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RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR

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RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 3:29:57 AM   

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Hara Lemuno

"We can't let people we don't trust run wild through our territory. I say keep those boskarians away! If it is impossible to only condem them without instigating protest than maybe we have to condemn all... I will listen to the others at that point (can't we deny specific races entry? And if not WHY ELLIOT!)
Concerning the spice... I was against a settlement policy to start with. Though now it got the bonus of a decent military right in and around the system. Therefore we should just limit the comfort of our people. Let's rebuild our spaceport and create structure of efficient land clearance all over the world. By doing that we enforce a more industrial lifestyle on our followers, but the spice must flow! Let's build a legendary 'Korribean Spice Port'! (just put several more cargo and mining devices for luxury in the space station)
I thought about the Dhayut and we should just enforce the Ugnari. Give them the option for a Mutual Defense and when allowed station our fleet in their systems. If the Dahyut prevail to threat them further we will take on their shield. That way we are sure to be heros, not warmongers."


One Thread To Guide Them All

"Nothing incorporeal wields such power as a word. Though it is the weapon of the smart and cunning it alas needs the same to prevail."

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 61
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 3:42:50 AM   

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Your high happinesses,

I request that our bureacracy does provide a comprehensive overview of the demographics of immigration within our borders. Particularly I would like to know if we have substantial Zenox, Ugnari or Shandar populations?

Also I have heard rumours lately that something is amiss with the galactic trade network. A report which passed before my eyes describes similar problems to those we face with the spice but in the trade of Zentabia fluid in far off parts. Bureaucrats from the galactic trade network have intimated that the new 1702 transponder should help improve this situation and we are currently awaiting its arrival.

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 62
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 4:26:08 AM   


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Having now also seen the reports of trade issues we will await the afore mentioned 1702 transponder (meaning special resources have a bug that will be fixed in the next patch).

A note on populations:
Boskarans have settled on 3 worlds. Shandar on one world. And there is a high population of Zenox on many worlds.
It would seem that a policy to exclude one race will exclude all races from a colony.

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 63
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 4:37:23 AM   

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Your high happinesses,

My time is limited and my husband awaits. You know what that means.

I believe that it is only natural that we should squish the spiders. It will make the galaxy a nicer place. Perhaps once they lose a few legs they will agree to bring us some of the flies that they stock their larder with. That would be agreeable, I can taste it now. We should prepare for it now by getting some of our young men in uniform. Oh, how I love a man in uniform (snigger). Perhaps the pirates have shown us the way to take the food from the table of our enemies? No gas, no cooking!

Don't we have that young girl, I forget her name - you know the one who always wanted to dress up as an alien and even act like one! I'm hoping she can do a good spider performance. No reason to ask her to return until after the war ends I think.

The immigrant question is always a tricky one. Your happinesses I submit that they bring us much benefit - extra tax income, their unique skills and propensities, exotic dishes, quaint performance arts, and the list goes on. The only risk as far as I can see is their irritability should we eventually, as seems destined in the case of the Boskaran, come into conflict with their cultural homelands. Given that one way to control this rebellious tendency is through stationing military troops on these worlds I suggest exactly that. Let us turn this weakness into a strength and use the worlds the Boskarans are coming to call homes as our recruitment centers. After all, a few extra troops will not go astray as the time of war approaches.

Further to these points it should be noted that we should take care not to aggravate the Boskarans during any period of conflict that we have with the Dhayut.

As to larger unbroached matters we should take care with those Quameno. Either bring them into our pan-humanoid alliance or start making plans for a feast of giant frogs legs!

Now to more important matters as I am off to meet my great-great-great grandchildren. Oh, those young ones, they are on the verge of childbearing already...

