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failed connection to server

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failed connection to server - 6/9/2013 9:17:28 PM   

Posts: 793
Joined: 3/15/2007
Status: offline
I can't start a MP scenario after patch 1.20 - failed connection to server.
All others can't start Modern War Corps scenarios aftger patch 1.20.

Her is the conversion with one of my players:

Ahh - ich kann keine Verbindung zum Spielserver herstellen - Scheiße
Läuft das bei Dir ?
ich schau mal
hm... auf den server komm ich, kann aber trotzdem nicht mit dem demo-szenario aufmachen. selbe fehlermeldung wie sonst auch.
inhaltpaket fehlt
Die S...ßfirma kotzt mich langsam an.
Tut mir leid - ich dachte das haben die nach patch 1.20 behoben.
langsam ist gut
hm... ich versuch gerade zu ermitteln, ob ich irgendwas falsch gemacht habe
1.2 hab ich draufgezogen, den ordner vom mod im spielverzeichnis hab ich überschrieben, die szenarien hab ich in den scenario-ordner gezogen
müsste das von februar 12 sein, richtig?
Du brauchst im mod Ordner ein Ordner mit Namen Modern War Corps.
Den wählt du mit Generic mod istaller an. Vorher mußt du aber dne GMI konfigurieren uaf Panzer Corps.
der mod läuft ja, sonst würde ichs nicht damit starten können
Kannst Du da Scenario im Single modus starten gegen den Computer ????
selbe fehlermeldung
D...k - S....ß Slitherine
diese Abzocker.
kannste laut sagen
Dann gehts wohl nicht.


< Message edited by Lord Zimoa -- 6/10/2013 7:58:19 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: failed connection to server - 6/10/2013 7:55:49 AM   
Lord Zimoa

Posts: 837
Joined: 10/10/2008
Status: offline
First you will have to update your own mods and make them compatible to game updates, that is something we cannot help with.

Second the language posted here is of such a lower level, we would not like to be associated with.


(in reply to Dumnorix)
Post #: 2
RE: failed connection to server - 6/10/2013 2:57:58 PM   

Posts: 872
Joined: 5/5/2007
From: Brentwood, California (not the OJ one)
Status: offline
Ooh, bad language? I didn't even know. Now I'm even more curious to know what all this says.

(in reply to Lord Zimoa)
Post #: 3
RE: failed connection to server - 6/10/2013 6:27:01 PM   

Posts: 793
Joined: 3/15/2007
Status: offline
Hi Lord Zimoa
Here is the first Demo - in single modus all the things running fine.
But I and some of my test crew can't open no more MP games yet after patch 1.20
I don't know - where is the problem - I think we need an Dr. Title to handle with this engine- changed after every patch.

Download link 1:

Download link 2:

Thank you !

< Message edited by Dumnorix -- 6/10/2013 6:28:43 PM >

(in reply to FroBodine)
Post #: 4
RE: failed connection to server - 6/10/2013 7:42:16 PM   
Lord Zimoa

Posts: 837
Joined: 10/10/2008
Status: offline
No idea, something in your mod is conflicting with the latest update, so I suggest updating your mod.

If Alex has some time and sees this post he might be of help, we focus on the official game. It is hard enough to support the base game, let alone fix issues when people mod and change the original game, it is simply impossible to support, so no promises...


(in reply to Dumnorix)
Post #: 5
RE: failed connection to server - 6/10/2013 8:29:44 PM   

Posts: 793
Joined: 3/15/2007
Status: offline
Thanks anyway !
I hope , we can find a way - to play our nice project also in Multiplayer.


(in reply to Lord Zimoa)
Post #: 6
RE: failed connection to server - 6/11/2013 10:22:47 AM   

Posts: 2804
Joined: 10/26/2004
From: London
Status: offline
H Balck - you've been banned from Slitherine for insulting more people than I can count and if you do not behave better you'll be banned from here too. Thread locked.


Iain McNeil
Matrix Games

(in reply to Dumnorix)
Post #: 7
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