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RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A)

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RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/22/2017 2:10:01 PM   


Posts: 3393
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Not much to report here either. I made 3 deliberate attacks against renegade Chinese units scattered around the map, trashing them all. The important area is Chungking. I now have all the units in the area pushed into Chungking with 2 of my 4 major armies adjacent to that base. The other two are enroute. Chungking is effectively surrounded (with 620k troops there ).

Having went through the Siege of Chungkingrad myself, in retrospect it's a better move to leave a single hexside open for the Chinese to retreat through than to close the hex off and eliminate the Chinese completely.

If you leave a hexside open, you'll have an easier time actually taking the city and you'll force the Chinese defenders out of good defensive terrain and into the open, where your troops and bombers will have a much easier time destroying them.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2971
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/22/2017 6:31:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mind_messing



Not much to report here either. I made 3 deliberate attacks against renegade Chinese units scattered around the map, trashing them all. The important area is Chungking. I now have all the units in the area pushed into Chungking with 2 of my 4 major armies adjacent to that base. The other two are enroute. Chungking is effectively surrounded (with 620k troops there ).

Having went through the Siege of Chungkingrad myself, in retrospect it's a better move to leave a single hexside open for the Chinese to retreat through than to close the hex off and eliminate the Chinese completely.

If you leave a hexside open, you'll have an easier time actually taking the city and you'll force the Chinese defenders out of good defensive terrain and into the open, where your troops and bombers will have a much easier time destroying them.


My opinion as well, but as I play AI I wouldn't give it much weight. I know there is a great variance in opinion on this.



(in reply to mind_messing)
Post #: 2972
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 12:22:31 AM   
Mike Solli

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MM & Pax, I think that's a great idea. I have 2 hexes covered so far. Looking at the map, I think I may leave the NW hex open for the Chinese retreat. It's a clear hex so he'll die much quicker that way.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 2973
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 3:07:32 AM   

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Exactly the one I leave open ...



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Post #: 2974
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 11:14:32 AM   
Mike Solli

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6 Jun 43

Sub War

The RO-107 was heading back to Truk for replenishment and ran right into three US DDs. She didn't survive the experience.

Ted is definitely becoming more aggressive with his subs. One or 2 of them found a PB (Ansyu-C on a fast transport mission) just east of Etorofu. The first badly wounded her and the second put her out of her misery.

I need to find a new way to employ my subs. They just can't survive the enemy destroyers any more.

5 Fleet

Ted found a solution for my Oscars at Adak: 3x B-17Es. . They shot down 2 of my Oscars (1 WIA) for no loss (possibly an op loss) but did no damage.

I tried another shock attack today. This one fared better but those surviving Americans are still hanging on. In the 4:1 attack, I took 720(17) casualties (mainly tanks) to 1135(104) Americans. Their losses are definitely going up dramatically. I'm confident they are doomed but it's just a matter of how long now. Three attacks in as many days (2 of them shock attacks) have finally fatigued my troops. I'm going to let them recover tomorrow and will bombard with my nice pile of artillery. Just a note: during this attack, the 58 SEP IN Bde reached 0 AV by the end of the battle. I'm curious to see if they recover. The 151 Combat EN Reg hasn't recovered since they hit 0 AV, back on 4 June. The 41 Div is down to 5 AV and the 153 SEP IN Bde is holding the line with 28 AV.

I'm pretty sure the two Allied TFs sitting in Adak's hex are subs now. I can see them but no one is attacking them, which makes sense since I have nothing with ASW capability there. I need to rectify that glaring error. As I'm typing, I'm thinking of finding a DB chutai that's training (or maybe an IJAAF unit), give them some ASW pilots and send them in to practice on live targets. It's 7 am on a Saturday. Why hasn't Ted gotten up to run the turn?!

4 Fleet

I'm whittling down the US defenders of Canton Island. Tomorrow I think I'll bombard with the CA and a couple of DDs to hasten their departure.

SE Fleet

Nothing exciting here really. Ted is bombing the former Madang garrison (rabble in the jungle) and the Tassafronga garrison with his bombers. Nothing to write home about. Hell, the poor electronic soldiers can't write home anyway. They're all cut off and starving for the most part.

