But it's good to drop half of this duo. Fuso ended up with 39 system, 23 float, and 16 engine damage, if I recall correctly. It'll be heading to the yards for a while. Again no IJN ships lost.

After this the detached Java and Everston met our CL Nagara and DDs TF. Both Allied ships were destroyed for no IJN losses and minimal damage except to one DD which had abuot 40 system and 30 float damage. This one was in the day so we could finally see what to shoot at.

Day Time Surface Combat, near Kendari at 70,106, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Nagara, Shell hits 2
DD Kuroshio, Shell hits 1
DD Yukikaze
DD Tokitsukaze, Shell hits 1
DD Yamakaze, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Kawakaze, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Umikaze, Shell hits 1
DD Suzukaze
DD Shiokaze

Allied Ships
CL Java, Shell hits 19, on fire, heavy damage
DD Express, Shell hits 14, heavy fires, heavy damage

Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions: 28,000 yards
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 21,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 21,000 yards
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Hamano K. crosses the 'T'
CL Java engages CL Nagara at 19,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 19,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kawakaze at 19,000 yards
Range closes to 17,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 17,000 yards
DD Shiokaze engages DD Express at 17,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 17,000 yards
DD Tokitsukaze engages DD Express at 17,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 17,000 yards
DD Kuroshio engages DD Express at 17,000 yards
Range closes to 14,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 14,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Suzukaze at 14,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 14,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Yamakaze at 14,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Yukikaze at 14,000 yards
Range closes to 13,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 13,000 yards
DD Kuroshio engages DD Express at 13,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kawakaze at 13,000 yards
Range closes to 12,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 12,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
DD Tokitsukaze engages CL Java at 12,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
DD Kuroshio engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
Range closes to 10,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 10,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuroshio at 10,000 yards
CL Java engages DD Umikaze at 10,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 10,000 yards
DD Tokitsukaze engages DD Express at 10,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 10,000 yards
Range closes to 8,000 yards
CL Java engages CL Nagara at 8,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 8,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 8,000 yards
DD Umikaze engages CL Java at 8,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Tokitsukaze at 8,000 yards
Range increases to 9,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 9,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Umikaze at 9,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
CL Java engages DD Yukikaze at 9,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 10,000 yards
Range increases to 11,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 11,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 11,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Tokitsukaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Kuroshio engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards
CL Java engages CL Nagara at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Tokitsukaze at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuroshio at 9,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 9,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Umikaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
Range increases to 11,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 11,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 11,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Tokitsukaze engages DD Express at 11,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuroshio at 11,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards
CL Java engages CL Nagara at 9,000 yards
CL Java engages DD Shiokaze at 9,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Tokitsukaze at 9,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
Range increases to 12,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 12,000 yards
DD Shiokaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
DD Umikaze engages DD Express at 12,000 yards
Range increases to 13,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 13,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Shiokaze at 13,000 yards
DD Suzukaze engages DD Express at 13,000 yards
DD Umikaze engages DD Express at 13,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 13,000 yards
CL Java engages DD Yamakaze at 13,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 13,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 9,000 yards
DD Kawakaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 9,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Kuroshio at 9,000 yards
Range increases to 15,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 15,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 15,000 yards
DD Express engages DD Yamakaze at 15,000 yards
DD Yukikaze engages DD Express at 15,000 yards
DD Kuroshio engages DD Express at 15,000 yards
Range increases to 19,000 yards
CL Nagara engages CL Java at 19,000 yards
DD Umikaze engages DD Express at 19,000 yards
DD Yamakaze engages DD Express at 19,000 yards
Task forces break off...

These ships then met our BBs and were sunk outright after a few hits.

In the air our Nells just moved to Jolo did some work at Balikpapan setting two TK and AO Trinity alight. They also hit an xAK and an AM near Tarakan. SCTFs are being sent in to pick up the pieces. The Jolo HQ and torps will not arrive for 4-5 more days, so these are flying at 1,000 and bombing with some accuracy, but we lost one to flak.

The HQ is at Singkawang, and the Betty group here will be set to attack to the south with 14 hex range, so to be escorted. There are a good number of ships at Batavia, including several CA as listed.

PI: Our troops at Lingayen crushed two PA infantry units, which will be much debilitated for the coming battles. There are two units listed at Iba so we're rushing armour units there to intercept. Also several units are still in the hex above Manila, so we'll send two infantry units there to see if we can catch them as well.


