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Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow!

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Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/19/2013 5:26:35 PM   


Posts: 639
Joined: 1/21/2013
Status: offline
One of the most famous board Wargames is finally coming to your screens! How will it look like? How will be the gameplay and what can you expect from it? Well, the developer wants to share with you 7 Moments of Wow, one for each week until the release.

Players Manual

The first thing to strike you about the game will be the Players Manual


It has hundreds of pages, far more than any other game, with 350+ screenshots. Indeed, it is so comprehensive that it comes in 3 printed volumes. The first describes how to install the program and start playing a game .

It includes background information on the board game World in Flames (WIF), some guidance on how to play well

,and the complete sequence of play
When using all the optional rules, the full sequence of play has 60 phases, 85 subphases, 11 sub-subphases, and 7 digressions. Volume 1 of the Players Manual describes who does what in each phase/subphase and how the game transitions between them.

The second volume covers the player interface in detail, with screenshots of all 150+ forms

Each form has accompanying text describing the form’s visual elements and how to make decisions using the form


The text from this section of the Players Manual is available during game play as context sensitive help. During a game you don’t need to leaf through the Players Manual looking for how to use a form, just click on the Help button to bring up the text from the Players Manual that describes the form


Volume 2 also describes all the optional rules

The last section of the second volume contains the appendices: charts and tables describing keyboard and mouse commands, unit information, terrain effects, and combat result tables. Because the Players Manual is also included as a PDF file (re: Adobe Acrobat), you can print individual pages.

That means you can print your own reference pages of the combat results tables, the terrain effect chart, etc. - if you so desire. Of course they are also accessible during game play from a drop down Help menu on the game’s main form.

The third volume of the Players Manual contains the Rules as Coded (RAC) which is based on the board game’s rule booklet but with up-to-date corrections and clarifications, plus annotated deviations of the computer game from the board game


For players of the board game, this should be a familiar document, just improved for MWIF.

The printed material that comes with MWIF is not some slap-dash affair thrown together as an afterthought. In the Players Manual and Rules as Coded volumes you can see the tangible results of years of effort to make a great game accessible to a wide audience of wargamers.
Post #: 1
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/19/2013 5:50:08 PM   


Posts: 4176
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Appreciate your comments Philkian, also some of us tyro's are doing an AAR on the game trying to get across to board game players of WIF what it will look like on their computers and to players and fans of Matix's games who know nothing about this game, what it will look like. The AAR's are taken directly from the games combat resolutions and they are decided by the games program and not by a beta teaster.


Bill Bowen

Beta tester ----Matrix World in Flames.

< Message edited by bo -- 9/19/2013 5:51:01 PM >

(in reply to Philkian)
Post #: 2
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/19/2013 6:30:40 PM   

Posts: 791
Joined: 3/31/2008
From: Quebec
Status: offline
Any release date or price?


Michel Desjardins,
"Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious" - Oscar Wilde
"History is a set of lies agreed upon" - Napoleon Bonaparte after the battle of Waterloo, june 18th, 1815

(in reply to bo)
Post #: 3
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/19/2013 6:32:12 PM   

Posts: 2923
Joined: 6/6/2005
From: Ottawa, Canada
Status: offline

I believe the release date has been circulating around for some time. Can't recall where it first appeared (in an official Matrix forum post or other Matrix source), but it's November 7.

As far as price goes I know nothing.


~ Composer99

(in reply to micheljq)
Post #: 4
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 4:51:29 AM   


Posts: 3211
Joined: 2/13/2004
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ORIGINAL: micheljq

Any release date or price?

No word on pricing, but I suppect not $49.99

The release date has been set as November 7th, 2013

(in reply to micheljq)
Post #: 5
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 12:04:45 PM   

Posts: 477
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline
Looks interesting and would surely love it and buy it if it didn't use the NATO symbols but some icon set...


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 6
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 12:51:28 PM   

Posts: 2923
Joined: 6/6/2005
From: Ottawa, Canada
Status: offline

While MWiF does use NATO symbols for the land units, the naval and air units are represented either by the actual ship (named naval units), generic ship icons (generic naval units) or an aircraft typical of the unit (air units).

You can see some of that in this thread.


