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The Great Wishlist Thread

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The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/17/2011 11:55:11 PM   

Posts: 5321
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From: Poland
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To keep some of the things well organized and to allow whole community to easy find other's wishes, please post all your ideas in this thread.

Please be as much specific as you can when describing what you would like us to do.

If it would be possible to add some kind of categorization, that would be great.

Please do not post bugs in this thread.


Post #: 1
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/17/2011 11:55:37 PM   

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Reserved for future


(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 2
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 12:53:51 PM   

Posts: 798
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From: Shropshire, UK
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GUI / Preferences

FOW (greyed hexes) should be present (when selected as on in preferences) in a hex in enemy control (as defined by the and including the enemy hex adjacent to borders), unless within Visibility Range of friendly unit (or has been successfully air reconed).

< Message edited by Wolfe -- 12/18/2011 12:56:56 PM >


"In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 3
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 4:18:37 PM   

Posts: 1460
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How about a tab to toggle air units?

(in reply to Wolfe1759)
Post #: 4
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 5:59:58 PM   


Posts: 128
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how about rethinking the ability of units to upgrade and or resupply to reach max points while isolated or encircled, I have many cases of this in my game.
This is the only war that I have played, that I can think of, where this happens in one turn.

(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 5
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 7:14:22 PM   


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Management Screen

A clear all checked boxes option (most of the time I want to look at just one group so I have to uncheck all boxes one at a time)

Report Screen
Report Events
Please put Events at the top of the list (have to srcoll down and I really only ever look at raiders and events each turn)
And on the Event screen you have to use a slider and would prefer a simple back and forward one event button rather than trying to move
the slider one event at a time

Report Statistics
It is reporting 3.8 MIN and should be 3.8 MILL (losses for Russians)
Also a space before and after the slash for dealt / taken would help to read the numbers

Need more info tables on unit characteristics (like coastal submarines - is there a max range from port?)

I have done two games so far to learn the UI and rules. The Grand campaign thru the fall of France as the Germans, and Barbarossa as the Russians up to March 1942. I have to admit the map, units, game design are, at times quirky, but the simplicity of rules allows for an ease of play that keeps me pushing the next turn button. Very impressed so far. The AI in Barbarossa got within two hexes of Leningrad, Moscow, blew right through Kursh and Karkov and took Stalino before Russian unit density and winter brought the onslaught to a halt. Managed to counterattack some but 1942 should be interesting.

(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 6
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 8:24:57 PM   


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User interface suggestions:

1) I like to use the battle results pop-up screens with timers set. The problem with these pop-up panels are that they position themselves over the action area on the map so I can't see what is going on and where. It would be helpful to be able to have these panels resizeable so they are not so large, and have them also able to be repositioned on the screen and have them stick to that position of the screen on future invocations.

2) The information panels in general have to large a font and use too much screen real-estate. A configuration parameter for pop-up font size would nice.

3) I use the fog-of-war setting but would like to be able to adjust the shading on the FOW hexes. Currently it is very hard to see the landscape of the map because the hexes are shaded to dark.

4)The click area of the icon buttons on the right side of the map need to be adjusted. I mouse over more than half way over the icon, the map will scroll when I don't want it to. So I am always having to be extremely cautious about where I click on the icons. I don't particularly care for mouse map scrolls on the edge of the screen and prefer to scroll with the arrow keys on the keyboard, so is it possible to add a preference to turn mouse map-scrolling off?

(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 7
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 9:53:18 PM   

Posts: 2252
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From: Sydney, Australia
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Can we have a method to temporarily identify all units who are out of range of a leader bonus?
Leaders are a great concept but after setting up a good geographical dispersion of leaders it doesn't take too long for the leaders to become scattered and there can be vast areas of the front line without a nearby leader. If there was a toggle that could be turned on to temporarily identify (maybe darken the unit color?) units which have no nearby leader then it would be much easier to add new leaders to the required sectors.



(in reply to Totenstadt)
Post #: 8
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/18/2011 10:50:03 PM   

Posts: 798
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From: Shropshire, UK
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ORIGINAL: Totenstadt
4)The click area of the icon buttons on the right side of the map need to be adjusted. I mouse over more than half way over the icon, the map will scroll when I don't want it to. So I am always having to be extremely cautious about where I click on the icons. I don't particularly care for mouse map scrolls on the edge of the screen and prefer to scroll with the arrow keys on the keyboard, so is it possible to add a preference to turn mouse map-scrolling off?

You will find a quick fix for this (dependant upon your screen resolution) here

On the above fix, now that the icons have been moved from the screen edge they would probably look better without the side bar down their right hand side.