Ground combat at Lingayen (79,75)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 9521 troops, 45 guns, 262 vehicles, Assault Value = 450

Defending force 6448 troops, 156 guns, 6 vehicles, Assault Value = 277

Japanese adjusted assault: 205

Allied adjusted defense: 50

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Lingayen !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)

Japanese ground losses:
297 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 41 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled

Allied ground losses:
2705 casualties reported
Squads: 159 destroyed, 61 disabled
Non Combat: 124 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 19 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 83 (83 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 8 (8 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 2
Units destroyed 1

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
65th Brigade
2nd Tank Regiment
4th Tank Regiment
Kanno Detachment
7th Tank Regiment

Defending units:
11th PA Infantry Division
21st PA Infantry Division
86th PS Coastal Artillery Battalion

Malaya: Georgetown was captured this turn. To keep things moving a para unit will be flown in for temporary garrison duty until we clear Alor Star. The Imperial Guards are two days away there, and then we'll attack.

SO PAC: Kaveing fell today. An AF Coy will be flown in.

China: We crushed one Corps in central China resulting in losses of 264 Chinese infantry squads! Love that. Hong Kong is giving us fits. One more Infantry Rgt is coming down fom Canton. Bombardments are hurtin gthe troops there i the meantime, and in two days we'll try again.

< Message edited by obvert -- 9/23/2013 12:14:40 PM >

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Post #: 80
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/4/2011 7:49:28 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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18 Dec 1941

DEI: all combatants from the last night and day battles made some distance from the scene. Our other large SCTF headed by Kongo and 2 CA moved to Kendari. It will move to Macassar tomorrow in case there are surface elements lingering there, as well as trying to pick off any of teh damaged TK or AO that were near Balikpapan. We'll shock attack at Kendari tomorrow as well.

In other news in the area a small SCTF hit an xAK and an AM, sinking both in the Sulu Sea. No Nell or Betty attacks.

PI: Another port strike finished off SS Porpoise and left xAP Pres. Madison with fires and heavy damage. Now we'll focus on Clark where 8 fighters are listed. Several PA units might be cut off north of Manila.

On Mindanao freshly landed troops are marching on Cagayan from Surigao.

CENT PAC: Our raider TF got caught by a US CV. Dauntlesses hit the Hokoku Maru hard, and it'll be a miracle if she lasts another turn. The Aikoku Maru is in better shape, and will strike out E in the hopes of both luring ships this direction toward the approaching KB and possibly living to fight again.

The KB is two days travel from the area. It's great to know where at least one CV is located, and we will chase and vector subs into possible paths.

NO PAC: Attu was taken, and forces are moving in today. The Cold Bay invasion is under way and moving north.

< Message edited by obvert -- 12/5/2011 1:41:03 PM >

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Post #: 81
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/5/2011 10:29:48 AM   

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The war from both sides

As I spent some time watching the NFL last night in London, (which is an evening experience here that often leaves me unprepared for the shock of Monday morning), I fired up an AI Scen 2 game playing the Allies. I felt it was time to reacquaint myself with this side of the game to prepare for this IJ game in mid-december. I had questions about what he has available to move out quickly, how many reserves are really out there for his air groups, and just what it feels like on that side again.

It was interesting the feeling of complete freedom unconstrained by the need to conquer something. The Allies have the luxury of both time and materials. The pools are low, and the free units are scarce, but I was actually surprised by how much the good guys have to play with compared to what I've been seeing in my games from the Japanese side. And to know that your first goals are to interrupt your opponent's plans made the first turns very fun. I found my self so less constrained by the care that must be taken with every ship as Japan. All but the CVs in the early going as Allies can be almost kami-ships.

The British DDs at Hong Kong hit ships at Takao Dec 8th and sank three xAKs, getting away to north Borneo scot free! The US CVs hit the Wake invasion force and decimated it completely. They have plenty of time to move south ahead of the KB. I sent a few small TFs to the Aleutians on Dec 8th with troops to stop any Japanese invasion until at least the spring, which might stop it for good.

Why haven't my opponents done things like this? And why didn't I know better that they could?

Anyway. I'm still firmly committed to this game and I love the pressure of playing Japan as well, but I think I'll start an Allied PBEM soon, maybe after the holidays. It just makes sense to know what is really going on over there on the other side.

