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sound of artillery

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sound of artillery - 3/2/2001 5:15:00 PM   


Posts: 47
Joined: 7/7/2000
From: australia
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For some reason this has been bugging me for some time. In movies there always seems to be a very long noise when artillery shells are incoming and so everyone gets to duck. But would this have been the case because if they were travelling (horizontal velocity i suppose) at or near the speed of sound (345m/s is it?) then you would not here the round. artillery left the barrel at between 300-500 m/s and AT guns were at 450-950 m/s. GRanted there would be slow down due to air resistance but can someone here tell me what is heard when a shell is incoming.


Post #: 1
- 3/2/2001 9:08:00 PM   

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From: Birdsboro, PA, USA
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That's why there is the sound The air resistance being broken by the projectile, then flooding back in the path. I'm sure somebody with more science knowledge can explain better. ------------------ Mike Amos Meine Ehre Heisst Treue


Mike Amos

Meine Ehre heißt Treue

(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 2
- 3/2/2001 9:47:00 PM   
Panzer Capta

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Speaking of artillery sounds, will they be changed in the upgrade (Version 5.0)?


(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 3
- 3/3/2001 4:45:00 AM   


Posts: 56
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From: Lincoln, NE USA
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While we're on the subject, what's the weird sound I hear when smoke missions land? Sounds like a Vulcan cannon.


(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 4
- 3/3/2001 6:31:00 AM   

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Originally posted by Panzer Captain: Speaking of artillery sounds, will they be changed in the upgrade (Version 5.0)?
Hmmm I just got mine the way i like em, better back em up perhaps??


(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 5
- 3/3/2001 10:38:00 AM   


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That's only in the movies. In real life you usually never hear it coming until you hear the first "KERUMF"(unless your in the open)Trust me on this. Been there.


(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 6
- 3/6/2001 8:45:00 PM   


Posts: 245
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From: Braunschweig/Germany
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The reason why they *hear* the shells is - they aren't at ground zero - I guess those that were there either arent alive enough to tell or are deaf. murx


(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 7
- 3/7/2001 9:43:00 AM   


Posts: 59
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As an artilleryman, here is what I've heard: If it is going overhead, it makes a "woosh woosh woosh woosh" sound. As a student at Fort Sill we did a "Danger Close" shoot where we were in a bunker and called for fire on targets within 600 meters of the bunker (This was a steel reinforced bunker with thick optical glass vision ports, no danger to the occupants). You could hear the pop of the howitzer firing, but didn't hear anything else until impact. We also had a few hit the bunker itself. All in all a very informative experience that no ammount of book reading could replicate.



(in reply to jerrek)
Post #: 8
- 3/7/2001 9:45:00 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by CaptainBrian: [B]As an artilleryman, here is what I've heard: If it is going overhead, it makes a "woosh woosh woosh woosh" sound. Not applicable to WWII, but with Rocket Assisted Projectilles (RAP) you can hear the rocket motor fire for approx 2-3 secs while the projo is in flight. The DPICM rounds make a sound like popcorn when the submunitions impact.



(in reply to jerrek)
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