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Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper

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Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/15/2013 7:49:04 AM   

Posts: 6813
Joined: 3/28/2004
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In the first reinforcement phase, the Polish gets one infantry, however with Warzaw being the only city unconquered, I cannot place it anywhere.

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"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

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Post #: 1
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/15/2013 2:05:32 PM   


Posts: 14
Joined: 8/21/2009
From: Norway
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If you are playing with off-city reinforcements, which I assume you do in this case, you can only place these in an adjacent hex to a city you already control that is not in an enemy ZOC (section 4.2 of the RAC). From your map I cannot see any legal hexes where Poland would be able to put down reinforcements, so the programme does as it should according to the rules (as I understand them). Reinforcements that cannot be placed should go on the spiral for next turn.

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 2
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/15/2013 4:57:30 PM   

Posts: 8201
Joined: 3/24/2007
From: Canada
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You are right, but this is the third report of this bug and the bug is that the unit will not go to the spiral and the reinforcement phase cannot continue. The game cannot be progressed from this point.



(in reply to larssto)
Post #: 3
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/15/2013 9:26:04 PM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 12/15/2013
From: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
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I just posted the same problem with the Switzerland units.

Hey paulderynck, where in Canada are you?

< Message edited by Skarfdawg -- 12/15/2013 10:30:24 PM >

(in reply to paulderynck)
Post #: 4
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/16/2013 6:45:50 AM   

Posts: 6813
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ORIGINAL: larssto

If you are playing with off-city reinforcements, which I assume you do in this case, you can only place these in an adjacent hex to a city you already control that is not in an enemy ZOC (section 4.2 of the RAC). From your map I cannot see any legal hexes where Poland would be able to put down reinforcements, so the programme does as it should according to the rules (as I understand them). Reinforcements that cannot be placed should go on the spiral for next turn.

Yup, but as Paulderynck states, they do not go to the spiral, so the game is stuck as I am unable to place the unit, and without placing it, I cannot proceed.



"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

("She is to be torpedoed!")

(in reply to larssto)
Post #: 5
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/16/2013 6:46:09 AM   

Posts: 6813
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ORIGINAL: paulderynck

You are right, but this is the third report of this bug and the bug is that the unit will not go to the spiral and the reinforcement phase cannot continue. The game cannot be progressed from this point.

Exactly what my problem is.



"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

("She is to be torpedoed!")

(in reply to paulderynck)
Post #: 6
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/16/2013 5:05:15 PM   


Posts: 14
Joined: 8/21/2009
From: Norway
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It seems that this is indeed a problem for minor countries at least. When the same happen to me as USSR I always get a popup saying that there are no legal hexes for <insert MIL unit here> and that it will go into next turn's reinforcements.

Perhaps the programming routine that controls this struggles with the fact that minor countries do not have their own force pools?

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 7
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 12/26/2013 1:02:17 AM   
Shannon V. OKeets


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From: Honolulu, Hawaii
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Version 1..0.8.0 should fix this problem. If it doesn't, please let me know.



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(in reply to larssto)
Post #: 8
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 1/13/2014 7:25:59 AM   


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I still have this problem.

Playing global war solitaire and Im stuck nov/dec 1940 when I cant place a romanian HQ during replacements cause Bucharest is already full with 2 land units.

I started this game BEFORE latest patch though.......... (maybe back at 1.06)

So I should restart game?

< Message edited by Linkowich -- 1/13/2014 8:32:39 AM >

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 9
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 1/13/2014 6:36:26 PM   

Posts: 8201
Joined: 3/24/2007
From: Canada
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Please zip and upload the game file to this thread.



(in reply to Linkowich)
Post #: 10
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 1/13/2014 10:43:59 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
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From: Honolulu, Hawaii
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I think I have fixed this problem. It took me all day Saturday to rewrite the code for placing units on the map (at any of the various times that might happen) but every saved game I have collected about this problem now correctly handles if and where arriving units (e.g., setup, reserves, reinforcements) can be placed. If you attach a saved game with this problem to a post in this thread, I'll test that saved game just to make sure.



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to paulderynck)
Post #: 11
RE: Cannot place Polish reinforcements - game stopper - 1/14/2014 1:31:26 PM   


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ok here is my save file from the game!

Attachment (1)

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Post #: 12
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