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RE: New Game?

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RE: New Game? - 8/7/2016 4:06:46 PM   


Posts: 22
Joined: 6/2/2015
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nice sreenshots! game in that era focuses? aurelian time? (S.III a.c) and when it realesed!! jaja

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 91
RE: New Game? - 8/12/2016 4:56:17 AM   

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nice sreenshots! game in that era focuses? aurelian time? (S.III a.c) and when it realesed!! jaja

The game will focus on the period from about 100 A.D. to 500 A.D. I am not sure about a release date but I am working on it (mostly) full time.

Thanks for asking!

< Message edited by mercenarius -- 8/12/2016 4:57:29 AM >


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Selus)
Post #: 92
RE: New Game? - 8/13/2016 10:49:18 AM   


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thx for answer.
you plan add multiplayer battles where you choose your troops and battle cards or random battle cards and troops? and ad pictures as victory and glory (for troops and cards)?

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 93
RE: New Game? - 8/14/2016 7:23:06 PM   

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you plan add multiplayer battles where you choose your troops and battle cards or random battle cards and troops?

I plan to have some capability for custom battles, including battle cards. I don't see any reason not to have a random choice as well.


and ad pictures as victory and glory (for troops and cards)?

The cards themselves will be text like the cards in "Hannibal." Mostly that is because they will be "Option Cards" rather than the "Event Cards" in "Napoleon."

I'd like to add as many nice illustrations as "Napoleon" has but that might be hard to duplicate. Certainly I will do what I can, but I plan to focus on this a little later in the development process.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Selus)
Post #: 94
RE: New Game? - 8/18/2016 6:32:01 PM   

Posts: 22154
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From: Sweden
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So will walls and cities change depending on what age is played?

Attachment (1)


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 95
RE: New Game? - 8/28/2016 5:28:51 PM   


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I see two basic problems that game covers such a long era:
1-it divided in multiple campins for example,Trajan wars,aurelio wars, aurelian restore war, etc? its better divided it than a long campaign:
2-legions of rome evolve evolved over the time, we see this change acrros time? we see legions of aurelian (diocleciano too) (we have segementata armor and 5500 mens. or times of constantin, when legions are more smaller in men and have other tactics and armors?
pd:i would to like see pictures with legions with segementata armour

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 96
RE: New Game? - 8/30/2016 4:02:20 AM   

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Nice map, Orm. I don't know how I missed it before now.



So will walls and cities change depending on what age is played?

Yes, walls and cities will change depending on the period. The intended function of some of the Roman limes are still debated by historians (and enthusiasts) so it may be hard to satisfy everyone. But, I'll try.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 97
RE: New Game? - 8/30/2016 4:12:08 AM   

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I see two basic problems that game covers such a long era:
1-it divided in multiple campins for example,Trajan wars,aurelio wars, aurelian restore war, etc? its better divided it than a long campaign:
2-legions of rome evolve evolved over the time, we see this change acrros time? we see legions of aurelian (diocleciano too) (we have segementata armor and 5500 mens. or times of constantin, when legions are more smaller in men and have other tactics and armors?
pd:i would to like see pictures with legions with segementata armour

I agree that shorter scenarios have better focus than a long campaign.

I do want to include the effects of change in equipment and tactics. We'll definitely see the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine represented in the game.

As for seeing the lorica segmentata in detail, I like the idea of that as well.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Selus)
Post #: 98
RE: New Game? - 8/31/2016 12:01:24 PM   


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well you have work to do :P jaja.
When you show new videos?and what percentage of the game is made?
Thx for answer

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 99
RE: New Game? - 9/4/2016 5:58:41 AM   

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well you have work to do :P jaja.
When you show new videos?and what percentage of the game is made?
Thx for answer

Well, I am reluctant to give a precise figure, but I am working on it.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Selus)
Post #: 100
RE: New Game? - 9/15/2016 8:05:16 PM   


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Hannibal is a brilliant game with a ton of strategy. Really hope you release the new game as well, it will be an instant purchase for me!

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 101
RE: New Game? - 10/15/2016 3:39:19 PM   


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...update please


(in reply to Dual_CoRed)
Post #: 102
RE: New Game? - 10/17/2016 3:59:21 AM   

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...update please


Well, I am still working on the game, of course, sometimes full time (and occasionally not). I hope to have enough progress in the administrative interface to allow me to do some focus testing with a few select testers around the end of the month. I won't have new screen shots to post until I finish that and nail down a few things. And commission some new artwork.

But the game is progressing.

Thanks for asking!


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to tombo)
Post #: 103
RE: New Game? - 10/17/2016 7:46:16 PM   

Posts: 22154
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From: Sweden
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Thank you for the update.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 104
RE: New Game? - 11/26/2016 9:08:47 AM   

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From: Sweden
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Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

The screenshots looks amazing.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 105
RE: New Game? - 11/29/2016 4:50:04 AM   

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Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

Well, I really hope to make the autumn of 2017. Summer would be nice, but I don't think that I'll get there because of time spent on contract work. But I think that autumn is possible.


The screenshots looks amazing.

Thank you!

I wish I were closer to finishing the game, but it's just so big.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 106
RE: New Game? - 11/29/2016 5:16:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mercenarius


Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

Well, I really hope to make the autumn of 2017. Summer would be nice, but I don't think that I'll get there because of time spent on contract work. But I think that autumn is possible.


The screenshots looks amazing.

Thank you!

I wish I were closer to finishing the game, but it's just so big.