He did get a whiff of my carriers and his little carrier group scattered to the west. Nothing was in range of my carriers so I'm pulling them out. They'll hang around for a couple of days in case he returns. I doubt it though. It really won't delay the attack on Tassafronga because the 2 Marine Division is crawling overland to attack them.

My Georges deployed to Rabaul to get a little bomber action. No bombers came to play, however.


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

Reinforcement: xAK Peking Maru - Std-C, will convert to a TK


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 2975
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 11:36:26 AM   
Mike Solli

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7 Jun 43

Sub War

Nothing to report (thankfully).

5 Fleet

My carriers are still hanging around to the south of Adak. Fuel limitations will allow them to stay for a few more days. I sent them back to within range of Adak just in case the enemy TFs were ships. I'm going to test my sub theory. I've detached 4 DDs and am sending them to Adak. Lets see if they are subs or not.

I bombarded today. And yes, the 58 SEP IN Bde did not regain any AV. The bombardment reduced all four of the US units to 0 AV. I'm going to try another shock attack tomorrow using all my infantry. I'm not sending in the 23 Tank "Regiment". It has a whopping 4 operational tanks right now with about 45 or so disabled ones. Pax, I learned that if there are enemy troops in the hex, you cannot rest a formation. Guess it'll have to wait.

Today, 4x B-17Es came for a visit. This time they shot down 4 Oscars (2 WIA) for no loss and no damage to me. At this rate, they'll destroy the Oscar sentai in ~10 days. I split the sentai and upgraded one of the chutai to the Tojo IIc. Lets see if that helps (when they repair, of course).

4 Fleet

I bombarded Canton Island and did a shock attack. Killed a couple more enemy infantry. Death by 1000 cuts.

SE Fleet

Same as yesterday. Air bombardment of the former Madang garrison and Tassafronga. Wasted day for the Allies here.


Nothing to report.


I attacked and took Patung, trashing the starving Chinese Corps defending. I now have liberated every base in China except for Chungking (and one base in clear terrain where ~100k Chinese are trapped and starving). There are a number of wandering Chinese units scattered around the countryside, but they have no supply. I also have another Chinese army of ~70k surrounded in the middle of nowhere. My bombers are bombing both bases and other units in the hopes of eventually destroying them. I'm slowly moving all my freed up units toward Chungking to form a massive army to do a sightseeing tour of Chungking. Lots of artillery too. It'll be a while. My goal is to enter Chungking by August. We'll see.

Other Stuff

The Ki-43-IIIa Oscar R&D advanced to 8/43 (will become operational in 7/43).
The Ki-100-II Tony R&D advanced to 11/43 (will become operational in 7/43). Yay!!


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2976
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 11:38:31 AM   

Posts: 9869
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If you're not attacking at Adak for a few days, I would divide my divisions to allow each to recover disabled squads quicker. Instead of just 1 or 2 squads in the whole division recovering each turn, it will happen in each of the three combat commands. Recombine just before you attack again.

EDIT: Since you cannot use "Rest" try putting the worse in "Reserve" and "No Pursuit" to recover. They are not pulled into combat unless odds are worse than 2:1 against you.

< Message edited by ny59giants -- 12/23/2017 11:41:53 AM >

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2977
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 11:40:09 AM   
Mike Solli

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Thanks for the reminder, Michael. That didn't enter my mind. I usually do that after a successful battle but didn't think to do it "during" a battle.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 2978
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 11:46:55 AM   

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Don't forget that whole Japanese divisions will ONLY go to forts 2 in non-base hexes. If you divide them, they will go higher. In some places in China, I've had the three combat commands go to 4, then recombine them (still retaining the fort level (3 or 4).

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2979
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 12:15:08 PM   
Mike Solli

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Now that I never knew. Always learning with this game.

