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RE: 1944 September 06

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: 1944 September 06 Page: <<   < prev  99 100 [101] 102 103   next >   >>
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RE: 1944 September 06 - 11/1/2015 6:06:35 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline



I had to hit the Page Dn key 42 times to scroll through that last list! That has to give JFBs the willies to see how much SIGINT the Allies get!


2025 LCU Records
23748 Total LCU Items

197 Ship Records
294 Total Ship Items

430 Base Records
8014 Total Base Items

518 Place Records
797 Total Place Items

32853 Total Items
3170 Total Records

They are included in the tallies above, but So far I haven't bothered with the messages about how many men or ships or aircraft are based at various places.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 3001
RE: 1944 September 05 - 11/2/2015 7:24:23 AM   


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ORIGINAL: witpqs



If I remember right, there's more than one city the Chungking Magic Queue can work through. Perhaps there's an easier target?

That's news to me. Do you know what base that is?

As you have most likely found out yourself already: It is Chengtu. As per Section 16.6 of the manual and written in several threads, f.e.:��

From the second thread:


Yes Chengtu maybe other places as well cannot really remmeber what we did to that code

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3002
RE: 1944 September 05 - 11/2/2015 3:26:10 PM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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ORIGINAL: witpqs



If I remember right, there's more than one city the Chungking Magic Queue can work through. Perhaps there's an easier target?

That's news to me. Do you know what base that is?

As you have most likely found out yourself already: It is Chengtu. As per Section 16.6 of the manual and written in several threads, f.e.:��

From the second thread:


Yes Chengtu maybe other places as well cannot really remmeber what we did to that code

Thanks! No, I hadn't researched it. Chengtu is about as likely as Chungking for me to liberate, so let's hope I run into one of the other cities by dumb luck!


(in reply to Rafid)
Post #: 3003
1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:35:10 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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1944 September 07

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate
Allied Ships Bombarding Vinh

Our subs are being ignored again.

Quiet in China. Except for some B-25D1 raids which the idiot staff ordered because their assigned target was destroyed the previous turn. Very hard on the bombers and the P-47s that escorted some of them. See Air losses below.

Still moving to block and contact trapped units near Chiang Mai, and moving down the peninsula.

Vinh is ours!

Night Naval bombardment of Vinh at 65,59

Allied Ships
CA Minneapolis
CA Salt Lake City
CA Pensacola
CA Chester

Japanese ground losses:
34 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 34
Port hits 25
Port fuel hits 6
Port supply hits 2

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Minneapolis
CA Minneapolis firing at Vinh
CA Salt Lake City firing at Vinh
CA Pensacola firing at Vinh
OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CA Chester
CA Chester firing at 66th Infantry Brigade


Ground combat at Vinh (65,59)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 31810 troops, 498 guns, 1014 vehicles, Assault Value = 1067

Defending force 19904 troops, 142 guns, 46 vehicles, Assault Value = 238

Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 0

Allied adjusted assault: 492

Japanese adjusted defense: 137

Allied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 0)

Allied forces CAPTURE Vinh !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1530 casualties reported
Squads: 111 destroyed, 35 disabled
Non Combat: 33 destroyed, 43 disabled
Engineers: 40 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 86 (65 destroyed, 21 disabled)
Vehicles lost 37 (37 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
287 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 38 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Vehicles lost 24 (4 destroyed, 20 disabled)

Assaulting units:
503rd Parachute Regiment
671th Tank Destroyer Battalion
775th Tank Battalion
23rd Australian Brigade
640th Tank Destroyer Battalion
2/6th Armoured Regiment
124th Cavalry Regiment
22nd Australian Brigade
754th Tank Battalion
632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion
2/5th Armoured Regiment
81st Infantry Division
1st Army Tank Regiment
637th Tank Destroyer Battalion
27th Australian Brigade
1st Medium Regiment
II Australian Corps
251st Field Artillery Battalion
2nd Medium Regiment

Defending units:
83rd Infantry Brigade
66th Infantry Brigade
51st Infantry Brigade
16th Recon Regiment
11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
22nd/B Division


Ground combat at 62,68 (near Kratie)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 3033 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 93

Defending force 80 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1

Allied adjusted assault: 46

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 46 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+)
Attacker: leaders(-)

Japanese ground losses:
110 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/B Division

Defending units:
113th JAAF AF Bn


Ground combat at 62,66 (near Pakse)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3033 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 93

Defending force 2210 troops, 10 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 25

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/C Division

Defending units:
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
33rd Division


Some engineers units are heading to Vinh. The others will wait until Vinh is cleared and they can rail straight through to Hanoi, or at least strat RR to Vinh and strat RD to Haiphong. Most units at Vinh will continue attacking tomorrow. Cleanup of trapped units to the south continues. East of Hanoi, the the jungle just across the river, there is now a substantial defensive position: 5 units, 45,180 troops, 266 guns, and 83 AFV.

