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My doomed tank crews!

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My doomed tank crews! - 1/21/2001 12:34:00 PM   


Posts: 28
Joined: 1/3/2001
From: Evanston, IL, USA
Status: offline
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this phenomenon? I'm playing a long campaign as the Germans, which I started in 1939. Now I'm fighting the British in the desert in 1941. Now, my tactical skills are not yet fully developed, and I have managed to lose some tanks. A bad thing, no doubt. The really frustrating thing though, is that the computer seems to place a rather high priority on shooting my bailed out tankers. . . I've seen A11s machinegun my 1-2 man crews over my infantry squads, support weapons, and my remaining armour. . . . Funny, I always thought that a degree of chivalry existed between opposing tankers, and that once you had bailed out, the enemy would begin to look for more threatening targets. . . Can anything be done about this? Has anyone else noticed it? Thank you . . . ------------------ "After a victory there are no enemies, only men."


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- 1/22/2001 3:33:00 AM   


Posts: 130
Joined: 1/5/2001
From: NW Indiana, (Valpo) USA
Status: offline
I'm not sure what to do in game turns other than making sure you have the necessary supporting arms around your tanks to assist bailed crews. I try and protect my crews as much as possible. Now as a real life tanker I'm here to tell you that you want to kill those crews. When a tank gets hit the crew usually made a mistake. Normally they won't repeat it a second time if they survive. That makes it that much harder to knock them out down the road. Tanks are fairly easy to replace, an experienced crew is priceless. Chivalry does exist but don't let me catch you in my sites because I don't want to run into a slightly more experienced crew later. ------------------ Former member of the 8th US cavalry and a grandson of a Leibstandarte tanker. Former name on these boards was Leibstandarte.


Jason E. Otto
Former member of the 8th US Cavalry and a grandson of a Leibstandarte tanker.

"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech

(in reply to appunk)
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