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 64
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 4:41:24 AM   

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Representing Grisha Sargos, Staff member Indali,

Firstly, most eminent Elders, Elder Sargos wishes happiness for you all. She apologizes for not being here, but there was an urgent family matter that needed immediate attention. I will do my best to relay her comments to this august circle. I will begin with her words:

Should we start liberating some of the planets and peoples under the subjugation of the Dhayuts?
Our intelligence department has been quite successful and they have my deepest admiration and thanks! Still, as the latest intelligence indicates the Dhayut are intent on persisting with their aggression against the Ugnari. The Dhayut leave their inner worlds weak in their sickening obsession for conquest and cruelty. This I find … insulting. They are not fit to rule anything, including themselves. They provide little security for their own in their lust for conquest. What sort of race is this? Where is the concern for their own people's welfare? It does not exist, is my answer. They are a blight upon the welfare of our galaxy. Thus, we must take measures to erase this blemish, but we must plan carefully. We must hit them so as to minimize our own displeasure, and that means we must hit them very hard. Once we begin we must be prepared to end the Dhayut. The Ugnari must hold on a little more, while we collect our forces, then strike the Dhayut hard and fast.

Should we take a firmer hand to enforce the peace in space? If so what approach should we take? Police our friends systems with fleets? Take control of the logistics of our enemies?
We enforce the peace with our example to the galaxy of what is possible. We do not need to patrol the lanes of our allies with warships. Let word of our planets and the happiness of our people instruct the other races toward a more enlightened method of co-existence. Sadly, the Dhayut are corrosive aberrations thrust upon us, a galactic experiment gone awry. They cannot hear us nor see us except through the lense of blood-thirsty hunter. They are like a rabid beast, and the only compassionate choice left us is to put them to rest. In most other cases within our section of the galaxy, however, the races wish for happiness and security. They see and hear. For them, example should be enough.

Are we ready intelligence-wise to spread out wings yet? Do we need to have an agent in deep cover first so we can plot all Dhayut movements?
I think it is time to begin more aggressive intelligence operations. This will blunt their edge some, and provide us information on what to expect from the Dhayut. It may even distract them from their attentions upon the unfortunate Ugnari. As for us, we have nothing to lose. The Dhayut will arrive, sooner or later. Let's make their arrival on our terms.

Korrabian spice is being mined but not distributed. A small space port has been constructed on the spice moon but the spice trade is not functioning. We bow to your esteemed advice in this matter.
I smell possible corruption. We must determine why the spice is being stockpiled at once. This does not make me very happy. Not at all. [note: could this be a bug of some sort? Or an extreme case of how corruption works in DW?]

Boscaran migrants have been settling on our planets. Do we keep our 'open door' policy in place? If not, how should we handle this to best keep galactic peace and harmony.
A difficult question, indeed. We accept so many within our paradise so that we may share in our good fortune. I would think it sinful if we took any measures in this direction until we have need to. Perhaps, we can take measures to shift more vital facilities and departments to more 'secure' planets instead?

Happiness and health to you all, my friends!

< Message edited by Grisha -- 11/26/2011 4:47:57 AM >


Best regards,
Greg Guerrero

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 65
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 4:55:59 AM   

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Hara Lemuno

"I have to agree that crippling the Dahyuts fuel supply with our elite agent would be the wisest approach. Though backed after beeing crippled by focused strikes of a quick fleet on their construction ships would make sure our war lead by the main fleet will progress quick and efficient."


One Thread To Guide Them All

"Nothing incorporeal wields such power as a word. Though it is the weapon of the smart and cunning it alas needs the same to prevail."

(in reply to Grisha)
Post #: 66
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 5:17:10 AM   

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Your high happinesses,

I agree with Hara Lemuno. Nor would we want our ship crews going hungry.

sent from my eponder

(in reply to Nedrear)
Post #: 67
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 10:27:22 AM   


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Next video is uploading now...

I upgraded to and now the spice is flowing.

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 68
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 10:32:32 AM   


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Unlike some of my esteemed peers I do not find any reason to become the aggressor here...
The Ugnari home world is holding against the feeble attempts of the Dhayuts to invade it and unless the rodents be willing to form a Mutual Defence agreement with us and call on our aid I do not see any reason to move our fleets into the area.

As for the immigration issue I say we keep our borders open to all whom seek a better life in peace and harmony to join our Paradise, should some become unruly due to their brethren attacking us I'm sure our way of life will be sufficient to keep them from going into actual unrest.

And given our relative strength at this stage are we best served trying to placate the Dhayut or would we be better off relocating our ambassador to the Zenox to contain this new developed jealousy and forge stronger bonds with them?

But just in case, do we have military refuelling rights with the Ugnari and Ikkuro should the spiders seek to enslave our glorious Utopia?