~ Composer99

(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 7
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 1:10:18 PM   

Posts: 477
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: composer99


While MWiF does use NATO symbols for the land units, the naval and air units are represented either by the actual ship (named naval units), generic ship icons (generic naval units) or an aircraft typical of the unit (air units).

You can see some of that in this thread.

Yes, I noticed that, but that makes the matter worse for me, a mix of Nato and icons is somehow strange to comprehend for me personally. I have nothing against Nato as an option but just can't stomach a situation in which it is the only option. It's probably due to the fact that when I was playing wargames growing up those in my country did not use Nato symbols and they seem alien to me.


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to composer99)
Post #: 8
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 2:08:34 PM   

Posts: 2890
Joined: 10/27/2003
From: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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Infantry and armour and a couple of variants on them are the main ones. Not hard. Hovering over a unit tells you all about it anyway

Don't let let that stop you enjoying such a fabulous game system

Cheers, Neilster

(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 9
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 4:17:44 PM   

Posts: 99
Joined: 7/12/2013
From: Mallorca, Illes Balears
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Numdydar


ORIGINAL: micheljq

Any release date or price?

No word on pricing, but I suppect not $49.99

The release date has been set as November 7th, 2013

As I live in Euroland and Matrixgames is an American corporation, I was delighted observing Mr Bernanke's lust for printing dollars, in the hope that I could get better prices as times goes by. But when looking for other prices here at this website I have found that they are in Euros (I guess that is because I am behind a wall of cookies or some other weird Internet trick marking me as Eurocreature), so I do not know if I can benefit of the deluge of green paper money…

As alternative to buying the game, I am initiating operations aimed at luring someone into taking up that financial burden from me, and being kind enough to purchase the game for me as a Christmas present….

(by the way, can a digital download be gifted?)


A l’hora que el sol se pon, bevent al raig de la font, he assaborit els secrets de la terra misteriosa.

Part de dins de la canal he vist l’aigua virginal venir del fosc naixement a regalar-me la boca.

(in reply to Numdydar)
Post #: 10
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 4:38:13 PM   


Posts: 165
Joined: 10/27/2011
From: USA
Status: offline
The value of the Dollar is at a 7 month low, so in theory it should take fewer Euros to buy American products. Unless the value of the Euro is falling along with it.


I don't write Universal Law. I just live by it.

(in reply to Easo79)
Post #: 11
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 4:47:26 PM   

Posts: 99
Joined: 7/12/2013
From: Mallorca, Illes Balears
Status: offline



The value of the Dollar is at a 7 month low, so in theory it should take fewer Euros to buy American products. Unless the value of the Euro is falling along with it.

Yes, but if the price is, e.g. "65,99 euros" I am not sure they are going to lower that figure accordingly if the Euro increases its value relative to dollar (today it is at a 2013 maximum, and it is increasing...). If I could buy in dollars, I know the bank would calculate everything using the latest (cheapest for me) exhange rate.


A l’hora que el sol se pon, bevent al raig de la font, he assaborit els secrets de la terra misteriosa.

Part de dins de la canal he vist l’aigua virginal venir del fosc naixement a regalar-me la boca.

(in reply to RockKahn)
Post #: 12
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 5:06:13 PM   


Posts: 165
Joined: 10/27/2011
From: USA
Status: offline
There are several posts in different threads discussing exchange rates/prices. After doing a search I found this. It sounds like it's supposed to be updated daily, but maybe I just don't have a clear understanding of it.

I found this in another thread where they were discussing a problem with the exchange rate. Hope this helps:


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

There's a direct currency conversion, which is done based on daily conversion rates and cached on our store server. The intention is to have a direct conversion. The price on the page in the screenshot is the cached price. Once you hit the button to actually purchase, the uncached price should show up in the cart. What does that look like to those of you seeing either the wrong currency or a conversion that's off by a small amount?


- Erik


I don't write Universal Law. I just live by it.

(in reply to Easo79)
Post #: 13
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 7:00:59 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
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ORIGINAL: composer99


While MWiF does use NATO symbols for the land units, the naval and air units are represented either by the actual ship (named naval units), generic ship icons (generic naval units) or an aircraft typical of the unit (air units).

You can see some of that in this thread.