I found a suitable unit for ASW work at Adak. There is a 12 plane chutai with a restricted HQ at Tokyo and it has been training ASW. The pilots are all 50+ experience and 70+ ASW skill. I will change them to Helens and an unrestricted HQ next turn and then fly them to Adak. Then put them on to ASW at 0 range. Hopefully, there will be fireworks.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 2980
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/23/2017 5:28:20 PM   
Mike Solli

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8 Jun 43

Sub War

I know what I've been doing wrong with my subs. I've been playing into his hands. I need to go back to finding his SLOCs and planting subs along there. I rearranged a lot of my subs to play into their strengths, not Teds.

Well, I found the sub with my DDs at Adak. The S-47 put a torpedo into the Yudachi. She's badly damaged at 22-74(54)-36(33)-0 and a hex away from Adak. I'm sending her back to Adak and will disband her in port. Keeping fingers crossed. Anyway, the S-47 ate one DC. I don't see her now. Hopefully it was enough damage to send her home.

I'd spotted a resupply TF leaving Dutch Harbor and put a couple of subs in front of where I thought it might go. I got lucky and sank an empty xAK a couple hexes SE of Cold Bay.

A few hexes from Naha, the E Susuki (Momi class) ate a torpedo from Plunger and went down. Some ASW ship she was.

At Canton Island, I had a Glen sub a few hexes to the east keeping a lookout for some bad guys. The I-15 got lucky and happened to be sitting on a SLOC. She found an unescorted convoy of xAKs hauling fuel and sank one of them.

5 Fleet

I did another shock attack today. Each attack is more effective than the last, but those pesky Americans just refuse to give up. The 17:1 shock attack killed 945(73) American troops to 834(4) Japanese. I'm doing another shock attack tomorrow, minus the 4 Garrison unit (fatigued and disrupted) and the 23 Tank Regiment (primarily disabled tanks). I think I'm pretty close to finally killing them off. At least 2 of the 4 US units are still there but totally combat ineffective.

No B-17s came today. 4 of the 14 Tojo IIcs are flying. I hope they can protect the crippled Yudachi when she comes into port. I have no confidence in the Oscars.

I converted the training chutai, 90 IF chutai to Helens and changed it to 5 Fleet HQ. It had been training ASW and the pilots were ready to go. When the planes repair (they're in Tokyo so it shouldn't be long) they'll fly to Adak and take up duty there. That's necessary to cover a gap I had there and didn't realize.

4 Fleet

My SNLF shock attack took Canton Island! The 110 US BF surrendered 2880(319). I'm sending an engineer company to build a few forts for the SNLF. I believe there now is a hole in his naval search coverage. I'm not sure how to take advantage of it, but I'll ponder it.

The TF that did this marvel is composed of 4x xAKs escorted by CA Ashigara and 4 DDs. The Ashigara is almost out of main gun ammo but has plenty of secondary ammo left. Two of the DDs have just about all their ammo, and everyone has all their torpedoes. I detached the Ashigara and the two DDs with lots of ammo to go hunting for fuel laden xAKs currently only 3 hexes away. It should be fun if they can catch them. It won't take much to set them ablaze.

SE Fleet

Ted focused his air campaign on Tassafronga and the Madang garrison. I can see his carriers now and believe it may be 3 CVs. I'm sending my carriers to the NE of Rabaul, out of his naval search radius. If he goes for Gasmata, I'll get within range (on the north side of the island) and try to hammer it.

Rabaul and Gasmata have repaired all damage.


Nothing to report.


I upgraded my one Zero unit to the George. I don't expect much to happen until the monsoon is over.


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

42 FA Regiment, 42 Recon, 42 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create the 42 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
9 Inf Reg, 47 Cav, 47 Mtn Gun Reg, 47 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create 47 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
30 FA Regiment, 30 Recon, 30 Engineers - at Keijo, will combine with 3x infantry regiments in Burma to create the 30 Division. They're taking on replacements and will eventually be shipped to Rangoon.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2981
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/24/2017 5:13:35 PM   

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Mike, I started playing against the AI as the allies. I just did this to an IJN task force a little east of Tarakan on Dec 13, 1941.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2982
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/26/2017 1:54:03 PM   
Mike Solli

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Ouchie! Damn Boise. I consider the game won if I sink the Boise.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to BrucePowers)
Post #: 2983
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/26/2017 1:59:45 PM   

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42 FA Regiment, 42 Recon, 42 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create the 42 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
9 Inf Reg, 47 Cav, 47 Mtn Gun Reg, 47 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create 47 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
30 FA Regiment, 30 Recon, 30 Engineers - at Keijo, will combine with 3x infantry regiments in Burma to create the 30 Division. They're taking on replacements and will eventually be shipped to Rangoon.