Edit: Oops, seems I was a little to late there, oh well, see how things develop during this next episode.

< Message edited by Seraphim -- 11/26/2011 10:34:14 AM >

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 69
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 11:21:19 AM   


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Episode 5: The Sharp End

Watch the video

Honoured members of the Leentaar High Council, we, your humble servants, are happy to announce some very good news. But unfortunately it is tempered with some bad news as well.

Let's begin with the bad news. Both our Intelligence Agents have been captured by the Dhayuts and a third recently recruited has also been captured. All agents were on missions to hamper the Dhayut's aggressive tendencies by destroying their fuel supply. We now unfortunately find ourselves without a secret service. In turn we had also captured a Dhayut agent attempting to subvert our way of life.

So a line of least resistance by stopping their source of fuel has failed. We fear you, the High Council, must now look at other methods of stopping this wanton aggression by the Dhayuts. Their actions are bringing the galaxy into a state of disharmony.

The good news is that the Korrabian spice is now flowing and has reached most of our worlds.

And more good news. A science team exploring the dark reaches of the outer galactic arm came across an ice world with some strange ruins. Upon investigation the scientist found plans for a cleansing beam of unprecedented power. Some have labelled it a death ray but others see it as a way of shining light into the dark regions of space.

The strategic direction we particularly want to bring to your attention is as follows:

We have 2 anti-ship fleets that can more than match anything the Dhayuts and Boscarans can throw at us. We have a further 2 capital ship fleets designed to reduce the most powerful star ports and defence bases. Supporting this we have a fleet of 6 transports with 48 Securan peace-keeping troops loaded in stasis. Supporting this we also now have two facilities that can produce Battlebots. This gives us the ability to bring overwhelming numbers of peacekeepers to strategic points.

If ever there was a time to control the aggressions of the Dhayuts, then that time would be now. Should we act? Or should we sit and watch as galactic peace continues to be threatened.

Do we focus on liberating the outer easy planets. Or do we focus on liberating the Dhayut homeworld?

If we act, should we also draw plans for the Boskarans? They are more powerful than the Dhayuts but still no match for our fleets. They have less planets but are better developed. Should we start with the liberation of the Boskaran worlds?

The choice is yours.

(I most likely won't get a chance to make another video for about 18 hours so don't feel rushed with this next one. )

< Message edited by Das123 -- 11/26/2011 11:24:44 AM >

(in reply to Seraphim_slith)
Post #: 70
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 11:58:56 AM   


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From: Sweden
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While our fleets are indeed most impressive the Leentar Harmony is a shining beacon of peace and prosperity and as such I stand by my last assessment of our situation. Focus on bringing our friends ever closer to us and maintain the peace with the Insectiods unless called upon by our treatied friends.

Seems I confused the two purples for the last post as well, I meant looking to form a refuel treaty with the Naxxilians, not the Ikkuro.

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 71
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 3:00:08 PM   

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Hara Lemuno

"We can't rush into a void. If the Ugnari are willing to die that's wrong. We can't let them die because they are too independent to be smart. Let's look through the corridor between Shandar and the Ugnari and find two or three suitable systems we can establish by colony and construction to be outposts and when we are ready strike from there. If we are not able to it is time to find a way to live on these rocks. It is just an military expedition anyway."


One Thread To Guide Them All

"Nothing incorporeal wields such power as a word. Though it is the weapon of the smart and cunning it alas needs the same to prevail."

(in reply to Seraphim_slith)
Post #: 72
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 3:14:57 PM   
Gelatinous Cube

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I just want to say that I'm enjoying this. Das' accent makes this feel kind of like Crocodile Hunter in Space! Which is awesome.

(in reply to Nedrear)
Post #: 73
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 6:32:22 PM   

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Grisha Sargos speaks:

My august Elders, health and happiness to you all!

We have now come to a crossroads of conscience and principle. The capability is there for us to act. In fact, this is what we have planned for. As we all know, nothing in Life ever goes as planned, yet we can be reasonably confident that what we have put together has coalesced surprisingly well.

There are five powerful fleets in our possess, of our making, out there among the stars. They have come about through conviction and work and a fair amount of good fortune. They are instruments of war, no doubt, but they are also--in our hands--instruments of harmony and succor.