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Post #: 82
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/6/2011 9:22:42 AM   

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19 Dec 1941

DEI: No more naval engagements today. A base force took Dili. Jakes were flown in. Another small AF Coy landed at Wangipoe and will attack tomorrow. Kendari fell easily. Manado however is getting thorny. After a good 2 to 1 we shocked and came up 1 to 2. Grrr. Now a bunch of waiting. Not that I need to hurry here. A second try for Boela will sail tomorrow with support from a BB led TF. The HQa for Jolo will arrive tomorrow.

Samarinda was invaded by and SNLF and a base force. We'll wait for a turn or two before attacking as there is another SNLF on the way. Then on to Balikpapan. Two DDs chasing shipping went into Balikpapan and hit mines. One might not make it, with 88 flood damage. The other should be fine.

A large SCTF of 7 ships showing a CA and APD in the rollover is next to Billiton. Our Betty group did not fly for this one, and might suffer the consequences if they bombard Singkawang tomorrow night.

PI: On Mindanao troops are moving from Surigao inland, and up from Davao on the other side of the island. Three units are listed in Malaybalay and the Allies might be massing for a stand there, as another unit appears to be moving up to the mountains.

On Luzon the Tanaka Detachment and Arty units moved two hexes north of Manila and found two Armour units waiting plus a small PA infantry unit. It's a jungle hex, so neither side will attack here. The Armour are now moving south but will be met by our brigade moving from Lingayen and another unit totalling about 250 AV. This is a clear hex so armour should be strong. We're bombing in the hope of beginning to weaken them and be able to attack in two days. If we can take out these armour units the defense of Clark will be much tougher.

In the air another sweep over Clark zeros from the Tainan group destroyed 5 P-40s without a loss. In the last attack of 3 trailers against 1 P-40E, the pilot was listed as Wagner. This plane was shot down, although I assume FOW is operable here. It seems odd to list the pilot and not have it actually be that pilot though. Either way, not many good pilots will be surviving the Luzon battles to fight another day.

Malaya: Pressure is building at Alor Star. About 550 AV of IJA units are there now, and after bombarding the Allied units come up at about 150 AV. Tomorrow we will shock attack.

Buffaloes jumped some Sallys bombing ground units today. The escort of 8 Oscars was ineffectual, and we lost 6 Sallys.

China: Divisions are starting to move toward Wenchow. It will be a good while before they get there. Still no opposition in the air and Changsha, Sian, Yenan, and Wenchow are the main targets, although we also hit Liuchow today.

SO PAC: The Rabaul invasion should land tomorrow after bombardment from the 4 Furataka CAs. Nothing has been seen in the area.

CENT PAC: The US CVs and all other Allied shipping disappeared here. On a sad note, the Hokoku Maru slipped beneath the waves in the night.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by obvert -- 12/6/2011 9:59:27 AM >

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Post #: 83
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/7/2011 5:26:16 PM   

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This TF is the one I think is about to bombard Singkawang.

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Post #: 84
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/7/2011 5:42:30 PM   

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A lot of ships are down here scurrying around with troops. The goal is to get search into all areas and take away the primary airbases and put them to use. Very few subs are in the area which makes me want to get this done and get out before they arrive. Since the Battle of Kendari with force Z no major TFs have come into the Banda Sea.

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Post #: 85
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/7/2011 11:23:22 PM   

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20 Dec 1941

DEI: The Marblehead and 5 DD came in to bombard Singkawang as expected. They got a few Bettys and about 10 damage on the field. Out of sight by the time flights were in the air unfortunately. Macassar was successfully landed. Sandakan was invaded. The Tarakan invasion landed and CA Myoko kept the shore guns at bay today.

A SCTF led by 3 CA wiped out AS Canopus and two AMs near Jolo. These might be the last of the fleeing ships from Manila.

China: The usual airfield bombing took place at Changsha and several other bases.

The big news is the fall of Hong Kong. It took a while this time, but fell to one shock attack today after a few days of rest. Our 38th Division is barely touched and will now prep for Palembang.

PI: IJN 2Es hit a fleeing PA infantry Rgt just north of Manila as 2 of our infantry moved into the hex. Tomorrow we'll bombard. South of Manila 4 units captured Batangas with no opposition.
Three Tank Rgts captured Iba today mauling the 31st PA Infantry Div there today. This is good.


