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RE: 1944 April 25

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: 1944 April 25 Page: <<   < prev  65 66 [67] 68 69   next >   >>
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RE: 1944 April 25 - 10/28/2014 1:06:35 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
Status: offline
I don't see any float plane spotters mentioned for your Iwo Jima bombardments - do you use them?
If so, do they help? If not, is there a reason why not or was it just an oversight with all the gazillion things in a turn?

Shame about the Fletchers - don't you just cringe when they close to 2000 yards and fire their torps at the DDs instead of the BB! I suppose that is the AI just calculating that the DD escorts would get between the BB and your ships.

I've never seen that message before - perhaps a new one added after an upgrade of the Bulletin Board software?
I hope the software was upgraded to make it compatible with IE 11 - I hate the lack of line wrap while posting, and the way it wipes out your text if you try to change the font in any way.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1981
RE: 1944 April 25 - 10/28/2014 5:09:22 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline



I don't see any float plane spotters mentioned for your Iwo Jima bombardments - do you use them?
If so, do they help? If not, is there a reason why not or was it just an oversight with all the gazillion things in a turn?

Although there were times that I have forgotten them on various ships, at this point all of the (currently dedicated) bombardment ships - CAs and old BBs - have their group set to night recon. Only the ones with 4 planes also have 50% naval search. I see the messages plenty, so I guess they just missed the die rolls. Moonlight was 7% IIRC (see the naval combat near Makassar) so that might have been a decisive factor. BTW, the CL groups that bombarded are really in the area for anti-ship protection and I did not change their float planes over.

I'm pretty sure it does help, but of course all the other randoms were still there. All of the bombardments this turn hit something, and several did a good deal of damage. I was pleased, and good spotting could only have improved things.

Shame about the Fletchers - don't you just cringe when they close to 2000 yards and fire their torps at the DDs instead of the BB! I suppose that is the AI just calculating that the DD escorts would get between the BB and your ships.

Yeah, the escorts always try to do their job and most often they succeed. I figure the risk was worth it, and will happily do it again. Walter mentioned that something else was supposed to happen in conjunction with the battleship foray but the AI did not cooperate. Two subs were sunk earlier in the night, one right there and one at Kendari, so maybe mine laying? Dunno. Or air attacks in the daylight hours after the battle, but with the number of high quality fighters on CAP in the area I wasn't worried about that. Also dunno. Another, smaller TF meant to go in first and clear the way? Possibly, but I really didn't have any search hits that indicate that. A small DD TF at Salajar (1 hex away) might have interfered anyway if the main TF had been cleared out.

I've never seen that message before - perhaps a new one added after an upgrade of the Bulletin Board software?
I hope the software was upgraded to make it compatible with IE 11 - I hate the lack of line wrap while posting, and the way it wipes out your text if you try to change the font in any way.

I figure they upgraded something over the weekend, or maybe just turned on a feature. I know they fight the evil spammers, so I don't fault them. Not sure how effective this new feature is. I do want to figure out the timer so I can just wait a few seconds instead of have to re-upload the image and re-cut&paste the text from the editor where I write the AAR. It would have been a genuine PITA if I was not doing it that way. But, the only reason the multiple posts could be so close together is that I do it that way and only have to upload and cut&paste.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 1982
RE: 1944 April 25 - 10/28/2014 5:31:01 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
Status: offline
Never thought about the moonlight angle for spotting - that makes sense. Thanks as usual!


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1983
RE: 1944 April 25 - 10/28/2014 6:25:56 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline


Never thought about the moonlight angle for spotting - that makes sense. Thanks as usual!

I don't know if it's true, but they have so much detail in this game I am comfortable assuming it's true until I learn otherwise.


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 1984
1944 April 26 - 10/29/2014 7:43:05 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 April 26

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs got two TK and attack other TK and AO. They thought they were hot stuff, then along came I-54.

ASW attack near Iwo-jima at 109,78

Japanese Ships
SS I-54, hits 5

Allied Ships
DE Donaldson
DE Mitchell
DD Caldwell
DD Woodworth

SS I-54 launches 4 torpedoes at DE Donaldson
I-54 diving deep ....
DD Caldwell fails to find sub, continues to search...
DD Woodworth fails to find sub and abandons search
DD Caldwell attacking submerged sub ....
DD Caldwell fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub

Sub attack near Iwo-jima at 109,78

Japanese Ships
SS I-54, hits 16, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
DE Engstrom
AO Mascoma, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
AO Cahaba, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
AO Monongahela
AO Tappahanock, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

SS I-54 launches 2 torpedoes at DE Engstrom
I-54 diving deep ....
DE Engstrom fails to find sub, continues to search...
DE Engstrom fails to find sub, continues to search...
DE Engstrom fails to find sub, continues to search...
DE Engstrom attacking submerged sub ....
SS I-54 forced to surface!
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Mascoma firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Cahaba firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Monongahela firing on surfaced sub ....
AO Tappahanock firing on surfaced sub ....
Sub slips beneath the waves


All three of our AO sank. At least the multitudes of CVE they were refueling were not attacked. BTW the replenishment TF was 4x 16-knot AO and 2x DE.