Are you sure you want to keep these divisions in the Home Islands? Depending on your PP pool, you can buy them out cheaper before their TO&E is filled out. If not these troops, do you have some seriously damaged divisions in China that you could buy out in a few weeks/months??

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2984
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/26/2017 2:22:49 PM   
Mike Solli

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9 Jun 43

Sub War

I had the RO-106 just SE of Gasmata hoping to catch an invasion fleet. Did Ted send an invasion fleet? Of course not. He sent DDs. The sub ate 2 DCs and is limping to Rabaul in hopes of surviving. Her damage is 16-61(39)-1-0.

A couple hexes SE of Taihoku, the Flying Fish sank a big Kyushu class xAK hauling resources and oil and got away free and clear. My ASW really sucks.

5 Fleet

Today's shock attack against Adak was the best yet. The 19:1 attack killed 1030(53) Americans for 410(3) Japanese casualties. The 151 Combat Engineer regiment and 58 SEP Infantry regiment are no more. Another shock attack is in the works for tomorrow to try and finish them off for good. My guys are a little tired, but they smell the blood.

I've upgraded 2/3 of the fighter sentai to the Tojo IIc. Yeah, the range is shorter, but they should do better against the B-17s when they decide to reappear.

The Yudachi is repairing her damage in Adak's port: 22-54(54)-36(33)-0. I really want to get the sys damage repaired so she can get the heck out of Dodge.

4 Fleet

I didn't catch that unescorted fuel TF with Ashigara. They're 3 hexes SW of her. I'll try one more time tomorrow then the Ashigara will have to return to Truk.

SE Fleet

Very nice day here today. Ted did something I am always reluctant to do. He sent carrier planes to a base known to have a good fighter defense. I think his carrier force in this area may be 3 CVs. The plane numbers there keep increasing. You think that the Japanese use Pinkerton for intel? Bad joke. Anyway, Ted launched 104 SBDs escorted by 33 Hellcats against 92 Japanese fighters: 8 A6M5 Zero, 31 N1K1-J George (in their debut), 20 Ki-44-IIa Tony, 17 Ki-44-IIc Tony and 16 Ki-45 Nick. The Georges performed admirably. When it was all said and done, 9 Hellcats and 36 Dauntlesses were shot down vs. 1 Tony IIc. My pilots gained massive experience. He went after my port, which was curious. Maybe he thought there were ships there (there were none). I don't understand the attack, but it caused just a bit of damage that was easily repaired.

His bombing was focused on my former Madang garrison, now mere remnants.


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

I-21 Chutai - rebuilt when the sub was sunk. I'll increase it to size 9 and use it for ASW.
xAP Oryoku Maru

The Ha-43 R&D advanced to 5/45 (will become operational 9/44 and there's nothing I can do to change that ).
The N1K2-J George R&D advanced to 7/44 (will become operational 9/43).
The B6N2a Jill R&D advanced to 9/44 (will become operational 12/43).


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2985
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/26/2017 2:27:51 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: ny59giants


42 FA Regiment, 42 Recon, 42 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create the 42 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
9 Inf Reg, 47 Cav, 47 Mtn Gun Reg, 47 Engineers - combined with some infantry to create 47 Division. Split it and am building it to full strength. Restricted Home Island garrison.
30 FA Regiment, 30 Recon, 30 Engineers - at Keijo, will combine with 3x infantry regiments in Burma to create the 30 Division. They're taking on replacements and will eventually be shipped to Rangoon.

Are you sure you want to keep these divisions in the Home Islands? Depending on your PP pool, you can buy them out cheaper before their TO&E is filled out. If not these troops, do you have some seriously damaged divisions in China that you could buy out in a few weeks/months??