We are beings of harmony, we Securans. Remember that, most august Elders! The Dhayut are not, and they will never be interested in harmonic co-existence. Never! They sweep dissonance and discord to any and all they please, including themselves. We cannot let this continue. Not in principle, and therefore not in Life.

Now, I have been advised by a number of specialists in warfare, aliens for the most part, as we Securans find the subject distasteful on the whole. What they have told me is that:

  • our other threat, the Boskarans, are currently at war with the Ugnari. This will keep the Boskaran threat occupied for now.
  • the Dhayut are at war with the Naxillians on the rimward side of their empire.
  • because of this situation it would be to our advantage to attack the Dhayut from the coreward side of the Dhayut empire. As contingency, a fleet or strike force stationed along our border with the Boskarans would be wise.
  • the ideal launch point for our operation would be between the Shandar and Ugnari empires, through that corridor of space leading to the coreward side of the Dhayuts.
  • it is advisable, but not essential, to have a resupply ship along for the initial maneuver. If no resupply ship is to be added, then it is vital that we take a Dhayut system with a fuel supply. Otherwise, our operation will bog down from the distance involved back to our borders.
  • construction ships should be close behind this initial liberation of our first Dhayut world, to establish a viable system as base within the Dhayut border.
  • we may need to consider having to do our operations against the Dhayut in stages. Sadly, given the extent of the Dhayut empire, we may have to engage in several wars against them, though the fewer the better. We should plan with that in mind, keeping our efforts within the expectations of our people, yet always preparing for the next hurdle.
  • what may likely happen, however, is that the Dhayut will continue fighting regardless of their losses. We should, therefore plan for this and how we will appease our people should war wear on.

Yes, I submit that we attack, but only after careful preparation of our immediate and subsequent objectives. A difficult choice for myself, if you may know. I have two children who like so many other young, loving Securans, manage and maintain our fleets. Admittedly, I could not dissuade them from their paths into the military some few years ago, because they know what lies ahead. As Securans, they plunged into the task with vibrancy and good cheer. So must we all, my friends. So must we all.

(I just thought of this. Das, is it possible for you to send the savegame? Can we see other player's saved games? If so, it would give those of us RP'ing replies to have a better idea of the details in your game. Just a thought)


Best regards,
Greg Guerrero

(in reply to Gelatinous Cube)
Post #: 74
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 6:57:12 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Well, I take a short pleasure cruise for a few years and look what happens. Before we continue all this talk of war, let me ask a few questions of the council staff.

How many resort bases have we built? Are we seeing much tourism?

How happy are our people?

Could we see a screenshot of the current victory conditions screen?

The Quameno seem alarmingly advanced. It is good that they are friendly. Perhaps when we finish training our new intelligence agents, we could ask them to cultivate some friends among the Quameno Academy of Sciences.

I favored maintaining a low profile with the Dhayut, but they do seem to be a great source of disharmony and we do seem to have built a remarkably large and powerful fleet in my absence. I suppose if the will of the council is that we should pacify the Dhayut, I would proceed as follows.

First see if we can sign any more mutual defense pacts. Do as much as possible to secure refueling rights with the Ugnari at least. Build an additional resupply ship or two and some ships to guard our resupply ships.

Look to the nearest Dhayut systems and find the one that is the richest in terms of fuel resources. That should be our first target for pacification, though if our forces are adequate, taking a few systems in the first pacification wave would be ideal. We should deploy well-defended supply ships at the fuel sources and while keeping enough ships back to protect our own systems. We should always keep in mind that this expedition to pacify the Dhayut should not put any of our worlds at risk.

We have a great deal of money. Perhaps this would be a good time to build some additional space ports and orbital defense bases to make sure we are well guarded before we take this risk?

