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Problems, problems...

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Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 5:28:14 PM   

Posts: 22653
Joined: 9/3/2002
Status: offline
OK - recently upgraded to 1.707 (game was originally started under 1.704), but i am still having severe problems...

1. i keep running out of fuel... plenty of Caslon around, let's just queue up a gas mining station for 6K or so, since i have 1,700,000+ credits. No - i can not, since according to the game, i do not have enough money.

2. i've been waiting 3 or so game years trying to get my colony on the front line to build a defensive base... i took the advice of building about 20 construction ships so that my economy has enough resources. Not one component has been completed 1+ years after the construction ships were done. Other things are being completed, so it doesn't appear to be a resource shortage (plus, i have free trade agreements galore, and theoretically should be able to import what i need.)

3. This one is the game stopper: having finally secured a peace, i sent my entire fleet off to get upgraded, and they made for a small space port. A year later - not one ship had been upgraded. OK -let's move them over to the large space port not far away. No - they will not move as they are retrofitting (despite the fact that they are obviously NOT retrofitting). taking them out of the fleet they were in and telling them to move is a no go: they are "retrofitting". There is no "stop" button or any other order buttons available when selecting the individual ships.

Any ideas?
Post #: 1
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 5:45:14 PM   


Posts: 19
Joined: 9/29/2011
Status: offline
Try starting a new game and see if the same thing happens. You are playing a saved game that stretches across 3 patches, it may have broken your save.

Also, just because you have a lot of construction ships, doesn't mean you have the right resources, check your expansion planner and sort the resources on the top part of the screen by type (luxury or strategic), and make sure you have a source of all the strategic resources.

I personally always run all construction ships manually.

Also, if you are building a spaceport at the same time as a defensive base on a world, only 1 can build at a time.

< Message edited by Dab42 -- 12/25/2011 5:46:28 PM >

(in reply to rtrapasso)
Post #: 2
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 5:51:59 PM   

Posts: 22653
Joined: 9/3/2002
Status: offline


Try starting a new game and see if the same thing happens. You are playing a saved game that stretches across 3 patches, it may have broken your save.

Also, just because you have a lot of construction ships, doesn't mean you have the right resources, check your expansion planner and sort the resources on the top part of the screen by type (luxury or strategic), and make sure you have a source of all the strategic resources.

I personally always run all construction ships manually.

Also, if you are building a spaceport at the same time as a defensive base on a world, only 1 can build at a time.

Right - that's why i had only queued one...

Sigh ... i guess i will restart again, though this is getting a bit old (4th time i've started, i think, and not able to finish a game...)

EDIT: As i mentioned, things at my "core" systems have no problem getting stuff built or upgraded. Checking the expansion planner, i have between 80% x to 1,000% of needed materials (especially fuel), yet i can never seem to find fuel when/where i need it. in my experience, having 80% of needed stocks was no problem when the empire was small (it was when i was operating with 5% of needed stuff that there were problems).

< Message edited by rtrapasso -- 12/25/2011 6:03:46 PM >

(in reply to Dab42)
Post #: 3
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 5:55:22 PM   


Posts: 19
Joined: 9/29/2011
Status: offline
Don't delete the old save, if there is really something wrong with it you can post for the developers to look at.

Also, don't update again until you finish your new game. :)

(in reply to rtrapasso)
Post #: 4
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 7:44:55 PM   


Posts: 34
Joined: 6/4/2010
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These beta patches... If you're unwilling to patch midgame, don't run them. Wait for the official patches.

< Message edited by Javaslinger -- 12/25/2011 7:45:28 PM >

(in reply to Dab42)
Post #: 5
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/25/2011 8:07:19 PM   


Posts: 221
Joined: 3/27/2010
From: Butzbach, Germany
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1.) Dont really know - never happened to me - if you have money you should be able to build. Maybe really a problem with versions switching.

2.) This could also be due to the population of the planet being really smal -> low workforce. In this case even a tiny spaceport will take AGES to build, let alone a defensive base. Material is not the problem, getting enough workforce to put it together is.

