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RE: Thank you Matrix/Slitherine/Developers/Community

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RE: Thank you Matrix/Slitherine/Developers/Community - 1/6/2013 2:05:06 AM   

Posts: 2614
Joined: 11/17/2007
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ORIGINAL: heyhellowhatsnew

Don't get me started on how they taught us about Napoleon, they barely did.

More gratuitous America bashing. By an American no less.

In our suburban Chicago public school district, my kids were taught history just the opposite: no trace of American exceptionalism, no "America the Beautiful," America the Ugly in fact.

And as if "awful history" is just an American thing. Um, no.

When I raised the subject of Napoleon with a younger French programmer colleague, he replied: "Napoleon? Don't know much about him, just that he lived a glamorous life."

I've taught college in the Philippines. There, other than the War in the Pacific and the Japanese invasion and occupation of the Philippine Islands, my students knew little to nothing about the wider war. They had never heard of the Nazi death camps and the Jewish Holocaust.

I've read accounts of similar ignorance in other countries. It's human nature to focus on one's own narrow corner of the world, and for history to be taught in a distorted, nationalistic, self-centered way.

No, "awful history" is not just an American thing.

But cultural self loathing? Yeah, that's increasingly fashionable here in America (and elsewhere?).

Yeah, but not all loathing is equal. Americans loathe their education system for not teaching them stuff and Poles loathe their education system for teaching them stuff. I think that Americans are more justified in their loathing.


ORIGINAL: doomtrader

90% of the kids is not going to even look at the Matrix Games.

Do you know how much sales and what a huge incline would the 10 remaining percent be?


People shouldn't ask themselves why schools get shoot up.
They should ask themselves why people who finish schools burned out due to mobbing aren't receiving high enough compensations to not seek vengeance.

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 31
RE: Thank you Matrix/Slitherine/Developers/Community - 1/6/2013 3:23:58 PM   

Posts: 5321
Joined: 7/22/2008
From: Poland
Status: offline

Do you know how much sales and what a huge incline would the 10 remaining percent be?

I'm not saying that the rest of the kids will be happy to play those games.


(in reply to Perturabo)
Post #: 32
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