Our people will also not put up with a long war, therefore we should enlist our allies for the beginning and try to strike the Dhayut a decisive blow once we have refueling setup in the first sytems we pacify. Aiming for their home system or their second most powerful system should be adequate to bring them to the negotiating table and give us time to pacify our first conquests.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Gelatinous Cube)
Post #: 75
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 7:09:48 PM   


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Senji Jiun

"Greetings Honored members of the Leentaar High Council. My name is Senji Jiun, and I was promoted only few hours ago to the new administrative posision, which will be known as the "Voice of People". As our great Paradise is growing in power, it is obvious also that it needs some connection between it's Citizens and athorities. My role will be simply to show You, noble Hight Elders difrent ideas and points of view of more important and influencial citizens, such as Haron Nash - the Harkonish Trade Consorcium CEO. I hope that Council will find my services valuable... Oh, and to make this clear... Posision of "Voice of People" is not the same as being Council Member, so I can not be part of decision mechanism... Though information which I will present to You may change Your mind... Of course, there is always a possibility to dissmiss current "Voice of People" if Council fill that it is not needed..."

In other words, I am new to this forum so I would like to greet everybody. I will try to contribute to this AAR (and in the future to this forum), but insted of beeing another High Council member and take part in decisions I decidet to put a bit more "soul" in, by creating few characters [ok, ok, right now it is only two - Senji Jiun and Haron Nash (the one wchich I used on Youtube comment), but in the future, as situation will develope more of them will be created] and using them try to influence Yours decisions. The last sentence of Senji Jiuns speech means nothing more, and nothing less than "If You will not like what I am doing simple ask me to leave and I promise that I will and become again just the reader of THIS AAR. Also I would like to inform You that I am not native English speaker and in addiction to that I am also (not)happy owner of my own Dyslexia, so please - forgive me when I am missing letters or wrighting something wchich will not make any sense... Just correct me please and I will try to not do the same mistake again (propably eventualy I will, but it is important to at least try as hard as I can to not). I think (therfore I am ;)) that this is everything that I should say just now...

(in reply to Gelatinous Cube)
Post #: 76
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 7:47:09 PM   


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Report to the Leentaar Council of Elders:

Link to saved game.

We are spreading harmony as we can and find ourselves one of the pre-eminent empires:

There is a good source of Hydrogen within a gas cloud in free space between both the Dhayut and Boskaran empires:

While we only currently have 2 resorts:

... we control the most, and we have 4 more queued for construction:

Good idea about the save-game. If you do play ahead or scout around please don't post any spoilers. Ideally this would be used to just look at the current situation in depth.

I've got a surf patrol now so will be back in about 7 hours. When I get back I'll process the recommendations.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 77
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 7:51:28 PM   


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In other words, I am new to this forum so I would like to greet everybody. I will try to contribute to this AAR (and in the future to this forum), but insted of beeing another High Council member and take part in decisions I decidet to put a bit more "soul" in, by creating few characters [ok, ok, right now it is only two - Senji Jiun and Haron Nash (the one wchich I used on Youtube comment), but in the future, as situation will develope more of them will be created] and using them try to influence Yours decisions. The last sentence of Senji Jiuns speech means nothing more, and nothing less than "If You will not like what I am doing simple ask me to leave and I promise that I will and become again just the reader of THIS AAR. Also I would like to inform You that I am not native English speaker and in addiction to that I am also (not)happy owner of my own Dyslexia, so please - forgive me when I am missing letters or wrighting something wchich will not make any sense... Just correct me please and I will try to not do the same mistake again (propably eventualy I will, but it is important to at least try as hard as I can to not). I think (therfore I am ;)) that this is everything that I should say just now...

Welcome Modest. . Glad you could make it. We're a pretty friendly bunch in here so you'll do fine. Got to go now. bbl.

(in reply to Modest)
Post #: 78
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/26/2011 9:48:38 PM   

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Hi, Modest, and welcome!

Das, thanks for the savegame file. Wouldn't think of using it to spoil the game. I'll use it in pause mode to glean whatever facts I can from the perspective of the Securan player :)


Best regards,
Greg Guerrero

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 79
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 5:33:58 AM   

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Dear high happinesses,

It is that time of year again and I am beset by the pains of childbirth. I send this message with my Grandson, or is he my Great-Grandson?..., never mind. My previous eponder message appears to have been lost by the bureaucracy and I want to make sure that this reaches you. If you note the absence a certain green-haired clerk in the council chambers you will understand why my male-spawn was so keen to deliver this to you.