The two divisions in the Home Islands are in pretty good shape. The infantry units are at full strength and the engineers, cav and artillery are all =>75% strength. My intent is to buy out beat up divisions in China after some combat in Chungking.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 2986
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/26/2017 4:11:41 PM   
Mike Solli

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10 Jun 43

Sub War

Allied subs are flooding the area around Truk once again. I have 3-4 ASW TFs and 100+ bombers on ASW there. I get multiple plane bomb hits a day, probably all FOW (apparently it's dangerous being a whale near Truk) and finally got a DC hit on Haddo. Hopefully, she'll head home because of it.

5 Fleet

Another shock attack against the US visitors at Adak again. This one was 55:1 and the losses were 585(2) Japanese to 1515(161) US. Still the 41 Division and 153 SEP Infantry regiment remaining. I'll continue to attack, resting those that are too fatigued to continue. It's can't be long now (famous last words).

The BB TF is heading to the Home Islands (some ships can upgrade) and MKB is heading for Truk.

4 Fleet

Nothing to report.

SE Fleet

Ted got some revenge today. He piled all of his 2 & 4E bombers on Manus. I didn't even bother to count them, but there were a lot. I had 27 Betties, a few Emilies and half a dozen Babs there. When it was done, the airfield was totally closed down, a dozen Betties and 1 Emily were flaming hulks. No pilots lost though, which is the important thing. One interesting note is that Betty daitai has now lost over 100 bombers on the ground.

My concern for Gasmata and Rabaul is that they're both getting low on supply. I'm sending in single Ansyu PB fast transport TFs to dump supply. That's relatively safe for Rabaul, but not sure about Gasmata yet. We'll see what happens there.


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

Yudachi is slowly repairing at Adak: 20-54(54)-36(33)-0
RO-106 is still crawling toward Rabaul and repairing a bit in the process: 16-59(39)-0-0


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2987
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 6:24:35 PM   
Mike Solli

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11 Jun 43

Sub War

East of Perth, the RO-33 finally found a target (instead of being a target). She put a torpedo into the fuel laden TK Strix. No report of her sinking but she was 10 hexes from Perth, so I'd lay odds that she doesn't make it.

A couple hexes SW of Kobe, Ch-44 hit the Seadragon with a DC. Doubt she sank but hopefully she goes home.

The RO-106 made it to Rabaul, but the darn computer put her into pier side mode. Now she's stuck there. She's repairing, but she's going to be there a few days. Keeping fingers crossed that she makes it out of there.

5 Fleet

Three B-17Es hit Adak's airfield today. The Tojo IIcs couldn't down any, but threw off their aim so no damage was done. Intel reports one crashed on the way home.

Today's shock attack killed off another 162 Allied steps. The 41 Div and 153 SEP IR are still there, but a mere shadow of their former selves. I'll try again tomorrow...

Yudachi is still in port repairing: 18-54(54)-36-(33)-0

4 Fleet

Nothing to report.

SE Fleet

I had set (and forgotten about) a sentai of Tojo IIas to LRCAP Gasmata. Today, they ran into a squadron of Spitfires and downed 3 for no loss.

Ted has been trying to close Rabaul's airfield with aircraft at great cost to him and little to me. Finally, he sent in some ships: 6 CA, 4 DD, 2 DMS. In the process, he found and sank a midget sub. The ensuing bombardment did a number on the airfield: 11-40-63. It's still useable but won't be should some of his bombers get through. Damn mines did nothing.

A slice of the 1 Australian Parachute Battalion (never knew that unit existed) dropped on Buka taking it. It was an undefended dot hex.

KB is still hanging around, a few hexes east of Rabaul. They caught a 4 DD TF (probably ASW) just SE of Gasmata. 36 each Kates and Vals sank the Witte de With and damaged the Van New and Nicholas, with the lucky O'Bannon getting away. No loss to my planes other than 2 Kates written off. I'm moving KB to the NW of Rabaul exactly 6 hexes from Lae. There are a multitude of small TFs hanging around there that I would like to trash. I just want to make Ted a little more cautious and slow him down.


