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Joined: 5/17/2000 From: Dallas, Texas, USA Status: offline
Tombstone: Yeah, but the JPZI is something in terms of core forces, which isn't very dependable because of it's weakness. It isn't helped any either by it just being available for the first time in '40. If you were fighting the S-35 after you had quite a few battles in, if they survived the battles before then, then they would be a lot more worthy say if you fought the French at a later date. In other words, since you can't buy them in '39, they suffer from the crew already being compromised a bit due to upgrade. So the question would be, are you better off with a JPZI with no armor to speak of with a more inexperienced crew with a bit more destructive range, or are you better off with a PZ38T/PZIVC(D)/PZ35T with the tactics I described? So many pros and cons.
As far as campaigning goes, I don't like them, because it's very difficult to use them effectively and not get them destroyed, but they're great for support, particularly if you use what I term as the hide-shoot-and-hide method, which is, to place it in a place it cannot be seen, move it one hex to where it can fire, and then carefully watch the movement radius to predict how many rounds you can fire and still get back to the hidden hex (the Nashorn would really be a blast with such a role).