I believe the way forward is clear. We should prepare for war. These insects shall never be our friends and shall continue to prey upon the races we could be trading food and stories with. As to our target? I think this we should not decide as yet. Whichever of the insects is to be our first meal we must follow the same course - deployment of a resupply vessel and our attack fleets to the conveniently located Hydrogen cloud our bureacrats have chosen to remind us of. In this they are wise.

At the time when all of our fleets are assembled and refueled in the cloud we should choose our target. Let's be opportunistic and engage whoever is at war, disorganised, weak and distracted. Once we start we must pursue this war with all vigour as our people will soon grow tired of this sport. I suggest we have more transports on hand to quickly move many many more troops into the region of action.

All things being equal I believe the Boskaran form the best target. The Naxillian are unlikely to be our friends whilst the Ugnari may be though we should watch that they do not steal the bread from our table. The Boskaran are somewhat weaker and will serve to train our forces up for a campaign against the Dhayut which will involve more time constraints. It will also mean that we will be free of the risk of internal troubles and able to deploy a great deal more troops.

When I again dine with you I shall be slim once again. Dawe, however, shall be somewhat more encumbered.

Good eating, Myranmar Ellowyn Greywind the third.

(in reply to Grisha)
Post #: 80
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 6:06:27 AM   


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Episode 6: Medical Attention

Watch the video

Honoured Council members,

The Leentaar Fleets are hiding in the hydrogen gas cloud between the Boskarans and the Dhayuts. These await your instruction.

Of immediate importance is where to build the Advanced Medicomplex.

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 81
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 8:22:20 AM   

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Your high happinesses,

Let us eat these spiders. You may say that I am blowing in the wind saying first attack the Dhayut, then attack the Boskaran and now again attack the Dhayut. Well those things I have said but what I have always said is we must eat these bugs with the weakest going first. It is the Dhayut who are significantly weaker and overstretched, let us tear apart their web before the only music we hear is their military marching bands. These creatures do not understand what it is to trade. They do not know how to drink the wine. I'm not sure they even cook. What more can I say?

Also at issue is where we would build the Advanced Mediplex our scientists believe that we need. I am not so sure about this giant bedroom. What need do we have of it? Have we not enough room here on the sand ? But I see that our bureacracy is set on immortalising themselves, so okay let's build it before one of these upstart things that should be food claim it for their own. There is no room for it on our two oldest worlds that is clear. We have no great need of the money it would bring here. But there is a large bountiful world right next to the Zenox which could do with filling up - Danuur Junction. It is highly suited to our species and you won't find bigger although as with all our worlds the quality of life is somewhat lacking. Also as an added bonus we would get those upstart cats, or rats, or whatever they are coming to visit simply to marvel out our superior technology. So I say let's build it there.

Now if you will excuse me I believe there are some new Ackdarian wines to sample in the foyer.

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 82
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 8:52:21 AM   


Posts: 431
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Build the medical wonder on one of the highest quality planets with a low pop. Weighted factors to consider are the proximity to an administrative capital to lower corruption, the wish to expand/strengthen your cultural borders and the wish to have a high pop to contribute to planet ground strength if the world is invaded. Kurilea 3 is an 83% quality planet, majority Securan, adjacent to an administrative capital (your HW) and it has a low pop level (0.5b). I recommend building the medical wonder there.

Note: As I understand it, population contributes nothing to starport construction at all. Only contruction on the planet surface (colony ships and constructors) is faster with a higher pop.
Do any of the AIs have the tech that could be building it in parallel to you? Are you in a race for the wonder? If so, does anyone know the formula for wonder construction speed. Is it linked to planet pop as are colony built ships?

On the war side: Take the Boskara completely out in a quick war. They only seem to have the two worlds. Their high pop world will contribute a significant income and the proximity to your administrative capital will keep the corruption losses low. Use the ex-Boskara HW
as a staging point to build up to decapitate the Dhayuts.

(in reply to DasTactic)
Post #: 83
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 10:41:19 AM   


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Oh High Pleasure Seeker, your humble attache beseeches you not to listen to those that would advocate war.

Our goals are not to police the galaxy but to accommodate and entertain. As abhorrent as Military service may be, I see its need to ward off predation. To outright attack a race that's done us no harm though, what madness, let the Humans or Zenox deal with the likes of that.