Same in China, waiting for the additional Japanese units to make it to the front and see if they start an offensive.

Ground units at Pegu hit again, and still there moving they will be hit again.

Allied bombardments in the Pacific.

Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul

The troops at Iwo Jima are recovering and are receiving another bounty of supply. That resulted in a bombardment. I don't know what unit was destroyed but it can't be bad news.


Ground combat at Iwo-jima (108,77)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 204 troops, 4 guns, 23 vehicles, Assault Value = 345

Defending force 36029 troops, 642 guns, 560 vehicles, Assault Value = 327

Japanese ground losses:
Guns lost 4 (4 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 30 (30 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

Assaulting units:
65th Brigade
7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Iwo-jima Naval Guard Unit
69th Field AA Battalion
1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
7th Air Division
71st Field AA Battalion
26th Special Base Force

Defending units:
3rd Marine Division
7th Infantry Division
1st Marine Division
1st (Spec) Cavalry Division
763rd Tank Battalion
198th Field Artillery Battalion
XI US Corps
225th Field Artillery Battalion
33rd Medium Regiment


Almagan was seized. Level 5 fortifications is definitely a surprise for that small base. I wonder what tomorrow's invasion of Anatahan will see? At least no shock attack will be required there.


Ground combat at Almagan (110,90)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 5322 troops, 42 guns, 79 vehicles, Assault Value = 175

Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0

Allied adjusted assault: 310

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 310 to 1 (fort level 5)

Allied forces CAPTURE Almagan !!!

Combat modifiers
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)

Assaulting units:
12th NZ Brigade
1st AmphTrac Engineer Battalion


The Japanese bombardment at Rabaul achieved nothing. Our troops are down to 10% disruption and 26% fatigue and will attack again tomorrow.

Watampone has full supply now and is 57% toward size 9 airfield. Palembang is scouted as having 23 fighters. Yet again the B-24 raids on Tarakan were very costly (I think we lost 4 there). Scouting still shows only a couple of fighters there, so I don't know where they are coming from. The only place I can think of is Miri, with a size 2 airfield. There are two IJN TF moving SE down the Java Sea, possibly only convoys but I can not tell due to bad weather. The troops ashore at Basilan were hit by aircraft that might have come from Lloilo. The xAKL still unloading supply were not harassed, but they will clear out with the last bit on board.

Afternoon Air attack on 503rd Parachute Regiment, at 75,90 (Basilan)

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B6N2 Jill x 9
N1K1-J George x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied ground losses:
24 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x B6N2 Jill bombing from 5000 feet
Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb


11th Airborne Division arrived at San Francisco today and will begin preparing for Cam Ranh Bay. NZ 2nd Armoured Rgt will begin unloading at Sidate tomorrow.

Here are the troops at Iwo Jima.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by witpqs -- 10/30/2014 7:11:44 AM >


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1985
RE: 1944 April 26 - 10/29/2014 7:44:42 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Here are today's ship losses.

Unfortunately I think the delay timer might be as much as a full minute!

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1986
RE: 1944 April 26 - 10/29/2014 7:46:49 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Here is the Java Sea.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1987
RE: 1944 April 26 - 10/29/2014 7:53:48 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: witpqs

The troops at Iwo Jima are recovering and are receiving another bounty of supply. That resulted in a bombardment. I don't know what unit was destroyed but it can't be bad news.

The destroyed unit was likely the Heavy Arty Regiment. Those units only get about six guns in their TOE.

About Anatahan, if there is no one there when you land, don't order a DA, just wait until next turn and you can auto-occupy and get the base and forts with no further damage.


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1988
RE: 1944 April 26 - 10/29/2014 9:01:51 PM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Well that one was a compulsory shock attack. I think it's a size 2 island but I would have to check. At least they got practice!


(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 1989
1944 April 27 - 10/30/2014 6:11:02 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 April 27

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs got a TK.

Same again in China.