Ternate siege continues.


Ground combat at Ternate (78,102)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4544 troops, 178 guns, 101 vehicles, Assault Value = 115

Defending force 5878 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 113

Allied adjusted assault: 83

Japanese adjusted defense: 181

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 5)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
157 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
42 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Regiment
260th Field Artillery Battalion
131st Field Artillery Battalion
205th Field Artillery Battalion
147th Field Artillery Battalion
148th Field Artillery Battalion
134th Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
12th Garrison Unit
11th Special Base Force
2nd JNAF AF Unit


Not as good a result as the last attack but good enough to wear down the defense. More cleanup of the eastern DEI underway.

Indochina. Note that the Imperial tourists in Burma have changed their direction of travel to avoid being boxed in. That should allow the 17th and 23rd Divisions to catch them.

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< Message edited by witpqs -- 11/3/2015 4:41:31 AM >


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3004
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:35:51 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Malay Peninsula.

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Post #: 3005
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:36:24 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
Status: offline
Borneo. Another enemy unit evaporates. But their place is taken by a newly discovered one at Singkawang.

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Post #: 3006
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:36:55 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Vinh. Three USN construction regiments are on the way to get the base operational and expand it.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3007
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:37:17 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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The state of our (non-HQ, non-artillery) units at Vinh.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3008
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:37:40 AM   

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From: Argleton
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Tomorrow's orders at Vinh.

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Post #: 3009
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:38:04 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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The forces moving into Haiphong and Hanoi. All will reach their destinations tomorrow absent interference with their movement. That required putting three of the armored units into move mode for their river crossing, but they will be opposed by a small unit that they should easily overwhelm.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3010
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:38:26 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Today's air losses. Heads are gonna roll!

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Post #: 3011
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 12:54:50 PM   


Posts: 253
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That hex east of Hanoi is a good place for japan to dig in. Jungle terrain, and you cannot really avoid it unless you spend weeks going around it. At most you can avoid the river crossing by crossing from Hanoi to the hex NE and then travel by road there...

Also Vinh finally falls and you can clean up the japanese remnants there :) It's funny because disregarding its position, the base is currently undeveloped crap :P

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3012
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 2:19:45 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
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ORIGINAL: Drakanel

That hex east of Hanoi is a good place for japan to dig in. Jungle terrain, and you cannot really avoid it unless you spend weeks going around it. At most you can avoid the river crossing by crossing from Hanoi to the hex NE and then travel by road there...

Also Vinh finally falls and you can clean up the japanese remnants there :) It's funny because disregarding its position, the base is currently undeveloped crap :P

The landings in Indo-China were a complete surprise and he never had time to develop Vinh before it was clear it would fall to the hard-charging Allies.
As for the roadblocks at the hex east of Hanoi and likely at Lang Son, there is always Pakhoi ... although that might require taking the two bases on Hainan first.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to Drakanel)
Post #: 3013
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/3/2015 3:18:28 PM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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I know! I have sufficient engineers that could rail in to develop it quickly, but most will pass right through to Hanoi/Haiphong ASAP. Vinh will develop a little but I think not much will be needed.

Here is my plan for dealing with that defense. The artillery will take the same route as the armor. Heavy white lines are divisions.

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< Message edited by witpqs -- 11/3/2015 4:19:20 PM >


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 3014
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/4/2015 4:09:04 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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If I turn this into an 'ignore' post, will it up the AAR's hit count?

< Message edited by witpqs -- 11/4/2015 5:10:03 AM >


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Post #: 3015
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/4/2015 5:00:23 AM   

Posts: 18046
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From: Winnipeg, MB
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ORIGINAL: witpqs

If I turn this into an 'ignore' post, will it up the AAR's hit count?