I think the most shocking revelation so far is that we do not have the highest tourism income as our hospitality is legendary. Colonizing promising locations in friendly space, in order to set up resorts, would mean less travel time for our esteemed friends to relax and enjoy their time spent with us.

< Message edited by Liquidated -- 11/27/2011 10:42:59 AM >

(in reply to Sithuk)
Post #: 84
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 12:48:57 PM   

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Your high happinesses,

Please consider that Danuur Junction is 4/3 the size of Kurilea and is also a planet of the native type of our race. This more than offsets a 6% change in quality.

I also severely advise against taking on the Boskaran right now. They have twice the military strength of the Dhayut (although we still outgun them by far) but far more importantly have a slightly larger population concentrated in only two worlds rather than spread out. Their very strong troops would necessitate having a vast invasion fleet which we do not possess. No the Dhayut must be our target if we go to war.

Our goal is not to accomodate or entertain. You make us sound like some common inkeepers. Entertainment is but a pleasurable pastime. The happiness we all seek will be found by getting access to more and varied luxury resources. And if you hadn't noted the supply of pleasant habitable worlds in the galaxy is severely limited, more so if we demand that they be found in neutral space.

I weary of this endless discussion it is no real meal but merely a holographic projection. If does not fill my loins with vigour for mating.

(in reply to Liquidated)
Post #: 85
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 1:58:02 PM   

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Hara Lemuno

"I agree we are well positioned. A strike now would severly crumble the Dahyut and yet we should get a legitimate claim to do it. The Naxxilians have a big problem as of yet and should be a potential ally. We should ask them if they are willing to join us, so we can act as an ally to take the Dahyut out. Furthermore an increasement of the spice trade is not completed by giving the workers better medical facilities. I still am in favor of the 'Great Korribean Spice Port' getting incresed extraction capabilities. We are not whipping them to work so we don't need to repair them...
I agree we should use it to increase the power and influence of our clashcolonies. Therefore the dimmed colony on the Zenox border seems appropiate. Seeing our technology even their kind will flock to us and ultimatly increase our claim in this sector."


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(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 86
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 2:23:54 PM   


Posts: 32
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Kurilea 3 or Anuth seems the better choices regarding our new medicomplex, as to the insectoid question I still believe in maintaining our current peace through strength attitude...
This latest report also highlighted just how far behind we are to the Ugnari in regards of resort income, I trust alleviating this issue will be of the highest priority.

And how are you doing regarding research stations, do the Leentar have the max potential in that regard or is there room for further improvement to speed up Energy and Industrial techs?
As to the Dhayut, really where is the fun in picking them off while their still weak and pathetic when we can let them run free and hopefully provide a very dangerous challenge to our Harmonious state later in the game?

(in reply to Nedrear)
Post #: 87
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 3:11:36 PM   


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Senji Jiun

"Honored members of the High Council, we have just reciwed few important messeges from our citizens. I fill obliged to share them with You before the most important decisions will be made. First I must show You an official letter from Haron Nash..."

"Honored members of High Council
Firstly, and above anything else I fill obliged to thank You for lifting up civilian shields limitation so long time ago. This was most wise decision from You. Enough to say that now less than 1% of our ships send throu space storms is not reporting back per month. So in the name of Harkonish Trade Consorcium and it's workers I thank You.

Secondly, I would like to ask You to consider planet Dourk as the best place to build one of Your biggest infastructural project - Advanced Medicomplex. Our planet have some of the biggest advantages abowe any other. Firstly, it is still developing so such important construcion would help a lot in this process. Secondly, I know that this information is not official and I will keep it to myself, but it is easy for somebody with my posision and influence to see that Harmony is in fast preparation for war. Both, transported cargo by my workers and number of recruited soldiers from Harkonish citizens are supporting my theory. So I must point out to You that our soldiers are fighting much better than any, even most elite Securan soldiers. This is a second reason why in my opinion it is Doruk which is better target for such important structure. Simply - the more Harkonish citizens You will have - the more quickly You will be able to recruit Harkonish batalions. I know that because of significant Boskara presence is alarming but their possible uprising could be easyli put down if You would leave some addictional troops batalion. If High Council will agree to build Advanced Medicomplex on our planet then as a CEO of Harkonish Trade Consorcium, I can promisse You a significant disscount on Your military ship maintenance.

