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How to bombing enemy airfield with night intruders?

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How to bombing enemy airfield with night intruders? - 6/4/2013 10:26:30 AM   

Posts: 56
Joined: 6/1/2012
From: Florence, Italy
Status: offline
Hi all, reading the old manual 12 o'clock high on page 79 it says: "They (the night intruders) may patrol or bomb enemy airfield and attempt to shoot down enemy fighters that are trying to land" I have three questions to ask: first, how do I to bomb or strafe an airfield? Each turn I send many night intruders on enemy airfields, but no one has ever bombed or strafed. The second, you can only shoot down the planes in landing or you can also shoot them down on take-off? The last question: I often see night intruders in return home strafing German troops near the Atlantic Wall and the Gustav Line, the thing in my opinion is just a waste of time, how can I do to strafing on airports I meet during the return rather than strafe the troops?

< Message edited by Mappo -- 6/4/2013 11:58:06 AM >
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RE: How to bombing enemy airfield with night intruders? - 6/4/2013 10:54:52 PM   
Cripes A Mighty

Posts: 51
Joined: 8/31/2011
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In order to bomb or strafe you need to send in your Night Intruder mission using the Multiple Plane option. Even so, depending on moonlight, your night intruders may not be able to locate their target.

Individual plane Night Intruder missions will only patrol the target and try to shoot down planes on landing. They will not strafe. My Night Intruders on individual patrol have not strafed ground troops on the way back, but I always take care to route them away from ground forces - I don't want them to get shot up needlessly.

I have never shot down a German night fighter while it was attempting to take off, but I think this is due to the fact that German airfields that are being patrolled don't launch aircraft. Well, maybe they do, but I have never seen this happen.

Good luck and good hunting.

(in reply to Mappo)
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RE: How to bombing enemy airfield with night intruders? - 6/5/2013 4:00:25 AM   

Posts: 1041
Joined: 1/21/2002
From: Texas
Status: offline
Never tried to patrol them for takeoff, never even occurred to me to try it. Takes up enough of my sorties just keeping planes patrolling the airfields trying to catch them landing. Have also been experimenting with sending a flight along as escorts. Not a lot of shoot downs but I get enough intercepts to make me keep trying it.


(in reply to Cripes A Mighty)
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