More of the same at Pegu and more to come. There are now more enemy units at Pegu, and one or more is moving toward Rangoon.

Allied bombardments in the Pacific.

Allied Ships Bombarding Anatahan
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Anatahan
Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima

The troops at Iwo Jima are recovering and the reserve divisions are ready to come ashore. I will wait about two days until the fit divisions on the island are ready to attack to help cover the landing.

Our raids on Tarakan met with the same stiff and destructive resistance, this time not even allowing them to reach the airfield.

The attack at Rabaul seemed to make just a little progress as all the die rolls went to the Empire.


Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1973 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 75

Defending force 4315 troops, 77 guns, 25 vehicles, Assault Value = 110

Allied ground losses:
16 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
Kure 5th SNLF
7th Indpt SNLF Coy
8th Base Force
24th Special Base Force
23rd Special Base Force
58th JNAF AF Unit

Defending units:
23rd Australian Brigade


Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4301 troops, 77 guns, 25 vehicles, Assault Value = 109

Defending force 4760 troops, 56 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 75

Allied adjusted assault: 9

Japanese adjusted defense: 73

Allied assault odds: 1 to 8 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
Attacker: leaders(-), fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
180 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
64 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
23rd Australian Brigade

Defending units:
Kure 5th SNLF
7th Indpt SNLF Coy
8th Base Force
23rd Special Base Force
24th Special Base Force
58th JNAF AF Unit


Imperial carriers commit themselves in the Java Sea! The two P-38 groups at Watampone and Kendari were off LRCAP'ing Samarinda, happily slaying Betties.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Sepandjang at 59,107

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 19
N1K1-J George x 19

Allied aircraft
SB2C-1C Helldiver x 18

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C-1C Helldiver: 11 destroyed

CAP engaged:
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (6 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(6 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
6 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Raid is overhead
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(6 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 18 minutes
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Raid is overhead
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Raid is overhead
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
S-309 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (10 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
10 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 17000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 17000.
Raid is overhead
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (9 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
9 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Raid is overhead

Morning Air attack on TF, near Makassar at 65,107

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 21
D4Y2 Judy x 12

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 9
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 18
F4U-1A Corsair x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 10 destroyed
D4Y2 Judy: 7 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
CA Pensacola

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
VMF-121 with F4U-1A Corsair (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
5 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Raid is overhead
No.452 Sqn RAF with Spitfire VIII (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
5 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Raid is overhead
4 planes vectored on to bombers
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 5 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 37000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 17 minutes
58th FG/310th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
7 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Raid is overhead
58th FG/311th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(6 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 30000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 16 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
No.79 Sqn RAAF with Spitfire VIII (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Raid is overhead

Morning Air attack on TF, near Kalao at 66,110

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 87 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 28 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 12
B6N1 Jill x 10

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Ralph Talbot
DD Bagley
DD Mugford

Aircraft Attacking:
10 x B6N1 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp

CAP engaged:
No.79 Sqn RAAF with Spitfire VIII (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes

Morning Air attack on TF, near Sepandjang at 61,107

Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 79

Allied aircraft
A-20A1 Havoc x 16
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 29

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
A-20A1 Havoc: 6 destroyed, 5 damaged
A-20A1 Havoc: 1 destroyed by flak
P-47D2 Thunderbolt: 5 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CV Shokaku
CV Kaga

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x A-20A1 Havoc bombing and strafing from low level *
Naval Attack: 1 plane(s) with no ordnance
4 x A-20A1 Havoc bombing and strafing from low level *

CAP engaged:
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 10 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 2000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 2000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
12 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 1000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
6 planes vectored on to bombers
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 5000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 12 minutes
14 planes vectored on to bombers
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 6000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
12 planes vectored on to bombers
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 6000 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Makassar at 65,107

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 115 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 17
D4Y2 Judy x 9

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 8
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 4
F4U-1A Corsair x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 8 destroyed
D4Y2 Judy: 4 damaged
D4Y2 Judy: 2 destroyed by flak

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
CA Salt Lake City, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CA Pensacola

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg GP Bomb
5 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg GP Bomb

CAP engaged:
VMF-121 with F4U-1A Corsair (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 10 minutes
No.79 Sqn RAAF with Spitfire VIII (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 1 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
No.452 Sqn RAF with Spitfire VIII (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 5 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 37000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes
58th FG/310th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
58th FG/311th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 30000.
Raid is overhead

