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RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon Page: <<   < prev  110 111 112 [113] 114   next >   >>
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RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 1:31:33 PM   

Posts: 6750
Joined: 3/18/2011
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Unfortunately the game seems to be close to its end.
QBall told me he's not having fun anymore. He said he lost too many ships and his advance would become just an exercice of brute force, which isn't fun. He said he's too far away from Tokyo for the date being (April 44).
Point is probably that the interest has been lost somewhere during the last months. For sure didn't help to have lost so many warships during the advance from Darwin to Timor in the last 6 months of war.
He's too gracious to simply abbandon me. Witp is a long term commitment and he knows that. But i can't really blame him and know how it feels when a game isn't fun anymore, whatever being the reason.
I told him i understand and, just like in a marriage, when one of the two isn't in love anymore, there's no point of keep on playing. Witp remains a game and a game is supposed to be fun, for both players.

We've got pretty far tough and it's been a very intensive and interesting war. Learnt so much from this adventure and cannot but suggest to any AFB to start on playing really helps to grab the weak points of the Empire!

I'll let you know what will be our final decision.


(in reply to Sangeli)
Post #: 3361
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 1:44:34 PM   


Posts: 8262
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From: Sweden
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Q-ball gives up to easily I think...There are always ups and downs. He will have no problem "getting to Tokyo". He has indeed suffered very heavily but he gets replacements while you don´t.

He is further ahead then I was in 4/44...

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3362
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 4:12:55 PM   


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Qball has been having some fun with CW2 (a great game) lately, and it feels a bit like in his game against Canoerebel when he was playing WITE... he may come back to it and just needs a break, but it is also true that for the allied player, the end of the game is such a massive logistical burden, ah well, it is human.


Adieu Ô Dieu odieux... signé Adam

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 3363
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 6:10:30 PM   

Posts: 24520
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Unfortunately the game seems to be close to its end.
QBall told me he's not having fun anymore. He said he lost too many ships and his advance would become just an exercice of brute force, which isn't fun. He said he's too far away from Tokyo for the date being (April 44).
Point is probably that the interest has been lost somewhere during the last months. For sure didn't help to have lost so many warships during the advance from Darwin to Timor in the last 6 months of war.
He's too gracious to simply abbandon me. Witp is a long term commitment and he knows that. But i can't really blame him and know how it feels when a game isn't fun anymore, whatever being the reason.
I told him i understand and, just like in a marriage, when one of the two isn't in love anymore, there's no point of keep on playing. Witp remains a game and a game is supposed to be fun, for both players.

We've got pretty far tough and it's been a very intensive and interesting war. Learnt so much from this adventure and cannot but suggest to any AFB to start on playing really helps to grab the weak points of the Empire!

I'll let you know what will be our final decision.


You're very gracious, GreyJoy.

My advice: exact a surrender from him. Make it a clean break that was because of his inability to follow through. You should hold no blame in the matter. He should have the courage to admit same and put it in writing for you. The "let's hold the game indefinitely until I decide I'm interested-maybe" approach rarely seems to work.


(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3364
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 6:49:15 PM   

Posts: 3890
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GJ, you are a fine player. To me this is you fighting him to a stalemate and in my book is a win for you. Nice job.


(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 3365
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 7:41:23 PM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Q-ball gives up to easily I think...There are always ups and downs. He will have no problem "getting to Tokyo". He has indeed suffered very heavily but he gets replacements while you don´t.

He is further ahead then I was in 4/44...

Yep. Too bad. A very good player, but he doesn't seem to be willing to alter his course to find a way through. If he's bludgeoning against a hard wall here, having played Japan he has to know what everyone has been saying here for a while; there is always a weak point.

It's too bad the distraction always seems to happen at a difficult point in game. These are the true tests. We have to push through, succeed or fail, to find out what we're really capable of doing.

Nic, I'm sorry this may not finish. If he does decide to let it go, you could always ask for the password to be passed on and have another player finish the game. You'd not be short of offers.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 3366
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 8:04:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: obvert


ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Q-ball gives up to easily I think...There are always ups and downs. He will have no problem "getting to Tokyo". He has indeed suffered very heavily but he gets replacements while you don´t.

He is further ahead then I was in 4/44...

Yep. Too bad. A very good player, but he doesn't seem to be willing to alter his course to find a way through. If he's bludgeoning against a hard wall here, having played Japan he has to know what everyone has been saying here for a while; there is always a weak point.

It's too bad the distraction always seems to happen at a difficult point in game. These are the true tests. We have to push through, succeed or fail, to find out what we're really capable of doing.

Nic, I'm sorry this may not finish. If he does decide to let it go, you could always ask for the password to be passed on and have another player finish the game. You'd not be short of offers.

Sounds like we have ourselves a volunteer!

(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 3367
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 9:17:09 PM   

Posts: 1132
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If that CVE fleet really was that important to him that he would end the game after it got sunk he should not have sent his carriers out to go raid ships out of range of mutual support. IMO that's just carelessness (not that I haven't done something like that before).

Anyway good luck finding a new opponent. Hope the game can continue. I would offer myself but between one game and 10 hours a work a day I don't really have time.