"In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to Totenstadt)
Post #: 9
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/19/2011 4:49:32 AM   

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It would be nice to have a Next unit button that would cycle through your units using either a graphic icon (arrows for example) or hot keys (p for previous or n for next, etc.).

Besides the AP showing 0 for units that move/fight, perhaps some kind of graphical identification so that the player can look at the map and see which uses are 0 and which are not (or different hex outline colors/shading for 0, 1, 2, and 3).

How about when naval units have been out at sea for 10 turns some report or graphic icon lets the player know this. I usually zoom all the way out and then I have to click each sea zone and see how long the TF/U-boat or ship has been out to sea.

Would it be possible to have a air, land, naval and appearance editor that loads the csv file and then in the editor it displays the graphic of what your editing. Yes, I can look up the rgb color value in MS Paint and then type in the value, save it (the csv) file and then load the game and then go "yuk that sucked!", exit the game, make the edit once again, save it and then launch the game and go "Yuk! I screwed up again!" and then rinse and repeat. It would be very cool to have an editor that had the ability to graphically load the image file (or perhaps even create it in the editor) and also load the CSV file for editing. All editing would be saved to the image file and or csv file for land, air, sea and appearance.

I'll try to think and request more later.


Beta Tester for:
Flashpoint Campaigns: Sudden Storm
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(in reply to Wolfe1759)
Post #: 10
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/19/2011 5:04:24 AM   

Posts: 2560
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From: CaLiForNia
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It's in the hot key list. Use Tab to go to next unit.

For Navy, click U, then Naval. All shops listed with statistics including time at sea. Click on unit and map goes there.

All this is covered in the Manual and strategy guide.

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 11
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/19/2011 4:19:44 PM   


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I am playing with sprite units, and it is very difficult to see the star (leader) for a panzer unit, possible to change the color of the star (maybe yellow, like when you scroll out the map) ?

(in reply to Razz1)
Post #: 12
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/19/2011 6:05:07 PM   

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1. Please add a "sleep" button, cycling through units with TAB is very handy, but not if you have a dozens of garrison units.
2. Events in the reports should be clickable, e.g. clicking on a raider report would move your view to the sea zone in question.


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to waichou)
Post #: 13
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/19/2011 6:51:02 PM   

Posts: 798
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From: Shropshire, UK
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ORIGINAL: dlazov66

Besides the AP showing 0 for units that move/fight, perhaps some kind of graphical identification so that the player can look at the map and see which uses are 0 and which are not (or different hex outline colors/shading for 0, 1, 2, and 3).

When you select a unit movement range will be shown with AP remaining for the hex and

Hexes that will leave the unit with 0 AP and thus unable to attack are Red
Hexes that will leave the unit with 1+ AP and thus able to attack are Green


"In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 14
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 1:28:00 AM   


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There are two areas of the game that should be addressed, logic errors and historical errors.

Historical errors can be debated and if simplicity and/or time to fix are too great, then I am fine with that. Disapointed but can understand the decision. Logical errors on the other hand totally ruin the game (at least for me) and should be fixed if at all possible.

Logical errors.
Supply - Enemy units out of supply regenerating in cities

Amphs and AKs - can build as many as you have PP for in a week

Naval routines - Amphs, Convoys, and AKs ignored by opposing warships. As a side note, unless the escorting side has a much greater number of ships (i.e. DDay) there should be no way a small fleet (i.e. German) should prevent these type of ships from combat loses

Instant transfer of units - Units in territory that surrenders are put into the deployment pool. They can then be placed anywhere on the map. So in a week you could go from the bowels of France to the Eastrn front. Or in my case, from Northern England to the Eastern From in a week. Considering it takes three weeks to be able to move and attack with a unit overseas, this is not right. (Load a unit on an AK and move to sea week 1, move to port and unload, can't move week 2, can move and attack week 3)

Historical Errors
Russia declaring war in 1940 - fixed in a hot patch I understand

Britian being puppeted or surendering - Puppeting should not be allowed at all imho. Not even sure if they should surrender either as they had plenty of choices of where to move the government to. So I would allow Germany to control the captured cites in GB (so they can get PPs for them), but I would NOT allow them to be able to deploy units there.

Findland and Leningrad - Have not confirmed this, but the Fins honored their treaty with Russia to not attack Leningrad. So in the game the Fins should not be allowed to attack the city.

No British fleet protecting England
No cooridinated attacks against land units by allies - At least I have not found a way to do it

Winter of 1941 in Russia. - Not sure if this is modeled, but indications are that it is not. If it is modeled, then it should ONLY apply if the Germans attack Russia in 1941. If they attack at any other time then the effects should not apply.