It will up the post count by one, but you need to advertise to bring in the hits. Why not post in the next subject line "Carrier disaster", and then fill the post with a rant about your Cell Phone Provider! Every forumite will come looking for news of a CV battle ...


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3016
RE: 1944 September 07 - 11/4/2015 5:21:14 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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I'll have to pass on that, my cell provider has been pretty good. But my Internet provider...


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 3017
1944 September 08 - 11/6/2015 6:51:06 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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1944 September 08

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate

Our subs are seeing action off the China coast.

Encirclement near Chiang Mai and movement down the Malay Peninsula continue. The Sabang invasion is loading (81st West African Div). We do not have recon, and SigInt (up to 1944-09-06) indicates substantial forces:

. 1942-09-05 . 3/9th Infantry Regiment
. 1943-01-10 . 5/53rd Division
. 1943-01-12 . 3/53rd Division
. 1943-07-17 . 1/21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
. 1943-07-18 . 7/77th Infantry Regiment
. 1943-07-21 . 10/77th Infantry Regiment
. 1943-07-27 . 9/77th Infantry Regiment
. 1943-08-10 . 2/11th Division
. 1943-09-14 . Yokosuka 1st SNLF
. 1944-01-21 . 63rd JNAF AF Unit
. 1944-04-02 . 11th Division
. 1944-07-26 . 3rd Air Division
. 1944-08-30 . 35th JAAF AF Bn

We will obtain recon for a troop count prior to landing and might abort, but it is quite possible that much of the enemy strength has been moved to defend Singapore.

Elimination of the Vinh hold-outs is underway. Haiphong Fortress is blasted from its foundations.


Ground combat at 62,66 (near Pakse)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3026 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 92

Defending force 2171 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 24

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/C Division

Defending units:
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
33rd Division


Ground combat at Vinh (65,59)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 28020 troops, 430 guns, 1021 vehicles, Assault Value = 1062

Defending force 17046 troops, 98 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 117

Allied adjusted assault: 714

Japanese adjusted defense: 51

Allied assault odds: 14 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2445 casualties reported
Squads: 168 destroyed, 12 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 35 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 15 (3 destroyed, 12 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
168 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 23 (2 destroyed, 21 disabled)

Assaulting units:
640th Tank Destroyer Battalion
637th Tank Destroyer Battalion
632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion
124th Cavalry Regiment
22nd Australian Brigade
754th Tank Battalion
2/5th Armoured Regiment
671th Tank Destroyer Battalion
23rd Australian Brigade
503rd Parachute Regiment
775th Tank Battalion
1st Army Tank Regiment
81st Infantry Division
2/6th Armoured Regiment
27th Australian Brigade
II Australian Corps
46th Construction Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
45th Construction Regiment
2/544th Boat&Shore Engineer Battalion
1st Medium Regiment
91st Construction Regiment
2nd Medium Regiment

Defending units:
66th Infantry Brigade
51st Infantry Brigade
11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
83rd Infantry Brigade
22nd/B Division
16th Recon Regiment


Ground combat at Haiphong (68,57)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 2514 troops, 9 guns, 496 vehicles, Assault Value = 270

Defending force 786 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 13

Allied adjusted assault: 201

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 201 to 1 (fort level 3)

Allied forces CAPTURE Haiphong !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
771 casualties reported
Squads: 27 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 40 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 15 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 8 (8 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
711th Tank Battalion
192nd Tank Battalion
706th Tank Battalion
2/4th Armoured Regiment

Defending units:
Haiphong Fortress


Tomorrow almost all units at Vinh will attack, and tonight the 2x CL TF is back on station to add throw weight. Our two divisions attack at Hanoi in the morning. Engineers have arrived at Vinh. Other support units plus more combat troops are on their way, hopefully to quickly pass through but the combat units will help clean up resistance if necessary. They arrive at Vinh in about 2 days.

Just east of Haiphong are 2 enemy units, and 2 more just NE of Hanoi. The main defensive position appears to still be east of Hanoi with 9 units, 50,740 troops, 338 guns, and 67 AFV. There is now only 1 unit in Hanoi with 5,720 troops, 57 guns, and 23 AFV.