Lastly, in the face of upcomming conflict I would like to ask Honored High Council members about right to arm my traders with single missile or torpedo weapons. The reason of this is very simple - when they meet an enemy surley they will try to avoid any fight and run evey. But if armed, they can at least protect themself from single and weak intruders, especially when in greater numbers, which can help in stopping enemy raids no our mining stations. Because missile and torpedo weaponry are famous for its enormus firing range there should be no big risk for the traders themselfs.

Yours Faithfully
Haron Nash
CEO of the Harkonish Trade Consorcium"

Senji Jiun

"Another message is from one of high ranking officer wich is right now in a Humman Military Academy to learn about the way of warfare... It is also important note that he has been declared a traitor to Our Way Of Live, for abandoning Utopia and its peacefull live, by authorities of his homeplanet - Secura"

"Dear Elders of The Utopian Council

I write to You no more as a peaceloving citizen, but as a student of the Humman Military Academy. It was my choose to leave Paradise behind and join to our close allies army. I know that in Your book I may be a traitor to Our Way Of Live, but it does not mean that I do not care anymore what will happen to my Homeland. I beg You all, consider carefully what I have to say before making any rush decisions regarding war with Boskara and Dhayut. All media in Humman Empire are talking right now about that matter.

The best option for winning this war quickly is to strike once afther another in enemys industrial centers - especially space ports and gas mining stations. Do not stay in an enemy system longer than You must - jump from one to another and cause damage as quickly as You can, but with minimal loses on Your site. And attack few systems at the same time. This way Your enemy will lose his ability to build new ships and his ability to refuel will also be ad least minimalised. When You deal with every single space port, then will come the time to ground invasions... And one more advice - enemy homeworld should be striked as the last one, or as the first one, but not in the middle of war... Those were my advices... I hope that they will be usefull. But no matter wchic of those options You will chose, follow one rule: Strike them first, and strike them hard!

Your sincerely
Losan Hebar
Third ranking student of Humman Military Academy"

Senji Jiun

"And that was all what I had to present to You Honored Members of the High Council"

(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 88
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 3:56:29 PM   
Erik Rutins


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Esteemed Elders,

We should increase the beauty and health of our core worlds with this wonder. I recommend building it on one of our best core planets or one of those that are growing with great potential (such as Kurilea or Danuur). Korabbia it seems will always remain an inhospitable place, but as long as the spice continues to flow we must accept its existence for the greater good of our people.

We should research and build other wonders like the medical complex. These can only increase the influence of our culture and help spread the ways of harmony. I am pleased that the galaxy sees our reputation as Noble. We should strive to maintain this.

Our tourist trade indeed requires more attention. The Shandar have amazed the galaxy with their lava structures. We have more to offer, but we must invest more in construction and marketing.

We should also seek more free trade agreements. If we cannot bring these species to a full alliance, at least more free trade will allow us to introduce them to the ways of harmony over time.

The galaxy itself seems accepting of harmony, with the exception of the Dhayut and possibly the Boskara. Are there any planets we can colonize near these two to have a better chance of interacting with them to determine if indeed the cause is hopeless, or if there is a chance that we may yet succeed through peaceful means?

Health, happiness and love to all.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to feelotraveller)
Post #: 89
RE: DW Legends: Collaborative Video AAR - 11/27/2011 3:57:58 PM   
Erik Rutins


Posts: 37503
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From: Vermont, USA
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We actually have a remarkably peaceful galaxy, with only two truly aggressive species. We are well positioned for victory, but we will likely need to conquer both the Boskara and the Dhayut in the long run to push us over the line.

Also, looking at the saved game, I believe our ship engineers have missed a minor issue. The Death Ray requires 400 Energy to fire, but our Capital Ships only generate 252 Energy at their peak capacity. The energy per second calculation is misleading here, as it only fired once every eight seconds, but it is so far out of the realm of the energy usage of other weapons that accounting for the peak energy requirement is necessary as well. I believe these ships require a redesign and retrofit with fewer other weapons and more reactors. We may want to research the next fusion reactor for increased power as well.

< Message edited by Erik Rutins -- 11/27/2011 4:00:50 PM >


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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