Good to hear that progress is being made on this game. Looking forward to playing it

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 107
RE: New Game? - 12/1/2016 10:29:19 AM   

Posts: 22154
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From: Sweden
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ORIGINAL: mercenarius


Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

Well, I really hope to make the autumn of 2017. Summer would be nice, but I don't think that I'll get there because of time spent on contract work. But I think that autumn is possible.


The screenshots looks amazing.

Thank you!

I wish I were closer to finishing the game, but it's just so big.

Thank you for the update.

I do not mind waiting a year for the game since I expect it will be even greater than Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War.

And I do appreciate the posts you make, so that I see that the work on the game continues.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 108
RE: New Game? - 1/1/2017 10:34:58 AM   

Posts: 22154
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From: Sweden
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Happy New Year guys.

And there is a possibility that the new year will bring the new game.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 109
RE: New Game? - 1/1/2017 4:30:41 PM   


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ORIGINAL: mercenarius


Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

Well, I really hope to make the autumn of 2017. Summer would be nice, but I don't think that I'll get there because of time spent on contract work. But I think that autumn is possible.


The screenshots looks amazing.

Thank you!

I wish I were closer to finishing the game, but it's just so big.


By any chance have you played SPI's Fall of Rome board game? It was one of my favorites.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 110
RE: New Game? - 1/2/2017 6:41:57 AM   

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By any chance have you played SPI's Fall of Rome board game? It was one of my favorites.

Yes, I have. I thought that it was one of John Young's most interesting designs.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 111
RE: New Game? - 1/2/2017 7:30:58 AM   

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From: Portugal
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Looking forward for this game too...😃

Happy new year


Former AJE team member

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 112
RE: New Game? - 1/2/2017 9:17:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mercenarius


Do you have a general idea when The Fall of Rome will be ready for release?

Well, I really hope to make the autumn of 2017. Summer would be nice, but I don't think that I'll get there because of time spent on contract work. But I think that autumn is possible.


The screenshots looks amazing.

Thank you!

I wish I were closer to finishing the game, but it's just so big.


By any chance have you played SPI's Fall of Rome board game? It was one of my favorites.

I remember that game fondly, it takes me way back to the seventies. It was one of my favorites because it was a solitaire game on one of my favorite historical periods. I played it for many, many hours. Thanks for the reminder of that interesting game.

(in reply to Zorch)
Post #: 113
RE: New Game? - 2/16/2017 3:43:04 PM   


Posts: 167
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Still waiting eagerly for this new game.

A while ago I replayed Hannibal and almost managed to capture Rome. It was just as fun as it always is!

Maybe some new screenshots while we wait? :)


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to Lascar)
Post #: 114
RE: New Game? - 2/17/2017 9:24:19 PM   

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Still waiting eagerly for this new game.

A while ago I replayed Hannibal and almost managed to capture Rome. It was just as fun as it always is!

Maybe some new screenshots while we wait? :)

Hear, hear.


Have a bit more patience with newbies. Of course some of them act dumb -- they're often students, for heaven's sake. - Terry Pratchett

(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 115
RE: New Game? - 2/20/2017 1:46:49 AM   

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Hello Everyone!

I am working on two or three things in the game right now, more or less at the same time, and all of them are somewhat incomplete. Also, the sections that I am working on right now all use placeholder graphics. So I don't want to post anything new on my website, but I am going to post a few screen shots here in the next couple of days. I tried to get it ready for today, but it just didn't happen.

Thanks for asking!


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to Orm)
Post #: 116
RE: New Game? - 2/22/2017 7:34:40 AM   

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Here is a screen shot of one section from the Administrative Functions available to Roman players. You can see the section on the right which defines the various departments. Obviously, the department for dealing with finances is selected.

There is a summary on the left and a section for policies and one user preference. The unit of accounting is purely a user preference and doesn't affect anything but the formatting of text used to display monetary values.

The other settings are minor policies which can be changed on a whim.

The Major Enactments are going to be policies and decisions which require you to use an activation. The idea is that the bureaucracy must be consulted, messages dispatched, etc.

These are placeholder graphics, so, yes, they don't look that great. Many other departments will work like this - a summary, some minor policies, and then Major Enactments. You can expand or collapse the minor summary areas as needed.

This is still being refined, but represents the state of Aurelian's finances at the beginning of the Restitutor Orbis scenario. The revenue is low because many provinces are supporting Quintillus, the Senate's recognized emperor. After you crush Quintillus, you can petition the Senate for recognition and then things will look much better.

Attachment (1)


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 117
RE: New Game? - 2/22/2017 10:07:48 AM   
Evil Steve


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thanks for the update! i'm really looking forward to when this comes out. best wishes.

(in reply to mercenarius)
Post #: 118
RE: New Game? - 2/23/2017 8:28:32 AM   


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Looks very promising! Those different functions seem more complicated than anything in Hannibal. That should be good for replayability!

I noticed you wrote "Functions available to Roman players" - is it very different for non-Roman factions?


"But here we are in a chamber pot, about to be ****ted upon."

-French General Auguste Ducrot before the Battle of Sedan, September 1870

(in reply to Evil Steve)
Post #: 119
RE: New Game? - 2/24/2017 5:10:51 AM   

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There will be some scenarios in which you can play the Persian or Parthian side. Their administrative choices will be somewhat different. Some of them will fairly similar but a few will be quite different.

Also, in a couple of scenarios you will be able to play one of the barbarian factions and certainly many if not most of their administrative choices should be very different.


James Warshawsky
Forced March Games, LLC

(in reply to PJJ)
Post #: 120
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