Ground combat at Iba (78,75)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 1725 troops, 0 guns, 278 vehicles, Assault Value = 165

Defending force 3264 troops, 73 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 137

Japanese adjusted assault: 217

Allied adjusted defense: 37

Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Iba !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), morale(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Allied ground losses:
1219 casualties reported
Squads: 48 destroyed, 15 disabled
Non Combat: 42 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 27 (25 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Units retreated 2

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
4th Tank Regiment
2nd Tank Regiment
7th Tank Regiment

Defending units:
31st PA Infantry Division
1st PI Base Force


SO PAC: As the Rabaul invasion nears its target 5 Jakes from our scouting AV attack CA Canberra and CL Adelaide at Shortlands. The four CA and 4 DD TF at Rabaul should be fine against these two. They bombarded as the invasion landed during the day. xAK Kazan Maru was hit badly by the CD guns and is on fire.

Malaya: At Alor Star we shock attacked and forced three units to surrender. This should speed up Singapore in a few weeks.


Ground combat at Alor Star (49,73)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 12776 troops, 107 guns, 252 vehicles, Assault Value = 1038

Defending force 3067 troops, 48 guns, 33 vehicles, Assault Value = 115

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0

Japanese adjusted assault: 714

Allied adjusted defense: 19

Japanese assault odds: 37 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Alor Star !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-)
morale(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
253 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 26 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Allied ground losses:
3683 casualties reported
Squads: 145 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 264 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 32 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 58 (58 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 40 (40 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 3

Assaulting units:
11th Infantry Regiment
55th Engineer Regiment
Imperial Guards Division
5th Recon Regiment
1st Tank Regiment
41st Infantry Regiment
14th Tank Regiment
5th Engineer Regiment
91st Naval Guard Unit
25th Army
5th Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
15th Indian Brigade
109th RAF Base Force
137/155th Field Regiment


Attachment (1)

(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 86
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/8/2011 7:30:17 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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21 Dec 1941

SO PAC: The CD guns at Rabaul really ate up some xAKs today. One Yusen N sank and another Aden might go. Troops took the base with a shock attack, bagging two Hudsons. One of the big base forces is here already and search planes will immediately move in. There is a distinct shortage of Mavis units in Scen 1. Jakes become much more important. I may have to bump production up further. Shortlands invasion is two days out again supported by the 4 CA 4 DD TF, with the KB on the way over.

CENT PAC: The KB is moving in to Canton and the invasion should land tomorrow.

China: Near Wuchang am IJA Div attacked one Chinese Corps and got a 4 to 1 causing over 100 destroyed squads as well as kicking it out of this good defensive terrain.

Our small but growing Far NW Army got a 1 to 1 against 2 Chinese units. Another Inf Rgt is on the way, and tanks will follow once the points are available.


Ground combat at 91,33 (near Paotow)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 8395 troops, 68 guns, 302 vehicles, Assault Value = 338

Defending force 9404 troops, 86 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 293

Japanese adjusted assault: 193

Allied adjusted defense: 149

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
673 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 87 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
952 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 118 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled

Assaulting units:
1st Cavalry Brigade
8th Recon Regiment
4th Cavalry Brigade
10th Tank Regiment
12th Indpt Infantry Regiment

Defending units:
11th Chinese Corps
81st Chinese Corps
17th Group Army


PI: On Mindanao Butuan fell. Oroquieta invasion landed, as did Cotabato. Porto Princessa fell as well.

On Luzon our units moved into Cabanatuan as the IJN and IJA airforces pummelled several PA units. We'll attack tomorrow.

Morning Air attack on 91st PA Infantry Division, at 80,76 (Cabanatuan)

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M2 Nell x 25
G4M1 Betty x 50

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged

Allied ground losses:
228 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 27 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
20 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 8000 feet
Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
25 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 8000 feet
Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
25 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 8000 feet
Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
5 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 8000 feet
Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb

Also attacking 3rd/12th PA Inf Battalion ...
Also attacking 91st PA Infantry Division ..

DEI: Near Kendari DD Tachikaze was torpedoed by KXII. Amazingly she only has 58 float damage and will try to get back to Kendari to hide for a while.

Macassar will be bombarded prior to the attack there next turn.

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Post #: 87
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/10/2011 12:37:50 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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22 Dec 1941

China: Mines were cleared from Hong Kong and ships moved in immediately to pick up the 38th Div plus two 15 AV ENG units to go to Palembang. Looks like if all proceeds correctly, we should get there just after the new year. Elsewhere changsha bombing continues unimpeded, units are nearly assembled for the push forward in the north, and 3 Divs are on the move toward Wenchow. Up north troops attacked again near Paotow, only acieving a 1 to 2 but inflicting 3 times the casualties on the Chinese. Near Ichang the 34th Division, a tank rgt, and two RGC divs attacked two Chinese Corps, causing more than 280 squads destroyed and pushing them out of the hex. They will pursue.