3.) Yes - once a ship is docked for "retrofitting" if won´t do anything until that is done. If you are missing one gram of polymer - it won´t get done. The game will not check if you have enough resources when you order the retrofit. It will also not check if you have 1000 freighters to be built before your ships are up for retrofitting. A trap I have stepped into many times. Check the spaceport you will have your ships retrofitted at. Does it have a long line of construction projects? Maybe stalled ones due to lack of a critical component? Check the expansion planner (sort by "demand of your empire") - this will show you where the shoe hurts.


(in reply to rtrapasso)
Post #: 6
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/26/2011 3:33:36 PM   

Posts: 7937
Joined: 7/24/2007
From: The Big Nowhere
Status: offline
Just FYI, the first thing I queue up on a new game are gas mining stations on planets heavy in caslon, then a few with Hyrdogen for down the road when I swap the military reactors to use Hydrogen.


Distant Worlds Fan

'When in doubt...attack!'

(in reply to Litjan)
Post #: 7
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/26/2011 4:01:45 PM   
Gelatinous Cube

Posts: 696
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Really? First thing I do is build about twenty different ships (including a few construction ships) and upgrade my home spaceport to a Large one. Seems to work fine, most games. If I run into a snag, I just open the expansion planner, look for high domestic demand, and then apply the "Queue Construction Ship to Build Mine Here" button where needed.

Are most people playing insanely hard setups? Harsh or Trying Home Systems, or something?


(in reply to Shark7)
Post #: 8
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/27/2011 4:41:02 AM   


Posts: 126
Joined: 5/17/2010
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As the game goes on and on my gas mining stations just baloon in size :) I turn them into mini fortresses with aoe weapons :)  And I make a starbase also, which is way over the top (2 gas extractors and tons of weapons and shields), and build those in few systems so I always have well protected fuel supplies!

I do have some fuel problems when my fleets start to have 40 ships, and my empire stretches the entire length of the map.  Best thing to do is add few collectors so the ships burn much less fuel.  Also all my gas stations have extra gas extractors and extra docking bays to speed up refueling.

(in reply to Gelatinous Cube)
Post #: 9
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/27/2011 5:27:46 PM   


Posts: 68
Joined: 10/14/2006
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Also all my gas stations have extra gas extractors and extra docking bays to speed up refueling.

That helps quite a bit. Along with that I also increase the cargo capacity of my civilian haulers and stations, and also increase the fuel storage on each ship class to be somewhat equal. In battle they will drain differently, but in hyperspace transit their range will be similar. Nothing is more frustrating than a little escort running out of fuel and slowing down the entire fleet.

(in reply to Astax)
Post #: 10
RE: Problems, problems... - 12/29/2011 4:26:55 AM   

Posts: 854
Joined: 5/11/2010
From: Texas, USA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: rtrapasso



Try starting a new game and see if the same thing happens. You are playing a saved game that stretches across 3 patches, it may have broken your save.

Also, just because you have a lot of construction ships, doesn't mean you have the right resources, check your expansion planner and sort the resources on the top part of the screen by type (luxury or strategic), and make sure you have a source of all the strategic resources.

I personally always run all construction ships manually.

Also, if you are building a spaceport at the same time as a defensive base on a world, only 1 can build at a time.

Right - that's why i had only queued one...

Sigh ... i guess i will restart again, though this is getting a bit old (4th time i've started, i think, and not able to finish a game...)

EDIT: As i mentioned, things at my "core" systems have no problem getting stuff built or upgraded. Checking the expansion planner, i have between 80% x to 1,000% of needed materials (especially fuel), yet i can never seem to find fuel when/where i need it. in my experience, having 80% of needed stocks was no problem when the empire was small (it was when i was operating with 5% of needed stuff that there were problems).

I would highly suggest uploading problematic savegames to the tech support forum.


(in reply to rtrapasso)
Post #: 11
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