Ground combat at Ternate (78,102)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1014 troops, 126 guns, 85 vehicles, Assault Value = 109

Defending force 5713 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 102

Japanese ground losses:
27 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Regiment
148th Field Artillery Battalion
147th Field Artillery Battalion
205th Field Artillery Battalion
131st Field Artillery Battalion
260th Field Artillery Battalion
134th Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
12th Garrison Unit
11th Special Base Force
2nd JNAF AF Unit


The next attack there is tomorrow. It looks as though the liberation of abandoned territory in the eastern DEI might be over as Mataram is occupied.

Our A-bomb capable B-29 group arrived today! They will train and stay out of the way.


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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3018
RE: 1944 September 08 - 11/6/2015 6:51:35 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Haiphong. Three enemy subs 'sunk' as a result of being cancelled at Haiphong's shipyards.

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Post #: 3019
1944 September 09 - 11/6/2015 11:43:46 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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1944 September 09

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate
Allied Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Vinh
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate

Our subs are trying, really they are. One was pummeled near Hong Kong.

Quiet in China.

Same around Chiang Mai and on the Malay Peninsula. Never send armour down a railway trail. The Sabang invasion convoy is loading supplies. Recon of Sabang should begin tomorrow.

Attacks at Hanoi and Vinh went well.


Ground combat at Hanoi (68,56)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 23510 troops, 357 guns, 214 vehicles, Assault Value = 712

Defending force 4831 troops, 42 guns, 22 vehicles, Assault Value = 155

Allied adjusted assault: 419

Japanese adjusted defense: 188

Allied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 3)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 2

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), op mode(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)

Japanese ground losses:
426 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 61 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 15 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 11 (4 destroyed, 7 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
401 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 54 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Division
5th Australian Division

Defending units:
17th/A Division
3rd JAAF AF Coy

Night Naval bombardment of Vinh at 65,59

Allied Ships
CL Santa Fe
CL Denver

Japanese ground losses:
46 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CL Santa Fe
CL Santa Fe firing at 22nd/B Division
CL Denver firing at 22nd/B Division


Ground combat at Vinh (65,59)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 23999 troops, 395 guns, 1016 vehicles, Assault Value = 1041

Defending force 15442 troops, 92 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 103

Allied adjusted assault: 555

Japanese adjusted defense: 41

Allied assault odds: 13 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2477 casualties reported
Squads: 224 destroyed, 18 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 45 disabled
Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 37 (36 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
32 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
775th Tank Battalion
1st Army Tank Regiment
22nd Australian Brigade
754th Tank Battalion
23rd Australian Brigade
671th Tank Destroyer Battalion
124th Cavalry Regiment
81st Infantry Division
637th Tank Destroyer Battalion
2/6th Armoured Regiment
503rd Parachute Regiment
2/5th Armoured Regiment
632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion
640th Tank Destroyer Battalion
27th Australian Brigade
45th Construction Regiment
2/544th Boat&Shore Engineer Battalion
46th Construction Regiment
II Australian Corps
91st Construction Regiment
1st Medium Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
2nd Medium Regiment

Defending units:
51st Infantry Brigade
83rd Infantry Brigade
66th Infantry Brigade
11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
22nd/B Division
16th Recon Regiment


Ground combat at 62,67 (near Kratie)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3060 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 187

Defending force 285 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1

Japanese ground losses:
22 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/A Division
11th Airborne/B Division

Defending units:
12th Base Force


Ground combat at 62,66 (near Pakse)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3033 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 93

Defending force 2189 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 26

Japanese ground losses:
12 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/C Division

Defending units:
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
33rd Division


One or two of our armored units at Haiphong will cross the river into Hanoi tomorrow, their shock attack on the flank adding to the continued assault of the divisions. There was a large Helen raid on that armor that was attrited and smartly disrupted by RAF No. 146 Sqn with 16x Thunderbolt I operating at Haiphong. More units will rest at Vinh so tomorrow's attack will be much smaller. The 4x CA TF will bombard tonight. That 2x CL TF was delayed by offshore fishing at Vinh and so cannot make Cam Ranh Bay to rearm for another 2 days.

A number of C-46A transport aircraft at Moulmein are commencing to transport the 11th LRP Bde to Haiphong.

The attack at Ternate again went well enough.