(in reply to Lokasenna)
Post #: 3368
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/9/2014 10:49:42 PM   

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Guys, guys... Brad has been very gracious to me. He offered me the "victory", saying i had won anyway, even if he hasn't decided yet.
It's not a problem for me. To win, to lose, it doesn't really matter if the game has been fun. In this kind of game (a long term commitment), it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. and this has been a great journey.
The battles, the defeats, the hopes, the disillusions... simply great.

If Brad drops, i won't pick up another opponent. The game is really bound to the person you play with...the style of his you learn to understand... the mind "intra-game"... to change opponent would be like...i don't know, like a treason.

The war ends in 1944? Who cares? we've already lived thorugh the most interesting moments (1942-1943 and half 1944).

Will do an aftermath report. Will be interesting...

(in reply to Sangeli)
Post #: 3369
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/10/2014 12:08:24 AM   
Mike McCreery

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Too bad there isnt a like button here.

I agree with GJ's asessment of the situation in regards to enjoying the journey rather than focusing on the destination.


(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3370
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/10/2014 10:03:07 AM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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Guys, guys... Brad has been very gracious to me. He offered me the "victory", saying i had won anyway, even if he hasn't decided yet.
It's not a problem for me. To win, to lose, it doesn't really matter if the game has been fun. In this kind of game (a long term commitment), it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. and this has been a great journey.
The battles, the defeats, the hopes, the disillusions... simply great.

If Brad drops, i won't pick up another opponent. The game is really bound to the person you play with...the style of his you learn to understand... the mind "intra-game"... to change opponent would be like...i don't know, like a treason.

The war ends in 1944? Who cares? we've already lived thorugh the most interesting moments (1942-1943 and half 1944).

Will do an aftermath report. Will be interesting...

I would have put money on this response. I completely understand. You've played for a long time.

My mind always thinks of possibilities. When there is such a challenging game still undecided it makes me think of the different options available. I can imagine five different players all taking over the game and coming up with five different new paths to take it down. In fact that would be a really interesting thing to try sometime. Taking a suspended game and playing out the remainder with several players. Like scenario almost. Or a tournament.

We could all benefit from being able to try these major parts of the game more often, with less on the line, not after years of playing. I think players would learn more and experiment more if they knew it was only for 6 months of game time. Or even a year.

Imagine if you were playing the Allied side. What would you do now?


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3371
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/10/2014 10:11:10 AM   

Posts: 2503
Joined: 2/27/2007
From: Bratislava, Slovakia
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I think Brad is not that bad in his "behind" - I am attaching a picture for comparison:

However Brad may not be that good in regard to strategic thinking - focusing on a single axis of advance he actually allowed GreyJoy to concentrate your defense. Despite his "unbelievable" luck several times in this game, he managed to loose absolutely crazy number of ships. I wonder if even US wouldn't be shocked by the carnage and cost in human lives. So we can assume, he was relieved of his duties as overall pacific commander - and thus end of game for him...

On the other side I want to praise GreyJoy for his successful defensive.

Anyway both Brad and GreyJoy deserves commendation for their game and very enjoyable AAR...

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Barb -- 1/10/2014 11:15:26 AM >


(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 3372
Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 8:21:05 AM   

Posts: 6750
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Just to say that the game is officially OVER. Brad stated he's no longer having fun and that he concedes me the victory.
I don't care much about victory. Me, as Japan, I know I haven't won. Maybe this is a draw, but not a victory.
My Navy is in horrible shape and I couldn't stand much longer anyway the allied advance. I have few major ships that are getting back online after their long repairs, but
The IJN in general is just a shade of what It was.
My Air Army is in a better shape obviously, but not that good. Exausted my IJN pilot pools and the IJA fighter pool is in bad shape too.
The KB couldn't match anymore the allied DS and Java/Southern Borneo would have been exposed to the allied advance in the next 3/4 months.
Burma was crumbling down and we already had begun to evacuate the northern part of it.
The supply situation is horrible...and could only grow worse with the arrival of all those LCUs in the next half of the year.

All in all, Japan couldn't hold much longer with a decent fighting this armistice arrives just when the strengths were starting the fade away...probably in the best possible moment!

From the allied point of view I think this can be seen as a moral drop in the will to fight of the western peoples. Probably the US and UK governments understood they have paid a price too expensive for the ground conquered...and seeing how many miles were still missing to get to Tokyo, they
realized they couldn't have no more the people's support needed to carry on.
They liberated Northern OZ and created a security pillow in the Southern DEI so to protect Darwin.
PM was liberated and so the whole NG and Solomons.. so Australia is now secure from a future Japanese attack. At least this strategic objective has been reached.
Japan holds Sumatra, Java and Borneo and the Philippines. Its strategic goals are all accomplished.
Japan abandons Timor and all its early conquests south of Makassar-Kendari line.
Burma remains Japanese, even if it will be un-militarized above the Rangoon line.
China has held, at least in the inner perimeter. Japan gives back Chengtu and all the central plains, leaving the siege of Kunming and falling back to the Kweiyang-Chikkiang line.
All the oil fields of northern China remain in Japanese hands.
Singapore remains Japanese.