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Boeton at 68,108

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 24
B6N1 Jill x 20

Allied aircraft
Spitfire Vc Trop x 2
F4U-1 Corsair x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed
B6N1 Jill: 3 damaged
B6N1 Jill: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
F4U-1 Corsair: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
xAK Chickasaw City, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Masaya, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
xAK Lihue, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Santa Teresa, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Ensley City, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Tuscaloosa City

Aircraft Attacking:
19 x B6N1 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp
2 x A6M5 Zero sweeping at 13000 feet
7 x A6M5 Zero sweeping at 13000 feet
5 x A6M5 Zero sweeping at 13000 feet

CAP engaged:
VMF-218 with F4U-1 Corsair (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
5 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Raid is overhead
No.457 Sqn RAF with Spitfire Vc Trop (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Raid is overhead

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Salajar at 66,108

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 11
B6N2 Jill x 20
D4Y2 Judy x 14

Allied aircraft
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed
B6N2 Jill: 3 damaged
B6N2 Jill: 1 destroyed by flak
D4Y2 Judy: 3 damaged
D4Y2 Judy: 1 destroyed by flak

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Hunt
DD Knapp
DD Haggard

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb
18 x B6N2 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp
8 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb
4 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 37000.
Raid is overhead


The convoy that was finally found and savaged was empty, heading back to the West Coast after unloading b-29 supplies at Watampone. More fighters are being brought into Watampone, along with a 36-plane USN DB squadron and an 18-plane USMC TB squadron. If the Empire stays in the same area or tries to move in closer resistance will be fierce. CA Slat Lake City is in very good shape.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by witpqs -- 10/30/2014 7:12:32 AM >


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1990
RE: 1944 April 27 - 10/30/2014 6:13:35 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Here is a look at the battle area, showing the IJN carriers just a few hexes west of Makassar.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1991
RE: 1944 April 27 - 10/30/2014 6:14:59 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Here are today's air losses. The number of Zeros taken down should make any additional days of battle more productive for us.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1992
RE: 1944 April 27 - 10/30/2014 6:16:47 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Today's ship losses.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1993
RE: 1944 April 27 - 10/30/2014 6:18:06 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
Here are the troops at Iwo Jima.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1994
RE: 1944 April 27 - 10/31/2014 3:33:56 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
News Flash: KB stayed to play! Allies lose 1x AM and 1x LCT. Carnage in the air on both sides.


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1995
1944 April 28 - 10/31/2014 7:06:11 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 April 28

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs came up empty.

Same in China.

Only the fighter sweeps went in over Pegu today as bad weather plagued operations. The upgrades of British infantry squads is going quite well, and the back and forth movement of units from the front to bases and back again might be helpful counter-Intel.

Allied bombardments in the Pacific.

Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul

Anatahan was both seized and secured.


Ground combat at Anatahan (109,91)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4461 troops, 42 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 157

Defending force 503 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4

Allied adjusted assault: 358

Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 358 to 1 (fort level 5)

Allied forces CAPTURE Anatahan !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
352 casualties reported
Squads: 37 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
7 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
11th NZ Brigade
3rd NZ Division

Defending units:
53rd Naval Guard Unit


53rd Naval Guard Unit Wiped Out at Anatahan by attrition!!!

The troops at Rabaul are receiving more supply while they recover before the next attack. The invasion force for Tawi Tawi - via the APD fleet - will probably arrive at the end of the day tomorrow. Hopefully they will be able to unload during the following evening and be on their way by daylight.

The next attack at Manado is tomorrow.

The KB doubled down, moving to a position 1 hex NW of Bima. They are in a position to make a run into the convoy lanes tomorrow if they wish, but of course things get more and more hazardous the deeper they reach. All B-24 groups without forward bases (which have been bombing bypassed IJ garrisons) are ordered to naval attack and have range if KB continues. Various additional attack groups and fighter groups have been brought into the area.

The B-29 brood at Watampone is unbothered and heavily protected in spite of the carnage all around them. There has been only modest erosion of their P-47 cover, and other capable fighters have been on hand. Watampone itself has reached 75% toward size 9 airfield. Only shipping has been targeted so far by the IJN carrier planes, but Allied shipping has turned out to be more like bait than targets. Attacks on the combat ships protecting Watampone and its approaches were shredded without result, as were attacks on combat TFs at Salajar and Kalao. Only an AM and an LCT with part of a construction unit were hit.

Our own attacks all went in first, and all failed.