Rail Repair in Russia - Seems to be way too generous considering different guages were used. Also supply in Russia seems to be way to easy as well.

Please, please add a summary screen at the start of each turn

I would complete remove any requirement that the player has to keep moving their ships to port for refit. For me it is constant pain to have to look at the naval report, determing who should return to port, then next turn send them back to sea. It totally ruins the flow of the game for me. I would just assume that this is going on and not force the player to have to deal with this level of control when in so many other areas of the game you do not require this level of micromanagement.

(in reply to Wolfe1759)
Post #: 15
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 2:54:42 AM   

Posts: 2252
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From: Sydney, Australia
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overrun combat results that kill over 50,000 of the enemy while the attackers take ZERO losses are not logical. Perhaps have a minimum loss of 5% of casualties inflicted? You lose 50,000 means I must lose at least 2,500 soldiers.



(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 16
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 3:02:40 AM   

Posts: 1460
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From: Iowa
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What about air unit tab? Sorry if I missed this.


It's in the hot key list. Use Tab to go to next unit.

For Navy, click U, then Naval. All shops listed with statistics including time at sea. Click on unit and map goes there.

All this is covered in the Manual and strategy guide.

(in reply to Razz1)
Post #: 17
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 4:54:03 AM   

Posts: 2560
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From: CaLiForNia
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Numdydar your argument has a flaw.
All cities posted are resource centers for supply. If it's a resource center then you can re-generate.
I think what you are asking for is a different supply model. That doesn't happen after a game is published. At least I have never seen it.

Besides an option has already been made available.

Buying allot of AK's and transports will kill you in the long run. You will be crushed by the Bear and Uncle Sam. You will see if Sea Lion is patched correctly.

The supply model works very well. In every game there is always a debate over supply. Not everyone is happy.

I already have a fix for Sea Lion. Just need to dig it out again.

Transporting of troops. This is correct. Distance is not that far. You can easily go from Spain to Russia in a couple of day on a train. Same thing in England. It doesn't take long to travel across the channel.

Naval combat vs AK's Transports. This was modeled correctly in SOP. I agree with you but it was decided to do a different method in TOF.

We have idea's on how to address our concerns but it is dependent upon the direction of the lead designer. There is more than one way to skin a cat and using the current method will require out of the box thinking again.

Britain puppet, I'm with you on this one too. We don't always get our way.. It has been patched a little :)

Your request for no Axis deployment in Britain will not be available as the current model is a compromise. The only way to prevent deployment is to force Germany to supply units only from convoys. If this was the case, then you would have everyone cry that it is impossible to do Sea Lion as supplying troops in England is impossible via convoys.

So once again this is a compromise. Sea Lion is one of those "what if's" where you will have people on both sides. Some saying it was possible others not.

The Royal Navy protects England but is programmed to NOT be bombed to death.

Only way to have coordinated attacks in your context is a real time game. This is turn based. Each country moves separately. We can coordinate but we must use the method of game play that has been designed.

Winter is modeled very well. Ask GwGardner to post an AAR.

Railway repair rate was longer but it thwarted game play too much at a longer repair rate.


Boy I'm really surprised about his one. You complain about the game not being realistic here and there, not detailed enough, but yet when it comes to Battle of the Atlantic you want ships to remain at sea forever. You can ignore the requirements to return to port and accept the combat penalties imposed.

(in reply to rodney727)
Post #: 18
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 7:28:45 AM   


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Numdydar your argument has a flaw.
All cities posted are resource centers for supply. If it's a resource center then you can re-generate.
I think what you are asking for is a different supply model. That doesn't happen after a game is published. At least I have never seen it.

Besides an option has already been made available.

I understand that a Russian unit in a Russian city should regenerate a LIMITED amount if they are cut off. I totally disagree with them being able to regenerate indefinately just because you do not want to change the model. You should not have to completely surrond the city either. Just preventing the unit from tracing a supply line through friendly hexes should be enough to have the unit die off.

Having a German unit cutoff in Russian city to regenerate is really absurd. I have NEVER seen that in any game I have played.


Buying allot of AK's and transports will kill you in the long run. You will be crushed by the Bear and Uncle Sam. You will see if Sea Lion is patched correctly.

Really? Well I bought a huge number of Amphs and AKs, overran England, got 1000PP, and it is now 6/41 and I have Moscow cut off and 4-5 hexes away from Stalingrad (Russia attacked in '40). So if I have 'hurt' the German cause by buying all these ships then I can only imagine where I would be in Russia now if I had not


The supply model works very well. In every game there is always a debate over supply. Not everyone is happy.

