Posts: 137
Joined: 9/4/2000 From: helsinki. Finland Status: offline
I have got irritated off the point system in the Combat Command games.
I think it is too unrealistic, i mean
if you play 100 games and you loose everyone you still can win the tornament
anyway, thats not a gifted general, it sounds like Hitler or Stalin.
What do you folks think of this system.
Three/six month Combat Command
The New point system.
5 points for a Victory
4 points for a agreement Victory
3 points for a Draw
2 points for a agreement Defeat
1 points for a Defeat
Players must play minimum 5 or more games.
Point`s you got divided by games you played = average points
The winner of the tournament is the player ho has the higest average points.
If there is players ho have the same average points, then the winner should be the one ho have the most 1 victorys, 2 Conceded Victorys, 3 Draws and so on.
If there is still a Draw then the player ho have played the moust games is the winner.
If there is STILL a draw then shoot them both.
One exampel
Alf thinks that he can`t win this game and he offers Bill a Draw, it means that both gets 3 points.
But Bill thinks if he makes a big offensive now when Alf is on the knees he might squeeze one more point, perhaps two points,
and so on.
Honestly folks
What do you think of this new point system.
By the way, SPWAW is STILL the moust realistic wargame in the world.
[This message has been edited by Tortfeasor (edited January 13, 2001).]
My opinion might have been changed, but not the fact that I am correct.