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

Nothing to report.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2988
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 6:54:41 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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12 Jun 43

Sub War

Nothing to report (meaning lots of torpedoes and DCs used, but nothing was hit).

5 Fleet

Today's shock attack netted 112 US squads destroyed. Over half were combat squads with no combat squads disabled. I think (actually hope) the end is near. Another attack planned for tomorrow.

Almost all of the Helen ASW chutai is repaired. I moved the repaired planes to Paramushiro-Jima. Tomorrow they'll move to Adak and begin their duties. There currently is one sub that I can see in the base hex. Hopefully, it won't stay long. (Actually, I hope it stays forever, on the bottom.)

Yudachi is slowly repairing: 16-54(54)-36(33)-0

4 Fleet

Nothing to report.

SE Fleet

With the successful bombardment of Rabaul by the US ships - yesterday, Ted sent every 2 and 4E bomber he could scrape up at Rabaul today. And it worked pretty well:

There were a total of 6 attacks, with the first by far the largest with ~75% of the sorties. Here's the breakdown:

113 Japanese fighters - 6 shot down - IJN: 2 WIA, IJA: 3 KIA, 1 WIA
4 planes destroyed on the ground

113x 4E bombers - 7 shot down
46x 2E bombers - 15 shot down

Rabaul's damaged increased to: 11-57-92

A handful of bombers were probably op losses. ~16% loss rate. Eventually, he'll have to rest the bombers and I'll repair the airfield. 300+ engineers and ~30 engineer vehicles at Rabaul.

RO-106 still hanging out in Rabaul's port and trying desperately to patch up the holes and damage: 16-39(39)-1-0


Nothing to report.


Swept Akyab and shot down a couple of Hurricanes. I'm sending in the bombers tomorrow, about 130 of em (if they fly).


Nothing to report.

Other Stuff

Nothing to report.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2989
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 7:56:01 PM   

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Mindset of a Japanese player when it come to ASW....nothing getting hit or sunk today is a good day. Anything more is just a cherry on top!

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2990
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 7:57:49 PM   


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Will the US troops on Adak launch a Banzai charge?

What % of losses are real, as opposed to FoW? When the combat report says "46x 2E bombers - 15 shot down", is it more like 10 shot down?

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2991
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 8:00:00 PM   
Mike Solli

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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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ORIGINAL: ny59giants

Mindset of a Japanese player when it come to ASW....nothing getting hit or sunk today is a good day. Anything more is just a cherry on top!

Ain't that the truth!


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 2992
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 8:07:40 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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Will the US troops on Adak launch a Banzai charge?

What % of losses are real, as opposed to FoW? When the combat report says "46x 2E bombers - 15 shot down", is it more like 10 shot down?

Not really sure, Zorch, but I think it's pretty close. I always watch air battles and track the losses by type. It's always accurate for me. That's not to say the enemy numbers are FOW. I do know that the air loss screen shows crazy numbers most of the time. For example, this last day I counted 5x B-24D1s shot down and the air loss screen showed 13. I use that screen to get an idea of op losses. The other interesting number is in the intel screen where it shows the total number of air losses to date. I track that number daily (among a host of others) and find it to be accurate, for me anyway. I believe it is accurate overall because of the ship loss and ship VP number in that same screen. That is how I know if a ship really sank or not. I believe those numbers to be accurate. When you get a comment about a certain ship having sunk on a previous date, it always shows in that screen, along with the correct number of VPs added for that ship.

Edit: The ship # and VP value are added on the day it is confirmed sunk, not the day it actually sank. Also note that if a ship is reported sunk on a specific date, if it didn't sink, it isn't added in the running total.

< Message edited by Mike Solli -- 12/27/2017 8:09:52 PM >


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 2993
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 8:10:35 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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I don't think Allied troops perform Banzai charges.


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2994
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 9:11:33 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Mike Solli



Will the US troops on Adak launch a Banzai charge?

What % of losses are real, as opposed to FoW? When the combat report says "46x 2E bombers - 15 shot down", is it more like 10 shot down?