(in reply to Barb)
Post #: 3373
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 8:48:40 AM   


Posts: 8262
Joined: 7/29/2009
From: Sweden
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Congratulations GJ. Well earned your victory. Perhaps this will boost the moral of all the Japanese players out there!

What will you do now? Start another game or will you take a vacation from AE?

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3374
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 9:06:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: JocMeister

Congratulations GJ. Well earned your victory. Perhaps this will boost the moral of all the Japanese players out there!

What will you do now? Start another game or will you take a vacation from AE?

Thanks Joc!

No, I'm already involved in another match against Mr.Kane... now in July 1944... which is pretty intensive!

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 3375
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 9:14:22 AM   


Posts: 8262
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From: Sweden
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In mid 44 already! You must keep a furious pace?

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3376
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 9:18:48 AM   


Posts: 4031
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Congrats on the victory!

I think you won the war. You simply made things mentaly hard enough for the allied player and force him to call it quits! :)

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 3377
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 2:11:04 PM   

Posts: 26087
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Regarding your assessment, maybe you haven't won the 'war', but it does look as though you have won the 'game', and Q-Ball states that.


(in reply to aztez)
Post #: 3378
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 3:16:09 PM   

Posts: 4239
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From: Alberta, Canada
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Well done GreyJoy. You continue to chew up opponents on a regular basis now and continue to provide extremely entertaining AAR's to follow. Thanks for all your effort in documenting your games. Now you can pop over more and help me.

< Message edited by SqzMyLemon -- 1/13/2014 4:17:00 PM >


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(in reply to witpqs)
Post #: 3379
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 3:54:39 PM   

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You rock, GJ! Banzai!


(in reply to SqzMyLemon)
Post #: 3380
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 4:48:03 PM   

Posts: 14050
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Congrats! A fine display of tenacity and strategic play. You deserve it.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 3381
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 6:11:05 PM   
Grfin Zeppelin

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Congrats, well played :)


(in reply to obvert)
Post #: 3382
RE: Officially OVER - 1/13/2014 6:37:57 PM   
John 3rd

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to Grfin Zeppelin)
Post #: 3383
RE: Officially OVER - 1/17/2014 4:26:03 PM   

Posts: 6750
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Thank you all guys! It's been a pleasure, as always

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 3384
RE: Officially OVER - 1/17/2014 4:41:29 PM   

Posts: 2763
Joined: 2/28/2011
From: Konin, Poland, European Union
Status: offline


Thank you all guys! It's been a pleasure, as always

If you look for job as commander Koniu HQ will welcome You with open hands.
As bonus i can give dental insurance but in 1944 Japanese standards

< Message edited by koniu -- 1/17/2014 5:42:50 PM >


"Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War"

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3385
RE: Officially OVER - 1/17/2014 5:59:54 PM   

Posts: 3890
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From: Lone Star Nation
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Hey GreyJoy. Don't you think it's time to change the Re line of this thread from DEFEAT: The Battle of Ambon to something a little more, well, awesome?


(in reply to koniu)
Post #: 3386
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/18/2014 12:45:38 AM   

Posts: 24520
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I wonder if even US wouldn't be shocked by the carnage and cost in human lives. So we can assume, he was relieved of his duties as overall pacific commander - and thus end of game for him...

On the other side I want to praise GreyJoy for his successful defensive.

Anyway both Brad and GreyJoy deserves commendation for their game and very enjoyable AAR...

This is my take as well. Forcing the Allied player to drop a game out of frustration and inertia is a win for the Japanese, IMO. Job well done, GreyJoy!


(in reply to Barb)
Post #: 3387
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/18/2014 12:57:39 PM   

Posts: 24520
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Greyjoy-could you provide a map of negotiated final positions for the armistice?



(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 3388
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/19/2014 10:31:40 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Greyjoy-could you provide a map of negotiated final positions for the armistice?


We really didn't have a real armistice CB. It was just me trying a bit of role playing...:-)
As the allies sued for peace i guess tha japs could dictate a bit the conditions, so holding their first strategic targets...the DEI oilfields.

I can understand Brad's frustration... Playing the allies is so easy to think that by mid 1944 you should be steamrolling... Fact is that japan in a scenario 2 environement is much stronger than RL... Probaby even in a scenario 1.... As the allies youncannot really gain any control of the skies beyond the first line... And without it every landing...every advance becomes a possible defeat.

We all need to understand that untill. The KB is up and running you're looking for troubles when you simply advance head-down. The only way to do it properly is to pin the KB somewhere and then hit somewhere else very far from it.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 3389
RE: DEFEAT: The battle of Ambon - 1/19/2014 11:12:04 AM   

Posts: 14050
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From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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We all need to understand that untill. The KB is up and running you're looking for troubles when you simply advance head-down. The only way to do it properly is to pin the KB somewhere and then hit somewhere else very far from it.

Well said. Both sides play best when deception, unpredictability and multiple threats are involved.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to GreyJoy)
Post #: 3390
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