Yes, I noticed that, but that makes the matter worse for me, a mix of Nato and icons is somehow strange to comprehend for me personally. I have nothing against Nato as an option but just can't stomach a situation in which it is the only option. It's probably due to the fact that when I was playing wargames growing up those in my country did not use Nato symbols and they seem alien to me.

The problem with using icons for the land units is that there are too many unit types. It was possible with the air units because there are only 7. For the naval units, where there are 15 unit types, a couple of letter abbreviations and differences in the combat factors enabled differentiating them all.

But given the 38 land unit types, each of which has special characteristics/capabilities in the game, it wasn't feasible to devise a unique icon for each without going to something comparable to the NATO symbols. And additional information has to be shown on the counter: army/corps versus division, reserve units, minor country designation (250+ means that using color alone wouldn't get the job done), and elite versus non-elite.

The game also has 8 levels of zoom, so whatever system was used had to be capable of displaying the type of unit at least for zoom levels 3-8. That's a lot of subtleties to incorporate into an icon. Sorry, but it was beyond my ability.


// ****************************************************************************
// Land units: 0 - 38; utCityBasedVolunteer is not used & available.
// ****************************************************************************
TUnitType = (utInfantry, utCavalry, utParatroop, utAirLanding, utAirCav,
utMarine, utMountain, utSki, utEngineer, utMotorizedEngineer,
utMarineEngineer, utInfantryHQ, utArmorHQ, utPartisanHQ,
utMilitia, utPartisan, utWarlord, utCityBasedVolunteer,
utTerritorial, utGarrison, utMotorized, utMechanized, utArmor,
utArmoredMarine, utArmoredParatroop, utArtillery,
utMotorizedArtillery, utRocket, utRailwayGun, utSelfPropelled,
utTankDestroyer, utAntiTank, utMotorizedAntiTank, utLightAntiAir,
utMotorizedLightAntiAir, utHeavyAntiAir, utMotorizedHeavyAntiAir,
utSupply, utLeader,
// ****************************************************************************
// Naval units: 39 - 53.
// ****************************************************************************
utCarrier, utLightCarrier, utBattleship, utCruiser,
utLightCruiser, utAuxiliaryCruiser, utASWEscort, utASWCarrier,
utAmphibious, utNavalTransport, utNavalSupply, utLiner, utConvoy,
utSubmarine, utFrogmen,
// ****************************************************************************
// Air units: 54 - 60.
// ****************************************************************************
utFighter, utCarrierAir, utNavalAir, utLandAir, utAirTransport,
utVWeapon, utABomb,
// ****************************************************************************
// Special units: 61 - 71. utOilRepair is a damaged synthetic oil plant.
// ****************************************************************************
utSynthOil, utPilot, utFactory, utFort, utAvailable1,
utAvailable2, utOffensive, utOilRepair, utOilPoints,
utBuildPoints, utNone);



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 14
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 7:13:38 PM   

Posts: 99
Joined: 7/12/2013
From: Mallorca, Illes Balears
Status: offline



There are several posts in different threads discussing exchange rates/prices. After doing a search I found this. It sounds like it's supposed to be updated daily, but maybe I just don't have a clear understanding of it.

I found this in another thread where they were discussing a problem with the exchange rate. Hope this helps:


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

There's a direct currency conversion, which is done based on daily conversion rates and cached on our store server. The intention is to have a direct conversion. The price on the page in the screenshot is the cached price. Once you hit the button to actually purchase, the uncached price should show up in the cart. What does that look like to those of you seeing either the wrong currency or a conversion that's off by a small amount?


- Erik


GO, Bernanke, GO!!!


A l’hora que el sol se pon, bevent al raig de la font, he assaborit els secrets de la terra misteriosa.

Part de dins de la canal he vist l’aigua virginal venir del fosc naixement a regalar-me la boca.

(in reply to RockKahn)
Post #: 15
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 9:27:47 PM   


Posts: 4176
Joined: 5/1/2009
Status: offline




ORIGINAL: Numdydar


ORIGINAL: micheljq

Any release date or price?

