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why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians?

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why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/13/2013 10:17:39 PM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
Status: offline
I'm getting these notifications that "<my-ship> is under attack from a <their ship>!". I go check it out and my ship(s) is duking it out with an ancient guardian (AG) ship. It's just my escorts & frigates which are NOT in any fleet and set to auto. I'm not controlling them at all. My DD, CR & CA are all in fleets and all currently on defense fleet posture. I'm not sure who is starting it... kinda feel like a parent. ;-) I'm not ordering any of this that's for sure. This is my 3rd DW game and I still have awed respect for the AG ships. My cruisers (size 300, mp 167) are 1/3rd their strength (size 414, mp 476).

My reputation is diabolical... not intentionally... again, just my 3rd game and a fuzzy idea of what I'm doing. Shout out to DAS for the helpful videos. You make it looks so easy. Everybody is furious with me. They certainly didn't help me when the dhayuts and gizureans attacked me. I tried to make sure I declared war before I attacked them but I may have messed up. It was back and forth a couple of times with the dhayuts and gizureans. They attacked me. I built up & beat them down. Subjugated them and they cried-whined so felt bad and let them free. They repeated their mistake and I finally took out the dhayuts. Captured a few worlds from the gizureans and ended the war. Then I realized my rep was shot.

I can't think what else I did that might have caused the bad rep. Pirate setting is on few so I can't use that to boost my rep. I'm ok with living with my mistake and the diabolical rep, I just don't really want to attack the AG or vice-versa, not sure how to make it stop and don't want it to escalate to full-blown war. Any ideas?

Attached screenshot shows my 2 frigates attacking an AG cruiser. I did a save and am thinking about uploading it to ask Matrix/Codeforce if this is not a normal occurence.

Attachment (1)


DW+ROTS+Legends+ update+GEM 2.3+Sirian mods
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RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/13/2013 10:48:02 PM   
Fishers of Men

Posts: 329
Joined: 3/27/2010
From: Fishers, IN USA
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Who controls the territory where this gas cloud is located? Maybe the Guardians don't like your mining station in this area, considering your reputation is very ugly. These guys are like police and they don't like trouble makers with bad reps, like you. That is why they are called the Ancient Guardians, to create order in the galaxy. Work on getting your reputation back up to satisfactory levels.


Old............but very fast

(in reply to arioch)
Post #: 2
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/13/2013 11:30:40 PM   


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I am pretty sure I have seen the advisers wanting to attack AG ships sitting at their mine in my territory. Are you sure that could not be the source here?

For all I know it could also be the AG attacking you since you have been a bad boy.

As for diabolical: Excessive aggression. Attacks with no war. Much bombardment. Those are my guesses. I don't think you should drop that low if you grab a few colonies after being attacked.

(in reply to Fishers of Men)
Post #: 3
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/14/2013 3:42:31 AM   

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The Guardians have no restrictions about placing bases and miners in your territory it seems. And if you ordered an attack even once there seems to be low level none war background fighting from that point on.

(in reply to Bingeling)
Post #: 4
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/14/2013 5:00:54 PM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
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Actually the mining stations are out in open space and not in anyone's SOI (system of influence).
Several races have mining stations in the system. See attached galaxy map. I'm red. Yellow with the arrow is the Ancient Guardians. Nice spot for me, huh!?! ;-) North, NE and east are 4 mining station with yellow ellipses where the incidents are occurring.

In terms of automation, I have the attack set to Suggest. Default Engagement Stances is: Patrol=Engage system targets & Escort=Engage near by targets. Those are default. Haven't changed.

I guess I messed up with not declaring DOW well in advance before retaliating against Dhayuts and Gizurean so I'll live with it. Just checking since I'm still new & learning. Thanks Fishers of Men, Bingeling and CyclopsSlayer. Without pirates (setting is low), how else can I build up my rep? I've given money to AG and others but don't think that's going to help. I'd rather not give away my techs.

BTW, teekans (brown in the minimap) are in 1st, Ikkuro 2nd and me 3rd. Unless I step up against the teekans, this might be a mute point with game-over as I'm probably not going to catch up just coasting along.

Thanks again.

Attachment (1)


DW+ROTS+Legends+ update+GEM 2.3+Sirian mods

(in reply to Fishers of Men)
Post #: 5
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/14/2013 9:44:48 PM   
Fishers of Men

Posts: 329
Joined: 3/27/2010
From: Fishers, IN USA
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It is regular to every new game startup that the AG are very near neighbors. You just can't escape this fact, so you have to learn to expect them there. I believe I see a possible research station at the super nova located inside the AG's sphere of influence. Is this correct? Check your diplomacy screen and see if there is any conflict here. Though the AG are not very talkative so you can't give it to them, removing that station might help improve your rep. with them. Its just an idea. Gifts of money does help improve things but at a very slow pace.


Old............but very fast

(in reply to arioch)
Post #: 6
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/15/2013 2:34:31 PM   

Posts: 174
Joined: 11/29/2012
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When asking about "reputation", do you mean

Reputation (like Satisfactory, Respectable, Admired, Diabolical) or

Relation (like a number indicating how much they like you)?

Reputation can be built up by exterminating pirate bases, honoring mutual defense pacts or waiting until it builds up by itself.

Relations can be increased by giving money, high trading volume, having a govermnet type that the others like or your reputation.

Regards, Sirian


(in reply to Fishers of Men)
Post #: 7
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/15/2013 7:09:29 PM   

Posts: 41
Joined: 12/7/2012
From: vermont
Status: offline
Fishers of Men: Good to know. Thanks. Good eyes on the research station near the AG SOI. Yes, it is and I'll double check next time I play. Usually only get to play on the weekend then spend the week replaying the game in my head! ;-)

Sirian: I meant the reputation... I really didn't mean to be diabolical. No one believes me! ha ha. Based on your feedback, guess I'll be waiting a while. Great mods BTW. Really like being able to quickly identify hydrogen and caslon! Don't really care for the fleet admiral icon though. ha ha. At least, I won't ever mix that up. I'll have to add you to my sig. Thanks and keep up the good work.


DW+ROTS+Legends+ update+GEM 2.3+Sirian mods

(in reply to Sirian)
Post #: 8
RE: why would my auto ships attack ancient guardians? - 1/16/2013 9:21:27 AM   

Posts: 174
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@arioch: glad you like the mods, improving the gameplay experience has always been my motivation.

If you want to "grind reputation", waiting it out might not be the most effective strategy. I recommend hunting pirates. You will get little black pirate icons on the map when a pirate base is identified. Send a fleet there and exterminate them and your reputation will rise. This works better than simply waiting.

Regards, Sirian


(in reply to arioch)
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