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bima at 62,109

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 67
N1K1-J George x 1

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 25
P-38H Lightning x 16
P-38J Lightning x 17
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 10
SBD-5 Dauntless x 35

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed
P-38H Lightning: 1 destroyed
SBD-5 Dauntless: 11 destroyed, 9 damaged
SBD-5 Dauntless: 2 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CA Chikuma
CV Shokaku
CV Taiho
CV Soryu
CA Mikuma
CV Akagi

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
6 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
7 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 18 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 5 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
7 planes vectored on to bombers
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bima at 62,109

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 32 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 44
N1K1-J George x 1

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 18

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
TBF-1 Avenger: 7 destroyed

CAP engaged:
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 17000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 24 minutes
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 19000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 23 minutes
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
12 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 42 minutes
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 57 minutes
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 39 minutes

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bima at 62,109

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 32
N1K1-J George x 1

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 11
SBD-3 Dauntless x 16

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-3 Dauntless: 6 destroyed, 3 damaged
SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CV Kaga

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 1 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 14000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 31 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 3 scrambling)
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 4000 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 24 minutes
5 planes vectored on to bombers
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 1 scrambling)
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 4000 and 8931.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 30 minutes
5 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 1 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 4000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
7 planes vectored on to bombers
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 3 scrambling)
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 23 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 1 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 5 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 6000 and 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 25 minutes
5 planes vectored on to bombers

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bima at 62,109

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 20
N1K1-J George x 1

Allied aircraft
Beaufort VIII x 11
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufort VIII: 3 destroyed
Beaufort VIII: 2 destroyed by flak

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Beaufort VIII launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22.4in Mk 13 Torp.

CAP engaged:
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 13 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 24 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 4000 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
5 planes vectored on to bombers
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 32 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 18000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 35 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Watampone at 67,106

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid detected at 110 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 28 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 5
D4Y2 Judy x 3

Allied aircraft
Spitfire Vc Trop x 2
P-38J Lightning x 2
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 2
F4U-1 Corsair x 2
F4U-1A Corsair x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed
D4Y2 Judy: 1 destroyed
D4Y2 Judy: 1 destroyed by flak

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Miller

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 10000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
VMF-121 with F4U-1A Corsair (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 9 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
VMF-212 with F4U-1 Corsair (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 12000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 12000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 1 minutes
VMF-218 with F4U-1 Corsair (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes
No.457 Sqn RAF with Spitfire Vc Trop (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 15 minutes
18th FG/44th FS with P-38J Lightning (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Raid is overhead
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 37000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Watampone at 66,105

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 116 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 38 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 25
B6N1 Jill x 15
B6N2 Jill x 16
D4Y2 Judy x 11

Allied aircraft
P-38H Lightning x 7
P-38J Lightning x 5
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 17
F4U-1 Corsair x 4
F4U-1A Corsair x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 9 destroyed
B6N1 Jill: 2 destroyed, 8 damaged
B6N1 Jill: 3 destroyed by flak
B6N2 Jill: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
D4Y2 Judy: 4 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Pringle
AM Townsville
DD Cogswell
AM Wagga, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
DD O'Bannon
LCT-165, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
16 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x B6N1 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp
2 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 3000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb
14 x B6N2 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp
2 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
58th FG/310th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 9 minutes
58th FG/311th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(8 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 6 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 30000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 12 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
475th FG/432nd FS with P-38H Lightning (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 31 minutes
VMF-121 with F4U-1A Corsair (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 4 minutes
VMF-218 with F4U-1 Corsair (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 10000.
Raid is overhead
18th FG/44th FS with P-38J Lightning (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 8 minutes
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 37000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 32 minutes

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kalao at 66,110

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 4
D4Y2 Judy x 19

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 12

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 2 destroyed
D4Y2 Judy: 7 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Ralph Talbot
DD Bagley
DD Mugford

Aircraft Attacking:
2 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 2000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb
4 x D4Y2 Judy releasing from 1000'
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 kg SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
No.79 Sqn RAAF with Spitfire VIII (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 6 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
No.452 Sqn RAF with Spitfire VIII (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
5 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Raid is overhead
4 planes vectored on to bombers

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Salajar at 66,108

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 10
B6N2 Jill x 17

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 6
P-38H Lightning x 5
P-38J Lightning x 1
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed
B6N2 Jill: 4 destroyed, 4 damaged
B6N2 Jill: 1 destroyed by flak

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
DD Hunt
DD Knapp
DD Haggard

Aircraft Attacking:
10 x B6N2 Jill launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp

CAP engaged:
No.79 Sqn RAAF with Spitfire VIII (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 17 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers
58th FG/310th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters to 14000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
58th FG/311th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(7 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 13 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
475th FG/432nd FS with P-38H Lightning (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
5 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 7000 and 14000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 46 minutes
No.452 Sqn RAF with Spitfire VIII (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 10000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 82 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers
18th FG/44th FS with P-38J Lightning (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters to 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 9 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
58th FG/69th FS with P-47D2 Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 37000 , scrambling fighters to 7000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes


Here is the position of the IJN carriers.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1996
RE: 1944 April 28 - 10/31/2014 7:09:33 AM   

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From: Argleton
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Here are today's air losses.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1997
RE: 1944 April 28 - 10/31/2014 7:11:37 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Here are the troops at Iwo Jima.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1998
1944 April 29 - 11/3/2014 3:46:32 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 April 29

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:
Tawi Tawi

Our subs got an SC.

Same in China.

This was the last day of ground attacks over Pegu. The moving unit(s) have made it to Rangoon. The B-24/B-17 crowd will continue with airfield attacks there to hit supply dumps.

Allied bombardments in the Pacific.

Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul

The attack at Manado made progress. The troops will rest a couple of days.


Ground combat at Manado (75,99)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 15240 troops, 190 guns, 296 vehicles, Assault Value = 544

Defending force 11768 troops, 93 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 277

Allied adjusted assault: 379

Japanese adjusted defense: 1171

Allied assault odds: 1 to 3 (fort level 4)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+)

Japanese ground losses:
349 casualties reported
Squads: 10 destroyed, 42 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 15 (1 destroyed, 14 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
837 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 82 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
31st Infantry Regiment
2/6th Armoured Regiment
2nd Australian Division
2nd Regiment

Defending units:
23rd Nav Gd Unit
32nd Nav Gsn Unit
42nd Infantry Regiment
Yokosuka 2nd SNLF
9th JNAF Coy
11th Air Flotilla
53rd JNAF AF Unit


Some SDB5 made an escorted run at the KB at Soerabaja with predictable results. Actually, we got off light.

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Soerabaja at 56,104

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 57
N1K1-J George x 11

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 16
P-38J Lightning x 14
SBD-5 Dauntless x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zero: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 4 destroyed
P-38J Lightning: 1 destroyed
SBD-5 Dauntless: 2 destroyed

CAP engaged:
Shokaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 8 on standby, 9 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 6000 and 17000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 37 minutes
17 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuikaku-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 5 on standby, 5 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 11000 and 18000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 36 minutes
9 planes vectored on to bombers
Taiho-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 5 on standby, 6 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 14000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 35 minutes
11 planes vectored on to bombers
Akagi-1 with A6M5 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 13000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes
1 planes vectored on to bombers
Kaga-1 with A6M5 Zero (1 airborne, 2 on standby, 3 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 13000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 36 minutes
5 planes vectored on to bombers
Soryu-1 with A6M5 Zero (0 airborne, 1 on standby, 3 scrambling)
(1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 13000
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 36 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
S-602 Hikotai with N1K1-J George (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 11 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 5 minutes


The troops at Rabaul will continue resting. Tawi Tawi is undefended and will be seized tomorrow.

Here are the troops at Iwo Jima. The 7th ID and 1st Cav Div are being picked up off the beach tomorrow. We'll have to see if the whole 7th ID fits on the TF picking them up.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 1999
1944 April 30 - 11/5/2014 5:27:03 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 April 30

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:
Tawi Tawi

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs got an xAK.

Same in China. BTW, very, very gradually the amount of supply in China has gone up and fortification building is now underway at Tsuyung, Kunming, and Mengtze.

Heavy day in the air over Pegu. Our sweeps did fine, but even then there were an enormous number of Imperial fighters on LRCAP over that occupied city. Our bombers were all set to Airfield attack - not naval with airfield secondary - but due to weather many made their attacks in the afternoon anyway. And there were score upon score of capable opponents waiting. In one combat they approached with little or no resistance, only to meet clouds of enemy on the way out. See the air losses below.

Allied bombardments.

Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Jolo
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul

Jolo was bombarded.

Night Naval bombardment of Jolo at 74,90

Allied Ships
CL De Ruyter

Japanese ground losses:
157 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 6
Port hits 4
Port supply hits 1

CL De Ruyter firing at Jolo


The troops at Manado are ready enough and will attack tomorrow. At Rabaul they will wait perhaps another day.

Two squadrons of B-24 at Kendari had Soerabaja within their range (set to maximum) and KB is still there, so you know what happened. See the air losses below.