No word on pricing, but I suppect not $49.99

The release date has been set as November 7th, 2013

As I live in Euroland and Matrixgames is an American corporation, I was delighted observing Mr Bernanke's lust for printing dollars, in the hope that I could get better prices as times goes by. But when looking for other prices here at this website I have found that they are in Euros (I guess that is because I am behind a wall of cookies or some other weird Internet trick marking me as Eurocreature), so I do not know if I can benefit of the deluge of green paper money…

As alternative to buying the game, I am initiating operations aimed at luring someone into taking up that financial burden from me, and being kind enough to purchase the game for me as a Christmas present….

(by the way, can a digital download be gifted?)

My dear senorita.

There are many men here who would gladly buy this game for you, and I would too but I am retired and living off of Mr. Bernanke's measly Social Security payments.


(in reply to Easo79)
Post #: 16
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 9:29:22 PM   


Posts: 4176
Joined: 5/1/2009
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: composer99


While MWiF does use NATO symbols for the land units, the naval and air units are represented either by the actual ship (named naval units), generic ship icons (generic naval units) or an aircraft typical of the unit (air units).

You can see some of that in this thread.

Yes, I noticed that, but that makes the matter worse for me, a mix of Nato and icons is somehow strange to comprehend for me personally. I have nothing against Nato as an option but just can't stomach a situation in which it is the only option. It's probably due to the fact that when I was playing wargames growing up those in my country did not use Nato symbols and they seem alien to me.

There is always Panzer corp.


(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 17
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 10:24:33 PM   

Posts: 477
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline





The value of the Dollar is at a 7 month low, so in theory it should take fewer Euros to buy American products. Unless the value of the Euro is falling along with it.

Yes, but if the price is, e.g. "65,99 euros" I am not sure they are going to lower that figure accordingly if the Euro increases its value relative to dollar (today it is at a 2013 maximum, and it is increasing...). If I could buy in dollars, I know the bank would calculate everything using the latest (cheapest for me) exhange rate.

You can buy it in dollars even if living in EU (I have done so today), when you get to the payment page you can switch currencies at will :)


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to Easo79)
Post #: 18
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/20/2013 11:09:14 PM   

Posts: 477
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets




ORIGINAL: composer99


While MWiF does use NATO symbols for the land units, the naval and air units are represented either by the actual ship (named naval units), generic ship icons (generic naval units) or an aircraft typical of the unit (air units).

You can see some of that in this thread.

Yes, I noticed that, but that makes the matter worse for me, a mix of Nato and icons is somehow strange to comprehend for me personally. I have nothing against Nato as an option but just can't stomach a situation in which it is the only option. It's probably due to the fact that when I was playing wargames growing up those in my country did not use Nato symbols and they seem alien to me.

The problem with using icons for the land units is that there are too many unit types. It was possible with the air units because there are only 7. For the naval units, where there are 15 unit types, a couple of letter abbreviations and differences in the combat factors enabled differentiating them all.

But given the 38 land unit types, each of which has special characteristics/capabilities in the game, it wasn't feasible to devise a unique icon for each without going to something comparable to the NATO symbols. And additional information has to be shown on the counter: army/corps versus division, reserve units, minor country designation (250+ means that using color alone wouldn't get the job done), and elite versus non-elite.

The game also has 8 levels of zoom, so whatever system was used had to be capable of displaying the type of unit at least for zoom levels 3-8. That's a lot of subtleties to incorporate into an icon. Sorry, but it was beyond my ability.