Agree that not everyone is happy. Totally disagree that the supply model is working very well. We will just have to accept that we have differnt views on this.


I already have a fix for Sea Lion. Just need to dig it out again.

I can only hope it makes it in the patch.


Transporting of troops. This is correct. Distance is not that far. You can easily go from Spain to Russia in a couple of day on a train. Same thing in England. It doesn't take long to travel across the channel.

You obviously did not pay close attention to my example about this. So I will reitterate it here. In the normal moves of the game, it takes 1 week to load a unit and move to a sea area. It takes another week to move from a sea area to a port to disembark. On week three it can move. My units in England avoided all of that when England surrendered as I could skip all of those moves and instantly teleport them to the Eastern front in one week versus the 3-4 it should have taken them. So even the game does not follow it's own rules in these cases.


The Royal Navy protects England but is programmed to NOT be bombed to death.

The Royal navy would not have cared if they were being bombed if Amphs were headed to England's shores. They would have risked everything to prevent that because they knew that Germany only had one shot at invasion (in RL anyway).


Winter is modeled very well. Ask GwGardner to post an AAR.

I am not taking about winter weather as I do agree it works well. At least from what I have seen anyway. I am specificly talking about the winter in 41/42 in Russia, not winter in general.


Railway repair rate was longer but it thwarted game play too much at a longer repair rate.

I thought so. However, I do think it allows the Germans to be better off in Russia than they were. This may cause a game balance issue but too soon to tell.



Boy I'm really surprised about his one. You complain about the game not being realistic here and there, not detailed enough, but yet when it comes to Battle of the Atlantic you want ships to remain at sea forever. You can ignore the requirements to return to port and accept the combat penalties imposed.

It is not that it is unrealistic to send ships back to port for R&R, it is that if the game has all these other simplifications in the game, but this was picked to be so detailed about? Micromanaging this does not fit in with the rest of the game mechnics imho. Why the navy anyway. You could do the same thing with planes and troops as they were rotated back and forth on a regular basis as well.

I am not disagreeing with the concept, just with the amount of time it takes to manage this when everything else in the game design is much simpler to manage. Maybe allow a check box for a fleet to set it to AI control. That way at least the player can chose which ships they want to manage versus all of them.

The way the system is designed now, I would never want to play the US or Britain as just trying to manage the German fleets were bad enough . For me anyway.

(in reply to Razz1)
Post #: 19
The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 8:20:58 AM   

Posts: 2252
Joined: 10/27/2003
From: Sydney, Australia
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Category: Scenarios.

Can we have a Barbarossa scenario where the player can be Germany without having to play the Med and Western Europe?
Just play Germany v. USSR without needing to worry about other fronts.
Obviously PP revenue would be reduced to make it fair.



(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 20
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 8:27:05 AM   

Posts: 2252
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From: Sydney, Australia
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My comment on Sea Lion...

It has to be possible in the game because in RL the British thought it was and based their strategy around preventing it. If it was too difficult in the game then the British player could happily send all of their army/air force to the Med knowing that Sea Lion was programmed to fail and THAT situation would really kill the game experience. Maybe it should be harder but IMHO you can't make that patch decision based on one players experience... perhaps wait 3 months or so until others have reported their experience and then choose what to do.



(in reply to Greyshaft)
Post #: 21
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 10:10:35 AM   


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- buttons and/or filters to toggle next air unit and next fleet. It's a pain to have to go to unit panel and search for planes and fleets that haven't acted yet. Also sleep function for garrisons etc...

- placing some small level forts on UK beaches (maybe through event after fall of france). This would help in sea lion defense.

- a hex option similar to mulberry called build forification. You can spend PPs to build fort level 9 in a hex. Once you build it grows by 1 level for 9 turns. This might come in handy for an early USSR or a late german player to build their own version of a maginot or gustav line anywhere they want it.

(in reply to Greyshaft)
Post #: 22
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 3:30:11 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Greyshaft

My comment on Sea Lion...

It has to be possible in the game because in RL the British thought it was and based their strategy around preventing it. If it was too difficult in the game then the British player could happily send all of their army/air force to the Med knowing that Sea Lion was programmed to fail and THAT situation would really kill the game experience. Maybe it should be harder but IMHO you can't make that patch decision based on one players experience... perhaps wait 3 months or so until others have reported their experience and then choose what to do.

In the game the AI for Britian DOES send off most of their ships to the Med. This is why (in combination with other issues) that Sea Lion is/was a cake walk. Because of my single person experiences, Doomtrader asked for (and recieved) my save game file just before I invaded England so he could see why the AI took all the British ships away from England.

