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Well the orig. version had to be scaled down quite a bit, since it was way too massive (too much bases and different planes on these). In game every second a message popped up also very difficult to plan flights for the AI. Still this version has some of the main real historic Nato bases (like Bitburg,Ramstein, Soesterberg for the US or Leuwaarden for the Dutch, Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Nordholz+Laarbruch+Neuburg in W-Germany, as well some main military ports = Den Helder+Wilhelmshaven+Copenhagen). This should be played firstly only by BLUE side (I may do a version for RED if I get the time later). So in this Blog post I try to avoid giving too much info on the red side. But in the next post you will get an overview of the Blue forces, from a historic point and game point. I have the 1989 Nato OOB, whichw as the last Cold War year. However for severall reasons this plays in the 90ties. This means THE COLD WAR DID NOT END at the historical point. Rather it went well up in the 90ties - untill the great clash of the blocks happened.... STORYLINE (a little writing up for the scen so you get a clue what is about): Sometime in the 90ties: The coup in Russia succeeded. Not only was the president imprisoned but the freedom movements in Poland and the GDR (=East Germany) were supressed. Not with violence, but more "quietly". So the west had not much clues what went on at all. First they were shocked by the turmoil in the Kremlin, but soon the relations between the sides normalized, because the new government in Russia seemed reasonable. They wanted a new deal with the US for delivery of non millitary items and the US business needed new deals - pressured the white house to be more friendly with the east. So they did, also the West German cancellor who also was more a puppet of big corporations that wanted export to the east, met with eastern president Lisy to discuss new trade deals. He was impressed by the chance of language - the new officials seemed to be more realistic and friendly than the old guard around Honecker. But little did they know what was happening, as in reality the millitary planned to get back the old soviet glory and demand what was rightfully them. If demand wasn´t working, pressure maybe would.....first the old Finnish wound should be healed. As their demand was not really bad (a "leasing" of the old territories which the Generals felt belonged to Russia), the Fins caved in to not have a second winter war. But the Russians didn´t stop there, they wanted a better protection of their northern flank. Sweden was strictly neutral and too strong, so Norway was the only option.... NATO wasnt prepared at all, lulled in by the new warm climate between the blocks. But the homeguard was. But they were too few. Russian speznaz and paratroops suddenly stormed key bases and the tanks came later. There were not much Nato forces in Norway at all, so this was solved fast. The norwegian government called a ceasefire with the option offered by the Russians that only the northern half of the country will be occupied, the other half became a norwegian "vichy". The few US marines with their few helis and harriers fled to Denmark as well some left over planes from the Norway airforce (some F16+F5 Tigers). So all 3 countries in the north now were more (=Norway) or less (=Sweden) controlled by the USSR. While Nato was still discussing how to react, the Russians made their next coup, demanding from Denmark free passage for all shipping. If this demand would be fullfilled, the case would be settled and there would be peace again. So the Kremlin. The Denish had a resolute prime minister at this time, who send Moscow a package with a letter and a bottle in it: "You can have this bottle of Denish beer for free, but not more". Also it contained this bottle:
< Message edited by Alpha77 -- 5/10/2013 2:43:38 PM >