// ****************************************************************************
// Land units: 0 - 38; utCityBasedVolunteer is not used & available.
// ****************************************************************************
TUnitType = (utInfantry, utCavalry, utParatroop, utAirLanding, utAirCav,
utMarine, utMountain, utSki, utEngineer, utMotorizedEngineer,
utMarineEngineer, utInfantryHQ, utArmorHQ, utPartisanHQ,
utMilitia, utPartisan, utWarlord, utCityBasedVolunteer,
utTerritorial, utGarrison, utMotorized, utMechanized, utArmor,
utArmoredMarine, utArmoredParatroop, utArtillery,
utMotorizedArtillery, utRocket, utRailwayGun, utSelfPropelled,
utTankDestroyer, utAntiTank, utMotorizedAntiTank, utLightAntiAir,
utMotorizedLightAntiAir, utHeavyAntiAir, utMotorizedHeavyAntiAir,
utSupply, utLeader,
// ****************************************************************************
// Naval units: 39 - 53.
// ****************************************************************************
utCarrier, utLightCarrier, utBattleship, utCruiser,
utLightCruiser, utAuxiliaryCruiser, utASWEscort, utASWCarrier,
utAmphibious, utNavalTransport, utNavalSupply, utLiner, utConvoy,
utSubmarine, utFrogmen,
// ****************************************************************************
// Air units: 54 - 60.
// ****************************************************************************
utFighter, utCarrierAir, utNavalAir, utLandAir, utAirTransport,
utVWeapon, utABomb,
// ****************************************************************************
// Special units: 61 - 71. utOilRepair is a damaged synthetic oil plant.
// ****************************************************************************
utSynthOil, utPilot, utFactory, utFort, utAvailable1,
utAvailable2, utOffensive, utOilRepair, utOilPoints,
utBuildPoints, utNone);

I understand you had to weigh the benefits and costs of that... still, producing such icons doesn't have to costly, as an example I could use Advanced Tactics Gold, which uses very simplistic and at the same time clear to read icons.


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 19
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/21/2013 12:47:03 PM   

Posts: 8802
Joined: 6/3/2011
From: Hoorn (NED).
Status: offline
MWIF is based on the board game. In there, Nato symbols are used for land units. That's it.

I think that Nato symbols are easier to give a fast overview of a land units capabilities than all other symbols I've seen used in board games. This is because they are roughly the same in all type of games using them.

But, if sales go high enough, we can make Steve's life somewhat more difficult and put an option in MWIF 4, 5 or 6... for using icons in stead of Nato symbols. Personally, I would stick to the Nato symbols...



(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 20
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/21/2013 1:04:32 PM   


Posts: 165
Joined: 10/27/2011
From: USA
Status: offline
Maybe you could just consider learning the NATO symbols as a part of learning the game.

Everyone that knows the NATO symbols now, had to learn them sometime. If you're a wargamer, learning them is something you will probably find useful in future games you may want.

From what I've read, there are a lot of rules to wrap your head around to play this game, so learning the NATO symbols will probably be the easy part. Just print out page 213 shown above and lay it by your computer as a reference. I think we're all going to be looking through the rule book quite often for a lot of stuff.

< Message edited by RockKahn -- 9/21/2013 1:09:51 PM >


I don't write Universal Law. I just live by it.

(in reply to Centuur)
Post #: 21
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/21/2013 2:22:43 PM   

Posts: 477
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Status: offline



Maybe you could just consider learning the NATO symbols as a part of learning the game.

Everyone that knows the NATO symbols now, had to learn them sometime. If you're a wargamer, learning them is something you will probably find useful in future games you may want.

From what I've read, there are a lot of rules to wrap your head around to play this game, so learning the NATO symbols will probably be the easy part. Just print out page 213 shown above and lay it by your computer as a reference. I think we're all going to be looking through the rule book quite often for a lot of stuff.

Sure, I could. And I do know some of them, it's just that they do not incite my imagination and hence I prefer game that allow for other options... Anyway, I'm sorry everyone, but let's not make such a big problem out of it, especially since there is light in the tunnel - War in the East had only Nato, but there is a high quality mod made by somebody which provides icons :)


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to RockKahn)
Post #: 22
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 12:35:33 PM   

Posts: 2923
Joined: 6/6/2005
From: Ottawa, Canada
Status: offline
We must be about due for another moment of Wow! soon.


~ Composer99

(in reply to borsook79)
Post #: 23
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 2:16:50 PM   


Posts: 4176
Joined: 5/1/2009
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< Message edited by bo -- 9/26/2013 10:41:43 PM >

(in reply to Philkian)
Post #: 24
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 2:23:08 PM   


Posts: 4176
Joined: 5/1/2009
Status: offline


Hi Boorsok

These are the icons Steve wanted to use like the Hummel representing a German artillery
unit and the Stug 111 you see was to be the 24th Panzer unit, but when he started doing the map to put them on he had to use a half of an ace to make the map to fit them on and thats not counting the Russian map yet, so in his ifinite wisdom he went and used those stupid nato icons Ugh! Will programers ever learn?