Also, for several MONTHS I did not have a single naval combat in the English Channel while my AKs, convoys, and Amphs sailed merrily back and forth. So, whatever is going on with the naval routines, it is nowhere near what they should be. I should have been slaughtered crossing the channel regardless of German airpower and naval presence. If that had occured, then my campaign in Russia really would have had a major impact due to all those PPs for troops and ships being lost.

(in reply to Greyshaft)
Post #: 23
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 4:40:28 PM   


Posts: 6722
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I'd like to see leader units - corps, army, and theater commander, representing the leader and his HQ. Corps leaders would lend effectiveness similar to now, to units in range. Army leaders would lend to corps units in range. Theater units would lend to army group leaders.

These units would have minimal combat strength, and if destroyed, would have a very small chance of being removed permanently, representing being killed or captured. Otherwise they would be returned to the leader pool.

Could either allow the player to freely assign leaders to corps, army, or theater HQs, or have a rank system.

This wouldn't have much effect on play, really, but would just offer some flavor to the game.

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 24
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 7:41:28 PM   

Posts: 477
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ORIGINAL: gwgardner

I'd like to see leader units - corps, army, and theater commander, representing the leader and his HQ. Corps leaders would lend effectiveness similar to now, to units in range. Army leaders would lend to corps units in range. Theater units would lend to army group leaders.

These units would have minimal combat strength, and if destroyed, would have a very small chance of being removed permanently, representing being killed or captured. Otherwise they would be returned to the leader pool.

Could either allow the player to freely assign leaders to corps, army, or theater HQs, or have a rank system.

This wouldn't have much effect on play, really, but would just offer some flavor to the game.

But we do have commanders now, what you're proposing would just break the scale of the game - there is no stacking so it would mean one command unit occupies whole Paris!


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to gwgardner)
Post #: 25
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/21/2011 11:18:19 PM   

Posts: 5321
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From: Poland
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Guys please do not hijack the thread. Let's keep it about wishes.


(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 26
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/22/2011 2:11:25 AM   

Posts: 6668
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From: United States
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In the unit list dialog, can we have a check box that allows either a reset all to on or select all?

That way you can click the check box and everything is selected (or deselected) and then you can select the things you want to see. Right now you have to uncheck each box. It would be nice to have a select all/deselect all.


Beta Tester for:
Flashpoint Campaigns: Sudden Storm
War in the East 1 & 2
WarPlan & WarPlan Pacific
Valor & Victory
SPWW2 & SPMBT scenario creator

(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 27
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/22/2011 2:46:53 AM   


Posts: 1333
Joined: 10/9/2009
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Three for me:

1.  With the unit management menu, could you have it revert to your previous view from your prior exit?  I usually look at the naval units, then sort by turns at sea, at the start of each turn.  I make my adjustments, then a have to look again to make sure I got all of them.  I am, after all, getting older, day by day.

2.  Attack across river should be higher, 50% instead of 25% reduction in effectiveness. 

3.  Weather should HURT (decrease) the attacker but HELP (increase) the effectiveness of the defender.  Attacking in rain/snow is much harder that defending, and I have never seen the same penalty applied to attack and defense.

(in reply to Zovs)
Post #: 28
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/22/2011 9:46:24 PM   

Posts: 6668
Joined: 2/23/2009
From: United States
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Can we have US date formats for saving games and English text for the logs? I don't read Polish.

Currently the dates of my saved games (viewed from within the game) are showing:



This looks not only weird but confusing to non-Europeans.

Would like to see:


or if you can't do four digit years:



also from within the saved/load games can we have a delete file button? It makes no sense to always have to go into Windows and manually delete folders, should be able to do that from the game.


Beta Tester for:
Flashpoint Campaigns: Sudden Storm
War in the East 1 & 2
WarPlan & WarPlan Pacific
Valor & Victory
SPWW2 & SPMBT scenario creator

(in reply to Cad908)
Post #: 29
RE: The Great Wishlist Thread - 12/23/2011 11:26:50 AM   

Posts: 2252
Joined: 10/27/2003
From: Sydney, Australia
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ORIGINAL: dlazov66

Can we have US date formats for saving games and English text for the logs? I don't read Polish.

Currently the dates of my saved games (viewed from within the game) are showing:



This looks not only weird but confusing to non-Europeans.

Would like to see:


or if you can't do four digit years:



also from within the saved/load games can we have a delete file button? It makes no sense to always have to go into Windows and manually delete folders, should be able to do that from the game.

The existing date formats look perfectly normal to us non-European Australians... perhaps consider that the US is the global odd man out for date formats.
I do second the motion for a delete saved game button



(in reply to Zovs)
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