Not really sure, Zorch, but I think it's pretty close. I always watch air battles and track the losses by type. It's always accurate for me. That's not to say the enemy numbers are FOW. I do know that the air loss screen shows crazy numbers most of the time. For example, this last day I counted 5x B-24D1s shot down and the air loss screen showed 13. I use that screen to get an idea of op losses. The other interesting number is in the intel screen where it shows the total number of air losses to date. I track that number daily (among a host of others) and find it to be accurate, for me anyway. I believe it is accurate overall because of the ship loss and ship VP number in that same screen. That is how I know if a ship really sank or not. I believe those numbers to be accurate. When you get a comment about a certain ship having sunk on a previous date, it always shows in that screen, along with the correct number of VPs added for that ship.

Edit: The ship # and VP value are added on the day it is confirmed sunk, not the day it actually sank. Also note that if a ship is reported sunk on a specific date, if it didn't sink, it isn't added in the running total.

Has anyone compared the Air Loss screen numbers to actual enemy losses over a time period?
You'd think that experienced pilots would be more accurate. The Japs had massive over reporting problems with green pilots attacking ships.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2995
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 10:07:53 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000
From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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Zorch, the only way I can think of to check is to play both sides and compare. I've never done that (and probably never will).


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 2996
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 10:48:56 PM   
Mike Solli

Posts: 15792
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From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku
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13 Jun 43

Sub War

Lots of action today...

First, the Tambor caught my TK fleet that moves either oil or fuel from Cam Ranh Bay to the Home Islands. This comes from Miri by 1250 capacity TK. This fleet is composed of 4x Type-1 TL, the 11.6k capacity TKs. Tambor put a torpedo into the San Clemente Maru. Fortunately, she was empty and made port with just a hole in her side: 2-43(35)-2-0.

Next, in the Etorofu area, the Drum sank an Ansyu PB, which was returning from a fast transport mission.

Finally, the Grampus found KB 3 times! The first time she launched at a DD and missed. The second time she missed against CA Kumano and the last time she hit the Zuikaku with 1 torpedo. It wasn't a dud, but it may as well have been one. Zuikaku's damage was negligible at 1-5(1)-0-0. Whew!

That turn could have been very, very bad. I lucked out.

5 Fleet

The only thing to note in this AO today was the attack on the US troops. This time I lost nothing at all (yay!) and killed off another 89 US squads. Here's the report:

Ground combat at Adak Island (162,52)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 29244 troops, 438 guns, 179 vehicles, Assault Value = 905

Defending force 7017 troops, 120 guns, 227 vehicles, Assault Value = 6

Japanese adjusted assault: 588

Allied adjusted defense: 7

Japanese assault odds: 84 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
experience(-), supply(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Allied ground losses:
725 casualties reported
Squads: 46 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 85 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 38 (38 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 33 (1 destroyed, 32 disabled)

Assaulting units:
4th Garrison Unit
Maizuru 3rd SNLF
71st Division
19th Division
23rd Tank Regiment
67th Naval Guard Unit
1st Mortar Regiment
35th Const Co
39th Field AA Machinecannon Company
38th Field AA Machinecannon Company
22nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
17th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
7th Base Force
2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
20th Medium FA Rgt /1

Defending units:
41st Infantry Division
153rd(Sep) Infantry Regiment

No clue what's keeping them fighting. No matter. I'll just continue to pound them.

4 Fleet

Nothing to report.

SE Fleet

The Allied bombers rested for the most part. This allowed Rabaul to repair the airfield somewhat: 11-57-80.

KB launched its Vals but decided, for whatever reason, to withhold the Kates. It turns out, that was probably for the best. In 2 attacks, the Vals went after only 2 ships, but they were nice targets. First, 9 Vals found the xAP President Madison and hit her with 8x 250kg bombs! No report of her sinking, but I'm confident she went down. I always like killing off those President xAPs. They're nice, big ships.

The second target was the xAP John Hart, who was attacked by 18 Vals and hit by 11x 250kg bombs. She went down. I don't know what they were carrying, but it was only vehicles. Tank unit maybe? *Shrug*

I lost no planes. KB is heading north back to Truk. Ted won't know this (I hope) and maybe he'll think KB is lurking in the shadows and that will slow him down.