Will someone explain to me where the picture to this post went, if it was edited I would like to know why and by who, Steve said he didnt do it. And I would like to know the reason why.


< Message edited by bo -- 9/29/2013 11:49:49 PM >

(in reply to bo)
Post #: 25
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 4:12:08 PM   

Posts: 477
Joined: 6/29/2008
Status: offline



Hi Boorsok

These are the icons Steve wanted to use like the Hummel representing a German artillery
unit and the Stug 111 you see was to be the 24th Panzer unit, but when he started doing the map to put them on he had to use a half of an ace to make the map to fit them on and thats not counting the Russian map yet

Oh, those icons look great, nothing too fancy but very informative!


"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." - G.B. Shaw

(in reply to bo)
Post #: 26
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 4:36:02 PM   


Posts: 639
Joined: 1/21/2013
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Learning to Play Tools

Because the game is massive, it can intimidate a new player. That’s especially true for someone who has never played the board game World in Flames. Therefore, the second moment of Wow is when you examine the tools MWIF provides to help a new player learn how to play.
To start, there are two types of tutorials

The first 10 are picture and text tutorials. They contain 125 pages of screenshots with accompanying text

about game basics: terrain types, unit types, countries, sequence of play, supply, zones of controls, and how to start a new game.

A second 10 tutorials are interactive

Each of them loads a game-in-progress and provides instructions for mouse and keyboard actions that let a player go through the elements of game play. For instance, there are instructions for moving units and engaging in land, air, and naval combat. Separate interactive tutorials help a player learn how to configure the map and forms to make best use of his monitor(s), place units on the map at the start of a new game, build new units, and engage in politics (e.g., declaring war, creating trade agreements). Each set of mouse/keyboard instructions has accompanying commentary which explains how and why the program responds to the given mouse and keyboard actions

But for players who would rather learn by watching and listening, there are 12 training videos covering the same material as the tutorials

The training videos take a player from the most fundamental elements of game play up through the most complex, such as air-to-air combat

and production planning decisions.

Another major feature that lets a new player ease into learning the game are the 80 optional rules.

Starting with the Novice Default Set of optional rules,

a player can learn game basics. After he has acquired mastery of the requisite tactics and strategies to play well at that level, he progresses to the Standard and Advanced sets of optional rules. Eventually a player selects his favorite optional rules and saves them as his personal set.

To help new players learn how to play well, there is a special section in the Players Manual that provides advice on Important Decisions. The material in that section covers: action choice, committing air units,

deploying naval units, using HQs and armor, air combat, naval combat, land combat, reorganization of disorganized units, production,

and US Entry.

The last details the advantages and disadvantages of decisions taken by players on both sides that affect when and if the United States enters the war. The Important Decisions section of the Players Manual synthesizes the expertise of a dozen experienced players of World in Flames.

(in reply to bo)
Post #: 27
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 5:29:48 PM   

Posts: 2923
Joined: 6/6/2005
From: Ottawa, Canada
Status: offline
I would have to say, MWiF stands out in terms of the effort made to bring players up the learning curve as gently as possible.


~ Composer99

(in reply to Philkian)
Post #: 28
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 5:39:26 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/10/2013
Status: offline
Two problems

1. You dont say what the tutorials use as options. After going through them and starting a game I found it to be very different than described. I am assuming because I chose the most basic level of options while learning.

2. Without even a rudimentary AI its very difficult to get feedback on how things work. I would love to be able to watch even a poor AI go through the paces.


< Message edited by texashopkins -- 9/26/2013 5:40:09 PM >

(in reply to composer99)
Post #: 29
RE: Matrix Games World in Flames: 7 Moments of Wow! - 9/26/2013 6:00:55 PM   


Posts: 4176
Joined: 5/1/2009
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: texashopkins

Two problems

1. You dont say what the tutorials use as options. After going through them and starting a game I found it to be very different than described. I am assuming because I chose the most basic level of options while learning.

2. Without even a rudimentary AI its very difficult to get feedback on how things work. I would love to be able to watch even a poor AI go through the paces.


Tex you should play me then, I am worse than a poor AI


< Message edited by bo -- 9/26/2013 6:17:55 PM >

(in reply to texashopkins)
Post #: 30
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