Night Naval bombardment of Ternate at 78,102

Allied Ships
CA Prome
CA Baltimore

Japanese ground losses:
129 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 10 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 7
Port hits 2
Port supply hits 1

OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CA Prome
CA Prome firing at Ternate
CA Baltimore firing at Ternate

Night Naval bombardment of Ternate at 78,102

Allied Ships
CA Boston
CA Northampton

Japanese ground losses:
74 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Runway hits 3

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Boston
CA Boston firing at 12th Garrison Unit
CA Northampton firing at Ternate


Ground combat at Ternate (78,102)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4507 troops, 178 guns, 101 vehicles, Assault Value = 112

Defending force 5476 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 100

Allied adjusted assault: 20

Japanese adjusted defense: 40

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 5)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
experience(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
87 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
67 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Regiment
148th Field Artillery Battalion
260th Field Artillery Battalion
147th Field Artillery Battalion
131st Field Artillery Battalion
205th Field Artillery Battalion
134th Field Artillery Battalion

Defending units:
12th Garrison Unit
11th Special Base Force
2nd JNAF AF Unit


Those defenders are stubborn, most of all about keeping our squads away from their defensive position during attacks (low adjusted AV for our guys). The terrain and fortifications are heavily in their favor.


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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3020
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/6/2015 11:44:08 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Tomorrow's assignments at Vinh.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3021
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 12:06:56 AM   

Posts: 5244
Joined: 1/20/2011
From: Maryland
Status: offline
I assume moral is still running high at Vihn? His arty suffered 30%, I should think the M4s can finish him in short order as I no longer see forts.

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3022
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 1:55:53 AM   

Posts: 26087
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ORIGINAL: zuluhour

I assume moral is still running high at Vihn? His arty suffered 30%, I should think the M4s can finish him in short order as I no longer see forts.

The base is mine at Vinh so they got kicked out of the their fort and need to build field fortifications (AFAIK). I'll have a peek at morale at get back to you, but I think it's OK.


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Post #: 3023
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 2:30:57 AM   

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Here's a screen pic.

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Post #: 3024
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 2:47:28 AM   

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and disruption fine as well, just looking for good die rolls to keep casualties down.

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Post #: 3025
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 4:42:10 AM   

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour

and disruption fine as well, just looking for good die rolls to keep casualties down.

It looks like this time I set >=14% disruption as the cutoff. Especially important for some units that have large percentages of disabled squads as any of those that got hit would be destroyed squads. Both USA Rgts and one of the Aus Bdes are in that situation with lots of disabled squads.


(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 3026
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 9:14:04 AM   


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Good going at Vinh and at Hanoi-Haiphong.

Will you build up one between Hanoi and Haiphong for use as 4E strike base?

Also, will you build up haiphong at port level 7, for rearming TFs and replenishing carrier sorties? (not sure if the latter also requires a big airfield. And Hong kong is not so far away, once you conquer it... but it could take a while)

Once you break into china (which may take some time as that roadblock in the jungle could take you 1-2 weeks maybe?), which approach will you take? I imagine your objectives are Canton and Hong Kong, will you pass through Nanning and Liuchow? Or just Nanning? Or none of them and cut through the plains south, directly towards Canton?

< Message edited by Drakanel -- 11/7/2015 11:19:54 AM >

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Post #: 3027
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 1:15:35 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Drakanel
Once you break into china (which may take some time as that roadblock in the jungle could take you 1-2 weeks maybe?),

I hope Lang Son can hold longer than 2 weeks.

However, other AARs has shown us when the IJA loses all those troops in Burma/Thailand -- China falls very quickly.

In this case however, the Allies are seeking an invasion of Okinawa. Strength against strength, rather than switching vectors and reinforcing the victorious front.

But the Allies have a master plan and are staying with it. Lot to be said for that, but the clock is running.

(in reply to Drakanel)
Post #: 3028
RE: 1944 September 09 - 11/7/2015 4:16:28 PM   

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Responding to Drakanel and Lowpe together:

• I will build up Haiphong at least, maybe Hanoi too. The most pressing need is for large fighter bases closer to the front. Hue and Vinh (not built yet) are close enough for 4EB to shut down Canton and Hong Kong air fields, but he's running top flight CAP there and the 4EB were getting murdered in the attempt last time. Lots of P-47/Thunderbolt, P-51, and Spitfire VIII types will break through that and protect the ground troops breaking through the China border.

• Building up the port at Haiphong? Probably not. Cam Ranh Bay is still building and will be size 9. For ships that can make it upriver, Saigon is still building and will be a size 9.