The pick up of the two USA divisions at Iwo Jima went off uneventfully, and here are the remaining forces. There will be a one day delay so the USMC divisions can get their disruption as low as possible before making a deliberate attack in support of the landings.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2000
RE: 1944 April 30 - 11/5/2014 5:30:04 AM   

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From: Argleton
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Today's air losses.


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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2001
RE: 1944 April 30 - 11/5/2014 5:35:21 AM   

Posts: 26087
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From: Argleton
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Here is the complete combat report for anyone who wants to look over all the air battles today.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2002
1944 May 01 - 11/8/2014 4:54:01 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 May 01

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs got two PB.

Same in China. Recon shows some unit(s) at Kweiyang moving toward Tuyun.

There is loads of maintenance going on in all of the 4EB groups. We've finished upgrading British '41 infantry squads to '43 - yeah! Of course, we are still way short on those squads and will be for the duration. This is the consequence of DAW not slowing down in Burma early on when the Empire got a seriously bloody nose. Instead, the Imperials pursued the noble forces arrayed there and eventually severely punished some British units.

Allied bombardments.

Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Chichi-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul

The attack at Manado made progress; now the troops will rest a day or two at least.


Ground combat at Manado (75,99)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 14741 troops, 190 guns, 296 vehicles, Assault Value = 469

Defending force 11421 troops, 93 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 241

Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 3

Allied adjusted assault: 157

Japanese adjusted defense: 461

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), morale(-)
Attacker: fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
598 casualties reported
Squads: 14 destroyed, 31 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 8 (2 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
673 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 65 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Vehicles lost 9 (1 destroyed, 8 disabled)

Assaulting units:
2nd Australian Division
31st Infantry Regiment
2/6th Armoured Regiment
2nd Regiment

Defending units:
32nd Nav Gsn Unit
23rd Nav Gd Unit
42nd Infantry Regiment
Yokosuka 2nd SNLF
9th JNAF Coy
11th Air Flotilla
53rd JNAF AF Unit


The troops at Rabaul are down to 10% disruption and will attack tomorrow.


Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1820 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 54

Defending force 4321 troops, 76 guns, 25 vehicles, Assault Value = 115

Allied ground losses:
24 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
Kure 5th SNLF
7th Indpt SNLF Coy
8th Base Force
24th Special Base Force
23rd Special Base Force
58th JNAF AF Unit

Defending units:
23rd Australian Brigade


On Iwo Jima the two USMC Divs had a net reduction in disruption, but one actually increased! The fresh troops will land tomorrow will troops ashore making a deliberate attack in support. All bombardment groups on station, which is most of them, will bombard in support.

Watampone has built to size 9 airfield. Although tomorrow is predicted clear weather over Palembang our recon has faltered due to flying machine maintenance. We should get good pictures tomorrow. I am toying with the idea of hitting the airfield at Palembang first. There are no decent airfields close enough to matter much, so if the attack was successful then aerial opposition would be knocked out.

The KB is leaving the Java Sea. Meanwhile, Kalao is being resupplied.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2003
RE: 1944 May 01 - 11/8/2014 4:56:56 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Here are the troops at Iwo Jima.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2004
1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 5:48:06 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
Status: offline
1944 May 02

The Empire captured:

The Allies captured:

There were Imperial amphibious or airborne operations at:

There were Allied amphibious or airborne operations at:

Our subs got an E.

Same in China.

Same in Burma as well.

Allied bombardments.

Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Rabaul
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima
Allied Ships Bombarding Iwo-jima

The attack at Iwo Jima would have gone much better than I anticipated, but a nuclear level counter-battery action to the Japanese auto-bombardment vaulted the subsequent Allied attack into "spectacular". As mentioned in the prior turn's post(s), the Allied units already on the island made a deliberate attack while the two landing divisions of course were forced to shock attack.


Ground combat at Iwo-jima (108,77)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 11723 troops, 71 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 322

Defending force 47524 troops, 883 guns, 617 vehicles, Assault Value = 1083

Japanese ground losses:
1152 casualties reported
Squads: 34 destroyed, 143 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 21 (2 destroyed, 19 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
11 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
65th Brigade
7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
Iwo-jima Naval Guard Unit
71st Field AA Battalion
69th Field AA Battalion
7th Air Division
26th Special Base Force

Defending units:
33rd Infantry Division
3rd Marine Division
1st Marine Division
24th Infantry Division
763rd Tank Battalion
XI US Corps
225th Field Artillery Battalion
198th Field Artillery Battalion
33rd Medium Regiment


Ground combat at Iwo-jima (108,77)

Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 44809 troops, 883 guns, 617 vehicles, Assault Value = 1083