Nothing to report.


Well, my big air attack on Akyab was a flop. Neither of my 2 sweeps flew. Only a partial sentai (of 5) flew. So, it was 17 Helens with Oscar escort met 18 enemy fighters. I lost 3 Oscars and a Helen to no enemy losses and did moderate damage to the airfield. Overall, waste of pilots and supply.


Another Chinese Corps out in the middle of nowhere was hit and pushed closer to Chungking, causing 82 squads lost, probably forever.

Other Stuff


xAK Kinshu Maru - Std-B, will convert to a TK
3 Mortar Regiment - Central Army
1 Machine Cannon AA Bn - Eastern Army
2 Machine Cannon AA Bn - Central Army
3 Machine Cannon AA Bn - Western Army
2 Mortar Regiment - 4 Army (Kwantung)
64 Field AA Bn - 8 Area Army
78 Naval Guard - SE Fleet
90 Naval Guard - SE Fleet

The A6M5c R&D advanced to 9/43 (will become operational in 7/43).

< Message edited by Mike Solli -- 12/27/2017 10:50:07 PM >


Created by the amazing Dixie

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2997
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/27/2017 11:05:23 PM   

Posts: 9869
Joined: 1/10/2005
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Burma- Are your fighter groups assigned to same HQ? Probably the 3rd. Is the 3rd in command range? It doesn’t guarantee sweeps or coordinated sweeps but it does help. I do this for George, Tojo, and Frank that do my sweeps. Assign to Air Div and Fleet Air as they have command range. Get good leaders for them.

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2998
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/28/2017 4:26:03 PM   

Posts: 130
Joined: 9/7/2004
From: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

9 Jun 43
The B6N2a Jill R&D advanced to 9/44 (will become operational 12/43).

Like most of japanese players, I follow with great attention your AAR, especially information related to the Production
So i have a question after your a/m report :

Why are you researching B6N2a Jill ?
B6N2a is similar to B6N2 but equipped with N6 Radar which will be only available in October 1944...
So even if you get B6N2a in December 1943, it will not make any difference with B6N2 Jill before October 1944...

Wouldn't it be better to invest R&D on B7A2 Grace (December 1944) instead ?
What is advantage of N6 Radar ?: if i am correct it will help to improve detection, so it is useful only if you use the Jill for Naval Search...


'To my point, in war, there s just one attractive thing : the victory Parade... What sucks, it s all the things before.... We should get the enlist payroll and do the parade right away, before that it get totally screwed up'
Un Taxi pour Tobrouk

(in reply to Mike Solli)
Post #: 2999
RE: Once Again into the Breach - Mike (J) vs. tc464 (A) - 12/28/2017 5:50:46 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

9 Jun 43
The B6N2a Jill R&D advanced to 9/44 (will become operational 12/43).

Like most of japanese players, I follow with great attention your AAR, especially information related to the Production
So i have a question after your a/m report :

Why are you researching B6N2a Jill ?
B6N2a is similar to B6N2 but equipped with N6 Radar which will be only available in October 1944...
So even if you get B6N2a in December 1943, it will not make any difference with B6N2 Jill before October 1944...

Wouldn't it be better to invest R&D on B7A2 Grace (December 1944) instead ?
What is advantage of N6 Radar ?: if i am correct it will help to improve detection, so it is useful only if you use the Jill for Naval Search...

I can't speak for Mike, but there's a few reasons for keeping the Jill in production rather than moving everything over to the Grace.

Mostly it's to do with IJN air-frame needs as the war progresses. The Grace is well-suited for carrier operations (both as a dive-bomber and torpedo bomber), and converting the KB airgroups over is a tall order. Beyond that, there's the need for a healthy stockpile of replacement aircraft in case of carrier engagements. With losses due to racket up in the late-war, it's often the best plan to have a couple months extra production of an inferior plane than to try to make do with fewer, abet better airframes.

(in reply to ElvisDaKing)
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