Malaya: Things are heating up over Singers. 3 sweeps went in today destroying 39 Buffaloes for the cost of 4 Oscar Ib and 1 A6M2. Tomorrow more of the same with some bombing added in. Also, HQ has made the decision to send the 2nd Div in at Mersing suported by a strong SCTF and the Ryujo. With the success in the air this turn, as well as the lack of any surface presence in the area, the amphib TF which is now near Saigon will divert and attempt a landing at Mersing. If it goes well this could keep several fighting units out of Singapore, as well as roughing up the OZ Brigade at Mersing. If it goes badly, we could lose some ships and kick things a lot.

DEI: Bombardment and the subsequent attack at Macassar proved successful. The Air HQ intended for Kendari will instead move here.

PI: After some heavy air bombardment ground forces took Cabantuan with heavy losses to PA troops and to 2 US Tank units there.


Ground combat at Cabanatuan (80,76)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 7686 troops, 45 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 302

Defending force 4688 troops, 89 guns, 275 vehicles, Assault Value = 205

Japanese adjusted assault: 94

Allied adjusted defense: 23

Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Cabanatuan !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
167 casualties reported
Squads: 5 destroyed, 31 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1359 casualties reported
Squads: 29 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 199 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 7 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 26 (25 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 154 (154 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 5

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
65th Brigade
Kanno Detachment
4th Tank Regiment

Defending units:
26th PS Cavalry Regiment
91st PA Infantry Division
3rd/12th PA Inf Battalion
192nd Tank Battalion
194th Tank Battalion


Edited to include PI information

< Message edited by obvert -- 12/10/2011 5:54:38 PM >

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Post #: 88
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/10/2011 6:04:16 PM   

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23 Dec 1941

A lot to catch up on as we've pushed 3 turns through today already. Every time I'm abut to write one up Jocke send the new one. Some good things coming, so I want to get this up quickly.

China: More bombing. Bases are being rotated so no surprises can be put in place without some guessing involved.

DEI: The CMc Pro Patria was nailed by Kates from Ryujo near Palembang, no doubt leaving some presents in our stockings for Christmas. Some DMS will move in after a few turns to see what we can unwrap.

At Tarakan we shocked, achieving a 2 to 1 and knocking forts to 0. Another short rest and we'll try again. Gorontolo also fell.

PI: All units from Cabantuan and from the hex south of Manila will move into the capitol beginning today.

< Message edited by obvert -- 12/10/2011 6:05:26 PM >

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Post #: 89
RE: Wild Sheep's Chase - obvert (J) vs JocMeister (A) - 12/10/2011 6:25:21 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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24 Dec 1941

Malaya: After yesterday's strikes failed to fly due to weather, today it was a circus over Singers. In spite of our LR CAP and escorts, one betty group decided to go it alone and met 15 Buffaloes. Strangely they were not intercepted on the way in and dropped their loads, then were met by our LR CAP and the Buffs, losing 8 Bettys and a zero for 4 Buffaloes. Sweeps later destroyed another 14 Buffs for 1 zero lost, so there won't be many left here tomorrow.

The Mersing invasion arrives one day before schedule and although it has LR CAP from Khota Baru, the Ryujo is 4 hexes away and provides only 1 A6M for defense. Stringbags escorted by 5 Buffs sortie and mostly get snuffed, but 2 stragglers somehow get by unnoticed and drop 1 500lb bomb onto xAP Atsuta maru, resulting in massive fires that will undubtedly sink the ship. Maybe most of the troops will still make it off however.

The landed troops are in remarkably good condition (12 disruption) and will rest up for the attack in a turn or two.

PI: Clark is hit hard.

China: Khansien falls, and 2 hudsons are left behind. The Yenan area army is about to begin marching. Maybe next turn. More bombing everywhere, hitting lots of troops still out in the open.

SO PAC: Shortlands falls. The KB is refueled south of Tabituea.

NO PAC: Adak is occupied after our landing. Cold Bay invasion is still about 4 days out. A scouting AV and AMC team has moved into the N PAC south of Kodiak by about 15 hexes.

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