Defending force 14415 troops, 215 guns, 35 vehicles, Assault Value = 165

Allied adjusted assault: 1315

Japanese adjusted defense: 91

Allied assault odds: 14 to 1 (fort level 5)

Allied forces CAPTURE Iwo-jima !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-)
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1523 casualties reported
Squads: 60 destroyed, 59 disabled
Non Combat: 38 destroyed, 24 disabled
Engineers: 31 destroyed, 5 disabled
Guns lost 101 (90 destroyed, 11 disabled)
Vehicles lost 33 (33 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 1

Allied ground losses:
4094 casualties reported
Squads: 171 destroyed, 70 disabled
Non Combat: 29 destroyed, 12 disabled
Engineers: 9 destroyed, 11 disabled
Guns lost 50 (28 destroyed, 22 disabled)
Vehicles lost 22 (13 destroyed, 9 disabled)

Assaulting units:
1st Marine Division
33rd Infantry Division
3rd Marine Division
24th Infantry Division
763rd Tank Battalion
XI US Corps
198th Field Artillery Battalion
225th Field Artillery Battalion
33rd Medium Regiment

Defending units:
7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
65th Brigade
Iwo-jima Naval Guard Unit
69th Field AA Battalion
71st Field AA Battalion
7th Air Division
26th Special Base Force

71st Field AA Battalion Wiped Out at Iwo-jima by attrition!!!

I'm not sure which unit was destroyed during the combat, but recon shows 5 units with more than 24,000 troops there now. The two new ID are about 80% disrupted and the two USMC divs are around 50%. The two troop convoys are still unloading cargo - and might be for a bit, considering the 100% port damage - so an empty (amphib) cargo convoy will begin loading the 1st USMC Div at once to relieve crowding. Both USMC divs will be pulled off while the remaining forces clear the island. Engineers and base units are on their way from the vicinity of Agrihan. The artillery units are in good shape and all three will bombard. Mine sweepers are on the way. A PBM-3D group has landed and will begin patrolling close to the coast of Japan tomorrow; debris in the water damaged 3 planes. Two AVD are on the way to support them while engineers work on the shore facilities.

There are two CA bombardment TF in range and both will hit Chichi Jima tonight. See the full combat report - there were several appearances of Jack fighters over Iwo Jima today.

The attack at Rabaul went well, and the troops will rest before the next go.


Ground combat at Rabaul (106,125)

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 4338 troops, 78 guns, 25 vehicles, Assault Value = 115

Defending force 4109 troops, 52 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 56

Allied adjusted assault: 44

Japanese adjusted defense: 69

Allied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
Attacker: leaders(-)

Japanese ground losses:
63 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
46 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
23rd Australian Brigade

Defending units:
Kure 5th SNLF
7th Indpt SNLF Coy
8th Base Force
24th Special Base Force
23rd Special Base Force
58th JNAF AF Unit


The next attack at Manado is tomorrow. A good recon of Palembang is still in progress due to weather, but there are planes flying. The IJN carriers from the Java Sea are not seen or heard from. My presumption is that they have moved to the South China Sea to cause trouble for the advance into the Sulu Sea.

Here are the troops at Iwo Jima.

Attachment (1)


(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2005
RE: 1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 5:50:40 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Here is the base at Iwo Jima.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2006
RE: 1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 5:53:13 AM   

Posts: 26087
Joined: 10/4/2004
From: Argleton
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Here is the complete combat report.

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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2007
RE: 1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 1:40:36 PM   

Posts: 18046
Joined: 8/4/2010
From: Winnipeg, MB
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Man, that was a long, tough fight to get Iwo Jima - and it isn't over yet either. Congratulations on your victory!

I'm curious (but not yellow) - do you remember the max level of forts he had there before you reduced them to 5?

Will you be trying to corner KB?


No matter how bad a situation is, you can always make it worse. - Chris Hadfield : An Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth

(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 2008
RE: 1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 1:57:26 PM   

Posts: 6750
Joined: 3/18/2011
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Man, that was a long, tough fight to get Iwo Jima - and it isn't over yet either. Congratulations on your victory!

I'm curious (but not yellow) - do you remember the max level of forts he had there before you reduced them to 5?

Will you be trying to corner KB?

I think the biggest level on atolls is 6

(in reply to BBfanboy)
Post #: 2009
RE: 1944 May 02 - 11/13/2014 2:35:29 PM   

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From: Argleton
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At Iwo Jima they were level 5 - I never reduced them one bit!


(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 2010
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