• Pakhoi and Kwangchowan for sure. Nanning eventually but not right away. The Allied forces will concentrate on the coast and as as far from it as required. The primary objectives are Canton and Hong Kong, the long-term objective is moving right (more or less) along the coast. Chinese units will carry the burden farther inland until more units are freed up from SEAC operations.

• I do think the China border defense will hold out for more than 2 weeks. The plan that I outlined (see graphic in post # 3014) is still valid. If the Empire commits more forces there might be some changes, or even more forces then a wholesale re-do of the plan (a different plan).

• I think you are misreading the decision to go ahead with the Okinawa operation.
° The Okinawa area is far closer to the Japanese Home Islands than any present Allied position, save the Soviet Union.
° There are enough bases in the Okinawa Operation target area to be built up to support the invasion of the Japanese Home Islands.
° There are no bases in China that are as close to the Japanese Home Islands (basically, add 3 hexes even for Shanghai).
° Seizing the Okinawa area provides a base for better interdicting Imperial traffic in the Yellow Sea until land routes can be cut.
° Okinawa also provides the ability to invade Korea as a preliminary or even alternative to Japan.
° Canton/Hong Kong and other bases near them, Formosa, and to some extent Clark/Manila present significant air opposition to landings on the China coast. Suppressing Canton/Hong Kong and nearby bases will require some time as bases in northern Indochina area built up. The Okinawa operation will take place during the air-land battles along the China border, and then...
° The Formosa invasion (made practical by the suppression of the C/HK area) will provide bases to suppress air opposition farther ahead of land operations in China. Formosa also will serve as a significant base for invasions along the China coast that undermine Imperial positions.
° See graphic below. Okinawa can be isolated (via B-29 and naval bombardment) from any Imperial airbases closer than 9 hexes. Significant aerial opposition is expected, but the distance will help to reduce it.
° The land forces prepared for Okinawa are appropriate to the task. Massive strength is prepared. It will still not be easy. It should be the most difficult operation until the invasion of the Japanese Home Islands, and it will only get more difficult later.
° The invasion of Indochina was started with limited objectives, but with an eye toward possible exploitation. Success was reinforced massively. The vast majority of SWPac combat power is there. All Australian combat units that had been working with SEAC have been moved to the China op. USA SWPac units that were working with SEAC have been moved to the China Op. USA Pacific units that were working with SEAC have been moved either to the China Op or to the helper invasion of Formosa. A great part of SEAC air power has been participating, and that commitment is growing. A number of Pacific and SEAC engineering and base/other support units are in the China op and more are on the way. A number of Pacific units are in other SWPac area operations (Philippines and DEI) in lieu of SWPac troops engaged in the China op. A number of air-mobile Bdes are transferring from SEAC to the China operation, and more SEAC troops will do so as breakthroughs are achieved on the Malay Peninsula. The China operation is not being starved of resources. Whatever is needed is being pulled from other commands, both previously and currently.
° Continuing the China operation AND proceeding with the Okinawa operation will lead to the demise of the Empire more quickly than only the China operation. It presents the Empire with a greater number of problems to address all at once. Further operations from the Okinawa base, more effective strategic bombing of the HI, far better SLOC interdiction of the Yellow Sea - opposition in China can be both broken through directly and undermined from the rear at the same time. Industry in the Home islands is the objective closest to defeating the Empire.

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(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 3029
1944 September 10 - 11/7/2015 8:06:14 PM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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1944 September 10

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Imperial Naval Bombardments

Allied Naval Bombardments:
Allied Ships Bombarding Ternate
Allied Ships Bombarding enemy troops at Vinh

Our subs continue to battle within the shrinking Imperial perimeter.

Quiet in China.

Same activity near Chiang Mai and down the Malay Peninsula. The last armoured units finally arrived at the hex SW of Chumphon that was won by the infantry so many days ago. First glimpse of Sabang is incomplete but recon has commenced. The Sabang invasion convoy is moving out to the west of Port Blair to meet up with the carriers. The battleships are off of Victoria Point and will more directly to Sabang to meet the invasion there.

Hanoi is ours, Vinh almost cleared.

