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Fog Of War mod

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Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 2:54:59 PM   

Posts: 311
Joined: 10/10/2010
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Here is a mod that addresses 3 issues I have with Panzer Command:

1) Radar mini-map,

2) Always knowing who controls the objectives, and

3) The *score* meters.

First of all, most players probably don't have the same issues that I do, and may not find this mod useful, but I certainly do and would like to share it.

From the readme:

Here is a mod that I use to enhance fog of war. It does 3 things:

(1) Removes all friend and enemy units from the minimap. The minimap is now only a map and compass tool, allowing players only to figure out their

location and orientation.

(2) All objectives now have a common flag, so the player never knows for sure who controls it. Also, the minimap uses a green and yellow flag from

Wingdings font.

(3) The *score* level is removed, so the player never knows for sure whether he is winning or losing. This also includes a new HUD, heavily influenced by the

transparent HUD mod--thanks for the inspiration!

Now, why would I make such a mod to reduce radar-like minimap?

Well, in the initial setup for a game, I use the camera with full freedom to study and learn the terrain, but when the game starts, I restrict my view to level 1

and use mostly unit views (Tab key). I move the camera around a little with the arrow keys if I need to tell a unit to crest a hill or something like that, but

that's about it.

Also, I try to never de-select any unit, forbidding me a player/borg view. The minimap as designed gives me a borg-like view that I wish to remove.

For example, if I have two different infantry squads, and Squad 1 spots two T-34's headed towards a flag, while Squad 2 sees three T-34's coming, I can't be

certain if my squads are spotting three, four, or five T-34's, since they might be seeing some of the same t-34's! However, by design the minimap allows me

to know exactly how many t-34's there are, so I removed units from the minimap, forcing me to be unsure.

For the Flags and winning/losing meter, I prefer to be in the dark on this. It adds some tension not to be sure who is winning, although very long games

tend to be a little hectic.

It may sound crazy, but reducing my available info actually enhances my enjoyment of the game.

Attachment (1)


"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do."
- Savielly Tartakower
Post #: 1
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 2:55:45 PM   

Posts: 311
Joined: 10/10/2010
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Here it is:

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by HintJ -- 12/3/2011 3:04:54 PM >


"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do."
- Savielly Tartakower

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Post #: 2
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 3:13:05 PM   

Posts: 12907
Joined: 6/27/2002
From: Arizona West Coast
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I wondered where you went. Been a while.

Not for me but thanks for sharing.


Conflict of Heroes "Most games are like checkers or chess and some have dice and cards involved too. This game plays like checkers but you think like chess and the dice and cards can change everything in real time."

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Post #: 3
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 3:33:29 PM   

Posts: 311
Joined: 10/10/2010
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I fell off the wagon. Tried to give up gaming for awhile. It was interrupting my professional life. Tried to taper off w/a CM:A and some CMSF. Great games, but not as habit-forming for me. If I have no control over the data, I have less to tempt me.

(Armored Brigade is EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE, IMO.)

Two nights ago, I thought I'd play a quick game of Panzer Command. I thought, "What's the Harm? Just a quick game."

I'm supposed to be working right now, BTW.

Also, let me state about this mod:

While it may seem crazy to limit the functions of the game, I have discovered that replaying turns from each unit's point of view forces ME to do the actual spotting--even if the AI spots a unit, I personally don't know about a spotted enemy unless I physically see it! Even the minor units play an important role: if I set a unit on the map edge scanning for flanking units, I get a huge sense of excitement when I spot something.

Playing this way, I learn the terrain and unit placements intimately, giving me a deep sense of personal involvement and immersion. Maps become much more *real* in a ground level sense. Playing a single turn can take hours. By that time, I'm so into the game I just want to keep going and going and OMG I need to stop this!

I may need professional help.

< Message edited by HintJ -- 12/3/2011 3:42:08 PM >


"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do."
- Savielly Tartakower

(in reply to junk2drive)
Post #: 4
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 3:52:15 PM   

Posts: 12907
Joined: 6/27/2002
From: Arizona West Coast
Status: offline
Armoured Brigade is an amazing game for what it is. I just can't get into NATO counters and real time.


Conflict of Heroes "Most games are like checkers or chess and some have dice and cards involved too. This game plays like checkers but you think like chess and the dice and cards can change everything in real time."

(in reply to HintJ)
Post #: 5
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 7:49:07 PM   


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Joined: 4/20/2000
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I fell off the wagon. Tried to give up gaming for awhile. It was interrupting my professional life. Tried to taper off w/a CM:A and some CMSF. Great games, but not as habit-forming for me. If I have no control over the data, I have less to tempt me.

(Armored Brigade is EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE, IMO.)

Two nights ago, I thought I'd play a quick game of Panzer Command. I thought, "What's the Harm? Just a quick game."

I'm supposed to be working right now, BTW.

Also, let me state about this mod:

While it may seem crazy to limit the functions of the game, I have discovered that replaying turns from each unit's point of view forces ME to do the actual spotting--even if the AI spots a unit, I personally don't know about a spotted enemy unless I physically see it! Even the minor units play an important role: if I set a unit on the map edge scanning for flanking units, I get a huge sense of excitement when I spot something.

Playing this way, I learn the terrain and unit placements intimately, giving me a deep sense of personal involvement and immersion. Maps become much more *real* in a ground level sense. Playing a single turn can take hours. By that time, I'm so into the game I just want to keep going and going and OMG I need to stop this!

I may need professional help.


Your mod sin't that far off from a play mode that was actually considered but not implemented. Namely a lock the play to a unit mode. The programmer never really got too far in incorporating it, but the thought was similar to your own. It isn't something I would personally enjoy, as I find I use the mini-map a lot for just the opposite. But it is an interesting concept. I used to play a game called Take Command, 2n Mannassas that had that type of feel. It was interesting.

Thanks! oh and sorry about your affliction!


(in reply to HintJ)
Post #: 6
RE: Fog Of War mod - 12/3/2011 9:58:36 PM   

Posts: 311
Joined: 10/10/2010
Status: offline
Interesting Rick, perhaps I should check those games out also.

I actually tried a radio simulator idea, an interactive type of audio message box. At the beginning of each turn I started an 8-track multi-track recorder rolling. While viewing the replay from a unit, I began speaking simulated radio messages into a microphone.

For example, if during the replay I spotted an enemy tank at 15 seconds into the replay, I'd say into the microphone: "This is unit X; there's a T-34 moving in from behind the Northwest Barn!" or something like that. At the end of the replay, I'd move my view to the next unit, hit REWIND on both Panzer Command and the 8-track, then hit PLAY on Panzer Command/RECORD on the 8-track for the next available track. I would simultaneously hear the previous message and be able to record (up to 7 more) new messages. (I guess w/an 8-track I can simulate 8 radios.)

By the eight playback/recording, I was stepping all over my own radio messages and wanting to tell myself to "SHUT UP! I'VE GOT SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT TO SAY!" I also had problems with perfectly synchronizing the playbacks. I've gone back to using notebooks.

This mod is great for experiencing Panzer Command at that type of level, where every unit is useful, if for no other reason than watching the replay from every point of view to get a better understanding of what is going on.

< Message edited by HintJ -- 12/3/2011 11:41:15 PM >


"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do."
- Savielly Tartakower

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