Night Naval bombardment of Vinh at 65,59

Allied Ships
CA Minneapolis
CA Salt Lake City
CA Pensacola
CA Chester

Japanese ground losses:
34 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Minneapolis
CA Minneapolis firing at 22nd/B Division
SOC-1 Seagull acting as spotter for CA Salt Lake City
CA Salt Lake City firing at 51st Infantry Brigade
CA Pensacola firing at 22nd/B Division
OS2U-3 Kingfisher acting as spotter for CA Chester
CA Chester firing at 66th Infantry Brigade


Ground combat at Hanoi (68,56)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 23832 troops, 360 guns, 344 vehicles, Assault Value = 746

Defending force 3946 troops, 39 guns, 22 vehicles, Assault Value = 85

Allied adjusted assault: 636

Japanese adjusted defense: 6

Allied assault odds: 106 to 1 (fort level 2)

Allied forces CAPTURE Hanoi !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: forts(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), fatigue(-)
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2317 casualties reported
Squads: 82 destroyed, 18 disabled
Non Combat: 35 destroyed, 14 disabled
Engineers: 14 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 26 (25 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 21 (21 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units retreated 1

Allied ground losses:
8 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Division
192nd Tank Battalion
5th Australian Division

Defending units:
17th/A Division


Ground combat at Vinh (65,59)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 10805 troops, 187 guns, 716 vehicles, Assault Value = 1036

Defending force 13670 troops, 64 guns, 14 vehicles, Assault Value = 81

Allied adjusted assault: 430

Japanese adjusted defense: 29

Allied assault odds: 14 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2329 casualties reported
Squads: 78 destroyed, 19 disabled
Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 45 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 25 (22 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
17 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
632nd Tank Destroyer Battalion
503rd Parachute Regiment
23rd Australian Brigade
81st Infantry Division
2/6th Armoured Regiment
2/5th Armoured Regiment
124th Cavalry Regiment
671th Tank Destroyer Battalion
754th Tank Battalion
640th Tank Destroyer Battalion
1st Army Tank Regiment
637th Tank Destroyer Battalion
775th Tank Battalion
22nd Australian Brigade
27th Australian Brigade
91st Construction Regiment
251st Field Artillery Battalion
1st Medium Regiment
2/544th Boat&Shore Engineer Battalion
46th Construction Regiment
II Australian Corps
45th Construction Regiment
2nd Medium Regiment

Defending units:
66th Infantry Brigade
11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
83rd Infantry Brigade
51st Infantry Brigade
22nd/B Division
16th Recon Regiment

16th Recon Regiment Wiped Out at Vinh by attrition!!!
Japanese Unit(s) surrounded at Vinh

Ground combat at 62,67 (near Kratie)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 3060 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 187

Defending force 269 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1

Allied adjusted assault: 50

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 50 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), supply(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
162 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 25 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/A Division
11th Airborne/B Division

Defending units:
12th Base Force


Ground combat at 62,66 (near Pakse)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3025 troops, 46 guns, 18 vehicles, Assault Value = 93

Defending force 2166 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 25

Assaulting units:
11th Airborne/C Division

Defending units:
2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
33rd Division


Only one armored unit made it to Hanoi, but even with an air strike by Imperial death gliders the defense was routed. Vinh has only 5,100 troops left in one unit and an attack tomorrow by all armor and the division should clear them. Surprisingly, our units using strategic road movement into Vinh stopped one hex short and are switching out of strategic mode! It is lucky that we held back most units waiting for the rail line to clear. The units dumped out of their trucks were going to move on to Hanoi and Haiphong, but now have to march into Vinh first. We shall adapt! The first Chinese units have reached Chumphon and are boarding trains for Indochina.

Kiungshan has had a population of SSX for some time now but our bombers have been busy. Tomorrow a mass of 2EB plus some FB and TB will hit the port there under cover of fighter sweeps.

Our assault troops at Ternate need another day to get disruption down. First attack at Singkawang is tomorrow. Engineering units are unloading at Kuching to build that base and strengthen the blockade.

The CVE in the South China Sea are being recalled to get ready for Okinawa. We have increased recon of the southern and middle Philippines. Together with the build up of Taytay that might lend a few days of doubt as to our next target before an invasion fleet is sighted. The Yorktowns and Wasp are 2 days out from minor repairs and fighter upgrades at Truk. All Naha/Nago troops are at or on their way to the Marianas. Might this thing actually happen in September? The world wonders!


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